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Texas teen charged with killing 10 in high school massacre


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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

As horrible and gut wrenching these repeated killings are, the sad fact is that not much can be done to stop it from happening again and again, as there are as many as deranged dumb asses in the US as the availability of guns and ammo and the ease of which one can just get weapons and go on a killing spree....

I beg to differ. Holding parents responsible for their minors by charging them as accessories to murder, especially when the parent's firearms are used by them, would be a good start. Hardening the schools - single point of entrance, metal detectors, armed door guards - still has a long way to go (obviously) even in Texas.


This shooter did penetrate with a long gun (shot gun) and a pistol somehow. What did the parents know? I understand even though pretty stealthily demented, there were still some warning signs from the shooter with is choice of clothing, emblems, etc. He appears to have been some kind of Columbine copycat.


Hat tip: Stefan Molyneux:



Edited by MaxYakov
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5 hours ago, samran said:

Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers.


The only thing that would have stopped this is if all the students and teachers were armed. This is clearly a failure of there not being enough guns. 


Clearly there is no other global experience which the US can learn from. Schools shootings are now as American as apple pie and baseball. 


Thoghts and prayers, thoughts  and prayers. 



America must protect the schools.  It's a security problem.

I often think what has change in American Society to cause this school violence.It wasn't around with such frequency 40 years ago! American's must realize it is our responsibility to protect schools.  Violence  is in our society more than ever.Mental illness is at issue in most of the cases.

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2 minutes ago, riclag said:

America must protect the schools.  It's a security problem.

I often think what has change in American Society to cause this school violence.It wasn't around with such frequency 40 years ago! American's must realize it is our responsibility to protect schools.  Violence  is in our society more than ever.Mental illness is at issue in most of the cases.

Sadly, TSA-style security with armed police at schools is the future.  Once upon a time you could park your car at the airport and board the plane with your luggage with no screening whatsoever, and schools and other sensitive public facilities will have to follow suit.  Even Thailand has metal detectors at the MRT stations and some malls, albeit of questionable utility.

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3 minutes ago, riclag said:

America must protect the schools.  It's a security problem.

I often think what has change in American Society to cause this school violence.It wasn't around with such frequency 40 years ago! American's must realize it is our responsibility to protect schools.  Violence  is in our society more than ever.Mental illness is at issue in most of the cases.

Many countries are having similar problems from Grrrrr kids.....Why, treated like babies, no school punishment, pat on the head, give them anything they want....We are now paying the price.....:sad:

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3 hours ago, Sir Dude said:

As usual, it's the ease of access to guns for the completely unsuitable psycho types. You are never going to get a ban on guns in the US but making them harder to get hold of for the under 21, fails a mental evaluation test, anyone with misdemeanors/felony raps etc.say might be doable...along with proper penalties for allowing them to fall into the hands of those who didn't buy them or have a license for them (which seems to be the case here) as the father of this kid is guilty of negligence at least. Also, this cowardly punk didn't have the sand to pop himself at the end as intended...though Texas law might well end up doing it for him anyhow.    

You have a handle on this.The best analogy,I've seen yet,except for the age,should be 18,IMOP .I like the comment about "You are never going to get a ban on guns in the US but making them harder to get hold of for the under 21, fails a mental evaluation test, anyone with misdemeanors/felony raps etc.say might be doable...along with proper penalties for allowing them to fall into the hands of those who didn't buy them or have a license for them"

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


The easy access to guns isn't the primary reason for the killings. The easy access facilitates the killings and allows more to be killed more easily. Without guns it would be bladed weapons, bows, clubs, spears, chemicals, vehicles or whatever.


The primary reason seems to be the prevalent culture, failure to deal with drug and mental health issues, and something very wrong with a particular part of a specific society.



Morality,drug and mental illness in American society.I maybe wrong but it appears that drug and mental illness is more prevalent in America .

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4 hours ago, Kiwiken said:

I am not and never will support restrictions on the sale of weapons. I believe however in regulation. Often these people seem to get these weapons by dubious means. Why are they not required to be in a secure safe? Only the licensed firearm owner should have access to that safe. If it had be passed on to an unlicensed family member then you the Firearm owner are irresponsible and should have your firearms license revoked and firearms removed. End of story.

In the USA there seems to be little regulation of Firearms and often weak Policing.

In Britain and Australia i known regulations are strict and heavy restriction of firearms. Still shootings occur

In New Zealand regulations are strict but not as tight as UK or Britain. Restrictions are slightly lighter but policing is tight.

I just renewed my Firearms license. My Security of firearms thoroughly inspected and my character checked. The final question asked of me was "Is there any situation in which I would use a firearm to defend my Home." The answer is no its the last thing I think of. Firearms are the last resort not the first.

Doesn't regulation mean restriction in this case?

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


The easy access to guns isn't the primary reason for the killings. The easy access facilitates the killings and allows more to be killed more easily. Without guns it would be bladed weapons, bows, clubs, spears, chemicals, vehicles or whatever.


The primary reason seems to be the prevalent culture, failure to deal with drug and mental health issues, and something very wrong with a particular part of a specific society.



Another person in denial,just how many people do you think he could have killed with a club?or a knife for that matter?Guns are made to kill!

I can defend myself from a knife a lot easier than from a gun attack and you?

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9 minutes ago, jvs said:

Another person in denial,just how many people do you think he could have killed with a club?or a knife for that matter?Guns are made to kill!

I can defend myself from a knife a lot easier than from a gun attack and you?

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to replace humans with robots.We could program their emotions.It's not the gun or knife or weapon its our morality in America in many cases. People kill 

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7 hours ago, ezzra said:

As horrible and gut wrenching these repeated killings are, the sad fact is that not much can be done to stop it from happening again and again, as there are as many as deranged dumb asses in the US as the availability of guns and ammo and the ease of which one can just get weapons and go on a killing spree....

"the sad fact is that not much can will be done to stop it from happening again and again" :sad::sad::sad:

Edited by Basil B
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29 minutes ago, jvs said:

Doesn't regulation mean restriction in this case?

Regulation should control who has the right. (A scaled system of licensing with a scale of security) on who can own certain firearms.)

Restriction says certain firearms are banned.

I support regulation. I believe if you meet the criteria and Security requirement you should be allowed all.

In NZ i can own a 62 ton Battle tank but not a fully automatic rifle. On a busy day which do you think i could cause more carnage with.

But how often do you here of Tank rampages?

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5 minutes ago, welovethailand said:

What if you really knew what this was about?  You would probably not believe it. Just keep following along like the sheeples.


Don't waste your time. Conspiracy theory GARBAGE. Shame on you. You've got kids dead in Texas and these far right wing VULTURES are right on the spot suggesting it was done intentionally for propaganda purposes. SICK!

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14 minutes ago, welovethailand said:

Jingthing, if that is your real picture, then words like "garbage, sick, and wierd" point back at ya. I bet you never even watched the video. Shame on you. 

I watched enough. It is very sick stuff. Anyone that believes that garbage propaganda is similarly sick. I sampled enough of it to see what it is. Take that to alt-right areas of Reddit or something. It doesn't belong here. It's not opinion. It is total lies. But people pushing garbage like that don't even care about what's true or not. That's where we're at now in "trump"  America.


The picture is of Netta Barzilai the recent winner of the Eurovision Song Contest. 

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1 minute ago, chickenslegs said:

I didn't need to watch the whole video. After hearing that Santa Fe is an anagram of "Satan" and that the school is near to a Shell petrol station - or "Hell" station on Route number 6 (surely a sign of the devil), I was convinced.

Exactly. Extremely sick that people follow stuff like that. Even more disturbing, most people watching that garbage are liking it. Scary times indeed. 

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Yes, it is sad people don't wake up and realize what they are being "Programmed" with by your TV. 

We now have a generation of brain-dead, "Things" who try to force their "immorals" on others and scream like little brats when someone oppose their non-sense. 

Go back and watch the whole vid, its full of compasion. By the way, I'm not a voter, a right or left "winger". Just an ex-America who feels sorry the whole orld is being thrown to the "dogs".

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16 minutes ago, welovethailand said:

Jingthing, if that is your real picture, then words like "garbage, sick, and wierd" point back at ya. I bet you never even watched the video. Shame on you. 


going on about number 6 on a bus.

a guy on the scene they reckon is freemason

another one they reckon gives the devil hand sign

mentioning skull and bones and freemasons


they keep saying this is a luciferian act


id say Jingthing has a point! 

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2 hours ago, riclag said:

America must protect the schools.  It's a security problem.

I often think what has change in American Society to cause this school violence.It wasn't around with such frequency 40 years ago! American's must realize it is our responsibility to protect schools.  Violence  is in our society more than ever.Mental illness is at issue in most of the cases.

The only difference from 40 years ago is that back then the NRA was a organization centered around respectable and responsible gun ownership and firearms usage. 


Since the it has been hijacked by a natiavist and ideological zealots pushing an agenda who are happy to have kids mowed down every second week as long as they can win their petty culture wars. 


They are more than happy that Americans are desensitized by this violence as it allows their owners to sell more guns. 

Edited by samran
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12 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

I think what is going to happen is they will start calling this terrorism and then freedoms will be erroded to prefent them with public support. That is where the usa is going in my opinion, unfortunately. 

Learn your NRA endorsed talking points a bit better. 


It’s only terrorism if a Muslim did it....much easier the ban and demonize. 

Edited by samran
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Often overlooked was that there were two armed guards at Santa Fe High. 

And still there were 10 deaths by the shooter.


A 2016 paper1 examined 130 different studies that spanned 10 different countries, including the United States. They found a clear pattern: When governments restrict access to firearms, the number of homicides and suicides declined. The community of credible experts on guns aren’t really in disagreement on this point. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/5/18/17369832/santa-fe-high-texas-shooting-dan-patrick


1What Do We Know About the Association Between Firearm Legislation and

Firearm-Related Injuries? by Julian Santaella-Tenorio, Magdalena Cerdá, Andrés Villaveces, and Sandro Galea; Epidemiologic Reviews,  Vol. 38, 2016 (February 10, 2016); Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Exactly. Extremely sick that people follow stuff like that. Even more disturbing, most people watching that garbage are liking it. Scary times indeed. 

It is scary times indeed when any supporter of any party ...OK mainly Republicans......OK mainly Faux News ....refers encouragingly to Biblical "End Times prophecys"...I can never get why one is rational but the other is a lunatic fringe...

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