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Thousand of tourists complaining but Thais doing a great job, say Thai Rath


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Why not include a column in a departure card, and rate number of *s as review, and allow the tourist to write something, so that authorities would know if someone have a complaint.


Promoting sabai-sabai smile not reaching all coming here. Another problem is too many tourists coming here. The services are not enough, but in between, Thai government is cracking down illegal immigrant workers, so they are lack of resources for services, either have to pay more salary for Thais. I have spoken to some of them, Thai's receive 40% more salary for 50% less work.


So, Thailand should understand employing immigrant laborers for efficiency.

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3 hours ago, worgeordie said:

"Thousand of tourists complaining but Thais doing a great job," say Thai Rath

That headline does not make sense,if they had been doing a good job ,

They are doing a very good job fleecing every tourists within their 500 meters radius, hence the complains?? :whistling:


All depends on the one job :)

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:

In the defense of the police and law enforcement agencies can be said that they have tried to tackle  and arrest the problems but the Thai justice system and the courts saw no faults with the way the zero dollar tour people have been conducting their business and thus the police are now powerless to do anything about these complaints....

It is happening everywhere in SE Asia, not just Thailand.  Is it illegal to lease hotels, buy and operate buses, and invest in restaurants ?  The only illegal activities will be evading taxes or corrosion.  Without proving that, not much you can do but beat them at their own game.  If you want Chinese customers, go to China.  Waiting passively for them to come and spend money is not going to work. 

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56 minutes ago, NextStationBangkok said:

Why not include a column in a departure card, and rate number of *s as review, and allow the tourist to write something, so that authorities would know if someone have a complaint.


Promoting sabai-sabai smile not reaching all coming here. Another problem is too many tourists coming here. The services are not enough, but in between, Thai government is cracking down illegal immigrant workers, so they are lack of resources for services, either have to pay more salary for Thais. I have spoken to some of them, Thai's receive 40% more salary for 50% less work.


So, Thailand should understand employing immigrant laborers for efficiency.

Basically what you saying it is OK for businesses to employ immigrants at a lower wage ( as they come from poorer countries) to boost profits . 


Explotation.. - to buy that wonderful new S class Mercedes.


My Thai friends work hard - to support their families. I’m not some leftie anti capitalist or trade union nut- it’s the total greed of business people.



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5 hours ago, webfact said:



In a long, rambling feature they singled out tourism police commander Pol. Maj. Gen. Surachet Hakpan for particular praise with many smiling pictures of the chief touring the kingdom eradicating crime and providing assistance.

I've never seen crime eradicated so smilingly before . . . he should be renamed Supajet

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4 hours ago, carmine said:

Theres no such newspaper.  


The Times is often referred to as the London Times to differentiate it from the New York Times, The Washington Times etc. There we go - you've learned something today and can go to bed wiser than when you woke up. Always a good thing. :smile:

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4 hours ago, MadMuhammad said:

I took a zero dollar tour but I didn’t get what I paid for! lol

Maybe their should be a survey taken the other way, give everyone a chance to lodge a complaint about the Chinese rudeness and disrespect on display most of the time they’re in the country.

The zero dollar tours are an old Japanese game, but the Japanese demanded quality the same as home (very high). The Chinese are new to travel, however sharp they are at home (which's still a bit rough). They got cheated, local guides were cheated and eventually tour companies. So it stopped. Not too bad considering all the "influences" at work to delay the police. 

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