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'Active shooter' near Las Vegas casino

Jonathan Fairfield

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1 minute ago, DM07 said:

Oh grow up!

I think even the dumbest person, will understand this comparison.

Only most will not like it-, because it touches on the dumb "guns don't kill people"- narrative!


I think even the dumbest person will understand it's insensitive given what just happened.

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It seems the gunman fired on the crowd for about 11 minutes. Police reported shots starting at 10.08 and ceasing at 10.19. His location was first identified by an officer at 10.14. 


72 minutes from 'shots fired' to 'suspect down'


Police on the ground report 'shots fired'

  • 22:14 Officer on 31st floor says shots coming from 'one floor above'

  • 22:20 'It's been a while since we heard any shots,' one officer says

  • 22:27 Officer reports that a hotel security guard has been 'shot on 32nd floor'

  • 23:20 Swat teams enter gunman's room. They find 'one suspect down'


A Clark County police official said the gunfire ceased at 10:19 p.m. ... Newsweek 

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On 10/3/2017 at 11:15 AM, Just1Voice said:

I do think about it.  But Liberals only see one side of things.  Cars = Good.  Guns = Bad! 



What 'other' side of things are there? Guns are designed with one sole purpose in Mind - As a Weapon. 


Cars on the other hand have numerous practical uses without which life would become exponentially more difficult. 


The thought process which even attempts to draw a comparison between cars and guns is so fundamentally flawed it almost seems pointless attempting to hold an intelligent and balanced debate. 


You've thrown out the word 'Liberal'... you've become confused between Liberal and simple common sense.



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On 10/3/2017 at 12:56 PM, stevenl said:

As you said yourself, things do not look as it seems  - very often.


At a born again festival some people coming with claims about everybody dying soon would not be out of the ordinary. USauthorities are giving information as known and as long as it does not interfere with the investigation. All those people claiming they're hiding information should take a look at themselves.

Perhaps, but to be honest I had suspicions why a well known religious festival would be called a country western concert? I chalked it up to a journalists stupidity myself. 

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5 minutes ago, Grumpy Duck said:

Perhaps, but to be honest I had suspicions why a well known religious festival would be called a country western concert? I chalked it up to a journalists stupidity myself. 

You're claiming the country western music festival was actually a religious festival? PROVE IT.

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21 hours ago, farcanell said:


Good man!


the reference to insurance was in regard to implementing insurance policies / requirements on gun owners.... which would then see insurance companies regulating this industry, much as insurance companies have effected change in so many other areas. I don't know if it would work.... but it is a positive suggestion


re insurance company or promoters liability on this issue... I can't see how they can be held accountable, (unless there was a requirement to have terrorism insurance, and they did not.... which I doubt)

I am not positive, but I do believe certain disaster protection clauses are required to be included in permits for such performances. I have also read a few articles/comments stating the venue was on the Mandalay Bay property, it wasn't, it was across the street directly across the boulevard from the Luxor. The property was owned by MGM. 

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11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You're claiming the country western music festival was actually a religious festival? PROVE IT.

I know there is a traveling revivalist concert every year by pastor Greg Laurie.  I have seen it advertised annually in CA as well as other states. Harvest.org is the website. I may stand corrected though as searching google I found a number of other "Harvest" festivals like harvest jazz and blues festivals also. But I believe the harvest church has a copyright on the "Harvest" name by itself. So I may stand corrected. But the full name Harvest Country Music Festival should have been used instead of simply Harvest. 

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26 minutes ago, Grumpy Duck said:

I know there is a traveling revivalist concert every year by pastor Greg Laurie.  I have seen it advertised annually in CA as well as other states. Harvest.org is the website. I may stand corrected though as searching google I found a number of other "Harvest" festivals like harvest jazz and blues festivals also. But I believe the harvest church has a copyright on the "Harvest" name by itself. So I may stand corrected. But the full name Harvest Country Music Festival should have been used instead of simply Harvest. 

Before spouting garbage inflammatory speculation, maybe back them up with facts. You don't have them. BUSTED. 

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44 minutes ago, Grumpy Duck said:

I know there is a traveling revivalist concert every year by pastor Greg Laurie.  I have seen it advertised annually in CA as well as other states. Harvest.org is the website. I may stand corrected though as searching google I found a number of other "Harvest" festivals like harvest jazz and blues festivals also. But I believe the harvest church has a copyright on the "Harvest" name by itself. So I may stand corrected. But the full name Harvest Country Music Festival should have been used instead of simply Harvest. 

here is a brief summary of the history regarding " Route 91 harvest festival "as it is properly called and there doesn't seem to be any religious angle on it at all



Concert organizer Brian O'Connell told the paper in 2014 that he chose the name because it just sounded cool to him. Before the Strip was lined with casinos, it was called Route 91. "Nobody knew it. And that’s what I love about it,” O’Connell said. “You can always discover something new right in front of you. Something old has become something new... There is more to it than a stage in a parking lot with a bunch of bands."



Edited by Asiantravel
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57 minutes ago, Jack Mountain said:

Didn't beat Breitvik ... or Harry Truman.

Truman wasn't a shooter, the US was at war, military and civilian casualty estimates for an invasion of Japan were horrendous (much worse than what the bombs caused), civilian casualty estimates for a blockade of Japan until surrender were worse, and quitting and going home would have left Japan in control of much of China and SE Asia.


Stay on topic.

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6 hours ago, julietx said:

It will be difficult for anyone to top stephen's count.


he obviously did his homework and sat up there in that room popping away like in a computer game.


I am sure some idiot out there will feel inspired by this shooting and sees this as something to be topped and is working on it already. And guess what; Since nothing is going to change he can easily get all the hardware to make it happen. 

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21 hours ago, Thakkar said:


So criminals go to jail for breaking what, a fart?


It would seem so in the contemporary environment, unless that is, if that fart was perpetuated by one of a liberal leaning authority.  Governments have tried to legislate humanity for centuries.  It still is attempting to do so.  Back to the gun laws and 'right to carry'.... What law would have prevented Vegas?  What law would have prevented Orlando?  How more stringent can the French be on 'gun rights' (or not) to prevent their recent gun violence.  Make more laws against guns today and, I'm sorry my friend, we will see continued gun violence.  It is far much easier to ask rhetorical questions than to advance a solution.  Sorry I just passed wind, call the secret police

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I'm looking forward to the time when the Abrams main battle tank becomes obsolete, and concerned citizens can purchase one at the next gun show. All in the name of self-protection, of course. I'm sure the NRA would approve. Just think, a wealthy nutcase could really rewrite the record books.

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52 minutes ago, ToS2014 said:


It would seem so in the contemporary environment, unless that is, if that fart was perpetuated by one of a liberal leaning authority.  Governments have tried to legislate humanity for centuries.  It still is attempting to do so.  Back to the gun laws and 'right to carry'.... What law would have prevented Vegas?  What law would have prevented Orlando?  How more stringent can the French be on 'gun rights' (or not) to prevent their recent gun violence.  Make more laws against guns today and, I'm sorry my friend, we will see continued gun violence.  It is far much easier to ask rhetorical questions than to advance a solution.  Sorry I just passed wind, call the secret police


But the state of affairs is even more bizarre than an internet fart prompting a midnight visit from the secret police. Most Americans do want sensible gun controls. Yet it is the tyranny of government (legislators bought and paid for by the NRA) that is preventing it. By gun advocates' argument, they should be justified in using their hoard of arms to overthrow these legislators so that laws could be passed to control the very arms they used to overthrow the previous legislators who were ignoring the popular will.


Only in a bizarre alternate universe can policy be based on things that didn't happen.


Based on *one* FAILED attempt at a shoe bomb, everyone at American airports have to take their shoes off. Based on over 3 dozen school shootings since Columbine, gun laws haven't been touched.


Gun advocates claim that if more people have guns then there will be less crime.  The evidence is quite the opposite: more guns results in more homicides and suicides. 


Death and injury data: http://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/index.html


Correlate above with Gun ownership data: http://www.cdc.gov/brfss/ (much digging around required)


Another problem with tens of millions of households having guns is that EVERY YEAR (on average) a quarter of a million guns are stolen in household burglaries. Those stolen guns aren't going to be used for good or to protect true patriots from a tyrannical government. (http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/fshbopc0510.pdf)


Most of the pro gun arguments make no sense. Here's a comedian who expresses that much better than I can ( and, yes, I've posted this before, so sue me):





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On 10/3/2017 at 2:31 PM, heybruce said:

I'm a gun owner.  I think guns and people using guns should be regulated similarly to autos and people who drive.  Regulating drivers in the US doesn't keep all nutcases from driving, but it does make it harder for them.


"The basic problem is that "gun control" is code for gun confiscation by Democrats and others of their ilk."


That is NRA propaganda.

You think it's propaganda...take a poll of Democrat voters and other liberals and you will find large majorities in favor of no private ownership of firearms.


How about people exercising their First Amendment right to free speech...should one need a background check and a license for that...how about women exercising their 19th Amendment right to vote...background check and license too?



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14 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

You think it's propaganda...take a poll of Democrat voters and other liberals and you will find large majorities in favor of no private ownership of firearms.


How about people exercising their First Amendment right to free speech...should one need a background check and a license for that...how about women exercising their 19th Amendment right to vote...background check and license too?



Well, actually if Republicans already are enacting background checks on voters and licensing.

And I'm going to go out on a very short limb here and say that your contention about large majorites of democrats in favor of no private ownership of firearms is a lie.

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On 10/3/2017 at 9:45 AM, newnative said:

Oh, my.  You really are naive if you think the politicians in America are doing what their constituents want.  If that was the case, America would have universal health care and stronger gun control laws, among other things favored by a majority of Americans.  It's an unfortunate fact that these days American politicians spend more time raising the vast amounts of money they need for their next election campaign than doing anything else.  Big Pharma, the NRA, and many other lobby groups are rich and powerful and have enough politicians in their pockets to block what Americans want. 

What's right and in accord with the Constitution has not always been popular...at one time, slavery was supported by the majority of Americans, as was Jim Crow, no votes for women, ban on inter-racial marriage, ban on gay marriage, etc. I wouldn't necessarily use a majoritarian argument to support your position.

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27 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Well, actually if Republicans already are enacting background checks on voters and licensing.

And I'm going to go out on a very short limb here and say that your contention about large majorites of democrats in favor of no private ownership of firearms is a lie.

Not a lawyer are you...did you know that the individual right to vote IS NOT stated anywhere in the Constitution...only that the states shall set for the manner and requirements for the election of Federal office holders.  Voter ID laws and such are the States carrying out their Constitutional duty.

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On 10/3/2017 at 10:36 AM, bazza73 said:

What's so wrong with living in Australia?


Fact 1. We have not had a single gun massacre in Australia since Port Arthur in 1996.


Fact 2. You can legally own firearms in Australia. Just not semi-automatic weapons whose sole purpose is to kill people quickly and efficiently.


Fact 3. The gun-related deaths per 100,000 of population in Australia is one-twentieth of that in the USA.


Fact 4. Of those gun-related deaths, about three-quarters of them are suicide. It would appear gun-owners in Australia, when they decide to check out, at least have the consideration to avoid taking innocent people with them.


If you want to talk about good faith, the most sickening thing about Las Vegas is Trump sending condolences, after campaigning for total removal of the limited gun reforms of the Obama administration. Psychopath is an inadequate description.


The USA is captive to an armaments industry and NRA which has the power to make and unmake elected officers - even Presidents.


Sadly, I can't see any end to these mass murders. Santayana said those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. America has mass amnesia.

I never said anything was "wrong" with living in Oz...what I said is that if the "gun control" proposals of many on the left were adopted then America would be like Australia in this respect. As to gun-related deaths per population, it may be lower in Oz but what about population deaths from snake and spider bites :)

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3 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I never said anything was "wrong" with living in Oz...what I said is that if the "gun control" proposals of many on the left were adopted then America would be like Australia in this respect. As to gun-related deaths per population, it may be lower in Oz but what about population deaths from snake and spider bites :)

Sometimes, I have trouble comprehending a post on Thai Visa. This is one of those times.

What the hell has population deaths from snake and spider bites have to do with the issue of gun control? Or are you suggesting if Australians had more guns, we could go out and shoot all the snakes and spiders?


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21 hours ago, Jingthing said:

You're claiming the country western music festival was actually a religious festival? PROVE IT.

Country & Western Music is akin to religion for a large segment of the population. :smile:

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2 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Not a lawyer are you...did you know that the individual right to vote IS NOT stated anywhere in the Constitution...only that the states shall set for the manner and requirements for the election of Federal office holders.  Voter ID laws and such are the States carrying out their Constitutional duty.

If you're saying that voting is not a right, you're in error. It may not be explicitly stated in the Constitution, but it has been upheld by the Supreme court repeatedly. You clearly have forgotten that there is such a thing as the 14th amendment. If your position was correct then poll taxes would be judged to be constitutional. And the reverse is, in fact, the case.

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3 hours ago, bazza73 said:

Sometimes, I have trouble comprehending a post on Thai Visa. This is one of those times.

What the hell has population deaths from snake and spider bites have to do with the issue of gun control? Or are you suggesting if Australians had more guns, we could go out and shoot all the snakes and spiders?


I'm sorry if my attempt to bring a little levity to this rather heavy topic went over your head. As you made an argument for how dangerous you perceived America to be due to gun deaths, I brought up the number of people injured/killed in Australia by these poisonous creepy-crawlies,for which your fine country is also known for, and could be perceived as a danger as well.


As I've already said, less than 100 people per year on average are killed in mass-shooting incidents in the United States. Therefore, I don't agree with Democrat politicians who use these admitted tragedies to call for stricter "gun control" laws or regulations. 

Edited by Rimmer
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On 10/3/2017 at 10:54 AM, Just1Voice said:

You want to ban all guns to protect people?  Ok, fine.

So should we also ban cars, as they consistently kill a hell of a lot more people every year than guns? 

Think about it.

Did you think about it?Cars are made for transport,guns are made to kill things.Easy right?

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