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ATM robbed me but gave me IOU!

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I went to get 10,000b from a Bangkok Bank atm at 7-11 this morning. Same one as many times. Used a UK card


The machine dispensed 9000b and a little white ticket which said FIT 1000 (and things in Thai). Presumably this is an IOU--but I thought the machine would give me 500b notes or shut down if it was empty (The card has 2000 pounds to draw, it's not my bank problem in UK).


In 60 years, nothing like this has happened with any ATM anywhere.


Any answers?? Solutions?? Scam??

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Some years ago I tried to use my overseas bank card to withdraw baht from the cash machine, it processed the transaction but no money came out. On separate occasion I tried again and the same situation. Both incidences were stressful and were eventually resolved. Since then I never use a cash machine to withdraw on my overseas bank card.


Have you been into a nearby bank branch and speak with them. That would be the first step.

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I used to fill atms years ago and the piece of paper could be something the bank left in error when loading the cash and was counted as a note 

Suggest you take receipt to bank asap they can check amounts dispensed against machine timestamps


My reasoning is Normally if no 1000s the balance is automatically give in other denominations 


Fairly convinced it will be painful but you should get your 1000THb in the end

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Nope. I am very good with money. Even when it popped out, I could feel that it was marginally less than 10,000.


Anyway, the upshot was that I called the Bangkok Bank, and a mildly irritated girl told me to report to my local BB (at my inconvenience!) with all the chits and my ID. I had to specify the exact day and which branch it would me, in a mall that has two. Anyone would think that I was the wrongdoer here. And it shows in UK account as full 10k plus 220b service.


Only in T.......

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Since the machine gave you 9000 Baht and your bank shows 10,000, I would agree that when the machine was filled- a piece of paper was placed on the tray and the machine thinks it disbursed 10K.   If true, where did the other 1000 Baht go .....??  I also wonder if the machine will show the correct count for the day. If it does, that means whoever filled the machine has the missing 1000 or whoever filled the tray has it. Let us know what the bank finally says and if they refunded the 1000 Baht.

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48 minutes ago, pauleddy said:

Nope. I am very good with money. Even when it popped out, I could feel that it was marginally less than 10,000.


Anyway, the upshot was that I called the Bangkok Bank, and a mildly irritated girl told me to report to my local BB (at my inconvenience!) with all the chits and my ID. I had to specify the exact day and which branch it would me, in a mall that has two. Anyone would think that I was the wrongdoer here. And it shows in UK account as full 10k plus 220b service.


Only in T.......

 They told you to go to the bank to get it sorted and you just talk bad about them? 


What did you expect? A stranger called the bank and then they will transfer just the money which you lost without any proof? I'm pretty sure your bank in the UK would not do this as well. 

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Normally service is very good in Thailand. But like anywhere you will get much more help if you are polite and courteous rather than arrogant and aggressive. Not saying the op was, but just saying.


Do let us know the outcome.

Edited by MaiChai
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Damn right I will talk bad. I have to take half a day off work and a cab, which I will pay. I am also betting 11/10 on that they will be clueless when I arrive there. I'm not an idiot and I have an MBA and ACCA stuff.Of course they are not gonna send me the money with a big cake and a kiss. It's one of those careless things that some Thai cash loader or clerk did. There is no way around it but to go as discussed. In some countries I might collect an apology and ?"Bank Error in yr Favour Collect 20 dollars".


It's another example of TIT solipsism and callousness. The girl had no idea of me going 3 miles in the rain to collect small money--i'm just a stupid farang. Just as Thais will sometimes arrange dates, romantic or otherwise, and pull out without telling you or because the buffalo's dog is sick. These things have a knock-on effect. I have to cancel something else which disrupts 2 other people, whose work will be delayed and will no doubt be moody the next day. Thais do not generally realise that actions make bigger consequences Last year I waited all day for TRUE to sort my router, but they were badly organised and came 2 days late. When I asked 300GBP for loss of earnings, they laughed. Just my bad luck, but why do we put up with this?

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10 minutes ago, pauleddy said:

Damn right I will talk bad. I have to take half a day off work and a cab, which I will pay. I am also betting 11/10 on that they will be clueless when I arrive there. I'm not an idiot and I have an MBA and ACCA stuff.Of course they are not gonna send me the money with a big cake and a kiss. It's one of those careless things that some Thai cash loader or clerk did. There is no way around it but to go as discussed. In some countries I might collect an apology and ?"Bank Error in yr Favour Collect 20 dollars".


It's another example of TIT solipsism and callousness. The girl had no idea of me going 3 miles in the rain to collect small money--i'm just a stupid farang. Just as Thais will sometimes arrange dates, romantic or otherwise, and pull out without telling you or because the buffalo's dog is sick. These things have a knock-on effect. I have to cancel something else which disrupts 2 other people, whose work will be delayed and will no doubt be moody the next day. Thais do not generally realise that actions make bigger consequences Last year I waited all day for TRUE to sort my router, but they were badly organised and came 2 days late. When I asked 300GBP for loss of earnings, they laughed. Just my bad luck, but why do we put up with this?

If you earn 300GBP per 2 days,  you sure can miss 1000 THB, but the way you wrote this post tells me enough about your attitude in Thailand (and probably in general).


You reap what you sow. In the 12+ years I hadn't any issue which couldn't be resolved with a smile. Once I showed up at Toyota for an appointment, but the other party from Toyota didn't show up. I asked the manager of that branch to reimburse the money for my lost half day, which they promptly did. Politeness goes a long way. 


With your attitude it's best if you would move back to the UK, since in your eyes there are no good Thai people.

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2 hours ago, pauleddy said:

Nope. I am very good with money. Even when it popped out, I could feel that it was marginally less than 10,000.


Anyway, the upshot was that I called the Bangkok Bank, and a mildly irritated girl told me to report to my local BB (at my inconvenience!) with all the chits and my ID. I had to specify the exact day and which branch it would me, in a mall that has two. Anyone would think that I was the wrongdoer here. And it shows in UK account as full 10k plus 220b service.


Only in T.......

They wanted to set-up the exact time and location in order to ensure the police are at the right branch at the right time to arrest "the problem causing, complaining farang."   :tongue::w00t:

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Doing business in Thailand can be frustrating because many Thais do not understand the consequences of their actions. They live by the 'Mai Pen Rai' attitude which has its good points in keeping harmony but it also leads to exploitation.


I also agree with the poster who indicated that a smile and speaking in a normal tone of voice will get many more results than a raised voice.  


If you don't get any satisfaction from the local office of the bank, you may want to try the head office. Every bank has a security department that would know about such incidents.  If as I suspect, someone has put a piece of paper into the money tray to make the machine think it is ejecting the correct amount of money- then the bank should be aware of it as I cannot believe that this would be the first time this has ever happened. Of course, it could also be an accident or a malfunction of the machine.  The money count at the end of the day when reconciling will tell the tale.


Do let us know as what happens and good luck.

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I just want to know what the "FIT 1000" coding on the receipt meant.   It may indeed mean the ATM logged something amiss regarding the dispensing of one each thousand baht note and then also printed out some extra words/explanation in Thai.  Then again, the FIT 1000 entry may have nothing to do with how much money was dispensed....just related to something else.  


I did an ATM withdrawal just this morning on a Bangkok Bank ATM (which went fine) and I looked closely at all the various entries on the receipt.  All entries in English and all made sense/I knew what they meant, except one which said "FR 8760627" and that entry was right below the Withdrawal Amount.

Edited by Pib
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49 minutes ago, pauleddy said:

Damn right I will talk bad. I have to take half a day off work and a cab, which I will pay. I am also betting 11/10 on that they will be clueless when I arrive there. I'm not an idiot and I have an MBA and ACCA stuff.Of course they are not gonna send me the money with a big cake and a kiss. It's one of those careless things that some Thai cash loader or clerk did. There is no way around it but to go as discussed. In some countries I might collect an apology and ?"Bank Error in yr Favour Collect 20 dollars".


It's another example of TIT solipsism and callousness. The girl had no idea of me going 3 miles in the rain to collect small money--i'm just a stupid farang. Just as Thais will sometimes arrange dates, romantic or otherwise, and pull out without telling you or because the buffalo's dog is sick. These things have a knock-on effect. I have to cancel something else which disrupts 2 other people, whose work will be delayed and will no doubt be moody the next day. Thais do not generally realise that actions make bigger consequences Last year I waited all day for TRUE to sort my router, but they were badly organised and came 2 days late. When I asked 300GBP for loss of earnings, they laughed. Just my bad luck, but why do we put up with this?

Remember Where you are,,,,This is Thailand Care factor ZERO,,,,   ):

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Regarding FIT 1000- I believe this would refer to the fact the ATM gave out 1000 Baht notes instead of another denomination. from the Ops post I am guessing this 'paper' was in the money pack he received- however instead of 10 - 1,000 baht notes he got 9 and the paper. I have never had this experience and this is the first time I have ever heard of it.  When money is out into an  ATM-  by the person who fills it- it is put into the machine in trays stacked with the bills and then the machine counts out the notes and ejects it.  If a paper is placed in the stack in lieu of the actual note- it seems logical the machine would count the paper as a note and eject it in the stack.

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In my withdrawal today at the Bangkok Bank ATM, which I mentioned a few posts up, it was for 10,900 using my Bangkok Bank debit card.  10 one thousand baht notes, one 500 baht note, and four 100 baht notes correctly came out.  No coding anywhere on the receipt that addressed the number and denomination of notes coming out other than saying the total Withdrawal Amount.


Now since the OP was using his UK foreign card, maybe the FIT means something related to a foreign/international card transaction....but I'm guessing (big time).


But it could very well be coding for something dealing with a 1000 baht discrepancy the ATM noticed and printed on the receipt along with associated Thai words.  Time will tell based on the OP chasing down the answer/what Bangkok Bank tells him when meeting at the branch. 

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2 hours ago, pauleddy said:

I have to take half a day off work and a cab, which I will pay.

Seems like throwing good money after bad, as the saying goes.


nobody likes loosing $30 USD... but if it's going to cost more to possibly reclaim it, then it seems a fools errand.


If you do pursue it... best of luck, but hopefully you don't have high blood pressure issues.

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OP, why do you have to take half a day off work? Bank branches in malls are open until 7 or 8pm.


Strongly suggest you stow that "the whole world is against me so I'm angry at everyone and everything" attitude, before you head in to the branch.  You're not going to elicit any sympathy, and you're less likely to get the help you need, if you start berating the staff about your misfortunes.


Bad luck this happened to you, but just pull your head in, get it sorted, and move on

Edited by Argus Tuft
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6 hours ago, pauleddy said:

Damn right I will talk bad. I have to take half a day off work and a cab, which I will pay. I am also betting 11/10 on that they will be clueless when I arrive there. I'm not an idiot and I have an MBA and ACCA stuff.Of course they are not gonna send me the money with a big cake and a kiss. It's one of those careless things that some Thai cash loader or clerk did. There is no way around it but to go as discussed. In some countries I might collect an apology and ?"Bank Error in yr Favour Collect 20 dollars".


It's another example of TIT solipsism and callousness. The girl had no idea of me going 3 miles in the rain to collect small money--i'm just a stupid farang. Just as Thais will sometimes arrange dates, romantic or otherwise, and pull out without telling you or because the buffalo's dog is sick. These things have a knock-on effect. I have to cancel something else which disrupts 2 other people, whose work will be delayed and will no doubt be moody the next day. Thais do not generally realise that actions make bigger consequences Last year I waited all day for TRUE to sort my router, but they were badly organised and came 2 days late. When I asked 300GBP for loss of earnings, they laughed. Just my bad luck, but why do we put up with this?

I don't think your various service shortfalls are unique to Thailand. 

I have had (too many) similar experiences in my home country of Canada. Apathy is alive and well everywhere in the world. 

With all the inconvenience noted, if I were in your shoes, I would just "get over it" and get on with life in LOS. 

It will make a great story to tell in the future (How I Got Ripped Off by the Thai Banking System). 

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8 hours ago, pauleddy said:

Damn right I will talk bad. I have to take half a day off work and a cab, which I will pay. I am also betting 11/10 on that they will be clueless when I arrive there. I'm not an idiot and I have an MBA and ACCA stuff.Of course they are not gonna send me the money with a big cake and a kiss. It's one of those careless things that some Thai cash loader or clerk did. There is no way around it but to go as discussed. In some countries I might collect an apology and ?"Bank Error in yr Favour Collect 20 dollars".


It's another example of TIT solipsism and callousness. The girl had no idea of me going 3 miles in the rain to collect small money--i'm just a stupid farang. Just as Thais will sometimes arrange dates, romantic or otherwise, and pull out without telling you or because the buffalo's dog is sick. These things have a knock-on effect. I have to cancel something else which disrupts 2 other people, whose work will be delayed and will no doubt be moody the next day. Thais do not generally realise that actions make bigger consequences Last year I waited all day for TRUE to sort my router, but they were badly organised and came 2 days late. When I asked 300GBP for loss of earnings, they laughed. Just my bad luck, but why do we put up with this?

Mistakes using ATM machines happen everywhere on earth.  Not just in Thailand  It is just a machine after all.You are making this sound like they are personally singling you out to eff with you.

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On 08/09/2017 at 0:59 PM, poohy said:

I used to fill atms years ago and the piece of paper could be something the bank left in error when loading the cash and was counted as a note 

Suggest you take receipt to bank asap they can check amounts dispensed against machine timestamps


My reasoning is Normally if no 1000s the balance is automatically give in other denominations 


Fairly convinced it will be painful but you should get your 1000THb in the end

Last year I took 10,000 out of my Bangkok Bank account ATM, counted it, and then paid it in to a Siam Comm Bank Paying-In machine which gave me a receipt of 9,000.

No bit of paper...



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