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Video: Nurse thrown in the air 30 meters as "brakes fail" - but somehow she lives


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"She was wearing a helmet."

She was, but the helmet hit the road before she did! (unfortunately not still on her head)

If brake failure, where did the sound of tyres screeching on the road come from when the car was about 20 metres before it hit the motorcyclist??

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4 hours ago, jackdd said:

Probably busy playing with her phone instead of looking at the street, as soon as she hit the motorbike the brakes seemed to work.

Listen to the audio.  Her brakes were applied and screeching well before she even got near the car in front of her. 

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Brakes failed?


Then why can you hear the tires squealing on the pavement as the breaks are applied just before she reached the intersection?  The car stopped just the other side of the intersection too, and that is a quite reasonable breaking distance for the speed at which the car was traveling.


Simple case of speeding and not paying attention.

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No braking at all, she approached the lights too quickly, changed lanes suddenly to avoid the stationary car, failed to see the motorcyclist in the middle lane as she was obscured by the stationary car. Reckless driving. But nothing will happen, no points system for disqualification, just a small fine and a wai required. 


Everyone talks about the kindness of Thai people, it's certainly not demonstrated here. Just the usual ignorance and selfishness.

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18 minutes ago, reargunnerph3 said:

Brakes failed? Wheels were locked up and tyres squealing? Going too fast and not paying attention! Never, ever ride a bike in Thailand. Thai's are the worlds worst drivers!

I agree...never ride a bike in thailand....not on the roads at least!



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Even though I've driven bikes since 1972 I had to take extensive training in the Netherlands to get a motorcycle endorsement and one thing they taught is to scan your mirrors whenever you're stopped at an intersection. 


I was behind a car and the car the car behind me rear ended the car in front of me. I got out of the way because I always check my mirrors and leave enough room to get out of the way or I would have been the meat in a two car sandwich. 


Glad to hear the teacher survived. I assumed the cops checked her and she was already dead. 

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5 hours ago, djayz said:

Speeding, not paying attention, playing on the phone, etc. then, after impact, the brakes miraculously work again...??? <deleted>! 

I'm appalled that the damage to the car was their main concern - never mind the injured person spread out on the road. The cop didn't exactly break a sweat running over to the scene / victim either. 

It's scary to think you could be injured or killed while waiting at a traffic light... 

I love driving and riding motorbikes, but videos like this make me want to buy an army tank - purely for the added protection. 

The arseh0le mcop was too busy fleecing the other motorcyclists fr tea money.  What a complete waste of frikkin space.

Poor lady.  The other woman should have been dragged from her car and lynched.

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You can hear the tires howling when she finally does hit the brakes; all though the approach, impact and beyond.  Not sure why she would say they didn't work.  You could also clearly see she was approaching at a high rate of speed.  Another reason why I expect to die every time I take the seat of one of my bikes.  Can't fix stupid!

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Definitely the Nissan driver was distracted by Facebook or something and didn't notice the lights.  If the brakes had failed the car would have gone hurtling on and she probably wouldn't have known how to slow it down by pumping the brakes and changing to low gear. Anyway I think it's rare for brakes to fail without warning, unless someone has tampered with them.  Normally you notice the brakes getting softer and have time to get them fixed before it gets to this stage.    


Even though the poor nurse moved her leg no one showed any interest in her.  Guess they just thought it were karma for not spending enough on Buddhist amulets and she would be coming back as something else soon anyway.   

Edited by Dogmatix
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