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Breaking: Footage emerges of what happened before Aussie was floored in school parking lot

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Deport the miserable old prick after incarcerating him for 5 years on attempted murder charges & assault with a deadly weapon. 

Fc*king Aussies think they own Thailand. Give him the boot!

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


I have been overtaken by a guy in a Mini-Van on a very narrow one way Soi in Bangkok. 

IMO - the Soi was narrow enough not to risk two car widths... Nevertheless a Minivan was extremely close to the back of my car, driving somewhat aggressively but I had no choice but to ignore him as I to was following the car in front in a line of slow moving traffic. 

The Mini-Van overtook me and barely avoided scratching my car, the wing mirrors didn't touch because they were at different heights... thats the only reason !...

I was pi$$ed off and papped my horn... Not a series of aggressive blasts, but a single Pap... 

This was too much for the Van driver who pulled up next to me, wound down his window and started shouting at me. I felt like getting out and kicking the living crap out of him, instead I ignored him and didn't allow the situation to escalate - these guys can be dangerous, they can have guns, they have anger issues... I'd love to have taught him a lesson, but thats no my job... my Job is not to get involved in incidents so I can get home to my family and enjoy my life... 


With such idiots on the roads its very easy to 'slip up' and allow yourself to become involved...  I'm not suggesting this happened in this incident.... But, it is not unfeasible to 'imagine' or 'hypothesise' that a stupid driving maneuver damaged the Australians car (and his ego) and he decided to take matters in to his own hands and attempt to teach the Thai guy a lesson - Stupid move !!! (if this armchair detective is correct and that is what actually happened !!!)... Just saying (for the purposes of discussion). 




Good response on your part but it's kinda disturbing that whole thing even happened. Still, I hear horns going off all the time here (mostly for justified reasons) and have never seen any reaction whatsoever so you probably just got one of the few idiots who actually takes offense at such things. Normally it takes a lot more to make people angry enough to cause road rage, though van and taxi drivers can be a law onto themselves.


One time not long ago I decided to do something I wouldn't normally do - I disobeyed a sign saying "don't go straight"( BTW I can read Thai the sign was only in Thai though that's beside the point) as the road was being torn up but there was still enough room to pass. I was following a BMW though - I assumed he knew what he was doing as otherwise I wouldn't have followed him. Finally we get to the bottleneck where the road is too narrow to pass (under normal circumstances this is a 2-way road) and another car and numerous motorcycles block his way. The car coming in the other direction refuses to let him pass. All the other drivers nearby are upset and by now there are more than 10 motorcycles trying to get through (all the motorcycles from my direction disobeyed the sign too but since they don't take up much space no one cares). I quickly reverse and find myself somewhere to do a u-turn. I am then forced to do a 2-km detour because the genius city planners in Bangkok decided there's no need to join sois with each other but make most of them (except that one) dead ends. I have the feeling that BMW driver didn't get away so easily - he was probably forced to do a u-turn too.

7 hours ago, taipan1949 said:

Maybe one of those Farangs who actually think that this is their country.


7 hours ago, taipan1949 said:

Maybe one of those Farangs who actually think that this is their country.


No doubt.


It's hard to imagine that the old coot made its this far without acquiring any common sense whatsoever.

And his mission was to go pick up his daughter at school. Surely, he didn't have 6 or 8 beers on the way.

What a total idiot.





Actually, it does not show what precipitated the whole thing - it looks as though the Aussie's windows had some damage, which may have caused him to get his weapon from the back of his car.  Doubt anyone has film of the original incident and there will be a lot of  'he said - he said' until it is all sorted out.  I still stand by my original statement that the Thai should have been in cuffs immediately after assaulting the man in front of the policeman.  Then it could all be sorted out somehow - hopefully.


1 minute ago, Thaidream said:

The level of violence that is exhibited in these clips is astounding.  The Australian could be charged with attempted murder based upon the video evidence and the Thai charged with assault, Both are in the wrong. There is no excuse for this level of violence. What ever happened to calling the insurance company when there is an auto accident. 

How do you know the Australian has any insurance? Hope the police check out the ozzie`s paperwork just to see how eligible he is to stay in Thailand. If not, then deport him as an undesirable alien. I`m sure if the event would had been in reverse with the Thai man first attacking the Farlang, many posters on here would have been applauding the Australian guy. Sweet poetic justice I think.

51 minutes ago, JimP said:

I am a foreigner and this is my <deleted> country. I live here. I  work here. I have a Thai family here. So go eff yourself.  No, I wasn't born here, but you had better believe I contribute to this country, more so than so many somchai deadbeats.  I have a house, a condo, a good life.  So yeah, it's my country, too, you fool.


No, it is not.

55 minutes ago, JimP said:

I am a foreigner and this is my <deleted> country. I live here. I  work here. I have a Thai family here. So go eff yourself.  No, I wasn't born here, but you had better believe I contribute to this country, more so than so many somchai deadbeats.  I have a house, a condo, a good life.  So yeah, it's my country, too, you fool.

But do you speak Thai ? 


43 minutes ago, Get Real said:

You wrap your words very nicely sir. I don´t think you would do that if it would have been the other way around. Now we have to talk as nice as possible, and try to put as much blame away, as humanly possible, from the aussie. I am sorry, can´t do that! I give all the same medicin if they choose to be stupid.

As for me I really think he deserved to get punched. If it was up to me one or two more had been fine. I hope they get rid of <deleted> like this from Thailand. He can take his little knife and temper, to play bushman with the crocdiles in he´s homecontry. Deport the dork!


I agree with you Get Real, it would be extremely difficult to be calm if involved in a similar situation, I most certainly would not be so balanced in my opinions and my language far more vitriolic...


However, I have the luxioury of being a onlooker and not involved and so I can form a more balanced opinion... the Australian behaved despicably and violently, given such behavior I expect him to receive the same penalty as any Thai would.

With that in mind I also expect the Thai to receive a penalty for his despicable and violent behavior. 


Blame lies firmly with both men, I think there is little dispute regarding this, especially in light of the initial video (which many didn't see before commenting). 


I've attempt to apply balance in my viewpoint and armchair judgement - but you have not once commented negatively on the actions of the Thai man, in fact you seem to justify such violent behavior - Why is this ?




Fool ex pat  givs he comunity a bad name  wred the firs part saw the video think wow poor man

but now i think he  lit the fuze and all  exploded


silly man and in front of his child ,deporting him does not do anything except his thai family loose  

maybe a cooling down course of a few weeks at how i behave  as a guest here would be better.


i was in Norway 2 months ago also with an australian and he put his finger up at a Norwegen  guy  hegot clamped in and police arrived give him a hour roasting and  a 100 euro fine  this Australian said was normal in Australia to ball and shout and middle finger up and was pissed at the fine



just asking Australians here it that normal.

3 hours ago, Scouse123 said:


I think if someone had just attacked my car and damaged it, scared me to death with a machete, then run me over tossing me in the air with the strong likelihood or possibility of severe injury then I too would have felt justified in ' smashing him in the face with a fist ' regardless of his age. I would have kicked his bloody car too!


There was a car accident like occurs every day on roads and streets around the world. This was pure ' road rage ' It has nothing to do with Thailand, this can happen anywhere and is inexcusable bahaviour..


What was the old man doing with a weapon such as that in his car boot? He was also quick to think and go get it, which makes me think this was not his first ' rodeo '.


I am not a fan of these TVF law court armchair judges all recommending stupid 10 year bans ( as though they have any authority) and deportation, that is for the courts to decide and not bar stool barristers. However, his actions do warrant a court appearance and damages to the victim and compensation for his car.

Anybody who drives me over with his car on purpose like he did won't get away with only a punch....he will get KO for sure.


And i guess that if i had seen this happening i would have dragged the aussie out of his car and hold him for the police..if he attacked me he sure would have a problem again.


Smashing the other ones car is not my business but you don't drive over people with me only watching.



Blimey loads of old timers reliving their tough man past as if the actions of this silly old goat weren’t enough.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

5 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


I don't want to judge someone having a child at that age, its a discussion for another thread, but allowing something to act out like that at a School takes things too far IMO.


Something must have happened earlier as people don't fly off the handle and retrieve a knife from their car without a significant level of provocation unless they are mentally unstable in the extreme. However, regardless of what ever happened earlier to anger the Australian Pensioner he escalated the situation to violence taking the threat level as far a 'deadly threat' when brandishing the machete.


With that said, the Punch landed by the Thai Man was brutal and potentially deadly, the situation had calmed down was theoretically under police control before he escalated again with potentially deadly force. 


One Serious Question: After the Thai Man lands the Punch, why is he not restrained and in Handcuffs, especially after approaching the Australian Pensioner again saying "I want to Kill You !" ?


Another Question: What level of retard Carries a Machete around in their Car? Yes, I know many Thai's do, but isn't it better to ignore any confrontation in the first place? Carrying such a weapon just indactes that the Australian was prepared to enter and escalate a situation to violence on a daily basis, surely that is the dumbest thing he could do, especially at his age. 


With Video evidence from both corners I hope both men face serious charges. 

- The Australian - Attempted Assault with a Weapon 

- The Thai - Assault 


Both men were clearly in the wrong and need to face punishment. 


A lesson for all of us - when someone pi$$es us of and for some, when the red mist starts to ascend, pay attention to yourself, wake up and get real... none of this is worth it. Walk away and you won't even remember the incident in a week !

That old fart remains me of my Swiss(german) neighbor here in outskirts of Pattaya ... a man at his 80ish, permanently pissed off since the early morning till the night ... cursing aloud all day long, yelling some insults at me over the fence ... very unhappy man ... I have 3 Fila Brasileiros - he likes to throw rocks at them over that fence between us ... they always go ballistic, trying to break through to get on him. Our land is 2,5 rai, his only a half, so I made an enclosed big field for them on the other side. Then he goes on a "walk with the stick" down that little private road, driving them mad and complaining they're barking too laud, he can't have his nap after the lunch ... I mostly ignore him, even he's shooting his airgun once I drive passed his gate down to the village ...

One day I've been fixing something down the land when I heard a door sliding open, from the little road to the dogs enclosure ... dogs ran, so did I and ... saw him there on that little road with the stick and his airgun, pointing at the dogs, yelling "hilfe" (help) ... till today, I have no idea how did I managed to get to him before my dogs did !!! I threw his <deleted>...ing gun far to the tapioca field, grab the stick and to my true surprise and relief managed to send dogs back and kick the door closed behind them ... then I stood there shaking and fighting urge to kill that old moth..<deleted>..ker, whilst he tried to pull his mobile phone of the pocket to call police that my dogs were out to attack him ... what the heck he thought he was doing? Could I've been a bit slower or not around, these dogs will kill, no doubt ... he's just "working" them for far too long ... damned it I almost killed him myself ,,, old bugger, he even looks like this OZ dude's twin

59 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

Some madman tries to hack the Thai man`s arms off with a machete, attacks his car with a machete, then runs him over, then the madman tries to claim self defence, rubbing salt into the wounds,  and the victim floors him. Yes, totally unreasonable behavior on the gold shop owner`s part. 


The psycho ozzie deserved all that he got. And now if he doesn`t end up serving jail time he`ll probably have to leave the area for his own safety. Stupid plonker. I know who`s side I`m on.

I think in this case it isn't wise to choose sides. Both of them showed a violent and dangerous behavior... Whichever side you take, you got wrong.

4 minutes ago, newcomer71 said:

I think in this case it isn't wise to choose sides. Both of them showed a violent and dangerous behavior... Whichever side you take, you got wrong.

likely initiated by the advanced thai driving they practice here; not vital in the overall events;

i give 2 demerits to the aussie for the initial provocation; then 1 to the thai for following him and another for the sucker punch;

squared up;

along the way, another great job by the cops, doing what they do best, little-to-nothing (positive)

13 minutes ago, RWA said:

That old fart remains me of my Swiss(german) neighbor here in outskirts of Pattaya ... a man at his 80ish, permanently pissed off since the early morning till the night ... cursing aloud all day long, yelling some insults at me over the fence ... very unhappy man ... I have 3 Fila Brasileiros - he likes to throw rocks at them over that fence between us ... they always go ballistic, trying to break through to get on him. Our land is 2,5 rai, his only a half, so I made an enclosed big field for them on the other side. Then he goes on a "walk with the stick" down that little private road, driving them mad and complaining they're barking too laud, he can't have his nap after the lunch ... I mostly ignore him, even he's shooting his airgun once I drive passed his gate down to the village ...

One day I've been fixing something down the land when I heard a door sliding open, from the little road to the dogs enclosure ... dogs ran, so did I and ... saw him there on that little road with the stick and his airgun, pointing at the dogs, yelling "hilfe" (help) ... till today, I have no idea how did I managed to get to him before my dogs did !!! I threw his <deleted>...ing gun far to the tapioca field, grab the stick and to my true surprise and relief managed to send dogs back and kick the door closed behind them ... then I stood there shaking and fighting urge to kill that old moth..<deleted>..ker, whilst he tried to pull his mobile phone of the pocket to call police that my dogs were out to attack him ... what the heck he thought he was doing? Could I've been a bit slower or not around, these dogs will kill, no doubt ... he's just "working" them for far too long ... damned it I almost killed him myself ,,, old bugger, he even looks like this OZ dude's twin


A Nutty Story - there is certainly no accounting for or understanding how peoples frustrations overflow into life and their general behavior... 

While at home in the UK this summer a man whom I've known and respected all of my life has a deplorable breakdown of self control and verbally attacked the neighbor and lady with whom they'd shared mutual respect for decades.

I guess some guys just loose it... it certainly seems so when seeing some of the behavior of people here in Thailand.... I guess the frustrations can overflow and when they do... wham !!...


Good job on holding in your frustrations with the old guy...  he sounds like a right nut job looking for trouble.

48 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


I agree with you Get Real, it would be extremely difficult to be calm if involved in a similar situation, I most certainly would not be so balanced in my opinions and my language far more vitriolic...


However, I have the luxioury of being a onlooker and not involved and so I can form a more balanced opinion... the Australian behaved despicably and violently, given such behavior I expect him to receive the same penalty as any Thai would.

With that in mind I also expect the Thai to receive a penalty for his despicable and violent behavior. 


Blame lies firmly with both men, I think there is little dispute regarding this, especially in light of the initial video (which many didn't see before commenting). 


I've attempt to apply balance in my viewpoint and armchair judgement - but you have not once commented negatively on the actions of the Thai man, in fact you seem to justify such violent behavior - Why is this ?



Why is not the point. If it was reversed I would still justify that behaviour. As you state yourself, I would be very hard to be calm. Then we must just face reality. I see it as a normal reaction after being threthened with a knife.

8 hours ago, KittenKong said:




I gave you a like though I am Australian. I am glad I hung back from commenting in the other thread, because it's all too easy for a 72 yr old Australian man to go from victim to violator in the space of a video. I haven't even watched the clip where my fellow Aussie gets punched. Poor guy must think Thailand is some moral backwater where machetes RULE, and mutilating the other guy's car is legitimate retribution for a minor driving irritant. Surely the Aussie has been in Thailand long enough to absorb the etiquette and behaviour expected of a long term resident? Tourists can go apeshit because that's what their culture tells them is OK (though not with machetes!), but not an expat with an 8 yr old child, a car and obviously a Thai life of some sort. Whatever he got he earned. Sometimes it's better to refrain from pulling the moral pin too early, lest the sh*t explodes inyour face. 

6 hours ago, hyku1147 said:

What would have happened if the weapon was a gun?

It doesn't cut as well as a machete....................:thumbsup:

8 minutes ago, Spock said:

I gave you a like though I am Australian.


I'm glad you took the joke in the spirit it was intended. I have several Aussie friends and they are certainly not machete-wielding loonies.

9 minutes ago, KittenKong said:


I'm glad you took the joke in the spirit it was intended. I have several Aussie friends and they are certainly not machete-wielding loonies.

I have many Australian friends and only half of them are machete-wielding loonies.

6 hours ago, hyku1147 said:

What would have happened if the weapon was a gun?

It doesn't cut as well as a machete....................:thumbsup:

1 hour ago, RWA said:

That old fart remains me of my Swiss(german) neighbor here in outskirts of Pattaya ... a man at his 80ish, permanently pissed off since the early morning till the night ... cursing aloud all day long, yelling some insults at me over the fence ... very unhappy man ... I have 3 Fila Brasileiros - he likes to throw rocks at them over that fence between us ... they always go ballistic, trying to break through to get on him. Our land is 2,5 rai, his only a half, so I made an enclosed big field for them on the other side. Then he goes on a "walk with the stick" down that little private road, driving them mad and complaining they're barking too laud, he can't have his nap after the lunch ... I mostly ignore him, even he's shooting his airgun once I drive passed his gate down to the village ...

One day I've been fixing something down the land when I heard a door sliding open, from the little road to the dogs enclosure ... dogs ran, so did I and ... saw him there on that little road with the stick and his airgun, pointing at the dogs, yelling "hilfe" (help) ... till today, I have no idea how did I managed to get to him before my dogs did !!! I threw his <deleted>...ing gun far to the tapioca field, grab the stick and to my true surprise and relief managed to send dogs back and kick the door closed behind them ... then I stood there shaking and fighting urge to kill that old moth..<deleted>..ker, whilst he tried to pull his mobile phone of the pocket to call police that my dogs were out to attack him ... what the heck he thought he was doing? Could I've been a bit slower or not around, these dogs will kill, no doubt ... he's just "working" them for far too long ... damned it I almost killed him myself ,,, old bugger, he even looks like this OZ dude's twin


So, basically you keep dogs that kill.


One accepts he is also the neighbour from hell.

45 minutes ago, mommysboy said:


So, basically you keep dogs that kill.


One accepts he is also the neighbour from hell.

yes, I do ... it is just "that" kind of dog ... Filas are the most protecting, loving, brave, intelligent and devoted guardians ... they are big and so big is their heart ... unforgiving if a stranger tries to trespass or harm anything that lives in "their" territory


hahaha ... nope, the neighbor is from Zurich ... but miserable as hell

6 minutes ago, Italian guy said:

They always accuse farangs not to understand Thai culture... The video proves it wrong. The Aussie acted in pure Thai style. So what? 


Yes, that Aussie is fully integrated. Totally Thai-Style problem solving.

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