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This thai girl

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I could not get past the first few sentences before my "BARF" syndrome starting to push. This lady is a Looney toon to stay with you. I have had Vietnamese, Thai, and Korean friends. It does not require a magician to figure out these ladies could use support money. I've been with my Thai wife for 33 years plus, we love each other and I don't feel sorry for this egotist.

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1 hour ago, greytonlarken said:


I'm glad to hear there are other people that see it this way. I wouldn't pay my girlfriend/wife to stay with me. You must be desperate and unable to get a girlfriend/wife in another way, then sure..



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3 hours ago, mommysboy said:

What a tight wad!

Keeneow (Thai). Stingy - doesn't want to pay - avoids paying - always vocal for the cheapest price - can I get some discount on that (even when already marked down a lot) - always automatically looks for food etc., that's marked down for price because it's not really fresh any more / close too or past use by date - takes non-air conditioned bus for 3 Baht in Bkk because air-conditioned bus is 6 Baht. 




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2 hours ago, greytonlarken said:


I'm glad to hear there are other people that see it this way. I wouldn't pay my girlfriend/wife to stay with me. You must be desperate and unable to get a girlfriend/wife in another way, then sure..


By your own admission you are paying for everything except giving her money. In your head you convinced yourself that if you are not giving her cash, but paying for everything else you are somehow better than the bunch of old farang who give a 10,000 baht monthly allowance while you spend 18,000 baht a month on her buying crap.


Why doesn't she have a job? Is she somehow too good for 7/11?


Why didn't you get a woman with some education and work ethics? Let me help you with that. It's because those women don't spread their legs on the first date.


Good luck....it's going to be a lousy relationship.



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8 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Why didn't you get a woman with some education and work ethics? Let me help you with that. It's because those women don't spread their legs on the first date.

look you dont need to be so oblique when telling us how not hansum you are. just come right out and say it

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Well, you can listen to these guys who apparently only have sex if they can pay for it. If your girl is from a poor family, a lot of what they say about her cultural obligation to help support her family is true. However, like anything else, it can be negotiable. There is no reason to be a customer, if that is not what you want to be. Tell her you like her and want to try a relationship; if that is indeed what you intend. If you just want a freebie, well, you have had it. Go on to others. However, if you are serious; some women are just looking for love too, and they will try. Be honest from the start. Tell her you will not, under any circumstances, support her family, her buffalo or her cousin. If she is only looking for a financial relationship; that should dissuade her. It will not be easy, because her friends will try to get her to get money out of you. They will shame her because they too have had it ingrained into their heads; like so many posters here. However, contrary to popular belief, Thai women are women too; unless they have become hardened against it, they want love above all else.

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37 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


By your own admission you are paying for everything except giving her money. In your head you convinced yourself that if you are not giving her cash, but paying for everything else you are somehow better than the bunch of old farang who give a 10,000 baht monthly allowance while you spend 18,000 baht a month on her buying crap.


Why doesn't she have a job? Is she somehow too good for 7/11?


Why didn't you get a woman with some education and work ethics? Let me help you with that. It's because those women don't spread their legs on the first date.


Good luck....it's going to be a lousy relationship.




There is a difference - at least to me, or in my head as you say - between paying a woman and paying for a woman. She's only staying with you if you pay her cash? Isn't that practically you using her as a service? I only spend money on things I believe that'll make both of us happy. So you give her 10k upfront and say "good luck it's up to you to spend this wisely over the month while staying with me" and not spend a dime on her any more?


I don't know why doesn't have a job any more but she "plans on getting one soon", sounds dodgy indeed, I agree. She claims she studied in uni for 2 years.

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22 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Well, you can listen to these guys who apparently only have sex if they can pay for it. If your girl is from a poor family, a lot of what they say about her cultural obligation to help support her family is true. However, like anything else, it can be negotiable. There is no reason to be a customer, if that is not what you want to be. Tell her you like her and want to try a relationship; if that is indeed what you intend. If you just want a freebie, well, you have had it. Go on to others. However, if you are serious; some women are just looking for love too, and they will try. Be honest from the start. Tell her you will not, under any circumstances, support her family, her buffalo or her cousin. If she is only looking for a financial relationship; that should dissuade her. It will not be easy, because her friends will try to get her to get money out of you. They will shame her because they too have had it ingrained into their heads; like so many posters here. However, contrary to popular belief, Thai women are women too; unless they have become hardened against it, they want love above all else.


Feels like I just read the first decent reply in this thread! After reading all of the replies I seriously considered supporting her financially, I've seen her family - not just parents - and how they live, but I just don't feel like it's my responsibility at this stage.


She does want a relationship but I told her I need more time to think about it first.

I met some of her friends too and weirdly enough she has some wealthy ones; I've even had my drinks paid for by them..

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7 minutes ago, greytonlarken said:


There is a difference - at least to me, or in my head as you say - between paying a woman and paying for a woman. She's only staying with you if you pay her cash? Isn't that practically you using her as a service? I only spend money on things I believe that'll make both of us happy. So you give her 10k upfront and say "good luck it's up to you to spend this wisely over the month while staying with me" and not spend a dime on her any more?


I don't know why doesn't have a job any more but she "plans on getting one soon", sounds dodgy indeed, I agree. She claims she studied in uni for 2 years.

Pay? It's sharing resource, right now you have it, she doesn't, but she gets to spend loads of time with you.

She starts working, less need to share your resource, and she gets to spend limited time with you.

So if you really enjoy her company........

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7 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

I have loaned money to my MIL, something I wrote off as a gift at the time. Ten tears later she had a windfall which just covered the money I had loaned her and out of the blue she gave it back to me, over 100k in total. The interesting part of the story is that she doesn't really like me and I can't really stand her but my estimation of her went up many notches after that event.


the gal that borrowed money from me but had collateral (motorbike) insisted on giving me back more than i loaned her in addition to inviting me to eat and driving me places in appreciation despite me not caring about interest.  so 100,000 baht for 10 years. did she at least get you a big mac?

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is there anyone here that feels their time is also important thus not in favor of providing a salary for a gal to be the girlfriend.


bar girls have approached me offering to be my live in gf for a price . lol.  i tell them a nice condo is not free and id consider letting them share expenses. their faces, the look of horror.  whats wrong with this farang? 

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8 hours ago, poanoi said:

the only reason i tell you to pay is because you said she didnt have a work,

and in all cases she is expected to fork up 3k a month at a bare minimum,

and since she is spending the time with you, that mean she cant earn the money elsewhere.

i had a really rich gf, downside was she was working all the time,

i sure couldnt afford to compensate her loss of income if she dropped all her businesses

just to stay with me.

i can empathize with your view her family isnt your responsibility,

but they are her responsibility, and if she quit working, quit having an income

to feed the family just to stay with you, its because she expect you to

replace the income from the hotel/bar/whatever it was she was doing.


if you dont want to part with money, you have to get a girl that has a job,

and keeps her job, and only see you in her spare time.


on a first glance it looks like a better deal to have her pay for both herself, her parents, and the damned buffalo,

but the fact are they work 6 days a week for the most part so its not much of a relation


one last thing: there is no such thing as

collecting a fare here while waiting to get a job,

a person that does not work here gets nuffing at all

unless they have children giving them money.

i dont think you understand the situation here,

there isnt anyone that can just spend a month with you,

they need an income at all time, from you or from some other job

"one shitfaced drunk night she asked me why i never pay her and shes so poor and blabla"

Who needs a guy like the OP except he spends a lot of money on her? How could she work the next day in a decent job with such a drunkard?

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On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 1:09 PM, JHolmesJr said:


apparently she does and you are it.

She sees you as an ATM that is not yet programmed and ready to spit out money. But in the mean time, she is pushing your buttons (like an ATM) in hope of finding the right buttons that start the flow.

And you are using her for your pleasure. Be fair to the poor girl. Sh*t or get off the pot. You are leading a poor, naïve Thai girl on who wants to get on with life.

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5 hours ago, greytonlarken said:


There is a difference - at least to me, or in my head as you say - between paying a woman and paying for a woman. She's only staying with you if you pay her cash? Isn't that practically you using her as a service? I only spend money on things I believe that'll make both of us happy. So you give her 10k upfront and say "good luck it's up to you to spend this wisely over the month while staying with me" and not spend a dime on her any more?


I don't know why doesn't have a job any more but she "plans on getting one soon", sounds dodgy indeed, I agree. She claims she studied in uni for 2 years.

In Madagascae, girls call it a "cadeaux". And they expect it ?!

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3 minutes ago, neeray said:

She sees you as an ATM that is not yet programmed and ready to spit out money. But in the mean time, she is pushing your buttons (like an ATM) in hope of finding the right buttons that start the flow.

And you are using her for your pleasure. Be fair to the poor girl. Sh*t or get off the pot. You are leading a poor, naïve Thai girl on who wants to get on with life.

She took him upcountry to her family, so she is really serious. Unfortunately, he doesn't or don't want to understand Thai culture.

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2 minutes ago, chicowoodduck said:

Either you pay now or pay later.....save your money and avoid coming back unless you have a shitload of cash to spare.....because in the end....she will get it all and leave you high and dry....100%???

Somebody writes out of experience ?!

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8 hours ago, Top man said:

Hi,sorry but  i never read the replys to this subject because there always very negative ,but you must know in your heart what is right, women are women, whether here or back in our own countries. Though my experience, especially here in Thailand the one's who succeed in a relationship are the clever one's,not the one's who see on a bar stool every day and play with their phone thinking who they can piss off because their own life's are a mess and yeah probably a bit of jealousy,also because they are the ones who pissed it all up and are ugly as sin. 

Is this all grown on your dungheap? Most girls coming from Isaan to Pattaya or Bangkok have the only option to work in the rice fields at home. And, you simply need to drink enough whiskey or beer, then every girl looks beautiful. Also it is not given by nature that every girl is a beauty queen. I imagine you think you are a lookalike Brad Pitt.

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12 hours ago, atyclb said:


you struck a chord in my heart . lol.     now that you mention it those ones are not half bad.

Hey wannabe toy boy, you will be also coming into an age where you have to be a sugardaddy or will be a lonesome cowboy ?!

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10 hours ago, greytonlarken said:

Holy cow, thanks for all those replies.


Let me clarify some things: True, I know nothing about thai culture. Pattaya happened to be one of many cities I visited during an Asia trip. I met a few other thai girls before her and some of them insisted they pay for their own meal when we ate together. I did not go to Pattaya to "buy" a wife or explicitly find a girlfriend. But if something would match up, why not.


I'm rather confused by the fact so many of you think it's normal to pay your woman on a regular basis.. for.. I don't know for what exactly. Can I compare it to prostitution? You're paying her to stay with you? Maybe this is a thai thing? Like I said, I know nothing about thai culture, especially thai relationships. Where I come from, both people have their own job, their own income - at least in my age group, too. I suppose many of you are much older than me and just have a different point of view.


You think I don't treat her well because I don't pay her? She has a free place to stay, free food, free drinking, gets to do all kinds of activities, free partying and even clothes once a while. I'm not responsible for her family though. I told her numerous times I'm not paying her as if it was her job to give me a good time. I told her I don't mind if she leaves at any time, but she insists she wants to stay because she loves me. I like her too, a lot, but I don't want to say love quite yet because I don't trust the situation.

Whoa everybody. Hold on. I just noticed something. The original post was pretty brutal English and punctuation. But now this post is near perfect both. I only found one word missing, pretty darn good English otherwise. So is he really a drunk,  Cheap Charlie using this naïve Thai girl or is he just entertaining us?

Only a fake switches English styles this readily.

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6 hours ago, greytonlarken said:


Feels like I just read the first decent reply in this thread! After reading all of the replies I seriously considered supporting her financially, I've seen her family - not just parents - and how they live, but I just don't feel like it's my responsibility at this stage.


She does want a relationship but I told her I need more time to think about it first.

I met some of her friends too and weirdly enough she has some wealthy ones; I've even had my drinks paid for by them..

Interesting how you define "wealthy" (drinks paid for). I hope this girl realizes that you may be on a dangerous path to alcoholism.

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10 hours ago, greytonlarken said:

Holy cow, thanks for all those replies.


Let me clarify some things: True, I know nothing about thai culture. Pattaya happened to be one of many cities I visited during an Asia trip. I met a few other thai girls before her and some of them insisted they pay for their own meal when we ate together. I did not go to Pattaya to "buy" a wife or explicitly find a girlfriend. But if something would match up, why not.


I'm rather confused by the fact so many of you think it's normal to pay your woman on a regular basis.. for.. I don't know for what exactly. Can I compare it to prostitution? You're paying her to stay with you? Maybe this is a thai thing? Like I said, I know nothing about thai culture, especially thai relationships. Where I come from, both people have their own job, their own income - at least in my age group, too. I suppose many of you are much older than me and just have a different point of view.


You think I don't treat her well because I don't pay her? She has a free place to stay, free food, free drinking, gets to do all kinds of activities, free partying and even clothes once a while. I'm not responsible for her family though. I told her numerous times I'm not paying her as if it was her job to give me a good time. I told her I don't mind if she leaves at any time, but she insists she wants to stay because she loves me. I like her too, a lot, but I don't want to say love quite yet because I don't trust the situation.


I don't know about you but when I was young my dad used to give my mum money every week to take care of the household, that was her only source of income.....your female friend is really no different, she's taking care of you and has no source of income other than what you chose to give her....I doubt that people in those days ever considered that had anything to do with prostitution!


I don't think for one moment you can compare the way the system works amongst two people back home and what happens here, the differences are too great,....."where I come from both people have their own job, their own income", I suggest that if your girlfriend had both those things she wouldn't be with you! 


Yes, it's very much a Thai thing that family members support each other financially, whoever has, gives. I've been married to a Thai for 16 years and every month I willingly make a small contribution which pays for my MIL's electric bill and gives her a couple of thousand a month to spend on whatever. I do that because she has no other income and she is my wife's mother - the other remaining children do similar, when and if they are able. I recognise that my wife regards her mothers well being as probably the most important thing in her life, more important than me and our relationship (which is very strong). So when I'm helping out the MiL every month with a few thousand baht, I'm actually helping out my wife hence I'm making tow peoples life easier. Love.....it's not really part of the equation I don't think, it's obligation more than anything else.


One more thing that you wrote:  "I'm not responsible for her family though". you'll need to revisit that thought in the context of what I've written above, if you decide to get into a serious relationship with her, because you won't be able to have the girl without her family.


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1 hour ago, bermannor said:

"one shitfaced drunk night she asked me why i never pay her and shes so poor and blabla"

Who needs a guy like the OP except he spends a lot of money on her? How could she work the next day in a decent job with such a drunkard?

yes, right now he prevent her from making an income to send to her mother,

and he has no intention to compensate her for her loss of income

that is a direct result of her wasting her time on him.

she is new to the game or she wouldnt be fooled like this.


for his part he thinks she has no expenses,

he havnt really thought about it but subconsciously think

she has access and probably live on social security checks,

(he pays for her party and her SS pays for her and her family kinda thought)

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7 hours ago, greytonlarken said:


There is a difference - at least to me, or in my head as you say - between paying a woman and paying for a woman. She's only staying with you if you pay her cash? Isn't that practically you using her as a service? 


Who? Me? Or in general speak?  


To me, the one red flag in this whole story is employment. Poor or not poor there is no excuse for not having a job and expecting others to pay for everything. If the girl is working and you give her additional help every month be it in cash or "gifts" that's fine. This is me and this is how I would act.  


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