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"Foreigners against smoking ban" video hits the internet as authorities scurry to explain


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"Foreigners against smoking ban" video hits the internet as authorities scurry to explain



Picture: Sophon Cable


The head of regional coastal resources rushed to Dong Tan beach in Pattaya yesterday as a "Foreigners Against the Smoking Ban" video hit the internet.


But despite people claiming that the ban would hit tourism, the chief was still adamant - smoke after February 1st and risk jail.


The video on the Facebook page of Sophon Cable TV has dramatic drumbeats and red lettering and begins saying that foreigners are "Anti" the smoking ban.


The word "anti" is transliterated directly into Thai language.


A man who appears to be a beach chair operator then says: "People just was want to have a drink and a smoke. They are asking why they can't smoke".


Then Thanet Mannoi, director of the Region 2 Department of Marine and Coastal resources says that he is there to work with the beach chair people and massage operators to help enforce the ban. He says they agree with it.


Then comes the big red lettering again promising a year in jail and a 100,000 baht fine for those breaking the law when it is enforced strictly from the start of February.


In another story on Sophon's page the chief insisted that his visit to the beach was to help people understand the reasons for the ban.


Meanwhile comment from Thais on the Sophon pages was - as in other social media - mixed. Some agreed wholeheartedly with hounding smokers away from beaches while others said that there were plenty of places on the beach to smoke so it shouldn't be a big problem.


Others said that the fines and jail term were ridiculously severe.


However, many said that Pattaya was very quiet with hardly any "farang" in town.


The message was clear that alienating visitors at a time when there are few may not be a good thing.


Source: Sophon Cable

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-12-08
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I was along beach road Pattaya yesterday and observed 3 jetski operators smoking on the beach, they were being discrete about it (not out in the open) and guess where they tossed the butts - under their foot into the sand.


I also observed piles of rubbish stacked up at various places along the footpath consisting of plastic bottles - plastic bags and general litter, what is it with Thais and litter, are they so used to it that they don't even see it, do they think someone else should be cleaning up after them like the tourists, are they so busy stuffing money in their pockets that they don't care about dirty litter ridden hovel they leave behind


I am wondering what will happen if they ever try to take someone to court for smoking on the beach and the court asks what offence was being committed against the environment since the person was using an ashtray and disposing of the waste correctly

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They are right, there aren't many foreigners in Pattaya and it is exactly this sort of stupidity that keeps them away. That and the cops extorting money, along with the thefts, assaults, crazy drivers and other aggravation. Cambodia is rammed with visitors I hear. I wonder why? :smile:

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6 minutes ago, gandalf12 said:

The ban is not the real problem. The problem is we all know it won't apply to Thai's and secondly the penalty is higher than that for assault. 

And there is the rub of this whole affair. If we, foreigners, don't see any Thais being jailed and/or fined for this offense, we will continue to believe that this is just another way to get money from foreigners.


Given the penchant for Thais to smoke everywhere and ignore the laws, it is reasonable to expect to see at least 10 Thai people for every 1 foreign person caught, fined and/or jailed. Otherwise, the proof is in the pudding...

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Smoke all you like, but not on beaches, restaurants, public transport or hotel swimming pools and especially near children. Go back to where you came from if you don't like it and try it in your country. Thailand is their country, you are guests, behave like one, and it's about time they stuck to their guns on something at least, and yes I cannot stand cigarette smoke !


Image result for picture of a smoker dying

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17 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Smoke all you like, but not on beaches, restaurants, public transport or hotel swimming pools and especially near children. Go back to where you came from if you don't like it and try it in your country. Thailand is their country, you are guests, behave like one, and it's about time they stuck to their guns on something at least, and yes I cannot stand cigarette smoke !


Image result for picture of a smoker dying

Good for you, lots of people don’t like cigarette smoke. And lots of people don’t like spending a year in jail and losing ฿100,000 for making a mistake due to force of habit. I am a guest in this country, it’s true  - an invited guest. And although I don’t like the smell of cigarette smoke, if I invite someone into my house, I permit them, as an invited guest, to do as they would in their own home. As soon as the homeowners of the beach, the Thais, start spending a year in jail and paying ฿100,000 for lighting up, I will no longer complain about this new regulation.

Edited by noahvail
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13 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Smoke all you like, but not on beaches, restaurants, public transport or hotel swimming pools and especially near children. Go back to where you came from if you don't like it and try it in your country. Thailand is their country, you are guests, behave like one, and it's about time they stuck to their guns on something at least, and yes I cannot stand cigarette smoke !


Image result for picture of a smoker dying

I would tend to agree but was there ever a big problem with people smoking on the beach ? Its like they are tackling a problem thats relatively minor. Its being presented as an environmental thing, clean up the pollution etc, not a public health thing. The Thai Gov is presenting it as the holy grail to fix beach pollution, yes its a contributing factor but minor in comparison to plastic and sewage.

If it was legislation for public health, second hand smoke etc, I would get it, but nobody seems to be putting it foward as that.

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53 minutes ago, noahvail said:

Good for you, lots of people don’t like cigarette smoke. And lots of people don’t like spending a year in jail and losing ฿100,000 for making a mistake due to force of habit. I am a guest in this country, it’s true  - an invited guest. And although I don’t like the smell of cigarette smoke, if I invite someone into my house, I permit them, as an invited guest, to do as they would in their own home. As soon as the homeowners of the beach, the Thais, start spending a year in jail and paying ฿100,000 for lighting up, I will no longer complain about this new regulation.

Before moving to Thailand two years ago (8 years in the planning) for retirement.


I knew that Thailand would have two sets of rules, one for farangs and one for Thai's, I can live with that, if I couldn't I would have to pack up my bags and go back to what I consider a worse life, even though you would be considered an equal.

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44 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

I would tend to agree but was there ever a big problem with people smoking on the beach ? Its like they are tackling a problem thats relatively minor. Its being presented as an environmental thing, clean up the pollution etc, not a public health thing. The Thai Gov is presenting it as the holy grail to fix beach pollution, yes its a contributing factor but minor in comparison to plastic and sewage.

If it was legislation for public health, second hand smoke etc, I would get it, but nobody seems to be putting it foward as that.

Nothing ever makes sense here in Thailand, I accept that, cigarette smoke is mild compared to the mornings here in Isaan where the smoke is thick from the night burning, but its part of the mentality that one has to adjust too, i.e. eat grass for breakfast and you will soon forget about the smoke outside.

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I gave up smoking more that 18 years ago Thank god I did or I am sure I would be in the grave by now


If you are so warred  about smoking then just quite The benefits are Huge


1. Never get fined on the beach

2. Lungs will improve  dramatically

3. Food and smell him be heightened

4. More girls will find you more attractive

5. your cloths will smell better

6. Increased possible income from not buying  cigarettes

7. Longer life


I can go on and on You can add more to this list but I think you get the idea

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17 minutes ago, mark01 said:

Far more effective would have been to just install ashtrays.

Far more beneficial would be to stop litter and build an effective drainage system instead of skimming off all the money.

There used to be square concrete ash collectors (much bigger than trays) on Jomtien beach before the great "improvement". Guess they got rid of those because someone would have to empty the butts from time to time. Sorry I don't have a photo

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21 minutes ago, mark01 said:

Far more effective would have been to just install ashtrays.

Far more beneficial would be to stop litter and build an effective drainage system instead of skimming off all the money.

Good heavens, no! That's far too sensible!


No, rather than address the problem of butts on the beach in a way that will suit everyone, better to alienate and persecute smokers, as usual. It's the currently fashionable, PC thing these days. It used to be blacks, Jews and homosexuals that it was acceptable to hate, but they've been rehabilitated now, and so another minority group had to be found to persecute relentlessly. And smokers are an easy target.


It's funny how things change. Back in the 1950s UK, it was common to see signs in the windows of B&B places with "No blacks, no Irish". People today look in horror at the bigotry displayed by those signs, and yet find it quite acceptable for there to be equally bigoted signs saying "No smokers". It's all about being 'on message' in these narrow-minded, Politically Correct times.


It's an unfortunate aspect of human nature that the herd always like to have someone to bully, and currently the victims are smokers, since they have become a minority group and they've been effectively excluded from the liberal PC narrative. They are also easy to identify and target, making them a perfect victim for the self-righteous bullies who so love to tell people what they can and cannot do.

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1 hour ago, realenglish1 said:

I gave up smoking more that 18 years ago Thank god I did or I am sure I would be in the grave by now


If you are so warred  about smoking then just quite The benefits are Huge


1. Never get fined on the beach

2. Lungs will improve  dramatically

3. Food and smell him be heightened

4. More girls will find you more attractive

5. your cloths will smell better

6. Increased possible income from not buying  cigarettes

7. Longer life


I can go on and on You can add more to this list but I think you get the idea

If it is that bad for you, surely governments would print a warning on the pack.

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I wonder if this is going to be announced or clearly displayed on the visa application as tourists get a tourist visa, if they need one. I doubt the amazing Thailand picture will give the whole truth. I am in favour of penalties, but 100,000 B --like others have stated-- is grotesque. Alternatively, considering smoking is highly addictive, Thai beaches should have a booth, fit with metal sheet and no insulation and no a/c, to help with going cold turkey. Kidding.

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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

They are right, there aren't many foreigners in Pattaya and it is exactly this sort of stupidity that keeps them away. That and the cops extorting money, along with the thefts, assaults, crazy drivers and other aggravation. Cambodia is rammed with visitors I hear. I wonder why? :smile:


Many, many countries have much stricter laws regarding the disgusting habit of smoking in public places. Many also have strict rules about drinking alcohol in public places. And many of these foreign tourists come from such countries.


Little sympathy for those who expect to come to another country and do as they please even though it would be against the law in their home country.



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Once again the Thai authorities show ther true colours. Yet another nail in the coffin for Thai tourism. Concentrate on the bl@@dy carnage that is happening every day on your roads instead because that is a far worse situation than a person having a relaxing smoke on the beach. Yes smoking kills but so do pi$$ed and drugged up drivers who continue to deprive families of their loved ones. Get you priorities right or lose the fight. 

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"smoke after February 1st and risk jail.", except the farmers and villagers

up here in Chiang Mai, every year they cause a massive problem with the

burning farm waste,which affects 1000's  of people,some with breathing

problems that end up in hospital, but smoke one cigarette on the beach 

and you could end up in jail ! , the authorities need to get their priorities 

in focus. 


regards worgeordie

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I like smoking bans. 

If it takes a reasonable fine to put teeth to them, that seems OK too.

500 baht. 1000 baht. Even 2000 baht.

But a year in jail / 100,000 baht?

I don't understand how this rule even passed in the first place.

It's just absurdly severe and bound to get negative international press.

Yes even non-smokers (like myself) hate such over the top DRACONIAN punishments that are way out of proportion to the violation.

I'd much rather have NO BANS than punishments like that. 

While you're at it, don't be showing any "crack" on the beach either. Then you could be talking many years in the slammer. 


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Just to put the 100,000 baht fine for smoking into perspective: that fine is equal to the combined fines of 200 Thai people who decide to stab you. The fine for a Thai stabbing a foreign tourist is 500 baht (see repeat offender watch seller who stabbed a foreigner on Beach Road). So, smoke on the beach and your crime is the same as 200 Thais all getting in a knife wound on you.

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1 hour ago, klauskunkel said:

Tourist to Pattaya Beach Authority Officer: "So, you are going to fine me 100,000 baht for smoking? Might as well add on the 500 baht for my fist in your face."

"a year in jail and a 100,000 baht fine for those breaking the law"  Perhaps they will leave the 500B fine til you get out of jail in a year????   (But I like the cut of your jib, young man!)  P.S.  However old you are, you are probably still younger than me.....

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

In another story on Sophon's page the chief insisted that his visit to the beach was to help people understand the reasons for the ban.

What exactly are the reasons? Clean up the beaches. Ridiculous. I agree that people butting out in the sand and not disposing of the butt properly is not good. But (no pun intended) you could light up next to a bin with every intention of putting the butt in the bin and go to jail. This is insanity on a grand scale.

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