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Stand up for newbies

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There should be a book you cannot get anywhere but from a personal source explaining all this. The book does not need to be too long and it should be sold to all newbies for £500. The books contents should only require.


1. Join TV forum.



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Not sure if "newbies" can be "educated".
Those stories have a similar beginning and a similar ending.

- Farang decides to retire in Thailand. Soon finds nice lady. He has a vague idea that there might be certain dangers involved in a Farang/Thai relationship but he has already reached the conclusion that "mine is different". So, naturally, all those concerns are best ignored, as they would never affect him personally.

- Next, a "natural chain of events" takes place: Marriage, House-Building on Family Land. Happy, happy, happy.

As time goes by, sighns may emerge that this marriage is seen by the Thai Family mainly as a way to better their life.
Farang is puzzled. This is not what he expected. His understanding of love and marriage are shaken and he feels instinctively that this is likely to get worse and not better.

Maybe at this point and even if all the trumpets of Jericho would blare in his ears "This is not going to end well", he will practically have to go into "DENIAL". Why? Because:

- By deciding to move to Thailand, by deciding to get married, by deciding to invest a substancial amount of money, the Farang knows that those decisions would probably be the last major decisions that he would make in his old age.
And now all those crucial decisions should prove to be nothing but a big mistake? Impossible! Unthinkable! It just can't be! Success must be enforced at all cost. At all cost! No alternatives. Trapped in the "Bamboo-Cage".

Under these circumstances, the Farang practically has to go into "DENIAL". Limping along as long as his health and wallet will allow for it.
BTW: The often cited "Never invest more than you can't walk away from" is easy to say. Few Farangs could walk away from a 5 million Bht investement without blinking an eye, commenting it with a nonchalant "may pen rai".

Never mind you will find someone else. Better luck next time.

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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8 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

Almost none of them made much effort to pick my brain or get the lay of the land, even though many of them obviously struggled to adjust.

That is a very good point. In my experience lots of guys who live here since many years are happy to share their acquired knowledge. The information may be general or about specific people - if the newbie asks for it. And if asked about a specific person we can tell some stories which many people know. Then it's up to the receiver of that information to listen and make up their own mind. But interestingly enough, it seems relative few people ask.

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6 hours ago, swissie said:

Not sure if "newbies" can be "educated".
Those stories have a similar beginning and a similar ending.

- Farang decides to retire in Thailand. Soon finds nice lady. He has a vague idea that there might be certain dangers involved in a Farang/Thai relationship but he has already reached the conclusion that "mine is different". So, naturally, all those concerns are best ignored, as they would never affect him personally.

- Next, a "natural chain of events" takes place: Marriage, House-Building on Family Land. Happy, happy, happy.

As time goes by, sighns may emerge that this marriage is seen by the Thai Family mainly as a way to better their life.
Farang is puzzled. This is not what he expected. His understanding of love and marriage are shaken and he feels instinctively that this is likely to get worse and not better.

Maybe at this point and even if all the trumpets of Jericho would blare in his ears "This is not going to end well", he will practically have to go into "DENIAL". Why? Because:

- By deciding to move to Thailand, by deciding to get married, by deciding to invest a substancial amount of money, the Farang knows that those decisions would probably be the last major decisions that he would make in his old age.
And now all those crucial decisions should prove to be nothing but a big mistake? Impossible! Unthinkable! It just can't be! Success must be enforced at all cost. At all cost! No alternatives. Trapped in the "Bamboo-Cage".

Under these circumstances, the Farang practically has to go into "DENIAL". Limping along as long as his health and wallet will allow for it.
BTW: The often cited "Never invest more than you can't walk away from" is easy to say. Few Farangs could walk away from a 5 million Bht investement without blinking an eye, commenting it with a nonchalant "may pen rai".

That is a wonderful summary.

I like to add sometimes it also happens between farangs. I had a friend who lived and worked in Thailand for many years and he was smart enough with the girls and his job. Then he retired and got a big payment and he was ready for happy retirement. Until this other farang came along and offered him this great business opportunity. Millions of dollars to be made for someone with my friends expertise. So my friend invested. First a little, then a little more and then the denial was full active. At the end he spend all his own money, borrowed more money from his friends and crashed. Now he lives somewhere in the UK in a home for old people without money - and he is still in denial.

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The interesting thing about all this is how we tend (at least,I did) to over analyse it.


The Thai female merely informs her myriad of Facebook "friends" that her current "farang"-soon to be defunct-has a "black heart".The ATM is not producing anymore!


At which stage ALL her friends will advise her to dump him and move on.The affection is then switched off.


In a couple of days,weeks,months no-one can remember your name-if you really had a name,other than "farang" in the first place.

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Best advice to all men new to Thailand and Thai women:


Read "Private Dancer" by Stephen Leather.  Fiction, painfully accurate. 


Easily downloaded as a pdf file free on the web. Easy to read and very engrossing. Hard to put down except to gulp some air at times. 


I read it recently after being here two years and am very impressed with the research the author did and his even-handed analysis of circumstances and consequences of western men with Thai women relationships. 


Don't give your friends advice. Give them the book and let them decide. 

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1 hour ago, RocketDog said:

Best advice to all men new to Thailand and Thai women:


Read "Private Dancer" by Stephen Leather.  Fiction, painfully accurate. 


Easily downloaded as a pdf file free on the web. Easy to read and very engrossing. Hard to put down except to gulp some air at times. 


I read it recently after being here two years and am very impressed with the research the author did and his even-handed analysis of circumstances and consequences of western men with Thai women relationships. 


Don't give your friends advice. Give them the book and let them decide. 



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12 hours ago, smotherb said:

While I agree in principle that you owe a friend the advice; you need to be sure it is true and not just  slanted with your bias. You say, " I said, mate, there are no good girls, including her sister that I married "  If you believe that, and it appears many here on TV believe it too; I can only feel sorry for you. It must be true hell to think that over half the people in this world are out to make fools of the others.

There is no bias on my side mate, I have always called a spade a spade, some don't like it, and others accept my point of view, "up to you" as the Thai's say.


Don't get me wrong about my Mrs, love the girl to death, been married to her for 11 years, and she adores me, however, when I say "there are no good girls, including her sister that I married" you have to look at my overall meaning of women, call me a male chauvenist if you like, I don't mind.


1) Do you think a woman can turn at you any moment

2) Can she be unfaithful

3) Can she steal from you

4) Can she lie to you


that said, a woman is human, and we all know females can, and do turn on their partners, its human nature, but some of us are fortunate enough and land one (second time around) in my case that is humble, respectful and just wants to love someone and feel secure with what they have, as opposed to fleecing him, and if they are in it for the long term, playing it right, they get their superannuation payout "as I call it" later in life from Mr Farang.


You see woman are not stupid, they are planners, they think with their brains, and will be sizing you up while you are look at her breasts, and thinking how you can get her into bed, this is the males biggest mistake, i.e. thinking with his DK, but once you let a woman know she is dispensable and there are plenty to replace her with, and that there are no good girls, she can either agree with you and respect your honestly, move on, or stick around and try to play games with you till she gets what she wants, if she can.


Its all a game mate. 





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19 hours ago, soistalker said:

The longest relationship that you should get into with a Thai woman is 45 minutes

Do you know the meaning of your profile picture? 

And it comes to the business between man and woman, stay out of it.

I learned that when I was 6 years old.  

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On 4/21/2018 at 10:25 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

Funny, you post as “Been around” and are a Newbie and this is your second post.

If you would have been around then you should know that most guys don’t want to hear any of this. And obviously the women (in this case the “snake”) won’t like it at all. So who do you help with speaking up? You don’t help the guy, you don’t help his gf/wife, and likely you will make a lot of enemies with people around. A clear lose-lose situation.

The only thing you did was tell yourself: I warned him, I am the good guy. Good luck with that.

I have been living in Thailand and reading this forum for 4 years but only this month signed up and started to post. For posting I am a newbie only. I give advice when asked and if it is a friend I care about will try to warn them of the pitfalls. That’s what friends are for.

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10 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

There is no bias on my side mate, I have always called a spade a spade, some don't like it, and others accept my point of view, "up to you" as the Thai's say.


Don't get me wrong about my Mrs, love the girl to death, been married to her for 11 years, and she adores me, however, when I say "there are no good girls, including her sister that I married" you have to look at my overall meaning of women, call me a male chauvenist if you like, I don't mind.


1) Do you think a woman can turn at you any moment

2) Can she be unfaithful

3) Can she steal from you

4) Can she lie to you


that said, a woman is human, and we all know females can, and do turn on their partners, its human nature, but some of us are fortunate enough and land one (second time around) in my case that is humble, respectful and just wants to love someone and feel secure with what they have, as opposed to fleecing him, and if they are in it for the long term, playing it right, they get their superannuation payout "as I call it" later in life from Mr Farang.


You see woman are not stupid, they are planners, they think with their brains, and will be sizing you up while you are look at her breasts, and thinking how you can get her into bed, this is the males biggest mistake, i.e. thinking with his DK, but once you let a woman know she is dispensable and there are plenty to replace her with, and that there are no good girls, she can either agree with you and respect your honestly, move on, or stick around and try to play games with you till she gets what she wants, if she can.


Its all a game mate. 





No bias? Bias--" Inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair." https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/bias


You are the one who seems to think all women are the same. Your four questions are a perfect example. The answer is, yes, some women will and it can depend upon what another has done to them. However, you could ask those same questions and change "she" to "he" and the answer is the same. If you have not met any good women; then, I suggest it may be a personal problem.


I am aware of the game one must play to win in the sex trade, However, not all women are so engaged. I really feel sorry for you if what you say has been your only experience with women.

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It is a very difficult subject to comment upon.


Since returning to Australia I have met three males who seem to have an intention of settling in Thailand even tho' it appears that they have limited knowledge of the country.


In all three cases I have mentioned that I was in Thailand for about a decade (on and off) and would try to answer any questions about what I observed there in a relatively unbiased manner.


None asked me any questions at all.


I would have freely admitted to them that I was a classic "white knight" and made every mistake under the sun.Having said that-I was in very good company up where I was.


..and yet,strangely enough,I have no regrets.Life goes on.

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37 minutes ago, smotherb said:

No bias? Bias--" Inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair." https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/bias


You are the one who seems to think all women are the same. Your four questions are a perfect example. The answer is, yes, some women will and it can depend upon what another has done to them. However, you could ask those same questions and change "she" to "he" and the answer is the same. If you have not met any good women; then, I suggest it may be a personal problem.


I am aware of the game one must play to win in the sex trade, However, not all women are so engaged. I really feel sorry for you if what you say has been your only experience with women.

No need to feel sorry for me mate, I am quite happy and content, more than most. 


I have seen and been with more woman than you can poke a stick at, and I have accepted that they are all black widows, this is my opinion, based on my life's experiences, you have yours and I have mine, that's what makes the world go around. To go further, I have dug deep into open women, and they themselves have admitted what I am saying, now that is straight from the horses mouth, you cannot get better than that, nothing to do with the sex trade, its in the gene, its the survival mechanism, instinct.


I don't feel sorry for you, sorry has nothing to do with our journey's, and I will reiterate my view, there are no good girls 555

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20 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

How often did you try to warn someone? In theory it's a noble idea to warn other people. But in real life that often does not work. Anybody who is around some time in Thailand heard many times "my one is different, she would never do that".

Lots of guy who tried to warn others were blamed for breaking up the happy relationships, etc.

The problem is that most guys think they know better and it can never happen to them. It's true love for them and totally different to all the other cases where the women only wanted money. "She loves me, 100% sure" is what many guys think. And there is no way to explain to them that maybe she does not love them.

When I was relative new in Thailand (maybe a year or two) I tried to warn a few guys. They didn't want to hear it. So now I wish them luck and that's it. And I don't remember any guy who ever received thanks for his warning.




well, one farang got it right.  jack nickolson said, " i hate advice unless i'm the one giving it.  and i never give it because nobody ever takes it".   I give the subtle warning to farangs (new or not):   think carefully

before you do something.  sometimes i'm nice and leave out the word  STUPID.   I really don't waste my time trying to explain any more than that, for the reasons one farang mentions

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3 hours ago, 5633572526 said:

I have been living in Thailand and reading this forum for 4 years but only this month signed up and started to post. For posting I am a newbie only. I give advice when asked and if it is a friend I care about will try to warn them of the pitfalls. That’s what friends are for.

I was here for 25 years before i signed up...   Of course we didn't even have cell phones then, and i was too busy riding my honda wing all around northern thailand looking for, well, you can guess.

On about my tenth post someone said i must not know very much since i only have a few posts.  haha

If you would like some advice from me...please ask ....pitfalls there are aplenty


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7 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

That is a very good point. In my experience lots of guys who live here since many years are happy to share their acquired knowledge. The information may be general or about specific people - if the newbie asks for it. And if asked about a specific person we can tell some stories which many people know. Then it's up to the receiver of that information to listen and make up their own mind. But interestingly enough, it seems relative few people ask.

I have seen guys backed into a corner with the girlfriend/wife and because they are not in a position to be able to do anything, will not say a word when they rightly see they are getting the raw prawn.

Yes, in a local village area or even the bar scene, it is very simple to find out, You only ask and it does not take long to find the full story. Not much gets hidden but like the above post says, many do not ask. As Geko123 says (post 30), that is a culture of ours of 'not asking', is something that needs to change.



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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

No need to feel sorry for me mate, I am quite happy and content, more than most. 


I have seen and been with more woman than you can poke a stick at, and I have accepted that they are all black widows, this is my opinion, based on my life's experiences, you have yours and I have mine, that's what makes the world go around. To go further, I have dug deep into open women, and they themselves have admitted what I am saying, now that is straight from the horses mouth, you cannot get better than that, nothing to do with the sex trade, its in the gene, its the survival mechanism, instinct.


I don't feel sorry for you, sorry has nothing to do with our journey's, and I will reiterate my view, there are no good girls 555

Exactly, for you there are no good girls; based on your own experiences. Which supports my posit that your opinion results from a personal problem with women. For some reason you cannot find a woman who is not a black widow, a woman who wants you for you. So, what difference does it make what they tell you, you are no more than a day's work to them, nothing more than a minion to support their survival.



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27 minutes ago, rumak said:

I was here for 25 years before i signed up...

I have only a few posts but my first trip here was in 1985. Not that long ago in years, but I have been living now here full-time for a 'while'. I used to read and in fact, not post for those many reasons of being called out. Thai Visa can be intimidating. Like most, made my fair share of mistakes and that information is of use to some but not to others. We are all unique.


Yes, so within 25 posts, I got called out as well being called a newbie but we get all sorts here, so you just got to roll with the wave of good times as well as the abuse that comes with the territory. 

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2 hours ago, smotherb said:

Exactly, for you there are no good girls; based on your own experiences. Which supports my posit that your opinion results from a personal problem with women. For some reason you cannot find a woman who is not a black widow, a woman who wants you for you. So, what difference does it make what they tell you, you are no more than a day's work to them, nothing more than a minion to support their survival.



Personal problem with women....lol, no, you got it all wrong mate !


I will say it again, from all of the women I have met, and got into depth with them, depth, not debt, they have all agreed their species are evil, they are cunning, they are calculating, they are planners and men are easy targets, do you not get it ?


I have met a lot of girls, let me say it again, in their species they are not good girls, now if you want to tell me any different, you are welcome, I am listening.


To clarify things better for you, my Mrs is the best of the species that I have met to date, but I won't say she is a good girl, as close as you will get though.


I don't live in a world where I put women up, nor do I put them down, I am just stating my facts, and every bloke, and when I say bloke, I don't mean piss weak guys, blokes who know women agree with me as well, and if others want to take offence because they married or are with good girls in their views, then so be it, I don't live in a bubble, I also don't believe in Jesus Christ for that matter 555

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It's patronising for anyone to think they  know more than a newbie and your opinion matters. Anyone handing out advice in their village needs to find another hobbie. 

Stop putting yourself and your experiences up on a pedestal. There's probably a good reason why you're so negative towards women and think you know best, hence why in a lot of cases you're single and a know it all. 

Let them experience and learn their own way. Chances are they will end up in a better place. 

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I agree the guy who had the worst happen to him doesn’t do any good to slap him around about it. He knows and he’s slapped himself many times over it.      


It’s good for somebody new to Thailand or thinking of coming here

And considering a relationship make sure your eyes are wide open. 


I’ve lived ten years in China and five in Mexico. “The trap” is more prevalent in Thailand and notably more so by woman from the Northeast that work in the entertainment business. 


I’m not saying all are in it for money etc. I’ve met many people in the NE that marriages seem to be good. Also I’ve heard many stories of people

that fell in “The Trap”. Myself being one that as someone mentioned didn’t pay attention.


I met her at a Go Go bar in Pattaya. I thiught I asked some important questions. Did you finish school she said yes etc. Not realizing a lot of children in NE dropout / finish school in the eighth grade. Not to harp 

on it my mistake and still trying to sort it out. 


After things were going sideways I started researching to see If it’s happened to others and what they did to repair or resolve. 


Came across a internet blog blog for lack of a better term. May have been “never marry a Go Go bar girl from Pattaya” Lot of information search for it good info. 


It outlined the situation that for me almost to point. Remember this was after the fact. Below a couple of things ....


My wife said I’m working because family is poor.. The blog says all Go Go bar girls are taught to say this in English as part of their training before can start work.


It talked about going to the gold shop. After two visits to the Village for a few weeks at a time.  Get in small town on way home gf at time says we need stop gold shop for Mama. What for?  She buy gold necklace need finish paying. How much is it? That’s not much I will pay for it. The hook was set. Actually now I know she borrowed money from gold and was getting it out of hock. 


The blog laid out very almost to the point of what happened step by step. Doing the research I learned I was not paying as much attention as I should have. I accept that and try to keep my eyes open. 


Talking to the wife the Mama San came to village talk to different visit women at their families home. In some cases she visited twice at the family home to convince them to go work Go Go bar. 


The reason it seems the mama San prey on women in the NE because a large number are poorly educated. 


Their are a number of 20 ish year olds in the village not knowing better post on FB which everybody in village knows their work. And most people in village only think work is work. 


Others are more discreet and not post on FB but once they tell you work in Pattaya it’s a very good chance their in the Entertainment business. 


Not all in NE go down this road and there are many that would be 

happy without the Trap. Just make sure little head doesn’t tell big

head what to think. 


If “The Trap” happens to you they’re very good at convincing it’ll 

get better. This is when you need to pay attention and guide and do what is best for you don’t think about what is best for her.


Most the time  waiting it out will never happen. 











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1 hour ago, DJ54 said:

I agree the guy who had the worst happen to him doesn’t do any good to slap him around about it. He knows and he’s slapped himself many times over it.      


It’s good for somebody new to Thailand or thinking of coming here

And considering a relationship make sure your eyes are wide open. 


I’ve lived ten years in China and five in Mexico. “The trap” is more prevalent in Thailand and notably more so by woman from the Northeast that work in the entertainment business. 


I’m not saying all are in it for money etc. I’ve met many people in the NE that marriages seem to be good. Also I’ve heard many stories of people

that fell in “The Trap”. Myself being one that as someone mentioned didn’t pay attention.


I met her at a Go Go bar in Pattaya. I thiught I asked some important questions. Did you finish school she said yes etc. Not realizing a lot of children in NE dropout / finish school in the eighth grade. Not to harp 

on it my mistake and still trying to sort it out. 


After things were going sideways I started researching to see If it’s happened to others and what they did to repair or resolve. 


Came across a internet blog blog for lack of a better term. May have been “never marry a Go Go bar girl from Pattaya” Lot of information search for it good info. 


It outlined the situation that for me almost to point. Remember this was after the fact. Below a couple of things ....


My wife said I’m working because family is poor.. The blog says all Go Go bar girls are taught to say this in English as part of their training before can start work.


It talked about going to the gold shop. After two visits to the Village for a few weeks at a time.  Get in small town on way home gf at time says we need stop gold shop for Mama. What for?  She buy gold necklace need finish paying. How much is it? That’s not much I will pay for it. The hook was set. Actually now I know she borrowed money from gold and was getting it out of hock. 


The blog laid out very almost to the point of what happened step by step. Doing the research I learned I was not paying as much attention as I should have. I accept that and try to keep my eyes open. 


Talking to the wife the Mama San came to village talk to different visit women at their families home. In some cases she visited twice at the family home to convince them to go work Go Go bar. 


The reason it seems the mama San prey on women in the NE because a large number are poorly educated. 


Their are a number of 20 ish year olds in the village not knowing better post on FB which everybody in village knows their work. And most people in village only think work is work. 


Others are more discreet and not post on FB but once they tell you work in Pattaya it’s a very good chance their in the Entertainment business. 


Not all in NE go down this road and there are many that would be 

happy without the Trap. Just make sure little head doesn’t tell big

head what to think. 


If “The Trap” happens to you they’re very good at convincing it’ll 

get better. This is when you need to pay attention and guide and do what is best for you don’t think about what is best for her.


Most the time  waiting it out will never happen. 

I think it's wrong to blame the girls for what they do. They sell "make the guy happy" and charge for it. Some do it in a way like: an hour cost 2,000B. And others just make the guy happy and tell him stories. In my experience most girls just tell stories and let the guys react. Like "My mother is sick, the hospital is really expensive". And then the knight in shining armor comes and ask how much the bill is and sure, no problem, he will help. The guys are often offering money and the girls take what is offered. We shouldn't blame the girls for that. Many guys think that if they spend so much money that must guarantee the love of the girl for a long time. But did the girl every agree to that accept maybe telling him "I love you long time"? Some girls are really cunning and setup complicated schemes. Most girls don't do that and don't have to do that. They just look at him and he asks how much she wants for the mother, the buffalo, the new bike or house or whatever...

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5 hours ago, totally thaied up said:

I have only a few posts but my first trip here was in 1985. Not that long ago in years, but I have been living now here full-time for a 'while'. I used to read and in fact, not post for those many reasons of being called out. Thai Visa can be intimidating. Like most, made my fair share of mistakes and that information is of use to some but not to others. We are all unique.


Yes, so within 25 posts, I got called out as well being called a newbie but we get all sorts here, so you just got to roll with the wave of good times as well as the abuse that comes with the territory. 

funny,  i was just trying to remember my first visit.   figured out it was 1983 .   within a few years i was living here with my rose colored glasses !   but, cmon, we all know it was so much nicer back then !:partytime2:

now i'm just another old timer trying my best to hang on ................

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