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Drivers licence physically removed by police from my TW for a blown headlight

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15 hours ago, Thaifish said:

Half way through chewing through my hat. This is Thailand. To the Platinum members and Titanium Members thank you for replying so quickly. I am only a new member and read posts rather than answer to them. I have found this forum full of constructive information which has helped me undoubtedly with many of the issues I have been living here for 5 years (only). I'm the fellang and should not be here anyway, I admitted above the light on the car was blown unknown to me until TW showed me otherwise it would have been repaired at the earliest... I will fix that and pay the fine.. Do the crime and pay the Fine!!


My issue is that do police in Thailand have the power to remove your licence for such a pitty offence of a blown light. If you test positive to Drugs or Alcohol then fair enough remove your licence.


My "Issan Love Machine" is tougher than every Western Lady I have ever met and does not need to toughen up... Without question.???


My reference question above is to Thailand not some other country which you had a similar experience with police taking your licence.


Please I appreciate advice relating to my question above without innuendoes.





"My "Issan Love Machine" is tougher than every Western Lady I have ever met and does not need to toughen up"


your "issan love machine" LOL cannot be as tough as you believe being one of her blinkers broke

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14 hours ago, Thaifish said:

Chickenslegs.. Thank you for reply.. So they do have the power to remove licence until fine is paid...!! It is so hard for a westerner to understand that a licence can be removed for such a menial infringement. No receipt was given and I will have to drive on my Thai licence just to make sure Insurance is covered while we drive to Police station to pay the fine. Sometimes you just bang your head against the wall...!

They didn't give her any written violation notice or anything? 

Note, I would make sure she is with you when you go to pay the fine. I suspect they will not accept the fine from you and will not return her license to you. I have received two violation notices in the past year 1. I rode my MC through an undercrossing in Rachada the cop kept my license and my motorbike then sent me to the station to pay the ฿200 fine immediately. 2. Returning to ASOK from US consulate on Sukhumvit I did not see a do not enter sign and a bib stopped me & gave me a ticket with I believe 5 days to pay and kept my license. Said the violation was ฿2000 but when I went to the station the fine was ฿200 but I had to wait till normal business hours to get the license returned. 

15 hours ago, Thaifish said:

Half way through chewing through my hat. This is Thailand. To the Platinum members and Titanium Members thank you for replying so quickly. I am only a new member and read posts rather than answer to them. I have found this forum full of constructive information which has helped me undoubtedly with many of the issues I have been living here for 5 years (only). I'm the fellang and should not be here anyway, I admitted above the light on the car was blown unknown to me until TW showed me otherwise it would have been repaired at the earliest... I will fix that and pay the fine.. Do the crime and pay the Fine!!


My issue is that do police in Thailand have the power to remove your licence for such a pitty offence of a blown light. If you test positive to Drugs or Alcohol then fair enough remove your licence.


My "Issan Love Machine" is tougher than every Western Lady I have ever met and does not need to toughen up... Without question.???


My reference question above is to Thailand not some other country which you had a similar experience with police taking your licence.


Please I appreciate advice relating to my question above without innuendoes.



It isn't a pity offence it is dangerous, stop moaning and take care of the car.


My personal rule is before starting the car, check oil, water, tyres, brake fluid, lights, hoses, belts, if there is something wrong then you go and have it fixed immediately if you cannot do it yourself. I carry spare hoses, belts, globes oil and brake fluid so I can do it myself before I leave home. Sometimes things do happen on the road but you do not have an on call automobile club here to call on for roadside assistance


Your Wife committed an infringement on the Road while driving with a broken headlight (*which can be extremely dangerous at night). 


The Police officer took her license and issued a fine to be paid at the Police Station. This is not illegal in Thailand, in fact this is the Legal form of operation. 


Offering 'tea money' is illegal. Your wife was pulled over by an honest police officer. Or at least a police offer who had a 'quota' to fill. 



The only solution is to fix the light and go to the Police station, pay the fine and collect the Driving license. In the mean-time your Wife should be cleared to drive because she 'should' have a receipt for her confiscated license. 



Driving the 60km is a right pain in the backside, but so are many things where bureaucracy is concerned. It's part and parcel of being here. 


With regards to going to the DLT to get a replacement licence... its possible, but your Wife's license may already be in the 'system' and the DLT will know you are avoiding the fine. Additionally, the DLT may be further and could be a longer process than simply paying the fine at the Police Station. 




16 hours ago, Thaifish said:

Chickenslegs.. Thank you for reply.. So they do have the power to remove licence until fine is paid...!! It is so hard for a westerner to understand that a licence can be removed for such a menial infringement. No receipt was given and I will have to drive on my Thai licence just to make sure Insurance is covered while we drive to Police station to pay the fine. Sometimes you just bang your head against the wall...!

The licence is being held not withdrawn. Pay the fine and repair the light and licence is returned.

Normal practice. 

If she wouldn't have had her licence with her they would have kept her ID card. If she had neither they would keep hold of the car keys.



If she did not get a ticket you will probably have to go hunt down the police officer to get the license back.  As you said in your original post.  Did she not have the 400 baht on her at the time?  Probably would have avoided the license seizure.


19 hours ago, Thaifish said:

Chickenslegs.. Thank you for reply.. So they do have the power to remove licence until fine is paid...!! It is so hard for a westerner to understand that a licence can be removed for such a menial infringement. No receipt was given and I will have to drive on my Thai licence just to make sure Insurance is covered while we drive to Police station to pay the fine. Sometimes you just bang your head against the wall...!

Not sure why you would think that police don't have such powers. In a western country, it might be unusual for them to take that step (of taking your licence), but if push comes to shove, the licence itself is probably government property, as is a passport. We speak (loosely) of "our" licence, but it's really their licence that they issue to you to hold for when they need to check it! Lol. The state.


I think the traffic cop that was actually enforcing the traffic laws of Thailand should be given some type of medal (or perhaps monetary award). He should at the very least be commended, now if they could one or two more officers (or perhaps all of them) to do their jobs and enforce traffic laws maybe the number of fatal accidents will start to decrease in Thailand.

11 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Sounds like you are being a bit overly dramatic!

How long did you know about the blown headlight before this incident?


I am quite pleased to hear they did not accept the bribe attempt and insist you get it fixed. I wish this happened more frequently, along with those who drive without any lights!


I presume this happened at night and your wife was a danger to other road users driving on a single headlight. Never know if a motorcycle or a car is heading towards you plus she could not see the road ahead properly.


Taking the licence is common practice here and there is no reason why your wife cannot drive, the policeman should have given a ticket which could be shown if she was stopped again.


1. Years back it was mentioned to my neighbor that one of his headlights was not working. His response; never mind, when they are both finished I'll get it fixed.


2.  I confirm, taking your driving license and giving you a receipt which serves as an identification of the matter and you when you go to the police station is the process laid out in the appropriate police operating regulations. 




i am not commenting on your individual case but i wish all the police in Thailand would treat all drivers with lights that do not work like this, followed a newish looking pick up yesterday, it was dark  and he was showing no lights to the rear. i overtook him on a stretch of dual carriageway and his headlights were working fine and i am sure that somewhere in the Thai highway code it says that 20% of motorbikes must show a front light, 20% a rear light 20% no lights and if you are lucky the rest will show two lights but some of the indicators wont work


So a follow up on this thread as I started it in the first place. Whether it is wrong or right with the outcome is in your opinion to decide. This after all is Thailand. Speaking with the TW the next day after the tears had dried up more info was forthcoming on the event. The headlight (1) blew about 15 minutes before the road block. She was aware when it happened. 1 Point to her. I am 100% sure the light was working before she left the bahn this morning as it was dark when she left and I watched her leave. At the road block the customary Wai was given and tea money offered for the offence. Her reasoning to Police was it had just blown and the roads are in poor condition (<deleted> in other words). Another 1 point to her. She failed the attitude test to sit at the table and pay the 400bht fine. 1 point lost. Licence kept by said officer. 1 point lost to her also.
So 60km drive to visit Police station today and fellang keeps low profile in car park whilst TW goes to retrieve licence. The blown light replaced for 300bht enroot. The reason it blew according to mechanic was the wire to globe had rattled lose causing globe to overheat.(read above road <deleted>). 

TW returns to car with grin and licence in her hand and just says..."Som-num-na Tamruat"...(What you deserve Policeman).. Instructed by TW then to wind down the tinted window so Tamruat can see fellang drive out of police station... I give a high Wai and get one back followed by a quick Salute...

My first question to TW how much did you have to pay (Meaning how much I have to Pay)?... "Free no pay. I ring... (lets call him Som Chai) and policeman understand I am right they are wrong".. Licence returned with no tea money or fine paid. Get out of gaol free phone call.

Just to add... This is my tale of a blown headlight on my car. If I could sell a replacement globe to every vehicle/bike/tuk tuk/pushbike that has a blown light in Thailand I would be a very, very, very rich man. My main means of transport is on a Honda Wave around the village and surrounds rather than using the Isuzu pickup simply for convenience. I'm a fellang and must be rich anyway so do not have to show face in the village. I ride my bike like I am invisible and everyone is out to kill me. It took me one year to watch and try and understand how the traffic works before I was slightly confident I might survive on the road with Puddah looking after me and Puddah in the other car/bike/tuktuk looking after them.


Just to add a bit more.. This thread started from my question about Police taking your licence away Legally for a minor (I call it) offence of a blown headlight.. Many replies...Why are you worried just enjoy the drive, go and pay the fine and get on with your life. Why worry so much over a few baht. Your a dangerous driver and your TW deserves to be fined, Police are doing the right thing for not accepting tea money and this is a good thing also. This is normal practice for your licence to be taken.  I probably still have not had a definitive answer to my original post question.


The TW has sorted the issue out in the Thai way.


For those who think maybe the Thai way is no good then why do you like Thailand? Maybe change Thailand to how your country runs and then wonder why you like Thailand after that. 


From the many return posts on this thread thank you. Chock Dee.


Just one more addition to my original post and without editing my last post. Last thing I want to do is to hurt or injure someone with my TW or whoever driving the vehicle with a blown headlight.

On 11/26/2017 at 2:40 PM, naboo said:

In tears for getting pulled for a blown headlight? She'd have more tears if she'd hit someone head on who tought she was a motorbike.


Fix the car, don't moan about it and tell your poor wife to 'toughen up princess'. If anything, the policeman should have demanded she get it fixed before continuing her journey.

You sweet talker You !       :laugh:


by Law police can take your driving licence providing you with written paper ticket receipt (and yes you can still drive)


you have 7 days to pay and get your licence back. or pay more and more


always have your mobile video recording on or and car cam on


if just broken---do not pay. show current demnage. no one wants paperwork and problems. go to police office tell traffic officers demanded tea monet. keep recording 

On 11/27/2017 at 9:08 AM, transam said:

The bulb could have blown on her way home. To me it is a grey area as to getting a fine,  should just be told to get it fixed the next day and present the ride at the police station for inspection and return of DL....

What country has laws that allow you to drive at night without headlights? Its a huge deal and the old might have happened that day is still on the driver. How long you been driving with a moniker like transam and dont notice your headlights arent working. As a falang ive had worse they didnt take my license they took my keys to be returned when i fronted the cop shop to pay my fine. So letting her drive home in a defective vehicle and front up later is a huge win IMO, in fact he has shown considerable leniency. In Australia you would be f!#×/& walking home.

Just now, starky said:

What country has laws that allow you to drive at night without headlights? Its a huge deal and the old might have happened that day is still on the driver. How long you been driving with a moniker like transam and dont notice your headlights arent working. As a falang ive had worse they didnt take my license they took my keys to be returned when i fronted the cop shop to pay my fine. So letting her drive home in a defective vehicle and front up later is a huge win IMO, in fact he has shown considerable leniency. In Australia you would be f!#×/& walking home.

So are you saying that if the ladies bulb blew on the way home at night she should abandon the car and walk home....?

Just now, transam said:

So are you saying that if the ladies bulb blew on the way home at night she should abandon the car and walk home....?

No im saying she was driving a defective vehicle and the officer was lenient. The op half pie implied he knew it was broken anyway. Regardless of that, as a copper, even IF it had broken 5 minutes before as if everyone doesnt say sorry officer I didnt know? Also it aint 1980 led headlights are far less prone to blowing than the bulbs we grew up with. Finally the bulb was broke ahe got to drive home and its a lousy 400 lesson learnt IMO. :partytime2:

19 hours ago, Russell17au said:

My personal rule is before starting the car, check oil, water, tyres, brake fluid, lights, hoses, belts, if there is something wrong then you go and have it fixed immediately if you cannot do it yourself. I carry spare hoses, belts, globes oil and brake fluid so I can do it myself before I leave home. Sometimes things do happen on the road but you do not have an on call automobile club here to call on for roadside assistance

Im all for your diligence but how old is your car? What ya driving a model T? What modern car in your opinion would require you to carry all that shit round with you?



40 minutes ago, starky said:

No im saying she was driving a defective vehicle and the officer was lenient. The op half pie implied he knew it was broken anyway. Regardless of that, as a copper, even IF it had broken 5 minutes before as if everyone doesnt say sorry officer I didnt know? Also it aint 1980 led headlights are far less prone to blowing than the bulbs we grew up with. Finally the bulb was broke ahe got to drive home and its a lousy 400 lesson learnt IMO. :partytime2:

Hmmmm, so now it shouldn't have blown cos it ain't an old ride..eyes.gif.db52186b7a4a7ccf0564a38ebcb5e2d6.gif

My Vigo hasn't got LED bulbs..

9 hours ago, transam said:


Hmmmm, so now it shouldn't have blown cos it ain't an old ride..eyes.gif.db52186b7a4a7ccf0564a38ebcb5e2d6.gif

My Vigo hasn't got LED bulbs..

If that's all you took out of that mate theirs no emoji in the world to describe your ignorance. Point is it could of happened as she was rolling up on him for all I give a F@#%. Cars defective she's in the wrong he let her off easy.

19 hours ago, CNX69 said:

by Law police can take your driving licence providing you with written paper ticket receipt (and yes you can still drive)


you have 7 days to pay and get your licence back. or pay more and more


always have your mobile video recording on or and car cam on


if just broken---do not pay. show current demnage. no one wants paperwork and problems. go to police office tell traffic officers demanded tea monet. keep recording 


Smart people also have a dashcam.



1 hour ago, EcigAmateur said:

If she was smart she would have said that license was at home !


Then they can and quite often will take the car keys.


i accidentally got on to motorway with my motorbike  in bkk  

i am from cm and didn't know the area 

pulled over  by motorbike cop and told to show licence

he said could have it back for 2000b 

i tried 500b but he stuck to 2000b 

eventually paid to get licence back and go

but he has a nice chap as showed me where to get off the motorway

12 hours ago, EcigAmateur said:


German keyless car, the rats can cry.



And you really think you'll get away with that? They'll simply keep the car.


seems you want the best of both worlds. You stated you or your TW as you call her offered an illegal bribe. Then moan it was refused. Wouldnt have happened if maintained the car. If your little bribe would have worked you would be on here moaning about police corruption. Man up take it on the chin and fix and maintain your vehicle

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