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...My 2 cents worth..   1.  eliminate the possibility of bed bugs .. check under the mattress.. if you find some that is a bit of a problem to solve... use Google for info...   2.  No bedbugs...  probably heat rash..  the powders are ok.. but a cortisone cream would probably be more effective.. I use 'Beta-Pipo'  (among others) ... available at the friendly chemist...   note... cortisone creams should be used sparingly... and not consistently over long periods of time.. Google again... cortisone creams.. side effects....    I find that these creams work quickly... I usually apply (sparingly).. 2 or 3 times a day for not more than 2 days... and the rash clears up..  light cotton clothing.. (no jocks.. for air circulation).. cold showers.. air con if available or a fan over your bed.. good luck..

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Just now, giddyup said:

It's a long time ago, in the 70's in a free clinic in San Francisco. I'm pretty sure it was Kalomine. kind of remember it was pink and I had to cover myself from head to toe.

I'm pretty sure calamine lotion is only to treat itching symptoms. It won't kill the bugs. 

Just now, Jingthing said:

I'm pretty sure calamine lotion is only to treat itching symptoms. It won't kill the bugs. 

Whatever it was, it worked. I'm sure there's plenty of info online for treating scabies.

1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

I seriously doubt it was only calamine. 

I can't remember what I had for breakfast, never mind what cream I used nearly 50 years ago.

1 minute ago, giddyup said:

I can't remember what I had for breakfast, never mind what cream I used nearly 50 years ago.

Yeah, I get that, but you basically suggested that as a cure for scabies here, and I'm quite certain that it isn't. 

3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah, I get that, but you basically suggested that as a cure for scabies here, and I'm quite certain that it isn't. 

That's what I remember as using, so sue me. It's certainly used for stopping the itching. There may well have been something else used in conjunction that I've forgotten.

8 minutes ago, Lucky mike said:

If bed bugs, steam or tea tree oil on bedding, on you mixture coconut oil and baking soda....

Won't you and the best be rather sticky and slimy with all that coconut oil and tea tree oil on it?  Baking soda too.... almost seems like a recipe for a cake... or.. disaster.  


OP.. Simply go to the doctor and get yourself and GF sorted. 

53 minutes ago, Masove said:

Thank you to everyone for your help and informative posts.


This is what I was most worried about. Without turning this Post into a joke, I have also got spots on my testicles, about 8. Just over a week ago, I only had 1 spot, and now I have about 8, including one on my penis, which is worrying enough......

Could these spots of transmitted on my genitals through simply touching them with my own hands?


I know Scabies is commonly transmitted through sex, however my girlfriend and I of 3 years haven't been sleeping around (Which is what makes me question it being Scabies).

Am I right in saying you can transmit it through sharing bedding/duvets? A family friend had Scabies about 2 months ago, and I have been itching for about a month and developed the water-like bubbles or Welts about 2 weeks ago, is it possible that I could of caught it from that person (used the same duvet as them)?


Side note: I think these are Welts on my hand. They are small bumps with fluid inside of them.

I was going to comment to say you might have a fungal infection, as mine started with the bumps as you described, then became spots,  as you have now reported. They started in one spot, then slowly spread, and were breaking out all over my body, particularly in the nether regions. Very itchy. In my extensive search for relief, I tried everything, Desitin and other diaper rash creams, oral antibiotics, vaseline, even mouthwash (yes very painful and burning applied to the areas with a cotton ball). I eventually nuked my bedroom with pesticides, thinking it was insects perhaps. Washed and rewashed the clothing and bedding with different soaps, no soaps, softeners, no softeners. Changed diet.  Nothing helped.  

I stumbled upon a cure that worked: fungal creams, baby powder, and going commando, (the latter is illegal in Thailand, but who is going to know!). Apparently, the good bacteria that live on your skin keep the fungal infections in check, then a change in climate along with frequent bathing and different soaps here knock the good bacteria out, leaving the fungus to run rampant in this new moist environment popping up everywhere as pimples, and sometimes as a collection of spots. At the pharmacy, they have several creams to choose from, same as athlete's foot medication.  Common OTC antifungal creams include tioconazole, tolnaftate, terbinafine, miconazole. Keep everything dry, and apply twice a day on the infected areas and spots, and it takes a couple weeks to subside. If you are not trying anything on your skin now, why not, it doesn't hurt. Today, and everyday is commando day. Airy and dry without relapse.

Good luck, and report back to us with your progress.

43 minutes ago, giddyup said:

That's what I remember as using, so sue me. It's certainly used for stopping the itching. There may well have been something else used in conjunction that I've forgotten.

It was probably KWELL lotion. 

13 minutes ago, giddyup said:

going commando, the latter is illegal in Thailand

Surely this isn't true? I've been doing it for 8 years here.

There are a lot of silly old rules here. I haven't been caught yet either... :)


Go straight to a skin Dr at a good hospital such as Bumrungrad on Soi 3. Bed bugs- scabies, ants, lice...whatever....the problem will get worse and you may permanently damage your skin. Any other advice is wrong. I repeat: go and see a good doctor at a good hospital.


surely someone who has this kind of problem has enough sense to go visit a Medical Doctor instead of TV.
Trollpost I'd say.
And my take of the itching is an allergy.
Recommendation: Try a different GF or a different TV!


Contrary to popular opinion, dust mites do not bite or feed on people.They feed on dead skin cells that come off of everyone.  Dust mites are in almost every home in every country in the world.

     Instead, it is the tiny, airborne fragments of dust mite shed skins and feces that cause allergies for people. If you are allergic to them, you could possibly get itchy hives that LOOK like bites. Reducing indoor humidity and consistent, thorough vacuuming with a HEPA-filtered vacuum can help reduce dust mite allergens in homes.

   Most people are not allergic to dust mites and co-exist with them in their home without even being aware of them. They are usually too small to be seen with the naked eye...Their mouth parts much too small to puncture your skin.

6 minutes ago, The manic said:

Go straight to a skin Dr at a good hospital such as Bumrungrad on Soi 3. Bed bugs- scabies, ants, lice...whatever....the problem will get worse and you may permanently damage your skin. Any other advice is wrong. I repeat: go and see a good doctor at a good hospital.

I think he can at least rule out lice based on the description. Also, with crotch lice the critters are big enough to see, unlike tiny scabies critters. Scabies are a much bigger pain to deal with than lice. 

1 hour ago, sanemax said:

Why dont you go and see a Doctor ?

Totally agree go to a decent private hospital and ask to see a skin specialist

Will not cost too much and sure that the will have the answer

Self diagnosis isn't the answer and not worth the itch


Have you been swimming in any of the beaches around the area?  The water is normally polluted and you could have picked up some type of parasite.  These can be found in both polluted sea water and in rivers and ponds.My first bet would be as others have said.  Bed bugs or dust mites, or even fleas.  All are  really hungry eaters and seem to prefer the lower body areas.


If he does go a doctor, telling the doc that he was exposed to bedding by another diagnosed scabies sufferer, is going to make any doctor strongly think it is scabies if the marks are anything like a scabies case. That isn't rocket science. 


A friend of mine had similar symptoms after he spend some weeks staying at his girlfriends in the jingle. Turned out to be scabies on the end and after trying loads of different creams finally got one that stopped the itching. I remember him covering his whole body in the stuff a number of times. I'll contact him and ask what he used.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

3 hours ago, Speedo1968 said:

Every thing is different here, no matter where you have come from or the climate you are used too, especially the latter.


If is prickly heat, common when first staying in a hot humid climate and sweating a lot then you could try Yoki Powder, a yellow and white plastic container.


Make sure you shower often, use as less soap as possible and try not to let shampoo rinse go over your body.


Try to wear 100% cotton clothing, everywhere.   Whether or not you are on business or pleasure.

Bedding should also be 100% cotton.


Be careful of dehydration, drink at least 2 - 3 litres of WATER per day.

Add a small amount ( pinch ) of mountain salt and lemon juice to water, it is vital that you replace lost body salts.

Avoid added salt, MSG, chili in food if possible.

Reduce coffee / tea alcohol intake if possible.


It certainly could be bedbugs or mites, especially if you have carpeted floors.   Washing powder ( a common cause of itching allergies ), then buy a liquid without softener /perfume etc.     Don't use perfume or perfumed deodorants.


Bit of a leap to suggest everything is different here no matter where you come from don't you think?

I come from tropical North Queensland - climate very similar wet/dry seasons, most bugs that bite are similar, can get the same rashes from heat etc , in fact I find Thailand more pleasant overall as there aren't so many things trying to kill me. Snakes, spiders, crocodiles,sharks....even the butterflies bite in Oz!

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