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Mystery over British man who died at Thailand party after sending ominous WhatsApp messages


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Mystery over British man who died at Thailand party after sending ominous WhatsApp messages

Andrew Apperley, 38, sent messages to family before disappearing

Flora Thompson



Andrew Apperley sent a series of messages before he disappeared Facebook


The family of a tourist who vanished after a full moon party in Thailand said his death remained a mystery after an inquest did not offer any conclusive findings.


Relatives of Andrew Apperley, 38, initially feared he had been murdered when he went missing after the notorious gathering on the island of Ko Pha Ngan on 12 February, after sending them a host of cryptic WhatsApp messages.


Shortly before the father-of-one died, he sent messages which said: "OMG had a mad night, all the guys wanting [to] kill me," followed by another which spoke about a "scary guy with the face mask", an inquest heard on Thursday.


Full story: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/mystery-british-man-death-whatsapp-messages-full-moon-party-thailand-andrew-apperley-a8059526.html


-- INDEPENDENT 2017-11-17

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Andrew Apperley Thailand death: Inquiry branded 'medieval'


An investigation into the death of a British tourist in Thailand has been branded "medieval" by a coroner.


Sussex coroner Alan Craze made the criticism at the inquest into the death of Andrew Apperley, whose body was found on the island of Koh Phangan.


Thai investigating officer Suteep Chadakan had given Mr Apperley's cause of death as asphyxiation by drowning.


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-sussex-42014114

-- © Copyright BBC 2017-11-17
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29 minutes ago, webfact said:

Andrew Apperley Thailand death: Inquiry branded 'medieval'

Unfortunately, I would think the word 'medieval', in relation to inquiries to foreigner's deaths here, is not restricted to just this one, unfortunate case.  

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Sadly, many get into trouble there.  For a variety of reasons.  Drugs is the #1 problem.






The Worst Party in Asia


Thailand’s Full Moon Party is debauched, depraved, and increasingly deadly. If only it were fun.



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36 minutes ago, LazySlipper said:

Hope this country one day stops treating murder like a joke.

The guy drowned, as the coroner says "I personally think I am not going to find any evidence of foul play."

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Okay, so this one might have been lazy and ‘medieval’, but the Burmese two were done at the highest level of professionalism. Not the bits we saw with our own eyes. The bits we didn’t see. CSI would be in awe. 


As for the people who say druggies are the scum of the earth, calm down. Deflecting your anger towards others won’t get you anywhere. And it just makes you look completely repugnant. 

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Koh Phangan has many parties during the year but please do not as many subscribers have indicated say that the place is full of druggies this is not always the case there are many who come to these parties who do not take drugs or even smoke . I live on the island it’s a beautiful place yes I would like to see the amount of parties reduced and the music turned down a bit since the military arrived on the island it has not been so bad but as I said it’s a beautiful island with many places to enjoy unlike Koh Samui that has became a concrete jungle ?

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Last time I went many moons ago I and many others only had the redbull buckets with whisky.

Amazing night will never forget what I can remember of it but I never would say it's not full of druggies much more alcohol there than anything.

Edited by kwak250
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33 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

The guy drowned, as the coroner says "I personally think I am not going to find any evidence of foul play."

I read that comment rather differently. I took it as a subtle comment pertaining to the inadequacy of the Thai inquiry. 

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2 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Mind you only idiots go there so one less fool on the planet.

I would suggest its you that is none too bright. As far as I can see from the report there is no mention he took drugs. Yes there are Full Moon parties on the islanf and yes many take drugs but many more don't. I've been on the island and many of my friends too and my kids. We don't take drugs so if I was found dead by your estimation I would be a dumb druggie and deserved to die. 

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12 minutes ago, kwak250 said:

Last time I went many moons ago I and many others only had the redbull buckets with whisky.

Amazing night will never forget what I can remember of it but I never would say it's not full of druggies much more alcohol there than anything.

Yes I went about 10 years or so ago, not my cup of tea but to each his own. It's funny how people read about some party goers getting out of hand and then suddenly extrapolate that to every one of the  thousands there being out of control drug crazed lunatics. Most are there to drink, dance and meet people. Not exactly the end of the world.

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As far as I can make out this man, father of one and 38 years old no less, went to Thailand alone and as it is reported in The Independent,


" .. Mr Apperley had a history of drug taking, liked to party and regularly visited Thailand, the inquest heard.

" Mr Craze said the post mortem found no signs of a struggle, bruising or trauma, adding: "He led a bohemian lifestyle, he took drugs.... "


Whether I find the Royal Thai Police lacking is irrelevant since they may have taken the same view as several people commenting here: party animal, addicted to noxious substances, did something silly and lost his life.


Why should Thailand waste its police resources on such a case? I know it's tough for everyone left behind but Mr Apperley was the problem not the Thai Police and not Thailand.

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10 minutes ago, Blackheart1916 said:

Yes I went about 10 years or so ago, not my cup of tea but to each his own. It's funny how people read about some party goers getting out of hand and then suddenly extrapolate that to every one of the  thousands there being out of control drug crazed lunatics. Most are there to drink, dance and meet people. Not exactly the end of the world.


Kind of like the ones who contend that every guy coming to Thailand is a whore monger who couldn't make it back home. 


And they'd be just as right about some, and just as wrong about others.


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   Many links about the deaths on KP are now under control of Thailand's internet security and not visible anymore.\


      I've just read an old post from July 2007 and it seems that not much has changed since then.


     Koh Phangan Island – The Island of Natural Born Killers & Murders     :post-4641-1156693976:








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according to the referenced article:

"Last year there was reportedly a 54 per cent rise in tourist deaths in Thailand."

how is that possible ?

are tourists, all of a sudden, getting so much more careless ?

or are there other factors at play, such as tourists being preyed on ?

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2 hours ago, Deez said:

"Last year there was reportedly a 54 per cent rise in tourist deaths in Thailand"   TAT will be brainstorming a way to promote this

I got it. "Thailand, so great that each year more choose to die here than to live anyplace else! Especially Great Britain!" It actually works on a number of non-tourism related levels, as well, but I digress. Back on point. If TAT plays this right they can kick off the campaign just in time for the beginning of the all-hallowed new "Death-Tourism Season," which for some unfathomable reason always seems to coincide with the idiotic western holidays and, I guess, is commencing right now. Oh, joy.



You're welcome. Happy holidays.

Edited by Songlaw
wrong verb tense, addition of quotation marks
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28 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

   Many links about the deaths on KP are now under control of Thailand's internet security and not visible anymore.\


      I've just read an old post from July 2007 and it seems that not much has changed since then.


     Koh Phangan Island – The Island of Natural Born Killers & Murders     :post-4641-1156693976:








10 years ago...really scary :sick: 

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3 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Unfortunately, I would think the word 'medieval', in relation to inquiries to foreigner's deaths here, is not restricted to just this one, unfortunate case.  

Not everyone can rise to the mediocre standards of the UK

One in four autopsy reports in UK is substandard, report finds
BMJ 2006; 333 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.333.7573.824-b


A quarter of reports on autopsies requested by UK coroners are poor or unacceptable, concludes an audit of coroners' autopsy practice. The audit report calls for national criteria and standards to improve the quality of autopsies.



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Daily Mirror reported he posted a WhatsApp message about "scary guy with a face mask"  and  "after mushrooms".  Draw your own conclusions from that....


I know some very nice drug users that harm on-one.  And some not very nice people that don't use drugs.  Draw your own conclusions from that.....

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