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I tried livng very cheap for 1 month


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3 minutes ago, The manic said:

Rats are everywhere. The illusion of hygiene in supermarkets and posh hotels is just that: an illusion. Supermarkets are for smuchs and brain washed westerners who are not well travelled or experienced and need the comfort and illusion of home. 

KDoes that include the thais who outnumber me by about 50-1 every time I go to BigC. And much more than that in Tesco. Both being closer than the local markets.

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6 hours ago, EvenSteven said:

It's not a matter of whether you like Pattaya or not.



Oh, it's very much a matter of whether I like Pattaya or not. And I seriously do. Take today, for example. It's a great day to be in Pattaya! :tongue:



  Let me ask you can you drink the water out of the tap?  How are the streets for walking?  Safe?  What about their "justice" system?  What is Pattaya's economy based on?  How democratic is Thailand?  How about Thailand's record on human rights?  What are their social services like?  How about their GDP/capita?  Thailand is a third world country in far too many ways, whether you like the term or not.



"Too many." :biggrin: Does anyone care, or are you merely talking to yourself? But since this has inevitably turned into a Pattaya-bashing thread, why hold back? Let's get it all out there, man. Then maybe we can all go home.



On 10/7/2017 at 9:11 PM, JSixpack said:


OMG yes. The pollution, trash, rats, open ditches, filth, stink, crappy views, no beach, broken sidewalks, broken pedestrian lights, crappy promenade with no shade or seats, shops closed, deserted malls, sidewalks broken and blocked, overhanging signs, speed bumps, overhanging wires, corrupt police, no metered taxis, arrogant hotel clerks, unsmiling cashiers, crazy driving, overpricing, crotch-grabbing ladyboys, gold necklace & bag snatchers, baht bus ripoffs, deserted condo buildings, deserted malls, Bali Hai desolation, ruined buildings, ruined pier, Waterford, jet ski scams, deserted bars, high bar fines, noise pollution, lack of overpasses on Sukhumvit, constant traffic jam, Chinese, Russians, Indians, Arabs and other non-Brits, runny fried eggs, haircuts with white sidewalls--to mention just a few critical issues. It's TOTAL CATASTROPHE. How can ANYBODY live in this cesspool??? Suicide is the only answer.



But we got more. It's never-ending, really:



On 10/8/2017 at 12:55 PM, JSixpack said:

Dearth of proper pig scratchings, itinerant street vendors, itinerant shoe shiners, motorcycle "trucks, " soi dogs, massage touts, 101 businesses noncompliance (often fingered by the mighty TVF Pointing Finger Of Justice), balcony pushers, hotel safecrackers, nothing but fat ugly old women, internet speeds slower than advertised, blocked Daily Mail, power outages, unneeded overpriced ferry service to Hua Hin, unneeded overpriced Hooters, Starbucks, half-assed aircon service, bus terminal baht bus overcharging, missing motorcy taxi fare signage, inattentive ignorant hardware store salespersons, underage motorcyclists, no promised Foodland on Threppasit, overpriced private hospitals with incompetent doctors, overpriced eyeglasses, overcharging dentists, no prominent signage pointing to cheap whey protein powder and testosterone, Tony's Gym lacking aircon, Chinese kid poopers, dearth of DIY coin-operated washing machines, ant infestations, dengue fever worries, old growth trees cut down,  Big C satang rounding-up scam, scooters with no exhausts, pervasive DEAD and DYING atmosphere necessitating endless diagnoses, exhumations, new autopsies, and issuance of yearly Death Certificates.


The latest Evil, too horrible yet even to mention, let alone contemplate, is the Unflooded Tunnel Disaster. Once the awfulness of that reality sinks in, our large brigade of Flooders will be joining the other balcony divers. So sad, and decimating to truly informed, authoritative posting on our beloved forum. But, c'est la vie. A new generation of noobs FOB awaits to try to fill those shoes.



Yep, I advised the membership years ago to RUN! NOW! I think the bashing is just too enjoyable, however. Or even when they do leave, as in the case of one of our most prolific whingers, they still bash from afar.



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7 hours ago, EvenSteven said:

True, if we are hypothesizing.  But we have to base our decisions on research findings that support or disprove theory, not hypothesizing, as marketers like to use in place of research.  Diet and health is complex, but the research so far has shown us that we should consume more raw fruits and vegetables and less processed food.  Whether those fruits, vegetables and processed food have carcinogens on them is another matter.  But one thing is clear:  let's stop basing our decision making on hypothesizing, which is more often than not the argument of tyrants.

I only have problems with labels such as "healthy diet", which is what you used in your previous post. If you're talking about healthier diets, then fair enough, you can easily compare one diet with another. It's not only the chemicals you consume eating vegetables and fruit from unknown sources, but lack of essential nutrients in these.

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2 hours ago, The manic said:

Rats are everywhere. The illusion of hygiene in supermarkets and posh hotels is just that: an illusion. Supermarkets are for smuchs and brain washed westerners who are not well travelled or experienced and need the comfort and illusion of home. 


(You won't get your point across by insulting people you're arguing with). Who's the brain-washed smuch? I'd put money down it's you.


Most of the customers in supermarkets in Pattaya are Thai. Of course, you wouldn't know that because you're too busy scurrying around hot, dirty markets, with the illusion you're saving money.


I shop exclusively at supermarkets, am well traveled and appreciate the comforts of home. It ain't no illusion - my life here is comfortable. If it wasn't I wouldn't live here.



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4 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

I suppose that is one of the upsides of early  onset dementia; the obliviousness to the reality.  Clouds of dirty smoke become magical vapors dancing in the air,  screeching ladyboys are seen as dancing nubile nymphs, the fake smiles and  exclamations of hansumness are seen as  genuine signs of affection for the beloved farang etc.  


It may be where you live, but out here in rural Thailand the reality is there are few if any clouds of smoke, no screeching ladyboys, few if any fake smiles, and from the Thai ladies and men I know calling me a hansum man make all of us including me, laugh at the joke.

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Since I changed my diet from beer and pizzas to fresh vegetables, salads, homemade keffir milk and nuts, I think I would be pushed to spend more than a few thousand baht a month on food.


For me, it's not about trying to live cheaply.  It is simply that when I live my day-to-day lifestyle, I find it impossible to spend a lot of money.  Yet I have an enjoyable and healthy life.

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4 hours ago, JSixpack said:


Oh, it's very much a matter of whether I like Pattaya or not. And I seriously do. Take today, for example. It's a great day to be in Pattaya! :tongue:



"Too many." :biggrin: Does anyone care, or are you merely talking to yourself? But since this has inevitably turned into a Pattaya-bashing thread, why hold back? Let's get it all out there, man. Then maybe we can all go home.




But we got more. It's never-ending, really:




Yep, I advised the membership years ago to RUN! NOW! I think the bashing is just too enjoyable, however. Or even when they do leave, as in the case of one of our most prolific whingers, they still bash from afar.



Everywhere is different but the same..Find the best evil for yourself.  As they say, 'Life is what you make it'.

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14 hours ago, EvenSteven said:

It's not expensive to eat healthy.  Fads - and foods are just one of them - are nothing more than a marketing scheme targeting the flavour of the month club.  This month it's "superfoods", last month it was "non-gluten food", and month before Justin Bieber, ad infinitum.


Btw, to return to the OP, I don't know why others would want to live on the cheap in what is essentially a third world country.  If it's to get laid, what a price you have to pay.

With all the mess in the west, I find it amusing, that someone thinks Thailand is a third world country.

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3 hours ago, simon43 said:

Since I changed my diet from beer and pizzas to fresh vegetables, salads, homemade keffir milk and nuts, I think I would be pushed to spend more than a few thousand baht a month on food.


For me, it's not about trying to live cheaply.  It is simply that when I live my day-to-day lifestyle, I find it impossible to spend a lot of money.  Yet I have an enjoyable and healthy life.

I spend a lot of money on food. I'm amazed that anyone could live on that little per month, but then again, some people eat more than others... and I also buy quite a bit of imported foods.


I buy a lot of supplements as I don't believe in the theory you can get what you need from food, so that adds a lot to my monthly food bill.

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15 hours ago, tropo said:

Healthy eating is nearly impossible to define (so many theories), never mind actually achieving. Fanatically healthy eating would be very expensive in Thailand. If your idea of healthy eating is getting your daily veges and staying away from processed food, sure, not so expensive, but what's in the produce you're consuming?

Since the advent of processed grub, refined sugar, and strange fats, cancer is having a beano.

Cures for cancer and other problems can be found in natures grub.

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8 hours ago, The manic said:

Rats are everywhere. The illusion of hygiene in supermarkets and posh hotels is just that: an illusion. Supermarkets are for smuchs and brain washed westerners who are not well travelled or experienced and need the comfort and illusion of home. 

Yeah, there was a bloke employed, in the Savoy Hotel in London to remove cockroaches from the food lift.

Only God knows how many  rats and cockroaches lurk in the back of a supermarket in Thailand or the western world.

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39 minutes ago, tropo said:

I spend a lot of money on food. I'm amazed that anyone could live on that little per month, but then again, some people eat more than others... and I also buy quite a bit of imported foods.


I buy a lot of supplements as I don't believe in the theory you can get what you need from food, so that adds a lot to my monthly food bill.

I can't understand how the human race survived before the invention of expensive suppliments.

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5 hours ago, billd766 said:


It may be where you live, but out here in rural Thailand the reality is there are few if any clouds of smoke, no screeching ladyboys, few if any fake smiles, and from the Thai ladies and men I know calling me a hansum man make all of us including me, laugh at the joke.

My wife calls hansum man, and sexy man too...hearing this, I start to worry about whats comming next.

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12 hours ago, Naam said:

a comprehensive list of irrelevancies for the discerned and happy Farang retiree in Thailand. :coffee1:

I'm glad to hear you think that the justice system and that pedestrian safety are irrelevant issues in Thailand.  They just happen to be the most talked about grievances of most non-Thais in Thailand and Thais themselves.  Carry on your merry and delusional way.

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2 hours ago, talahtnut said:

Since the advent of processed grub, refined sugar, and strange fats, cancer is having a beano.

Cures for cancer and other problems can be found in natures grub.

Do you have any idea of how many foods have been claimed to cure or prevent cancer? Too many to count.

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1 hour ago, talahtnut said:

I can't understand how the human race survived before the invention of expensive suppliments.

There's quite a difference between the human race surviving and an individual thriving to a ripe old age. The human race will survive even if people die young, as has been the case in many civilizations throughout history.


Having said that, before modern farming techniques that remove essential minerals from the soil, a lot of the produce that was eaten was far superior to what you find today. I've recently found a very cheap one to cure my arthritis, so they're not always expensive.

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9 hours ago, JSixpack said:

"Too many." :biggrin: Does anyone care, or are you merely talking to yourself? But since this has inevitably turned into a Pattaya-bashing thread, why hold back? Let's get it all out there, man. Then maybe we can all go home.

I know you don't care, but I do.  And I think many others do as well.


Btw, just because someone critiques something means he or she is opposed to it?

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5 minutes ago, EvenSteven said:

I'm glad to hear you think that the justice system is fair and that pedestrian safety are irrelevant issues in Thailand.  They just happen to be the most talked about grievances of most non-Thais in Thailand and Thais themselves.  Carry on your merry and delusional way.

Grievences in Thailand must be less than the grievences where you come from, or you would go home.

No health and safety here, just take your own precautions, and I'm sure you will survive ok.

Enough of grievences...look at what you have here.

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21 minutes ago, tropo said:

There's quite a difference between the human race surviving and an individual thriving to a ripe old age. The human race will survive even if people die young, as has been the case in many civilizations throughout history.


Having said that, before modern farming techniques that remove essential minerals from the soil, a lot of the produce that was eaten was far superior to what you find today. I've recently found a very cheap one to cure my arthritis, so they're not always expensive.

The latest farming is organic and self sustaining.   The white man is a dying breed, it has lost it fertility..and its common sense.

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1 hour ago, EvenSteven said:

I'm glad to hear you think that the justice system and that pedestrian safety are irrelevant issues in Thailand.  They just happen to be the most talked about grievances of most non-Thais in Thailand and Thais themselves.  Carry on your merry and delusional way.

i'm a guest in this country and not entitled to judge its justice system or its traditions or accepted standards and i consider the safety of pedestrians less important than the health of my dogs. unlike many frustrated Farangs in Thailand i mind my own business, comments like yours generate first a grin on my face and then pity but then i carry on with my "merry and delusional" lifestyle. :smile:

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37 minutes ago, Naam said:

i'm a guest in this country and not entitled to judge its justice system or its traditions or accepted standards and i consider the safety of pedestrians less important than the health of my dogs. unlike many frustrated Farangs in Thailand i mind my own business, comments like yours generate first a grin on my face and then pity but then i carry on with my "merry and delusional" lifestyle. :smile:

"i'm a guest in this country and not entitled to judge its justice system or its traditions or accepted standards and i consider the safety of pedestrians less important than the health of my dogs."  Who writes such a comment, proves that he is a complete ignorant and egoist.

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On 23/10/2017 at 3:28 PM, LongTimeLurker said:

Internet, mobile 'phone and data, satellite / cable TV are all cheaper in VN also

They're also cheaper (& faster/better) in Singapore & more expensive (& slower worse) in the Philippines... 


But HCM does look a lot cheaper than Bangkok... https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Thailand&country2=Vietnam&city1=Bangkok&city2=Ho+Chi+Minh+City


[Apologies, URL doesn't seem to be pasting well but you can compare the cost of living in 2 Cities at https://www.numbeo.com/ ]


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4 hours ago, tropo said:

There's quite a difference between the human race surviving and an individual thriving to a ripe old age. The human race will survive even if people die young, as has been the case in many civilizations throughout history.


Having said that, before modern farming techniques that remove essential minerals from the soil, a lot of the produce that was eaten was far superior to what you find today. I've recently found a very cheap one to cure my arthritis, so they're not always expensive.

I grow fruit & veg in the UK and the texture & taste is way better than anything that can be bought in the supermarkets

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4 hours ago, EvenSteven said:

I'm glad to hear you think that the justice system and that pedestrian safety are irrelevant issues in Thailand.  They just happen to be the most talked about grievances of most non-Thais in Thailand and Thais themselves.  Carry on your merry and delusional way.

The justice system here is very complex. The bigger problem is finding a good and honest lawyer. A bad lawyer caused me a lot of grief, but I couldn't blame the justice system.

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4 hours ago, talahtnut said:

The latest farming is organic and self sustaining.   The white man is a dying breed, it has lost it fertility..and its common sense.

I know there's decent organic farming exists all over the world these days. The problem is finding it in Thailand and you won't like the price of organic vegetables here... and even if you do - is it the real McCoy?

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3 hours ago, AloisAmrein said:

"i'm a guest in this country and not entitled to judge its justice system or its traditions or accepted standards and i consider the safety of pedestrians less important than the health of my dogs."  Who writes such a comment, proves that he is a complete ignorant and egoist.

Nah - it's just Naam. If you read between the lines you'll get it.

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