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Thaivisa exclusive: “Attempted murder" as "Australian" man punched by Thai in school says he is really British


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37 minutes ago, jimster said:

Yet some people say I as an Aussie speak with a British accent - although none of these people are British or Australian themselves. Go figure. Still, most Americans and most other non-native English speakers can't really distinguish between the two accents although at the same time there is no such thing as a "universal" Aussie accent, there are quite a few different types though they aren't as varied as different American or UK accents of course.


Anyway, if he holds a British passport he should be considered as British especially as he claims his Australian residency (presumably this means PR) has expired by now and he does not possess Australian citizenship.


Despite people on this forum claiming otherwise, I still don't believe that a mere "finger waiving" incident that succeeded the near accident was the primary trigger as he claims. I just don't think drivers here would react in such an extreme fashion (with some very few exceptions perhaps) but road rage is not really a thing here as it is in the west.


There would have to be an actual accident or something more serious for people to lose it, not merely being cut off. That happens all the time - I have to admit I recently drove in a manner that could have resulted in an accident (I went straight from the right lane while another guy in the left lane turning right nearly hit me) though to be fair that particular intersection is so poorly designed there's bound to be problems from time to time - it only has one lane going straight (you should be in the left lane to do so but the traffic signs don't tell you that), where you then have to do a sharp 90 degree turn immediately after the traffic island if you want to go in that direction, otherwise you're forced to go straight on the frontage road and face a 3km detour to do a u-turn.


In any case, I see similar traffic maneuvers occur almost daily and no one bats an eyelid (and at that particular intersection I've seen vehicles do what I did constantly). I only did so in order to not have to wait at the lights as I was the last car to go through before the lights turned red and this was after being frustrated at having missed my earlier exit after which I got stuck in this huge traffic jam at the usual bottleneck caused by 2 roads converging into one costing me 20 minutes all because I couldn't properly make out the exit. I know if there had been a collision it would have been my fault. Lesson learned for me although luckily nothing happened.


As for this particular guy, I think there should be a settlement made between the two parties if they can agree to settle their claims (and anger) there is no need to take this any further. The British guy will simply need to realize the mistake he made and hopefully react in a more calm manner in future.


I don't think criminal action needs to be taken UNLESS either of the two parties threatens the other in which case that evidence can be used to justify the proceeding of a criminal case with intent to cause harm.

You're not aware of road rage in Thailand? Seriously? You don't know the power of the middle finger to invoke wrath in Thai people, especially when it's a white finger...


In my early days here, when I didn't know any better, I was cut off by a car on purpose. It was done in a malicious manner so I was pissed. I was riding a bike.


I gave him the finger.


It was a congested road yet he caught up to me by driving up Pratunmak Hill on the opposite side of the road, against traffic, at speed, risking a serious head-on collision with opposing traffic. Amazingly, he caught up with me and cut me off at the top of the hill. The original incident resulting in the finger happened a long way back at Soi 17 on 3rd Road. He tried to cut me off, but being on a bike I just continued on. I don't know why he didn't do anything else after he'd made that phenomenal effort to catch up with me. Maybe he saw the size of me and chickened out - I don't know. I was fully expecting him to attempt to knock us over (my wife was riding pillion at the time).


That's the last time I ever used my middle finger while riding here LOL.




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1 hour ago, Russell17au said:

Question 1: What happened before the Thai guy suddenly stopped his car in front of the British guy?

Question 2: Why did the Thai guy stop his car and not keep driving?

I think that this must come into this case as there is no video of even the Thai guy passing the British guy.

I have driven in many countries and used many different Dash Cams and I have never seen any resulting in the rubbish quality of this video. This video has been doctored because at the start of the video it shows the Brit driving with the machete in his hand, and then it shows him get out of his car and get the machete out of the back.

What is the true story of events in this matter, unless you were there and witnessed the whole thing with your own eyes and ears then it is all supposition on your behalf and from what I have seen on here it has brought out a lot of racial hatred both toward farangs and also toward Thai's.

To me this is a case of road rage by both parties and they are both guilty of attempted Manslaughter. The Brit by using his car and the Thai by using a coward punch.

Coward punch in Australia mandatory 5 years for attempted manslaughter


They are both guilty of serious assault.

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4 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

 Is losing your temper over a small incident on the roadway worth losing your life. I always give way- never wave hands or make comments.  Life is precious.


That's an interesting point you make about waving. I once tried to wave to a Songthaew driver because I wanted to hire him. I was on a bike. Inexplicably, he got angry. I then concluded he must have misconstrued my hand gesture. LOL> he also lost out on a good fare.

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3 minutes ago, tropo said:

That's an interesting point you make about waving. I once tried to wave to a Songthaew driver because I wanted to hire him. I was on a bike. Inexplicably, he got angry. I then concluded he must have misconstrued my hand gesture. LOL> he also lost out on a good fare.



Clapping your hands, or whistling, appears to be the required signaling!

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22 minutes ago, Russell17au said:


Involuntary manslaughter may be distinguished from accidental death. A person who is driving carefully, but whose car nevertheless hits a child darting out into the street, has not committed manslaughter. A person who pushes off an aggressive drunk, who then falls and dies, has probably not committed manslaughter, although in some jurisdictions it may depend whether "excessive force" was used or other factors.

It is also possible to be held civilly liable for a death (and pay damages) without being criminally liable (and going to prison), e.g. O.J. Simpson.

As manslaughter is not defined by legislation in Australia, common law decisions provide the basis for determining whether an act resulting in death amounts to manslaughter by unlawful and dangerous act.[10] To be found guilty of manslaughter by an unlawful and dangerous act, the accused must be shown to have committed an unlawful act which is contrary to the criminal law[11] and that a reasonable person in the position of the accused would have known that by his or her act, he or she was exposing the victim to an ‘appreciable risk of serious injury

Both these idiots, The Brit and the Thai are guilty of this

Nobody died!

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Yes- I have also in the past waved with an open hand and it was misconstrued- in addition- pointing a finger or fingers triggers a negative reaction. Stopping a taxi or other  in Thailand is done with the back of the hand extended and the waving is directed towards your own body. When driving I avoid eye contact; waving of any type and a smile if an encounter occurs. When walking don't ever believe that a Thai driver will stop and let you pass and don't get upset when they don't. I have seen incidents erupt between foreign pedestrians in Thailand and Thai drivers.

Best advice- do not use your Western mindset in Thailand and believe Thai's are going to act the same as you would expect others to act in your home country. It's not going to happen. Live and let live and the bottom line-  live.

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1 hour ago, Gecko123 said:

Those who downplay the need for learning the local language ought to consider how being able to communicate might well have helped avoid this situation entirely.


The British guy could have talked to the Thai guy instead of running over to his car with a machete. It would have helped him explain his side of the story to the cop, and quite possibly, with a few words of contrition, he might have been able to defuse the Thai guy's anger as well.


When I saw the headline  I was actually expecting that the Thai guy was being charged with "attempted murder." Sucker punching an elderly guy in the head with all your force while he was distracted talking to the policeman, knocking him out, and causing him to fall to the sidewalk? That doesn't qualify? The attempted murder charge for running into the guy, seems unwarranted to me. He was under threat, escaping, and driving at too slow rate of speed for the attempted murder charge to stand.


But the root of the problem still remains with the British guy. Getting out of your car, wielding a machete? Shades of Bernard Goetz (NY vigalante subway shooter). His demeanor on the videos suggested to me that he is quick to anger which is sometimes symptomatic of hypertension as well as frontal lobe dementia, among other things. I would encourage him to have this professionally evaluated. Again, learning to communicate in Thai might help lower frustration levels as well.

Absolutely. Speaking Thai makes all the difference in the world. Despite some bad advice from some Thai friends that pretending not to speak Thai with police if caught will get you off, my experience has been the exact opposite and that's why I always brush off that stupid advice and roll my eyes at it each time I hear it. If you are nice and speak Thai, you'll invariably be let off. 90% of Thai traffic police have a sense of humor and are reasonable people, it's only a minority that go by the book, usually a senior officer (both in terms of age and length of service). If caught in a situation like the one above, again, speaking the language helps tremendously.

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1 hour ago, tropo said:

He can't self-deport. When he paid the 200k they also took his passport and canceled his visa. His status is temporary until the court case has concluded. If he doesn't serve time and pays a fine, he will be deported. 


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On 10/13/2017 at 10:18 AM, darksidedog said:

It is up to the court to decide if the attempted murder charge is appropriate, but I do hope that Sumeth is also going to be charged. The punch he threw was pretty dirty and I do not feel it fair that he can just walk away from that without some repercussions.

Not sure if you read the article...?
" The gold shop owner who punched him is being charged with assault and has apologized for his actions."
If you were run over by a road raging idiot who also just finished bashing your car with a machete and threatening you yourself with it, I'll bet you likely would have a bit of a stronger opinion on whether or not attempted murder charges are appropriate....

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


I hope you are joking, there is never any need to get out of your car...  


The 'tit for tat' me first game is very common here....  but its unpredictable, you never know when its going to happen, I'm equally surprised by people giving way... But back to the 'tit for tat' game, edging out, pushing in, forcing someone to give way as you enter queueing or slow moving traffic, or someone else is entering in front of you.... It's common and nothing to really get upset about... 


IF someone pulls the 'Stop & Block' game, they have only one thing in mind - escalation....  What you do from this point on decides your immediate fate... i.e. ignore it and nothing happens, get out and have a fight and face consequences. 



Normally I would not but this short-assed, clown with a bad comb-over, wearing one of those embroidered local government office worker jackets stopped his Pajero in front of me in the middle of 3-lanes of rush-hour traffic and got out first. I stayed seated with the window down while he walked up, talking in Thai. Only after I had assessed he was unarmed both physically and intellectually and merely being another obnoxious, me-first dipstick chock-full of his own self-importance did I get out and confront him. He left quietly but I may feature on someone's social media page somewhere.


Another one was a souped up, chipped pickup whose 'driver' didn't like the fact that due to the rough road surface, his low-boy suspension and low-profile tires, he was unable to close the gap I was merging into quickly enough and was no longer first. Undoubtedly his passenger suggested that I was a farang so then it was game-on as far as he was concerned. When I pulled over and gifted him with open road ahead, he was the one that decided to pull in front of me, hit the brakes, blip the throttle and make smoke until we both came to a perfect standstill. Once again, with open road ahead of me, I pulled around and slowly drove away and left him there, no waiving or anything... just annoying for him that I had ignored him like the cockroach he was. So, he peels off from the kerb and passes again and tries the cut-in again while furiously shouting f-words and fingers being proffered from both sides of his cab. Even by passively trying to defuse a situation that only this muppet perceived as a slight on his right to be first, I was being challenged to elevate it which I didn't. I won. He lost it completely.



48 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

This is certainly an interesting case and should be an example to all foreigners in Thailand of what not to do when driving and interaction with Thai people.  Most foreigners driving in Thailand -drive based upon their experiences in Western society.  Thailand has its own driving culture.  A thai will almost always attempt to get in front of you and encroach into your lane if possible. They always want to go first.  If you attempt to block them continually and then make a motion with your hand or finger that is considered derisive- you are setting up a potential road rage situation.


My 21 year old  Thai brother in law was killed in Bangkok in a road rage incident very similar to what we are discussing. Both he and the other Thai party passing and cajoling each other and then both stopped and exchanged words- The other party came out with a machete and killed my Brother in Law.  My Brother in Law had no weapons on him or in his vehicle.Witnesses testified in court.  The other party pleaded innocent.  He was convicted and sentenced to 20 years in prison for attempted murder (culpable manslaughter). 


Is losing your temper over a small incident on the roadway worth losing your life. I always give way- never wave hands or make comments.  Life is precious.

Truly sobering statement of the worst-case scenario and I am sorry for your family's loss.

Edited by NanLaew
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23 hours ago, Russell17au said:

I believe there is something wrong with the claim by the Thai guy about the Brit hitting him with his car. I have been going through some of the car hitting pedestrian cases that I investigated in Australia. The big thing that puzzles me is if the Thai guy was hit by the car then how come he has not suffered any leg injuries from being hit by the front of the car. If the car was going that slow that there was no injury then the Thai guy would have fell backwards in front of the car which would have then run over him, but to be hit hard enough for him to end up on the bonnet of the car he would have sustained serious leg injuries to the point of possible fractures and not being able to walk.

So what really did happen?

Is the Thai guy lying as well?

It look to me like the Thai seeing him coming and delibratly turned around so he jump up and land on the bonnet on his butt.


He planned to do, cos If you watch afterwards he lands so well on his feet and doesnt loose 1 second in chasing the car to do more damage.


Both idiots need to be charged and fined seperately or their own deeds,

but if you ask me, having the knife and then having the intent to run Thai down in his car, the old fellow is the worst.


Most probable IMO:

Both have big WAIs


500baht fine for the Thai  



Pay for damage to Thais car

20k fine for multiple offences


Dont think they should deport the old guy over this, its just one of those things

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2 hours ago, Russell17au said:

Kieran00001, get your facts right. This did not happen in front of the school and the children. What happened in the school in front of the children was the assault by the Thai guy in front of the police officer. Attempted murder is when a person deliberately plans to kill someone. If you want to use the murder charge then it could also be laid against the Thai guy because he deliberately coward punched the Brit so that the Brit would hit his head on the pavement and die.

Your arguments do not stand up.

Attempted Manslaughter is if there is the possibility of a person dieing

Thanks you saved me the typing 

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6 minutes ago, tingtongtourist said:

It look to me like the Thai seeing him coming and delibratly turned around so he jump up and land on the bonnet on his butt.


He planned to do, cos If you watch afterwards he lands so well on his feet and doesnt loose 1 second in chasing the car to do more damage.


Both idiots need to be charged and fined seperately or their own deeds,

but if you ask me, having the knife and then having the intent to run Thai down in his car, the old fellow is the worst.


Most probable IMO:

Both have big WAIs


500baht fine for the Thai  



Pay for damage to Thais car

20k fine for multiple offences


Dont think they should deport the old guy over this, its just one of those things


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3 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


Have you actually seen the video filmed from the front?  That is one strange jump, backwards while he was moving forwards, how exactly do you do a physics defying move such as that one?

Why would you bother mate?:wai:

Edited by Si Thea01
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8 minutes ago, tingtongtourist said:

Dont think they should deport the old guy over this, its just one of those things

It's just "one those things"??

What, running down the road with a machete in broad daylight?

What, driving directly at someone and knocking them over the bonnet of a car?


That's not "one of those things".

Deport the tosser and blacklist him for life.

His family can come visit him in Oz..if they'll have him back

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15 minutes ago, Thai Ron said:

It's just "one those things"??

What, running down the road with a machete in broad daylight?

What, driving directly at someone and knocking them over the bonnet of a car?


That's not "one of those things".

Deport the tosser and blacklist him for life.

His family can come visit him in Oz..if they'll have him back

Thairon do you like the Thai soapies by any chance. The crime is a serious assault. The Thai knew exactly what he was doing. He chose to be a hero. There's many Thai just like him. He could have moved. His a goose. And KARMA will catch him. As we say " you can run but you can't hide "

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2 hours ago, tropo said:

He can't self-deport. When he paid the 200k they also took his passport and canceled his visa. His status is temporary until the court case has concluded. If he doesn't serve time and pays a fine, he will be deported. 

@Tropo, you missed what I was replying to:


On 10/12/2017 at 8:56 PM, AGareth2 said:

the courts will go for compromise

Brit will pay 10000

and get a suspended sentence

no deportation


Which is why I suggested that if what AGareth2 posted is correct, then the Aussie/Brit should self-deport himself

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4 hours ago, Media1 said:

A man takes it away from the rest of the backers. Face your fears head on. No need to bring your taxi friends and police protectors. The low maggot even came back when the old man was down and the young kid will be scared for sometime.  His not only a coward but a piece of garbage that belongs in the dumpster. As for the police laughable rubbish. None of these people are men.

The Brit got what he deserved regardless his age. In the vid where he got punched he just finished lying to the cop saying "I didn't do anything, I felt in fear of my life just showed the knife to defend myself" Liar, the vid below shows he  didn't just brandish the machete but retrieved it from trunk then ran after the Thai . When he couldn't catch him he came back towards his own car then turned around went back and was obvious;y doing something to the Thai guy's car which was shown later to have broken windows. If you look at the vid just before impact the Thai guy is not even facing him ,he hit him from behind. You said earlier he stopped the car , (for a second) as he probably could not see well after the Thai guy fell onto his windshield and broke it.Watch the second showing of the Brit hitting the guy its clearer. Thai guy had his back turned to the Brit.


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On 10/13/2017 at 3:56 AM, robblok said:

Still you see it advertised a lot of times that you should have something in your car to defend yourself. Seems every farang (not me) has some weapon in his car to defend his rights. I think its just stupid to have a weapon with you as when you have it your more likely to use it.. you might be more confrontational when you have a weapon as you know you can use it as a backup. Plus for people with a temper like this guy access to a weapon only makes things harder.

That is why I am against weapons for anyone because there are too many idiots who use it to assault someone instead for defense.

Best to carry a baseball bat, very handy when required.

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5 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


Have you actually seen the video filmed from the front?  That is one strange jump, backwards while he was moving forwards, how exactly do you do a physics defying move such as that one?

Kieran, would you be able to find a link to this - from a front video? Haven't seen that one ... thank you

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36 minutes ago, RWA said:

Kieran, would you be able to find a link to this - from a front video? Haven't seen that one ... thank you

I think he means this one:




Clearly shows that the impact was hard enough to smash the Brit's windscreen.

Edited by Darron
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