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Actor Alec Baldwin defends film maker Woody Allen as Hollywood backs away

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7 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Not creepy or illegal and they have been married 20 years, plenty here married to far younger Thai women, is that 'creepy'?

It's OK when I do it, just wrong when you do it.

1 minute ago, canuckamuck said:

The Prime minster of Britain is female, the Empress of Germany/Europe is female, The US will almost certainly have a female president in the next election or the one after that. I am sure that Justin Trudeau is ashamed of his testicles, as is probably Macron.  Corporations do not switch leadership in the same manner as politics. But you can see the trend there as well.

Yes, we're finally moving into an era where there's less of an "old boy's club" although you're fully aware, I'm sure, that this is easily still the predominant state of affairs except in Scandinavia. I should think any sensible person would applaud this shift. Economically and politically you're tapping into a majority of the population who will have been under-utilized in comparison to their potential. And for those who are against this in principle, think of the other benefits - it will give more enlightened economies and countries a comparative advantage and reduce the strength and power of the old patriarchal and religious regimes such as those in the Middle East. 

2 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

 It was a perfect night for the beatification of Saint Oprah, the woman who almost single-handedly created the mass appeal of political correctness.


Loits of nonsense in your post, but this one stood out.

2 hours ago, JCauto said:

True, but it makes one very nervous about the allegations that he was messing with an even younger one. I would completely understand backing away from a guy whose behaviour is already clearly borderline when there are other allegations out there, that's just managing risk. The people backing away from him are not outside his house with pitchforks, they're choosing not to associate with someone who may well be dodgy now that those who previously have operated with impunity have lost it. So nobody is persecuting him, he's enjoying the fruits of his actions. Don't act creepy, and people won't treat you like some creep.

At the time that the allegations about Allen molesting Dylan Farrow were being aired, the police asked Both Woody Allen and Mia Farrow to submit to polygraph tests. Allen immediately agreed, Farrow declined. Lusting after very young women may be unsavory, but it's not pedophilia. So you can stop being nervous about those allegations.

2 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

I watched the Golden Globes, the whole thing was celebration of the conquest of women over predatory men, particularly white men. 

Since most of the executives and directors in Hollywood are white men, it would be odd if the big majority wasn't men. But thanks for sharing with us your obsession about race.

16 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

This is a good day for you. War on men and a blackface thread too. You better put the kettle on.

Good day for you to troll as well it would seem.


The idea of sexual harassment in the US, has passed all reasonable boundaries. When Matt Damon recently came out and stated that there was a big difference between a little pat on the butt, and forceful rape, he was nearly crucified by some women in Hollywood, (especially the shrill, elderly, and way, way, way past the sell by date Minnie Driver). That alone demonstrated to the most reasonable mind, how far out of control this "war on men" has gone. It is beyond ridiculous. It is petty, silly, surly, and just plain old dumb. Not to say there are not men who deserve it. But, a pat on the butt, or a man putting his hand on a woman's thigh, when they are engaged in a friendly conversation is NOT the same as forceful rape and may not constitute sexual harassment. And yes, I would feel the same way if it happened to my daughter. Give me a break. This whole situation is stupid. American men have been emasculated already. Now, it is getting so extreme, pretty soon it might be illegal to even possess a male organ in the US. 


Catherine Deneuve recently signed a letter with 100 other French women, warning American women that they are on the verge of something horrific. That they are pushing men into being something alot less than men. Of course, they did not get it, at all. And they put so much pressure on her, that she had to make somewhat of a retraction. UGH. 


So, I propose this. When a woman accuses a man of "sexual harassment" the burden of proof lies on her. She has to demonstrate some evidence. Otherwise, it is he said, she said. And in the US, she said always wins out. In Canada a recent case of harassment was made, and the woman was asked to prove it. When she could not, she was sued for libel, and the man won. Hurray!


It is the utter embodiment of a nation that has lost it's footing, has really never found it's identity, and has a population of women, 90% of whom, have no ability, willingness, wherewithal, or desire to connect with, manifest, or embody their inner woman, or express femininity for anything other than personal gain. The US is  on the decline, and has been for the past 30-40 years. It is the Western Roman Empire, in the late 5th century AD, prior to Odoacer marching on Rome. 


No matter what any fool says, there is no making American great again. Ain't gonna happen. Not in our lifetimes. The direction that country is going in, is irreversible. It is sinking into a wormhole of it's own making. Gorging on reality TV for three decades is a large reason for it. An impotent class of millennials, a completely broken political system, populated by whores on both sides of the aisles, who worship at the feet of a golden calf (lobbyists and the NRA), a completely re-populated political swamp, division, hatred, xenophobia, a completely broken immigration policy (how can you possibly discuss illegal immigration, when you are unwilling to discuss fixing legal immigration?), the astonishing exodus of industry, and more. I could go on for days.


I am an American. I own a business in the US. I spend time there annually. I am not just making this crap up. I have seen it firsthand. It is NOT the nation I knew as a young man. It is a land of bitter, disenfranchised, disillusioned, joyless, unfulfilled people, for the most part. There are exceptions, of course. But, I would say unless you are in the top 5%, the quality of your life has diminished so significantly in the past couple of decades, it is beyond recognition. And the American women, are perhaps the greatest representatives of this malcontent, bitter attitude. Now, Me too has given them a platform to express their hatred of men. 


I feel extremely fortunate to have escaped. And my heart goes out to many of those men that remain. 




15 minutes ago, JCauto said:

Yes, we're finally moving into an era where there's less of an "old boy's club" although you're fully aware, I'm sure, that this is easily still the predominant state of affairs except in Scandinavia. I should think any sensible person would applaud this shift. Economically and politically you're tapping into a majority of the population who will have been under-utilized in comparison to their potential. And for those who are against this in principle, think of the other benefits - it will give more enlightened economies and countries a comparative advantage and reduce the strength and power of the old patriarchal and religious regimes such as those in the Middle East. 


While there is some truth to what you are saying, especially when it comes to 14th century regions like the backwards, silly, surly, ignorant Sharia parts of the Middle East, this has gone way, way too far. There is no threshold of proof. The burden needs to be on the accusers, to come up with some proof of their allegations. Otherwise it is a witch hunt, combined with a potential payday. 

19 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

This is a good day for you. War on men and a blackface thread too. You better put the kettle on.

Wow, another racial comment in a thread that's not about race. It's not like you're obsessed.

2 hours ago, JCauto said:

Yes, how terrible! Those poor predatory men! Unable to grope, coerce or otherwise choose to take advantage of those less powerful than they. How awful for them. Yes, more casualties in the horrific war on men.


And look at the victorious harpies! Now they dominate corporate boards, power and shares, they are overwhelming majorities in the world's parliaments and serve as most heads of government. And what have men done to deserve this complete loss of their power other than completely despoil the planet, bring endless war and misery for the majority of the people?

The state of the world these days, I tell ya.



Good one.

8 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


While there is some truth to what you are saying, especially when it comes to 14th century regions like the backwards, silly, surly, ignorant Sharia parts of the Middle East, this has gone way, way too far. There is no threshold of proof. The burden needs to be on the accusers, to come up with some proof of their allegations. Otherwise it is a witch hunt, combined with a potential payday. 

From what I can see, American society is doing well enough at parsing between what constitutes genuine sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape and what is flirting and genuine misunderstanding of when things go wrong. The case of Aziz Ansari is quite instructive; it's been fully through the media cycle and the overwhelming consensus is that this was no case of sexual coercion, harassment or otherwise, but the kind of stuff that happens on a bad date. He's not being crucified, quite the contrary, he's come off well whereas his accuser has not. On the other hand, do you seriously doubt that Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby were serial sexual predators?


Just because people are finally feeling safe to come out and name the people who took advantage of them when they were younger does not mean that they are opportunists looking for money. Fact is that this is not an easy thing to be the accuser for, you open yourself to all sorts of unpleasant scrutiny and it diminishes automatically everything you've done in your career in addition to reopening old wounds. Guys who do this NEVER do this just once, and I haven't seen many who have been accused that have only one accuser (although, somewhat ironically in the context of this point you might put Woody Allen in that category). Sure, these guys are rich and powerful, that's the point. But they're not going after EVERY rich and powerful guy, are they? That's because the percentage of sexual predators is actually pretty low I suspect. So to hell with them, they get what's coming.

I would only note that with respect to your previous post, as a professional male, I cannot think of a single situation in which it would be appropriate for me to put my hand on a female colleague's butt or thigh, or a male colleague's for that matter. And if I saw someone do that to my daughter, I would probably end up in a physical confrontation. But nobody is being called on the carpet for that anyway. They went well beyond it and did so repeatedly. Just because the environment has finally changed and the serial offenders are getting their just desserts is no reason to flee the country screaming about the "War on Men".


. . .  sentiment has turned against him


Well, that's it then. Never mind evidence. Clearly he's a guilty scumbag if the mass media and their ignorant lapdogs say he is.


Beam me up, Scottie.

1 hour ago, JCauto said:

You did say "It is creepy. But I don't know that careers should be necessarily ruined for being creepy." I presumed as we were talking about Woody Allen, that this is what you meant. Apologies if not, I was not trying to fabricate anything from what you wrote.

Don't act dumb. You posted as if I was saying his career HAD been ruined. I NEVER said that. I said they shouldn't be ruined. I can see you're fluent in English so don't act like you don't understand the difference. Please be more careful in creating fictions about what other people post. Would you appreciate that if people did that to you?


As far as Woody, well, whatever happens now, he's already quite old and has been amazingly prolific. So if things were cut off for him now, it's not as if the world would be deprived of most of his body of work. Unlike Louis C.K. I was really looking forward to a lot more wonderful stuff from him. 

1 hour ago, JCauto said:

Yes, we're finally moving into an era where there's less of an "old boy's club" although you're fully aware, I'm sure, that this is easily still the predominant state of affairs except in Scandinavia. I should think any sensible person would applaud this shift. Economically and politically you're tapping into a majority of the population who will have been under-utilized in comparison to their potential. And for those who are against this in principle, think of the other benefits - it will give more enlightened economies and countries a comparative advantage and reduce the strength and power of the old patriarchal and religious regimes such as those in the Middle East. 

So you were wrong then about "men continue to completely dominate practically all affairs of humankind at all important levels. "

1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Since most of the executives and directors in Hollywood are white men, it would be odd if the big majority wasn't men. But thanks for sharing with us your obsession about race.

You want to see obsession about race, watch basically anything mainstream from America.

1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

Good day for you to troll as well it would seem.

If by trolling you mean making sensible comments and being attacked by butt hurt Liberals, then yes, a very good day.

4 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

So you were wrong then about "men continue to completely dominate practically all affairs of humankind at all important levels. "

No. That remains true. I noted that we are moving into an era, not that we're in an era. Transitions take time. And I doubt that there will be anything near a 50/50 society any time soon. But there is no stopping the trend, nor any reason to seriously oppose it.

1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Wow, another racial comment in a thread that's not about race. It's not like you're obsessed.

I mentioned a topic currently running as I know that my good friend Mr Bluespunk has strong opinions on the subject. I did not comment on race. So today I made exactly one comment about which included the term white men. Now I am obsessed. I guess if you got nothing you can always make up a strawgument.


The witch hunt has become fashionable and has gone too far. What I think is troubling is that all it takes is an accusation of misconduct and you're done, fired and suddenly the devil's right hand guy without a shred of evidence in most cases and no recourse to defend yourself...auto guilty. With historic alleged sexual misconduct allegations there is no proof, photo or anything so it's just one person's word against another's. Some of these Hollyweird women accepted 100s of thousands of dollars in settlements and seem to have forgotten what that word/act means, complicates things a lot.


I don't think this will help normal women in the workplace generally, and may actually find it has the opposite effect, as possibly doors that were once open to them may close due to men being fearful of being accused of the slightest thing, then having their lives wrecked by the puritanic PC brigade and police. You'll have men at the office asking women to sign good conduct forms after meetings, fewer high level jobs on offer for women due to the possibility of being an unstable element and so on. 


Glad I don't live in such ridiculous societies that have lost their way to such an extent.

34 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

If by trolling you mean making sensible comments and being attacked by butt hurt Liberals, then yes, a very good day.



I mean your comment had nothing to do with my point or the topic.


In effect, trolling.


Something the alt right delights in.

5 hours ago, JCauto said:

Because, you know, divorcing your wife and marrying her adopted daughter who's 35 years younger than you and who was a teenager when you met is totally not creepy.

Kind of the norm here in Thailand.

1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Don't act dumb. You posted as if I was saying his career HAD been ruined. I NEVER said that. I said they shouldn't be ruined. I can see you're fluent in English so don't act like you don't understand the difference. Please be more careful in creating fictions about what other people post. Would you appreciate that if people did that to you?


As far as Woody, well, whatever happens now, he's already quite old and has been amazingly prolific. So if things were cut off for him now, it's not as if the world would be deprived of most of his body of work. Unlike Louis C.K. I was really looking forward to a lot more wonderful stuff from him. 

I hope Louis CK comes back - he's a genius.  After all, all did was wank in front of people!

2 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I hope Louis CK comes back - he's a genius.  After all, all did was wank in front of people!

He is certainly an assh*le but he is also a comedic genius. Anyway, given the reality of streaming, he doesn't really need the backing of studios or networks to create more stuff.

4 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

Was your point that Americans are obsessed with race?

No, you are. Here once again is your assertion:

"You want to see obsession about race, watch basically anything mainstream from America."

7 hours ago, webfact said:

Baldwin said he did not intend to "dismiss or ignore such complaints."


"But accusing people of such crimes should be treated carefully," he added.

Alec Baldwin emerges from the swamp as the voice of reason.  I love it.


Perhaps he'll grace us with an over-the-top rendition of an embattled Woody Allen on a Saturday Night Live skit? 



13 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

No, you are. Here once again is your assertion:

"You want to see obsession about race, watch basically anything mainstream from America."

You are trolling pretty hard today. Maybe you should give it rest.


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