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Reversing into Parking Spaces


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55 minutes ago, luk AJ said:

In my case simple reason, if I park nose first I would damage my front spoiler on the concrete stopper.



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heh heh I was thinking that the 'real' damage for that occurs when you start backing out after you have sensed your 'faux pas'

(which makes a much louder scraping/crunching noises, from all that secondary tearing...

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On 3/7/2018 at 5:08 AM, metisdead said:

I think it is safer, that way when it is time to leave, the first motion is forward and the driver has a clear view, can see if another car is coming or exiting from another parking space. Reduces accidents caused by reverse exiting and the driver reversing may miss somebody in the blind spot. 


Another reason for reverse parking, what if your car develops a dead battery or other mechanical problems? With reverse parking the engine compartment is easier to get into rather than if the driver parked in a forward position. 


Reverse parking is promoted in other countries:  http://safestart.com/news/4-reasons-backing-parking-spaces-safer






How often do you get a dead battery? My last one was 4 years ago. It seems just as dangerous backing in with cars in each side and also having often numerous people waiting for a second , third or fourth try!  I have had cameras in my cars for years and the one I have now even beeps when I back out just a little if a car is coming either way for several meters. It’s much safer and convenient I think to just pull into a space when arriving and safer to use camera with a beeper when pulling out. You just don’t pull out quickly like some people  do when they backed in.  

I just don’t see a reason for backing in with a camera with beepers , I can see very far and as mentioned the beebers are very sesitive monitoring cars, people, bikes etc that are many meters away. Very convenient and safe. Pulling in is also much easier when you have groceries and shopping items to put in the rear of car. How many times do people get dirty when squeezing between cars to load stuff in? 

Edited by alex8912
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Speaking as a retired police driver, reversing in to a parking slot is something I do without thinking, as doing so has always been taught, and failing to do so always brought about a bollocking from a senior officer, if you left your vehicle the other way around in a police station car park, or seen anywhere else.

Simple reasoning .....time saved on an emergency call out could save a life....

These habits stick with you....

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18 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:

It would also take several minutes  to safely back out of the spot if you go in nose first when you're essentially blind to who is coming along the lane.


Parking  nose first is quite easy and not nearly as time consuming as two or three gyrations to back in........although thanks to the training and or practice Thais seem very good at it.


If you park nose in you have an easy job....very few miss the parking spot that way.  Backing out you have a much bigger target space which should make it faster as well.

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On 3/7/2018 at 7:55 AM, macahoom said:


I’m British and I’ve always wondered why 99% of drivers in America park nose first.


In fact, I’ve seen signs in car parks in the U.S. which say No Reverse Parking.



I'm British too, and wonder why 99% of Americans drive on the same side as Thais on a Honda Wave 110 and no helmet,

Just messing, but it'll get a rise out of someone I'm sure. :)

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On 07/03/2018 at 6:42 AM, canthai55 said:

I always back in - here, there, everywhere.

As said above - safer. You can see when driving out.

Plus - riding bikes for 50 years only dorks nose into the curb.


I always park rear end in too but not really a good idea if you have a new vehicle, especially in shopping malls.....too easy to nick the spare wheel without being observed.

  They're not interested in older wheels.

PS. Not sure where the OP get's the notion from that all Thais do...for a start...my Mrs, and many like her, wouldn't have the driving skill to do it.

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OP, your name + avataar are very apt to understanding why you would need to ask this question. Except under certain conditions such as angular parking, reversing into a parking space is the safest and most convenient, especially in where space is tight. And Thais do reverse very well, just learn a little patience if someone needs an extra try. 

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On 07/03/2018 at 8:46 AM, cooked said:

"No reverse parking" sometimes because with time the exhaust fumes will discolour a wall. 

I wonder more about people that drive forwards into their driveways in places on a main road when they will have to reverse out onto the main road. Every day. Even after various near misses and scares.

This isn't merely a Thai problem I have seen it all over the world... most people don't do consequences...

It appears that most of us do not see it as a problem, "Thai" or otherwise.  Much safer than backing out into traffic.  Diagonal kerb parking is the exception. Good for simple safe exits.

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I see so many back into angled parking spots, which means when they leave, they are now driving the wrong way out. It also is interesting watching them go through the many gyrations necessary to back into that angled parking spot. I have always been baffled by this.


I always pull in nose first. That way, when we finish shopping we can pull the cart up to the back of the car and unload easily.


As far as the safety argument of needing to back out of a parking sport, I have never had a problem. I have two eyes, two side mirrors, a rear view mirror, a rear camera, and a neck that swivels.


And with more than 50 years of driving behind me, I have yet to return to a car with a dead battery.

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On 3/7/2018 at 1:55 AM, macahoom said:


I’m British and I’ve always wondered why 99% of drivers in America park nose first.


In fact, I’ve seen signs in car parks in the U.S. which say No Reverse Parking.



Blame Trump ?

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Just now, lucjoker said:

Blame Trump ?

After 60 years of driving.......

In Thailand ,with their  narrow parking spaces ,i park on 2 parking-spaces, nicely on the line .

So i can open my door without touching another  car,and no other car will park 10 cm from my door .....

it's more easy to drive in and out in 1 time, so quicker and safer.....


And noboddy is going to change this , and dont tell me about the law here ....it 's a farce.

btw i dont read comments....lol


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On 3/7/2018 at 8:46 AM, cooked said:

"No reverse parking" sometimes because with time the exhaust fumes will discolour a wall. 

I wonder more about people that drive forwards into their driveways in places on a main road when they will have to reverse out onto the main road. Every day. Even after various near misses and scares.

This isn't merely a Thai problem I have seen it all over the world... most people don't do consequences...

I seem to recall that the UK Highway Code forbids, or advises against, reversing into a main road, which is a very sensible.

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I always reverse into a parking spot, 'thinking ahead'

When i first stayed in Thailand ~30 years ago, it wasn't unusual for the parking attendants in car parks to literally applaud when you reversed & parked first time! it wasn't unusual back then for the security guard to have to stand blowing his whistle for ten minutes while someone was attempting to reverse, they saw very few people who had any clue how to park.

In some areas the standard of driving has improved!? not many unfortunately...

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On 3/7/2018 at 7:55 AM, macahoom said:


I’m British and I’ve always wondered why 99% of drivers in America park nose first.


In fact, I’ve seen signs in car parks in the U.S. which say No Reverse Parking.



Some places in USA you can be ticketed if you reverse in. Because your one rear tag won't be visible from the road.



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For 35 years in America, never had someone double park behind me...


as to backing in, explain Again, why is it safer to back in between 2 vehicles or a pillar and a car vs backing out into an open space whether or not a car is passing...either way one will break and wait for the car to pass...


as to thais do it b/c it's safer? Thais do not consider safety once inside their vehicle...so that's a BS answer...so you will walk in front a car anywhere in thailand as a pedestrian ? You know better...


thais back in the same reason they drive with their parking lights on at dusk and dawn....


monkey see monkey do....you really think Thais have thought about the safety factors of backing in yet in no any other driving behavior that I have observed is safety or consequences of their actions  are demonstrated....


the answers so far are trying to apply one's western reasoning to a non western action here....


best answer I got so far is "it's a Thai cultural thing" ....which lead me back to monkey see monkey do...

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Here’s another possible reason...it’s a fear that if you park nose in, you might have difficulty extricating your vehicle because your way being blocked...or made much more difficult...by those drivers who rudely double park in front of your space. This happens in nearly every Thai shopping mall and because of this nationwide penchant, backing out is far more difficult.  I shudder to think what horrors would ensue if a big mall parking garage were to experience a fire or explosion. All those double-parked vehicles would make it very difficult to egress from the garage even if you were able to react quickly enough in response to such an emergency.  Double-parking is illegal in nearly every western parking structure and I suspect it is so because of this very public safety issue. The prevailing attitude here seems that we should not to worry about the possibilities. If a big catastrophe occurs in a jam-packed mall lot, then it must be preordained and precautionary measures would thus be a waste of time!

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On ‎3‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 5:08 AM, metisdead said:

I think it is safer, that way when it is time to leave, the first motion is forward and the driver has a clear view, can see if another car is coming or exiting from another parking space. Reduces accidents caused by reverse exiting and the driver reversing may miss somebody in the blind spot. 


Another reason for reverse parking, what if your car develops a dead battery or other mechanical problems? With reverse parking the engine compartment is easier to get into rather than if the driver parked in a forward position. 


Reverse parking is promoted in other countries:  http://safestart.com/news/4-reasons-backing-parking-spaces-safer






It might be that you stated the rationale commonly used, but if you think for a moment...which is more safe, to back a vehicle into a narrow, confined space? or to back the same vehicle out into a wider more open space?  But on the other hand I was thinking that other drivers are going to be driving at a sane speed and give you a break when they see you are  backing out... sorry, I forgot where I was living for a moment.


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On 3/7/2018 at 7:55 AM, macahoom said:


I’m British and I’ve always wondered why 99% of drivers in America park nose first.


In fact, I’ve seen signs in car parks in the U.S. which say No Reverse Parking.



Some states in America require a license plate on the back only because police drive through and check the renewal dates. When someone is driving away from a hit a run or bank robbery what plate is visible? 

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First because statistics show in the overall of parking and leaving if is safer. When you come you have the clear view of the traffic.

When you leave to over view of the traffic is better as well reduced blind spots.

Secondly the average overall time of entering and leaving is shorter


All well educated professional driver in the west do it too, simply when you need to go the car is pointing the correct way


And cars seem grow every year a bit and the first model if a car is smaller then it succesor. Parking lots do not grow. As well the space to move around stays the same or is reduced by wrong parking or double parking.



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50 minutes ago, Timebandit said:

Some states in America require a license plate on the back only because police drive through and check the renewal dates. When someone is driving away from a hit a run or bank robbery what plate is visible? 

I was at a hotel in Florida when at 3 am the Police knocked on my door and told name to turn my rental car around.

He explained the cars only have a plate on the back and some of their cars are fitted with number plate readers. These check dates and any outstanding stolen cars or crimes.  Therefore they have a local bylaw that does not allow reverse parking.

They didn’t ticket me because I was ‘from out of town’.

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Thais will nearly always reverse into a parking space in a Shopping Mall / Super Markets, but they nearly always park in going in front first into a parking slot in the street or into their place of residence.


This results in them reversing out of said residence onto a usually busy street.


Just another example of the dangerous driving in Thailand 

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There's way too much thought going into the answers to this question... 'Why do so many people in Thailand reverse into parking spaces?'...


The simple answer, the most obvious answer is..... 'Because everyone else does it'


..... and much like every other aspect of driving in Thailand (and many other places) road culture is society-taught...  Its the same reason we flash our lights to give way to oncoming traffic in the UK, we copy others and it becomes the social norm.... There really isn't a deeper thought process its simply society conforming to society.






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On 07/03/2018 at 5:08 AM, metisdead said:

I think it is safer, that way when it is time to leave, the first motion is forward and the driver has a clear view, can see if another car is coming or exiting from another parking space. Reduces accidents caused by reverse exiting and the driver reversing may miss somebody in the blind spot. 


Another reason for reverse parking, what if your car develops a dead battery or other mechanical problems? With reverse parking the engine compartment is easier to get into rather than if the driver parked in a forward position. 


Reverse parking is promoted in other countries:  http://safestart.com/news/4-reasons-backing-parking-spaces-safer






Nothing to argue about there,  makes perfect sense. 

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