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Trump backs down, orders end to family separations at U.S. border


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1 hour ago, wayned said:

1250 miles of the border between the US and Mexico is the Rio Grande River.  Please tell me how they are going to build the wall.  It can't be built on the Mexican side., and the resources for both agriculture and recreation are used by both countries so if it is built on the US side the US citizens would not have access.  So the only option is to build it down the center of the river.  I think that would be quite and engineering feat!




Of course, there would still be the issue of diving under the "wall".

That would be a perfect scenario for Thailand to unload them unnecessary submarines.

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1 minute ago, Srikcir said:

Currently do not block entry into US ports of entry to those people who want to apply for asylum legally. The border agents have been instructed by Sessions to only allow those people with visas in hand (which a refugee wouldn't have) or there was “no room” to process them at the port of entry, and they should come back later when there might be room. There never was room.


Under the Immigration and Nationality Act, immigrants within the U.S. who tell immigration officials they’re afraid to return to their countries have the right to request asylum and to be immediately processed. They are not supposed to be turned back at bridges.



Reminds me of the story of a young family in the Middle East seeking refuge being told 'there's no room in the inn.' Ended up in an animal manger. https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/people-cultures-in-the-bible/jesus-historical-jesus/jesus-was-a-refugee/

Modern day denied refugees end up in the Rio Grande River and the border deserts.

Excellent post.

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7 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Reminds me of the story of a young family in the Middle East seeking refuge being told 'there's no room in the inn.' Ended up in an animal manger.


Jeff Sessions was probably there to defend the Inn manager.


After castigating the young woman for becoming pregnant under "mysterious" circumstances.

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Full text: Trump’s executive order ending family separations


President Donald Trump’s executive order: Affording Congress an Opportunity to Address Family Separation

Issued on: June 20, 2018

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq., it is hereby ordered as follows:





interesting section...


(c) The Secretary of Defense shall take all legally available measures to provide to the Secretary, upon request, any existing facilities available for the housing and care of alien families, and shall construct such facilities if necessary and consistent with law. The Secretary, to the extent permitted by law, shall be responsible for reimbursement for the use of these facilities.





Please don't call these Internment Camps.



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The new "Normal".


Report: Justice Department Wants Military Lawyers for Prosecutions at Southern Border


The Justice Department has reportedly asked the Pentagon to send active-duty military lawyers to the southern border for prosecutions of migrants who enter the United States illegally. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow reported on Wednesday that the lawyers would serve six-month “shifts” and would act as special assistant U.S. attorneys. Maddow also said the Pentagon agreed to send the lawyers, known as JAGs.



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The Trump administration misspelled “separation” in an executive order on family separation


As initially published, the order addressed family “seperation.”

The Trump administration released its highly anticipated executive order on family separation Wednesday afternoon. And in the grand tradition of many Trump White House documents, something wasn’t quite right.





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2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

To be fair, regarding your last point, trump does appear incapable of doing anything that could be seen as vaguely presidential...


Well he does seem to use Air Force One and the Marine One helicopter rather a lot and that is presidential, sort of.

1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:


More like Captain Queeg.


Hopefully, he'll have a similar courtroom experience.




Thank you for that. (Going slightly off topic. What a great actor he was.) :sorry:

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It’s going to be fun to see kids chained to their parents instead of being in a safe enviroment where they are fed, clothed, educated andrecieve any medical attention they may need but hey ho, atleast the loony left can’t spout any more of their bullshit fake crap using photo’s from 4 years ago. 





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11 minutes ago, Brigante7 said:

It’s going to be fun to see kids chained to their parents instead of being in a safe enviroment where they are fed, clothed, educated andrecieve any medical attention they may need


Where is this "safe environment"?


Sounds like Laura Ingraham's "Summer Camp"?


Or are you suggesting we re-open Detention Site Green in Udon Thani?



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6 hours ago, jackh said:

Now Trump has actually tried to temporary stop them via executive order. But still he is the bad guy. Trump haters will always hate, no matter what great things Trump does for this country. So be it. Real Americans could care less about all the liberal haters.

Trump backed down because of overwhelming condemnation from both Americans, a great many being republicans, and world wide pressure.  Not to mention his own wife!


Are they all Trump haters?  Yes they are and they count as millions across the world, rising every single day. 

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Newsweek, May 30, 2018




Newsweek: 5/30/18

Department of Health and Human Services'(HHS) Administration for Children and Families spokesperson Kenneth Wolfe told Newsweek on Wednesday that it had as many as 10,852 undocumented children in its custody—a significant jump from the 8,886 that were in the agency's custody on April 29, according to the Washington Post. spokesman for HHS’s Administration for Children and Families told

In fiscal year 2013, under the Barack Obama administration, the HHS Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) had as many as 25,000 unaccompanied children in its care across 80 shelters, according to a July 2014 article in Mother Jones.



Obama Held More Than Double the Number of Children in Shelters Compared to Trump White House

Newsweek Europe








Thanks to an Obama loophole allowing minors to ask for amnesty, in the past 10 years the increase in minors seeking amnesty has increased 1,700 %. At present, of the 12,000 minors being detained, only 2,000 came with their parents.


Finally, the law is being enforced.

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6 hours ago, Guitar God said:

Trump is not against putting children in cages, he’s only backing down because of the negative publicity. 


I call bullshit in claiming Clinton’s policies, this didn’t happen until Trump took office. 


Trump’s a horrible, vile person who will do as much evil as he can until he’s called out and forced to stop. 


Its like Laura Ingram only apologizing after he advertisers start pulling out. 

She didn’t change her mind, she was just effected negatively by it and forced to change for financial reasons. 


Trump wouldn’t be continuing if it wasn’t for the outrage. 




What did you say about Clinton ?

Edited by BuaBS
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7 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

If the Mediterranean Sea can’t stop migrants, neither will a wall.


Ask the Chinese, walls don’t work.

A well garded wall ,with non lethal weapons as deterent will.

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10 minutes ago, BuaBS said:

A well garded wall ,with non lethal weapons as deterent will.

How many guards do you need per mile? x 4 to cover 365/24/7  (3 shifts plus one on leave, holiday, sick). You would need a literal army of workers willing to work at very low cost. Where would you find them?   wait a minute....how about you create an army of guards from the people who want to enter the country and work for ultra low wages. Recruit the people at the border entry points and give them all jobs guarding the wall!

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