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Israeli forces kill dozens in Gaza as U.S. Embassy opens in Jerusalem


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11 minutes ago, BobBKK said:


A pastor regurgitating Zion spin. Israel has stolen land what reaction do you EXPECT?


Actually he is a well known CIA black operative in retirement, the upside down US label pin is a call sign.


But he's correct about who's got Israel back and that is the gist of his sermon, the message is pretty clear now if you listen and understand.

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4 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Are you suggesting that before the 15th century there was a country called Palestine in which a people called Palestinians lived and were ruled by fellow Palestinians? And that this country and it's people were a distinct country apart from other Arab nations and tribes?

This is not smart Bearboxer and not like you. Anyone can go back 100s of years but it's a very weak, weak argument. Discuss 1900 forwards please?  Modern wars hand back territory ( a la WW2 etc) after winning. Stealing house and land in the modern era is disgraceful and if any OTHER nation did it there would be outcries of 'ethnic cleansing' and the like.

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10 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Are you suggesting that before the 15th century there was a country called Palestine in which a people called Palestinians lived and were ruled by fellow Palestinians? And that this country and it's people were a distinct country apart from other Arab nations and tribes?

You're trying to regurgitate an old chestnut, debunked many times on this forum, to justify the atrocities in the OP.


Just try for one moment to imagine what it must be like for a refugee herded and imprisoned into a ghetto.


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4 hours ago, Thailand said:

Israel , the Jewish lobby and the NRA, Trumps few remaining "friends".

And who pray tell are our friends?  Palestinians perhaps, or Iran?.  You can have them.  Listing Israel and the 'Jewish Lobby'...  hmm    Any other comments you'd like to make?

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4 minutes ago, dexterm said:

Jews are people who follow the religion of Judaism.
Zionism is a hateful political ideology that promotes the religionist supremacy of Jews within Palestine. I despise all forms of discrimination.
Not all Zionists are Jews, and not all Jews are Zionists. The nutjob Pastor Hagee mentioned above is a Christian Zionist.


I believe that the way the state of Israel was established at the expense of dispossessing the indigenous Palestinian population was a mistake.


I have no objection to Israel being a haven for genuinely persecuted Jews. Most of world Jewry (and especially younger American Jews) have voted with their feet and do not want to be a part of the apartheid state that Israel has become, because it seems to be the Israelis who are now doing the persecuting against the Palestinians in the OP. History is full of irony.

Great post. 100% agree. 

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1 minute ago, pegman said:

Great post. 100% agree. 

Likewise, if people took the time and trouble to understand the situation instead of believing what they read in the "Zionist" controlled press they would be more willing to condemn!

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1 hour ago, BobBKK said:


A pastor regurgitating Zion spin. Israel has stolen land what reaction do you EXPECT?

Because evangelical Christians believe the rapture/day of judgment/second coming of Jesus will not occur until all of the Jews move back to Israel.

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3 hours ago, dexterm said:

Palestinians have the right to resist illegal occupation. Their lands have been stolen by European colonists. They want their land back, and the right to return to the homes for which many of them still hold the keys.


Resisting an illegal occupation is not a free pass for violence, or doing whatever comes to one's mind. That you interpret it as such is irrelevant. The lands of the Gaza Strip are not "stolen", nor are there Israeli troops there. And while you may repeat that the Palestinians have a Right of Return, it does not imply or compel Israel to commit national suicide. Such things are handled through agreements and negotiations. The "hold the keys" chestnut is just some nonsense thrown in for vibe.

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5 hours ago, jimmyyy said:

outrage and sorrow at the killing of Palestinian civilians


The ones who were shooting at Israelis, those civilians, by civilians you mean hamas....


So more than 2,800 people were shooting what? at the Isreali military who replied by using excessive force and killing protestors using snipers. I didn't see any casualty reports from the Israeli side on the number of dead and wounded.


I do see a pariah country defending stolen land, building illegal settlements and crying to the world how hard done by they are and that their only friends are the USA.


Take a good look at a map of the area and at the size of Isreal with a population of around 8.5 million people and then look at the size of the Gaza Strip and a Palestinian population of around 2 million. Yet Isreal wants more and more land and more and more people.




Look at the video from 1:00 in at listen to Netanyahu speaking.

Edited by billd766
edit for bad spelling after I had posted
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2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The protests are a response to politics not religion.


The commentary used by Hamas leaders often mixes the political and the religious, especially when referring to matters related to Jerusalem. The same, if to a lesser extent, applies for the PA leadership.

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1 hour ago, BobBKK said:

This is not smart Bearboxer and not like you. Anyone can go back 100s of years but it's a very weak, weak argument. Discuss 1900 forwards please?  Modern wars hand back territory ( a la WW2 etc) after winning. Stealing house and land in the modern era is disgraceful and if any OTHER nation did it there would be outcries of 'ethnic cleansing' and the like.


There is no imperative to choose 1900 as a starting point for the discussion.


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15 minutes ago, sukhumvitneon said:

Because evangelical Christians believe the rapture/day of judgment/second coming of Jesus will not occur until all of the Jews move back to Israel.

This would mean that the stage 2 of this mission would be deporting all the Jews to Israel. 

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1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Shame on Hamas, and shame on the people who are protesting and getting them selves

killed.  Isreal, defend your borders and keep up the good fight, you have my support...



There is nothing stopping from going to Israel and fighting on the front line is there? I am sure that the Israelis would welcome you with open arms.

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Millions of words and even more opinions will not change one bit of what the 2 sides are going through,

and if you think that this is the end of it, than think again, many years from now some people in some forumas will be still saying pretty much what we're saying here but with many more death and destruction to come...




Edited by ezzra
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