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Only Fools and Horses star reveals heartbreak as Thai wife banned from the UK


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21 hours ago, laislica said:

Me too, we need to organise.....

and what about human rights?

Slight deviation, but did'nt a group representing Thai expats take the problem of no pension increases for some expats, to the ECHR a few years ago, which tony (bloody) blair who was PM then blocked, maybe somebody knows more about this episode.

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7 minutes ago, maxcorrigan said:

Slight deviation, but did'nt a group representing Thai expats take the problem of no pension increases for some expats, to the ECHR a few years ago, which tony (bloody) blair who was PM then blocked, maybe somebody knows more about this episode.

The EU court voted that we should NOT get pension increases, think it was 5 for and 8 against....:sad:

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23 hours ago, JAG said:

Collateral damage can be avoided or at least dramatically reduced if you target carefully and choose an appropriate weapon system!

An alien concept for the UK immigration authorities!

Whatever reason could there possibly be to deny Mr Murray the right to have his wife and daughter with him? He has after all been contributing to the UK's finances for quite some time?


Good analogy.


But the use of intelligence and judgement would mean having to have numerous well trained, intelligent staff who have common sense which they can apply. And that is a total anathema to recent British governments when considering the civil service and public sectors. Much easier to simply apply blanket rules and forget about the "collateral damage". After all, they've put some safeguard in for the "right" people who can pay all the costs involved and show they are wealthy enough!


It was witch May that introduced this when Home Secretary. And she has all the compassion and empathy of a work house matron. Now we have the personality challenged Ms. Rudd who wouldn't do anything about anything unless it helped her own career.


Utter disgrace. No interest, concerns or considerations for the citizens. No desire to serve, only rule.

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2 hours ago, silver sea said:

I did a google search and found this report in The Sun:




Is he resident in the UK or only for today's newspapers? It would seem that being a cabbie is hardly full time; in the past he has had drink problems; for a number of years, he refused acting roles because he did not feel anything could match his time in the OFAH series.


All this may explain why he is having trouble meeting the income rules. If, aged 60, he is trying to be a DJ in Benidorm, I would suspect that the poor guy has very little money.





If his wife has a Schengen Visa then no problem to go to Spain and when arrived ask for residency, within 6 months she will have her 5 years card thats EU law if you married.

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2 hours ago, silver sea said:

I did a google search and found this report in The Sun:




Is he resident in the UK or only for today's newspapers? It would seem that being a cabbie is hardly full time; in the past he has had drink problems; for a number of years, he refused acting roles because he did not feel anything could match his time in the OFAH series.


All this may explain why he is having trouble meeting the income rules. If, aged 60, he is trying to be a DJ in Benidorm, I would suspect that the poor guy has very little money.





If his wife has a Schengen Visa then no problem to go to Spain and when arrived ask for residency, within 6 months she will have her 5 years card thats EU law if you married.

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21 hours ago, 473geo said:

some controls must be in place for the benefit of the many, and not relaxed to the benefit of the few, to the detriment of the many.

Yes, the many NON British that have been allowed residence, no blood history, no affiliation to British culture and no desire to assimilate. I have seen them with my own eyes.

The question is to whom does Britain belong? With the nutters running the place now, I know the answer, but it is neither reasonable, nor just.


If those that died in the wars were to be asked, they would not agree with you. They certainly did not volunteer to fight so blood British could be discriminated against while the country is fundamentally changed, for the worse.

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On 17/09/2017 at 8:05 AM, champers said:

A rule that is likely to be defunct post Brexit. I feel for him; I hope he can find a solution.

I would have thought that royalties from endless repeats of Only Fools and Horses would keep the money rolling in. Maybe not.

This is a UK immigration rule...not a Europe one.  And, more precisely, it is a "Theresa May" rule...It will stay after Brexit...

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On 17/09/2017 at 8:05 AM, champers said:

A rule that is likely to be defunct post Brexit. I feel for him; I hope he can find a solution.

I would have thought that royalties from endless repeats of Only Fools and Horses would keep the money rolling in. Maybe not.

This is a UK immigration rule...not a Europe one.  And, more precisely, it is a "Theresa May" rule...It will stay after Brexit...

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On 17/09/2017 at 7:22 AM, isco said:

she'd get in alright if she was muslim

In these politically correct time I'm surprised that comment has been allowed. You are right of course. White British have very few rights these days with regards wives born outside the EU. I don't think Brexit will make a difference, our political scene is still very much driven by neo-marxism. Yes, even the Conservatives.

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2 hours ago, claffey said:

Actually It is their business. You usually are required to explain how you met and write down a 'history' of your relationship which may or may not include private emails, photos etc. Its up to the applicant to 'prove' their relationship to the authorities. The more details and evidence you use the better..

Which is exactly why I loathe western government bureaucrats. The idea that they should be entitled to pry into anyone's lives to that extent is an abomination. 1984 happened and no one even noticed.

In a just world, it would be up to them to prove one wasn't. Innocent till proven guilty and all that.

People complain about Thai immigration, but they don't require me to prove anything to that extent.

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On 9/17/2017 at 1:05 PM, champers said:

A rule that is likely to be defunct post Brexit. I feel for him; I hope he can find a solution.

I would have thought that royalties from endless repeats of Only Fools and Horses would keep the money rolling in. Maybe not.

     Crazy Daves ,  near  soi beacou , used to have Fools and Horses, on 24/7 .

    Rite pain in the butt , brekky cheap and tasty , not  a purfect world , i know .


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Interesting but tragic, my Thai wife came over to the Uk a couple of years ago, because visas are now outsourced (wonder which politicians family got that cherry) it took 3 months to  obtain a visa, not leaving sufficient time to get a Shengen visa for France.. Before she arrived I was sailing into Boulogne and approached the Captiniere who runs the marina, could I sail over with my wife and get a temporary visa on landing?           It is not necessary, was the reply....... Why not?   She comes on a boat,she leaves on a boat, we have people from all over the world, Russia, the Baltic, Scandinavia, South America, they often do not know when and where they will arrive. So we sailed into France and spent a week sight seeing. This is how life rolls in a civilised country..... since the recent terror threats, they request that the ships captain submit a list of all crew and personnel, with passport details to the marina office on arrival. This applies to NON EU visitors (UK).

There is always a way.

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On 9/17/2017 at 7:23 AM, mercman24 said:

typical,, here is a hardworking guy scratching a living and is solvent, not a burden,  ( and to think his tax is giving money to absolute wasters)but its ok if you rock up on our shores on a banana boat with jack shit money in your pocket, we will give you hundreds of pounds and a <deleted> house as well .

You took the words right out of my mouth, and then the English government wonder why we get pissed off!!!

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23 hours ago, sanemax said:

I do believe that the rules are the same for everyone .

The rule was bought in to stop "mail order brides" and to stop Anglo Asians from going back home and marrying a village girl and bringing her to the UK and going on benefits

Mr Murray wants his Asian wife admitted, I suspect you are talking about Anglo Indians, big difference. I know which I prefer to share my living space with

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On 17/09/2017 at 7:34 AM, nausea said:


Actually, I suspect this legislation is designed to stop immigrant communities flooding the country with spouses; people like Mr. Murray, and you and me, are collateral damage.


On 17/09/2017 at 7:22 AM, isco said:

she'd get in alright if she was muslim

Would be easier to come in as a refugee

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1 hour ago, maxcorrigan said:

Maybe with the tories andTMay in charge, don't hold your breath, could be worse though with Corbyn in charge!


T.maybe, will not  in office  that long . 

     Job vacancy , any takers apart from B.Bonkers ?.

Edited by elliss
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Ok I'm the new kid on the block, but come on a London cabbie below the limit I think Micky the same as OF&H  doin a bit of none declare cash in hand and all that, take back missis and kid get the family allowance and housing benefits and    support  allowance for the wife free medical etc   better than a job on the telly. and never mind all the crap about others getting into the honey pot judge every case by it,s own merits and anyway  anyway why is he news is he the only one to ever have this problem

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I hope Mr Murray is reading T.V. as there are many solutions to his problem. Firstly he has an Irish father if he was from the Irish Republic that could be a great help. Also having been down this road myself I can say that the Surinder Singh route for spouses and families of British citizens is the simplest way although now a little protracted it is free and the outcome is guaranteed. PM me Mr Murray I am just down the road from Gravesend and would love to help you if I can.


If you know Mr Murray pass on my message and ask him to contact me here please.

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On 17/09/2017 at 7:05 AM, champers said:


I would have thought that royalties from endless repeats of Only Fools and Horses would keep the money rolling in. Maybe not.

Not in all cases. Some leading actors in TV & Films get offered royalties from future repeats in order to keep their initial fee lower or opt for a low fee & box office percentage. This guy had a minor role in the show.

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On 17-9-2017 at 9:19 AM, Artisi said:

Why, biological daughter is daughter- married or not married.


A Thai child can be adopted by him but if he was not married to the mother before birth then the child will not automatically obtain UK nationality : in many European laws about nationality of 1980ies the child could opt for nationality of father from the age of 16...I do not know if this has changed since the influx of the boat people the last 30 years.

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