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Police chief's drunk cop video leaks out - leads to explanation


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Police chief's drunk cop video leaks out - leads to explanation



Picture: Daily News


The chief of Nong Khai police was forced to explain what happened after a video he took himself ended up being seen by the public.


Chief Phaisan Leusomboon, head of the force in the north eastern Thai province, was trying to make a radio call at the weekend but could not connect.


Concerned by this he went to the radio operations room where he found one of his men so drunk that he could barely stand.


The officer was out of uniform too.


A breath test was ordered and the officer, who admitted to drinking on duty, was found to have 295 milligrams in his blood.


He was stepped down and placed on sentry duties for a month. This was according to procedures, said Phaisan.


The chief added that it was not his intention for the video to end up in the public domain, reported Daily News.


The video he took was intended to remind all station chiefs in the province to make sure that officers under their command are not drunk on duty.


Source: Daily News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-10-30
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e was stepped down, and placed on sentry duty for 1 month?????

Is the police chief serious???

Should be sacked immediatey, if a policeman goes on duty drunk, he is a danger not only to his self, but the public he is paid to serve and protect.

Did i really say that??? serve and protect. That statement does not apply to the RTP.

Edited by colinneil
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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

He got off lightly, should have also sent him to AA, but then again I don't think they have one in Thailand, or if they did, he would probably have to book 12 months in advance.

There are plenty of AA meetings all over Thailand.

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2 hours ago, colinneil said:


e was stepped down, and placed on sentry duty for 1 month?????

Is the police chief serious???

Should be sacked immediatey, if a policeman goes on duty drunk, he is a danger not only to his self, but the public he is paid to serve and protect.

Did i really say that??? serve and protect. That statement does not apply to the RTP.

Everybody, myself included, makes mistakes and we all deserve a second chance. 

Should the officer in question be found to be under the influence of alcohol while on duty ever again, then yes, sack him on the spot. 


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4 hours ago, webfact said:

The video he took was intended to remind all station chiefs in the province to make sure that officers under their command are not drunk on duty.

sure doesnt seem too savvy; did he really expect such a video would make one milli-iota of a difference to station chiefs ? if so, then added to the leak and the 'penalty', this guy is not an effective

police chief

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1 hour ago, djayz said:

Everybody, myself included, makes mistakes and we all deserve a second chance. 

Should the officer in question be found to be under the influence of alcohol while on duty ever again, then yes, sack him on the spot. 


Yes,  but not all of us are drinking on duty where we have access to guns ! Sack him for good.

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4 hours ago, stereolab said:

They have police in Nong Khai?  Where exactly would a policeman be placed on sentry duty?

At least he was relatively harmless in the radio shack. except for inconveniencing his boss which is where he made his big mistake. Putting him out on the beat only gives him the opportunity to do a bit of quiet extorting of the punters around the neighbourhood.

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20 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Funny how people who say that would still not have any hesitation in seeking their help if it were needed.

Well if you knew anything about me, and my experiences with the RTP, that would be the last thing you would have posted.

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1 minute ago, colinneil said:

Well if you knew anything about me, and my experiences with the RTP, that would be the last thing you would have posted.

You have frequently mentioned everything that you consider the rest of us should know about your situation here and you have my sympathy for that.  


There are many circumstances in which the RTP do serve and protect those that need help and it is daft to say there aren't but you're still saying that you wouldn't use the services of the police in a situation that called for it?

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1 hour ago, Cadbury said:

At least he was relatively harmless in the radio shack. except for inconveniencing his boss which is where he made his big mistake. Putting him out on the beat only gives him the opportunity to do a bit of quiet extorting of the punters around the neighbourhood.

Outside the executive bog ?


2 hours ago, petermik said:

Nearest 7/11 or Family Mart :thumbsup:

Outside the BIbs executive bog ?

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3 hours ago, djayz said:

Everybody, myself included, makes mistakes and we all deserve a second chance. 

Should the officer in question be found to be under the influence of alcohol while on duty ever again, then yes, sack him on the spot. 


That is very 'nice' of you, but would you hold to the same principle if he was on duty and driving? :whistling:  Seems to be a case, for the copper and his boss, of do as I say not as I do.

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They have AA in Thailand. There are ca. 30 Metings all over Thailand in Thai language and a few 100 in English. It seems there are mor falangs than Thai people who need AA Meetings.. :-)

Edited by swissman53
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7 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

He got off lightly, should have also sent him to AA, but then again I don't think they have one in Thailand,

You should really check what you say before you say it here.... a quick check with Google would have identified to you that Alcoholics Anonymous is operating throughout Thailand along side some relatively sophisticated private operators for addiction treatment 

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1 hour ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

The last people I would seek out would be the RTP unless an absolute last resort and I couldn't avoid it.


That is on the advice of all my Thai friends and 30 years experience living here. 

agreed; when i moved here so long ago, i was shocked at the depth of hatred my thai wife and her family had for the police; took me a while, but i eventually understood enough

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