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Dual pricing: What happened when a Thai was charged the ‘farang price’


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4 hours ago, kurtmartens said:

I hear what you are saying, I really do.  I just don't, honestly, see what the big deal is paying more to live here.  It is still cheaper than most of our home countries.  Paying 20 Baht for a bottle of water doesn't seem excessive to me.  Now, what bothers me is if you are a regular at that store the owner clearly didn't see the bigger picture of keeping you as a customer. 

That really isn't the issue here which is whether you can pay more or not? It is what if the shoe was on the other foot?  I hear this logic from individual like you (nothing personal) but the logic really doesn't hold water.  I term this due to the exchange rate makes people who come here not the Land of Smile but Land of Stupidity.

I have a close friend, he isn't well off but does o.k. never has help anyone in his life or step into a church or as far as I know even made a donation to a charity. Yet when he is here starts throwing money around saying Thai people are poor and he wants to give them a uplift in life, any and every excuse to pay more.  I told him whenever you open your mouth make sure no one is around you because they would think you are stupid. I said the above to him and if he really felt that way I could take him to a shelter where he could give his heart content to the real poor and disadvantage or go to the corner of Sukhumvit and throw your money out on the street plenty poor there too.

I have no real problem with this type of thinking but you can say it all you want to make yourself happy but why not pay more for everything be consistent which you know you aren't and can't. If that was the case why not pay more for your current living accomadations, more for all your food, your clothes, your transportation, etc etc all cheaper back home,  yea a bottle of water good example? :sorry:

Edited by thailand49
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8 hours ago, flyfrog said:

You think England or other Europe (soon to be Arab) countries are better. Good luck I love it here already 28 years

Totally agree, for all the criticisms you read here (and I have never had a problem with double pricing) I will not be leaving any time soon or ever.

Great place to live

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3 hours ago, wabothai said:

you haven't been around long enough

Or maybe you have been around too long, I live about half way between both places and haven’t had a problem apart from a few National Parks, in most cases, when I show my Thai ID I get the Thai price, on other occasions we decide collectively we are not going in and they quickly want to give a big discount.

The price is still nowhere what I would pay in  Australian for entry to a similar place.

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2 hours ago, Slain said:

I wonder how if the Thai folks that do manage to visit say UK ,and upon entering a London museum would be charged while all other nationalities get to go in free?

You can accept paying extra if you are a tourist maybe in tourist area, but to look at someone and charge you more because of your race is racist. Same with food stalls and shops.

Ok, maybe its' their right to do so, but they need to be told how welcoming it is not.

As you said it’s racist —. That’s how backward the country is

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I believe its in the DNA of all people from third world countries to think that anybody from a first world country is rich...... I used to think i was a victim because i was white then i realized it was happening to asians from other countries also....I have lived in Thai, Philippines,Indonesia,totaling almost 30 years......same old shit in all three countries,,,,,,,It has taken my in laws 25 years to get their head round that i do not have a money tree ,  i still don,t believe they truly understand that, For those who are saying they have lived in the country outside of tourist ares and can speak the language blah blah....Understand the first thing a local thinks when he sees you is money...........Don't be blinded by your 30 baht noodles...........Smiles don't mean shit..........I still hate the way things are but what to do,it gets less painful but it still suks.........Take it or leave it,,,,i chose to take it. 

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31 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

My Thai wife had no problem at all to become a resident, a local in my home town in Europe.

She simply filled in a form and voila, two weeks later she was a local and therefore entitled to discounts for locals.

I believe it is somewhat more difficult for me to become a resident, a local in my wife's hometown in Thailand.....


So yes, locals, residents get discounts in many cities or countries.

Nothing racist about that.

The racism shows up when they make it virtually impossible to become a local or resident.






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1 hour ago, StevieAus said:

Or maybe you have been around too long, I live about half way between both places and haven’t had a problem apart from a few National Parks, in most cases, when I show my Thai ID I get the Thai price, on other occasions we decide collectively we are not going in and they quickly want to give a big discount.

The price is still nowhere what I would pay in  Australian for entry to a similar place.

You missed the point it racialism and in most countries that is illegal and thais would are the first to shout when it happens to them. For years My company did a lot of work for Thais in the UK and because of my wife, got it cheap. Now I cannot by law charge them 3 or 4 times the going rate, so now I just say I am too busy sorry. They go to others near me who know how I feel and they wack them top rate. That is because of how things are here. By law I can refuse to do work if I want to. If you cannot get them one way you can another.

Edited by wakeupplease
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OK try this Yesterday I visited Worcester and in the M&S Cafe, a certain country came up in the conversation. So I did as I usually do with my Local wife there also and told the story of the conman BIB, Attorney who tried to rip me off for 10 million local and made my life hell for a year. People where amazed and said well I will not be going there and so on. I also gave them TV's address on the web so they also can read the stories that appear here every day. So they will and I expect not bother coming. like I will never do anymore. Do you understand now.

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16 hours ago, Dave67 said:

Went to the revolving restaurant in Pattaya Tower a couple of weeks ago Thai price 400 Farang price 600. My Thai kids hold dual nationality Thai/UK my wife is Thai. So I'm from UK with spousal visa and have 2 Thai kids and still have to pay a Farang price. I do enjoy my time in Thailand when I am not working but I find this double pricing distasteful.

Why didn´t you take a short video and post it online - for example on Facebook. You could have been the most "viral" farang in Thailand today.....

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The way the food looks I would not pay more than 30 Baht. Rice 5 Baht, Egg 10 Baht, Moo Krob does not look like krob. Just little Basil, and Chili? Forget it. Lousy Food. The cook should be ashamed of producing something like that. Urks!

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3 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

Yep you are right, word of mouth is the best advertising message board in the world and if you do wrong people talk about it, except local where the computer crimes act is used to stop free speech. Vetnam is getting much better things said about it these day, I only stopped at the airport on the escape route away from the cesspit.


Boy if you had to face what I did and it nearly cost me my life, then you too would be like me. Its taken 12 months to get my business fired up again and another 2 years to pay off the debt created by a local lying scammer. When the website arrives and features the photos of a man in the BIb, The BK attorney and the lawyer we caught selling the defense docs to the other side. Will you still be saying what you say now. They will not so off to the CCA to lodge a complaint that has no meaning here.


You see if you let it go and do and say nothing it just continues. Say something and if you are big enough and live in a country that supports freedom of speach you can and it bloody hurts those who are nothing but criminals.


What the hell would the world be like today, if we did not say no to Hitler?


There is your answer

I sympathise with you being ripped off.  I had a few close calls myself while doing business in Thailand and I would advise anyone thinking of setting up there to be very careful.  But talking to people in an M&S café in Worcester about it doesn't relate to tourists visiting the country in any way.  Not horses for courses.


I am highly cynical about many things in Thailand but no more so than any other country in that part of the world. I spent many years travelling, living and doing business in S.E. Asia and I can tell you that Thailand was far more straightforward than most, with the exception of China.

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Wonder how many restaurants have specific inflated price menus printed in "farangUage" that are handed over to the visiting tourists and other menus in Thai for the locals ?....


I may add, always check your bill at the end for any invisible "extras" added due to a "misunderstanding"...


And if you want a platinium status of a smart farang, write down in front of the waiter/ess, the price of each dish and check at the end on the bill....one would be surprised on how many customers get cheated as they feel stupid in checking the bill...

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Yesterday, the Ministry of Commerce responded that it would investigate the matter. If the vendor is found guilty of overcharging customers, she could face up to seven years in prison and/or up to a fine of THB100,000. 


Pretty good evidence she was overcharged from dual pricing. Why is am investigation needed? 

ohh! i forgot they need to to give ample chance for the woman to make wai and pay small fine to be forgiven.  

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7 hours ago, MartinBangkok said:

Why didn´t you take a short video and post it online - for example on Facebook. You could have been the most "viral" farang in Thailand today.....

I was told before I went it was double priced. I didn't want to go on principle, but I thought it would be good for all of us to go.Pissed me off but I kept it to myself. Next time I'm in Jomtien I'll go there and  film it 

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18 hours ago, Jools said:

I watched my girlfriend go ballistic on a songtheaw driver who tried to overcharge us for a ride from the Pattaya Central Bus Station to Jomtien. It was an amount I could live with but she was having none of it. She raised such hell that the driver gave me money back and charged us both the going rate. :stoner:

Well done from your gf.


My Thai neighbour isn't so tough, he ordered a new gasbottle for 2500...the deliveryguy didn't have change so he said, no problem you can bring it later. (this was 6 weeks ago).


Yesterday i saw a gasdeliveryguy yelling at his house all the time while he wasn't home.When i told him about it, he said ohhh i forgot, that guy still has to bring me 500 baht change...


At least the guy came to bring it after 6 weeks, but why did that take so long and why they even don't have change when they are called to deliver in a moobaan?

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Simple fact of third-world country pricing.  Locals can't afford what visitors can.  Call it Visitor  Surcharge, or Residents Discount it's the same.  To be fair, I get 'local's' pricing for some of the tourist stuff I take my kids to by showing a Thai driving license in places like Nong Nooch, Aquariums etc.  No big deal.


Far worse in China before  '93 when there was two currencies - one for locals (RMB) one for foreigners  (FEC) - effectively a 50% surcharge for every bean a foreigner would spend.

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"Yesterday, the Ministry of Commerce responded that it would investigate the matter. If the vendor is found guilty of overcharging customers, she could face up to seven years in prison and/or up to a fine of THB100,000." 

That'll be the last we hear about that then???

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