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Court case over but black listed

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2 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

Obviously it's racist as only Thais can own. Imagine if Germany said 'only Germans can own land' or any country. It would lead to economic arrest and what's next?  only men can own cars?  only the rich can Vote?  these rights were fought for over decades. It's a discriminatory policy to protect the rich in Thailand and does not help the poor who are limited to selling their property to Thais.  So many condos are run down because Thais cannot freely sell their units, houses too. An open market is the best market and will encourage Thais to send their kids to good schools as they can release funds to do so. All this does is suppress and allow wealthy Thais to buy CHEAP. Now you can argue that this is a good thing but you cannot argue it's not discriminatory.  


If the rules were based on some sort of ethnic/dna test, then yes.  But "Citizenship" is not a race.  Anyone who becomes a Thai citizen can own land in Thailand. 


Selling a self-sustainable farm (which can provide survival on for generations regardless of economic conditions), or even a home for an education is a false-choice.  With the Internet, anyone so inclined can learn almost anything.  The solution is more Internet-access (cheap to provide to the masses - even rural areas) and Open University and similar types (free or dirt-cheap) of learning options. 


Removing Thai (and other nation's) land-ownership rules would increase the speed by which a tiny elite of the world's wealthiest literally "buy up" the entire planet - as they already own and/or control most of it's natural resources.  There is a valid point that Thai Elites benefit from the lack of foreign-elites participating in the land-market, but increased land-values, resulting from foreign-money up-bidding, will in no way help more ordinary folks obtain land and the independence of not being shackled to a debt and/or rent treadmill in exchange for a place to live and work in the land of their birth. 


The solution is to limit the land which can be purchased by any citizen - driving down prices due to increased availability - not to make matters worse by allowing foreign-capital elites into an up-bidding "scrum-of-the-rich" to determine what factions shall obtain economic-totalitarian-control over everyone's lives.


There are restrictions in place to keep Thais from selling rural land, to prevent short-sighted members of an older-generation from forcing their children into the "rent-money-or-homeless" and "food-money-dependent" class of neo-serfs (which includes most of us not fortunate enough to be born Thai).  How effective these regulations are is debatable.  Such restrictions should be strengthened, and projects which provide land to landless farmers expanded.  Ideally, everyone would have a family-farm which they could call home, when/if market-conditions make their skills unprofitable.

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4 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

Go read the international racial discrimination laws in every developed country in the entire world. 

I don't have to read that, but you certainly do.


I used the SE Asian example to make it REALLY easy. Allow me to repeat it. Thailand does no favours for its own neighbours who are the SAME race. Where is the racism in that?


You should throw that word out of your vocabulary as you're abusing it.


JackThompson explained it quite well above in post #141. It's nationalism, not racism.


Please note, I was taking exception to your use of "racism", that's all.

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He should have thought about that before committing the fraud.
He was lucky to not go to Jail, yet he still wants to push his luck.
No sympathy for criminals in my mind.
And if you and the OP don't want to read/hear anyone else telling the truth, then don't start a new thread based on the same theme.

Being guilty of running a nominee company is not fraud. And what is and whay isn't a nominee company or person is not always 100% clear.
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41 minutes ago, Robert24 said:

One reason this forum is rubbish is that the Op asks for advice and people like you add absolutely zero and just tell him he deserves it.

Mon ami, the forum is not rubbish. input from some members maybe but the forum works for most...:stoner:

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3 hours ago, JackThompson said:


If the rules were based on some sort of ethnic/dna test, then yes.  But "Citizenship" is not a race.  Anyone who becomes a Thai citizen can own land in Thailand. 


Selling a self-sustainable farm (which can provide survival on for generations regardless of economic conditions), or even a home for an education is a false-choice.  With the Internet, anyone so inclined can learn almost anything.  The solution is more Internet-access (cheap to provide to the masses - even rural areas) and Open University and similar types (free or dirt-cheap) of learning options. 


Removing Thai (and other nation's) land-ownership rules would increase the speed by which a tiny elite of the world's wealthiest literally "buy up" the entire planet - as they already own and/or control most of it's natural resources.  There is a valid point that Thai Elites benefit from the lack of foreign-elites participating in the land-market, but increased land-values, resulting from foreign-money up-bidding, will in no way help more ordinary folks obtain land and the independence of not being shackled to a debt and/or rent treadmill in exchange for a place to live and work in the land of their birth. 


The solution is to limit the land which can be purchased by any citizen - driving down prices due to increased availability - not to make matters worse by allowing foreign-capital elites into an up-bidding "scrum-of-the-rich" to determine what factions shall obtain economic-totalitarian-control over everyone's lives.


There are restrictions in place to keep Thais from selling rural land, to prevent short-sighted members of an older-generation from forcing their children into the "rent-money-or-homeless" and "food-money-dependent" class of neo-serfs (which includes most of us not fortunate enough to be born Thai).  How effective these regulations are is debatable.  Such restrictions should be strengthened, and projects which provide land to landless farmers expanded.  Ideally, everyone would have a family-farm which they could call home, when/if market-conditions make their skills unprofitable.


Free market economies did away with this type of socialist restriction many years ago. As you point out Thai Elites DO benefit not poor Thais. The restriction is purely to keep them RICH. I am not against your solution about land restriction but I do argue that the current rules are not for the benefit of ordinary Thais and such restrictions are not allowed in the developed nations as it is seen as discriminatory AND  to benefit the rich only by restricting the poor Thais to selling to THEM. The government sells it as keeping Thai land for ordinary Thais but that is a lie.

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33 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:


Thais do not see themselves as the 'same race' as other SE Asian countries

LOL> You just cannot admit you are wrong even when it's obvious you are. I doubt Thais even think about words such as "racism", a word that some of you are obsessed with.

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6 minutes ago, tropo said:

LOL> You just cannot admit you are wrong even when it's obvious you are. I doubt Thais even think about words such as "racism", a word that some of you are obsessed with.

I can assure you, sir, that Thais I know would be aghast to be deemed the 'same race' as Laos, Cambodia or any other SEA country. Let's not be pedantic I think the point of discrimination was made and holds truth. 

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37 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:
4 hours ago, JackThompson said:


If the rules were based on some sort of ethnic/dna test, then yes.  But "Citizenship" is not a race.  Anyone who becomes a Thai citizen can own land in Thailand. 


Selling a self-sustainable farm (which can provide survival on for generations regardless of economic conditions), or even a home for an education is a false-choice.  With the Internet, anyone so inclined can learn almost anything.  The solution is more Internet-access (cheap to provide to the masses - even rural areas) and Open University and similar types (free or dirt-cheap) of learning options. 


Removing Thai (and other nation's) land-ownership rules would increase the speed by which a tiny elite of the world's wealthiest literally "buy up" the entire planet - as they already own and/or control most of it's natural resources.  There is a valid point that Thai Elites benefit from the lack of foreign-elites participating in the land-market, but increased land-values, resulting from foreign-money up-bidding, will in no way help more ordinary folks obtain land and the independence of not being shackled to a debt and/or rent treadmill in exchange for a place to live and work in the land of their birth. 


The solution is to limit the land which can be purchased by any citizen - driving down prices due to increased availability - not to make matters worse by allowing foreign-capital elites into an up-bidding "scrum-of-the-rich" to determine what factions shall obtain economic-totalitarian-control over everyone's lives.


There are restrictions in place to keep Thais from selling rural land, to prevent short-sighted members of an older-generation from forcing their children into the "rent-money-or-homeless" and "food-money-dependent" class of neo-serfs (which includes most of us not fortunate enough to be born Thai).  How effective these regulations are is debatable.  Such restrictions should be strengthened, and projects which provide land to landless farmers expanded.  Ideally, everyone would have a family-farm which they could call home, when/if market-conditions make their skills unprofitable.



Free market economies did away with this type of socialist restriction many years ago. As you point out Thai Elites DO benefit not poor Thais. The restriction is purely to keep them RICH. I am not against your solution about land restriction but I do argue that the current rules are not for the benefit of ordinary Thais and such restrictions are not allowed in the developed nations as it is seen as discriminatory AND  to benefit the rich only by restricting the poor Thais to selling to THEM. The government sells it as keeping Thai land for ordinary Thais but that is a lie.

JackThompson is right on the money...


It's pretty obvious that preventing rich foreigners from buying land at high prices in Thailand benefits Thai people. That would inflate the value of land and make it impossible for the average Thai to ever own land. If foreigners could own land outright they would own most of Pattaya and other key tourist areas by now. As it is they only own airspace above the ground in condos. It's a good thing for Thai people.


Back in the 80's Australia had no clue how much land was owned by overseas entities. The Japanese were buying up all the prime real estate and inflating the price of all land in premium areas. They had to introduce a review board to start limiting purchases, as well as a land register to find out how much of Australia belonged to overseas entities.

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