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First convict executed in Thailand in nine years


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32 minutes ago, Jingjock said:

Try working in a prison and corrections for many years like I have, maybe you will change your attitude against these morons

Correct, humans are just another animal - and what do we do with rogue elephants, vicious dogs, man eating tigers etc., they are put-down to further safeguard human life. 

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1 minute ago, Artisi said:

Correct, humans are just another animal - and what do we do with rogue elephants, vicious dogs, man eating tigers etc., they are put-down to further safeguard human life. 

Well said, couldn't agree more

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20 hours ago, Siripon said:

Thaksin was very keen on executions. He had over 2,275 people murdered in his drugs war and subsequently as many as 1,400 were found to have had nothing to do with drugs. 

And lets us not forget he brought  executions to the TV screen in 2001 when three prisoners were filmed on their way to the death chamber.

The drugs war was a human rights disgrace and Thaksin bears prime responsibility.It was incompetently organised and ineffective.Many local scores were settled with little reference to the drugs trade.But the campaign had very wide support at the highest levels of the Thai establishment, with the military/police complicit.None of this makes Thaksin's actions excusable but the misery caused by drug traffickers destroyed countless families and lives.None of this is ever mentioned and the drugs war now serves as a way of making political capital but it's a slight surprise to find someone as intelligent as you playing that shopworn game.Incidentally the numbers you quote seem to be plucked out of the air.Unless substantiated (particular the number stated as having nothing to do with drugs) they are pretty much worthless.I really respect those who protested at the time but honesty compels one to concede they were very few - indeed a miniscule number.

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On 6/19/2018 at 9:21 AM, maximillian said:

The executed was only 20 when he killed.

Was it premediated murder ?  No. It wasn't. Was it murder at all ? It happened during a robbery, so it was rather manslaughter. What would the verdict be e.g.in Australia ?

Then why wait for 6 years to execute ?

I'm afraid some of the TVFmembers would also applaud at the execution of the two Burmese accused of murder in Koh Tao.

News to me that a killing during an armed robbery would be classed as manslaughter rather than murder.


Stabbing 24 times would tend to indicate murder regardless.

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18 hours ago, jgarbo said:

Problem: Judicial killing is basically revenge, which does nothing for the victim. Jailing for life is expensive and useless. I prefer the old Sumerian custom: The murderer must work for the victim's survivors as a servant for life, getting only food and a place to sleep. He remembers his crime, pays back and spares the state expense. The Sumerians were very civilized. 

It will certainly do nothing for the victim he's dead!!!


So the victims family have to house and feed this murderer and live in fear for their lives in case he decides to repeat his crime in their household and run off into the night........


Great idea....

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18 hours ago, JGV said:

An eye for an eye mentality equivalent to 5 year old thinking

Capital punishment is barbaric and should be a statistic from history

Try and deal with the causes and solve them

Here is a scenario for you or a cause if you wish.


I want an IPhone but I don't have the money for one.


I see a young man with one but he won't give it to me. I then take out a knife that have have been carrying around and threaten him.


He still won't give me HIS IPhone so I stab him. He fights back but he is unarmed, so I stab him again and again. 24 times to be exact.


I now have an IPhone and a dead body so I run away and eventually get caught, go to trial, put in jail under sentence of death. It doesn't matter as nobody has been executed for nearly 10 years.


Now, JGV, how would you deal with that cause and solve it before it happens?

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1 hour ago, rott said:

News to me that a killing during an armed robbery would be classed as manslaughter rather than murder.


Stabbing 24 times would tend to indicate murder regardless.


Alright, have to admit that I made a mistake. I'm not too familiar with crime cases and I'm not an English native speaker.

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18 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Did you not read the below from the original news post ?


"Theerasak Longji, 26, was convicted of robbing and killing a person with a knife in Trang, southern Thailand, in July 2012. The victim was stabbed 24 times", a mobile and bag was stolen.


You want to argue whether it was manslaughter over murder, regardless, 24 times he stabbed an innocent person, and it was captured on CTTV so what is your argument, the guy deserved to get what he got, the only problem was it took 6 years too long to inject him.


If it was your son or your daughter, your father, mother that this happened too, stabbed 24 times, would you be defending this creep, ummm maybe murder is too harsh, ummm maybe we should charge him with manslaughter and give him a jail sentence rather than death.


Give me a break....please 555


Okey, it was murder not manslaughter. My mistake. Sorry.

I wasn't defending the killer at all. That was not my intention.

Still the question remains: What would the sentence have been in a western country, considering the fact the killer was not even 20 years old at the time. ?


Most countries don't have the death penalty anymore.

Those countries that still execute killers are few. Thailand isn't known to have a real good justice system. Is it ?   Even in the US many innocent people are convicted for crimes they've never commited.

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10 minutes ago, maximillian said:


Okey, it was murder not manslaughter. My mistake. Sorry.

I wasn't defending the killer at all. That was not my intention.

Still the question remains: What would the sentence have been in a western country, considering the fact the killer was not even 20 years old at the time. ?


Most countries don't have the death penalty anymore.

Those countries that still execute killers are few. Thailand isn't known to have a real good justice system. Is it ?   Even in the US many innocent people are convicted for crimes they've never commited.

The difference being this WAS guilty


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31 minutes ago, Bezdomny said:

Only uncivilized middle age stuck countries still have death penalty. Its not math, two murders doesnt equal right.

2 murders, NO, 1 murder proven guilty and 1 criminal law penalty being rightfully applied. 

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On 6/19/2018 at 9:21 AM, maximillian said:

The executed was only 20 when he killed.

Was it premediated murder ?  No. It wasn't. Was it murder at all ? It happened during a robbery, so it was rather manslaughter. What would the verdict be e.g.in Australia ?

Then why wait for 6 years to execute ?

I'm afraid some of the TVFmembers would also applaud at the execution of the two Burmese accused of murder in Koh Tao.

. . . it was rather manslaughter


The victim was stabbed 24 times. If that isn't "intent" to murder, then I don't know what is.

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I have been informed by a Thai that this was not his first murder and that he had been in and out of prison 8 times before. You have to ask yourself if detention was ever going to reform someone who stabbed a young man 24 times simply to obtain 2000 thb and a phone ?

On a Thai forum his sisters commented that he didn't deserve to die, as he really hadn't done anything to warrant it and perhaps therein lies the reason that sometimes the death penalty is the only solution to protect society from someone who is otherwise eventually going to be released and also to protect society from the overly liberal and stupid people that can't see past the end of their own noses. 

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Capital punishment can be useful as a deterrent ONLY if the perpetrators believe that there is a high probability they will be pursued, caught and the due process of law and punishment handed down accordingly.


If the police still insist on lax enforcement, cherry picking high profile cases with media coverage,  judicial sentences handed down based on socio-economics and life sentences given pardons etc,  focusing only on the punishment without overhauling the process will only be in vain.

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3 hours ago, maximillian said:


Okey, it was murder not manslaughter. My mistake. Sorry.

I wasn't defending the killer at all. That was not my intention.

Still the question remains: What would the sentence have been in a western country, considering the fact the killer was not even 20 years old at the time. ?


Most countries don't have the death penalty anymore.

Those countries that still execute killers are few. Thailand isn't known to have a real good justice system. Is it ?   Even in the US many innocent people are convicted for crimes they've never commited.

No probs, glad you cleared that up 555


The death penalty is not ideal for a lot, because some justice systems, like you say Thailand are not the best and mistakes happen, here and overseas where there are such penalties like the death penalty, so I look at it as a low risk numbers game, sure some innocent guys will get injected, but if we look at wars where governments send in their troops who are innocent to get slaughtered because of someones own ego, and power hungry backers, so it would be like 10's of thousands Vs the odd 10 or 20 who would get the injection, sad yes,  but I am only for it if there is 110% evidence, eg hard to say that wasn't you on CCTV, or witnesses, fingerprints, etc etc, however if its based on just the police's word, forget it, it has to be rock solid.


If it was in a western country, he would probably do 20 max, out in 10 with good behaviour or something like that, but then again there is a new wave of mental crap being introduced to courts in Australia for example where lawyers are saying, my client has blackouts, cannot remember, is mentality impaired, but it comes and goes, and the courts lap it up.


I was raised on two principal's, an eye for an eye, and revenge is bitter sweet !

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7 hours ago, Jingjock said:

Well said, couldn't agree more



Suppose for a moment, that the Prime Minister of Thailand wants to make a new law, under section 44, such that all Scots are henceforth deemed sub-human and must be put down.


Now the law is there, the justification (I might call it warped but no matter), is that when he was young, our glorious PM was given a bloody nose by a Glaswegian. So all Scots are to be rounded up and given a nice little 3-phase injection. They are now considered to be on a level with rapists, murderers, kiddy-fiddlers and the rest.


Still feeling the same way? Still feeling vengeful about others now that you are one of the others?


The law is arbitrary, a higher law must prevail, the law of humanity. That is what stops us descending into the world of animals. And in this scenario, it's what stops Scots from being killed off.


Still feel the same way now that you feel vulnerable? I bet you don't.



Edited by KiwiKiwi
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31 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Especially when the whole system is incompetent, thoroughly corrupt and nearly everyone is on the take.

So your take on this would be to put him in prison then or let him go free ?


Did you not read, he was identified on CCTV while committing the crime, i.e. while he was stabbing the victim 24 times, what, now all of a sudden, he is the victim, perhaps you should take his confession 555. 

Edited by 4MyEgo
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28 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:



Suppose for a moment, that the Prime Minister of Thailand wants to make a new law, under section 44, such that all Scots are henceforth deemed sub-human and must be put down.


Now the law is there, the justification (I might call it warped but no matter), is that when he was young, our glorious PM was given a bloody nose by a Glaswegian. So all Scots are to be rounded up and given a nice little 3-phase injection. They are now considered to be on a level with rapists, murderers, kiddy-fiddlers and the rest.


Still feeling the same way? Still feeling vengeful about others now that you are one of the others?


The law is arbitrary, a higher law must prevail, the law of humanity. That is what stops us descending into the world of animals. And in this scenario, it's what stops Scots from being killed off.


Still feel the same way now that you feel vulnerable? I bet you don't.



I have never know how it feels to be blindsided by ones own paranoia, the guy was caught on CCTV stabbing the victim 24 times to death, and you carry on about the PM, give us a break mate, he got what he deserved, keep your paranoia in your pocket, because I'm not spooked, if the PM wanted to take anyone out, all he would have to do is a repeat of 2010, remember what he did to the poor red shirts ?

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1 minute ago, 4MyEgo said:

I have never know how it feels to be blindsided by ones own paranoia, the guy was caught on CCTV stabbing the victim 24 times to death, and you carry on about the PM, give us a break mate, he got what he deserved, keep your paranoia in your pocket, because I'm not spooked, if the PM wanted to take anyone out, all he would have to do is a repeat of 2010, remember what he did to the poor red shirts ?


Well, I might well say the same as you and your blood lust.


I don't have blood lust, I have a brain.

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2 hours ago, EdyP said:

If Executions take place it cannot be called the department of corrections,. I dont support this as it does more harm than good .

He took an innocent life and his was taken in return. I would say this was a perfect example of a correction in society.


I'd like to sit all you bleeding heart liberals down in a room with the victims family / dependants and watch you explain your principles in that environment.

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I have been informed by a Thai that this was not his first murder and that he had been in and out of prison 8 times before. You have to ask yourself if detention was ever going to reform someone who stabbed a young man 24 times simply to obtain 2000 thb and a phone ?
On a Thai forum his sisters commented that he didn't deserve to die, as he really hadn't done anything to warrant it and perhaps therein lies the reason that sometimes the death penalty is the only solution to protect society from someone who is otherwise eventually going to be released and also to protect society from the overly liberal and stupid people that can't see past the end of their own noses. 
He was only 20 at the time of the murder he was executed for. He must have started young if he had done 8 jail terms oncluding one for murder. Am not sure if I believe your thai friend.

Sent from my SM-G900I using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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8 minutes ago, Chrisdoc said:

He was only 20 at the time of the murder he was executed for. He must have started young if he had done 8 jail terms oncluding one for murder. Am not sure if I believe your thai friend.

Sent from my SM-G900I using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

My wife must have watched the same news as she told me the same last night. 8 prison spells and a previous murder.

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3 hours ago, KiwiKiwi said:


Well, I might well say the same as you and your blood lust.


I don't have blood lust, I have a brain.

So your saying he should have been put in jail as opposed to death for killing an innocent victim, i.e. stabbing him 24 times, who has the blood lust, not me obviously, but I believe the death penalty served him well, as did over 70 others also believed it served its purpose, i.e. they liked my 1st post on this topic, so I would say majority rules, as does the majority of Thai's feeling the punishment fits the crime if you read other reports 555


One knows you have a brain, I will leave that at that.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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