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Mother cries foul after teacher humiliates son over unpaid school fee


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11 hours ago, Spock said:

Really can't see how you can even attempt to justify the teacher's actions. However much the school needs the money the child was unnecessarily and cruelly humiliated.

Hang on Doc.... the comment you responded to was likely intended to be sarcastic in nature.


Let's hope so....

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There's only one person to blame, the mother. She screwed up and failed in her basic task as a mother and probably not for the first time. The kid traumatized? Get real, it's the mom that lost face. The teachers are just looking for creative ways to shame the mom, unfortunately through the boy. It's so easy to blame the teachers because they are not allowed to defend their actions and all they can do is apologize to the people that are really causing the problems, namely the overprotecting parents that miserably spoil their kids

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12 minutes ago, Essaybloke said:

Yes it IS easy to blame teachers when they deliberately seek to humiliate a child in their care. What they did is an inexcusable disgrace to the profession and how dare you defend it!

I'm not defending their actions, but I do understand that they sometimes take drastic measures to make a point, furthermore these stores usually get blown out of proportion. I doubt the kid was traumatized, humiliated, maybe but, with all the attention he gets now he will be the hero at school and the neighberhood

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4 minutes ago, Frenske said:

I'm not defending their actions, but I do understand that they sometimes take drastic measures to make a point, furthermore these stores usually get blown out of proportion. I doubt the kid was traumatized, humiliated, maybe but, with all the attention he gets now he will be the hero at school and the neighberhood

Whether or not the boy was 'traumatised' is not the point and you may well be correct about this being a badge of honor for him amongst his mates. But the fact that professional educators thought it was acceptable to put a child in their care in this situation- wow that beggars belief.

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3 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

You got a big mouth. How about putting your money there to help the kid's future education?

That's 700 baht a term. 

About 200 baht a month. 

Or 50 baht a week. 

About 10 baht a day. 

Lunch included. 

A part time job at tesco lotus pays 10000 a month. 

Tell that sorry assed mother to pay up. 

All your looking for is a hook up with a single mother. 

People are just gullible. 

I can't bare it sometimes. 

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3 hours ago, Frenske said:

I'm not defending their actions, but I do understand that they sometimes take drastic measures to make a point, furthermore these stores usually get blown out of proportion. I doubt the kid was traumatized, humiliated, maybe but, with all the attention he gets now he will be the hero at school and the neighberhood

Quite bizarre.In a universe full of bizarre opinions.


He will be a hero for being publicly humiliated-in Thailand?


Thai apologetics gone mad-and it walks on the verge of insanity every day.

Edited by Odysseus123
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1 hour ago, billd766 said:

Not in the slightest.


He is someone who has a heart and who cares about children, even the ones he dors not know.


Unlike yourself who cares for nothing but yourself.

He's looking for a contact with a single mother. I didn't come down in the last shower you know. 

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3 hours ago, Frenske said:

There's only one person to blame, the mother. She screwed up and failed in her basic task as a mother and probably not for the first time. The kid traumatized? Get real, it's the mom that lost face. The teachers are just looking for creative ways to shame the mom, unfortunately through the boy. It's so easy to blame the teachers because they are not allowed to defend their actions and all they can do is apologize to the people that are really causing the problems, namely the overprotecting parents that miserably spoil their kids

That's right. 

Go to the source of the problem. 

The mother wouldn't pay. 

She could pay but she wouldn't pay. 


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1 hour ago, Odysseus123 said:

Quite bizarre.In a universe full of bizarre opinions.


He will be a hero for being publicly humiliated-in Thailand?


Thai apologetics gone mad-and it walks on the verge of insanity every day.


For the life of me, I just can't understand why there are still a few folk who try to attach reason to what Thais do. These are the folk that cling to a belief in Shangri-la, a population of uneducated but supremely intelligent beings who are also spiritual and societally advanced - the noble and gentle savage. There is no conflict and everything is done altruistically in accordance with the Will of the God at their centre.


One day the bubble bursts, and what is left in front of the rose-coloured and fantastical glasses, is an unintelligent and animalistic population with no education to speak of, no culture to speak of and no freedom to speak of, who regularly adopt features of the other animal families in the forests around them - and managed by 200 or so fabulously wealthy kleptocrat families who have all paid their dues to the God at their centre, and are thus entitled to put their noses into the trough the people have bought for them. And of course they daon't want people asking (a la Monty Python) 'why are they covered in gold and we're covered in sh|t?', so they make sure there is no real educatiuon system to speak of - probably OK for sub-11 year-olds in western countries but useless for anything else. So of course, the peasants don't learn how to ask awkward questions.


Believe it or not, there are some simple souls who've swallowed this whole legend, hook line and sinker, they put in an appearance here from time to time so they can hurl abuse and otherwise ridicule people with broader horizons. They are what were called 'useful idiots' (by, I believe Lenin, but may have been some other luminary), and of course, they fall prey to their own gullibility and often get right royally ripped off - lambs to the slaughter - by a population which lies, cheats and steals by custom and habit, but which they did not expect because they believed their own lies and delusions (look, I got ripped off by one of their saints, ain't that cute? I'm sure there's a deep meaning in there for me somewhere...).


It's all very sad and I think someone will now cue the dementers to tell me what a bad person I am for saying such orful thangs about the noble savages. But believe me as one who dsopped sleepwalking after 2 years in LOS, , there's precious little noble about this lot, as the afore-mentioned teacher demonstrates. What there is is a population with minds undeveloped, and are which therefore pretty similar to the rest of the animal kingdom in that their emotional responses are pretty much all there is, King of the Castle. They have yet to learn how to use and benefit from the cerebral cortex which most animals do not have in such bulk as human beings.


Hey ho, flame away you guyz.I have a jelly bean for the first guy to call this a rant, and a nice pat on the head for the first guy to call me a Thai-basher.



Edited by KiwiKiwi
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5 hours ago, greenchair said:

He's looking for a contact with a single mother. I didn't come down in the last shower you know. 


And you know that this is the absolute truth, how?


Do you know him personally or did the guy on the next bar stool tell you?

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Teacher had no right to wreck the students shirt. Not all Thais are rich enough to be going

out and buying new shirts, like some commenters on this Forum.  Kiwi with Attitude.

  Mother may not have had the 700 baht or what ever, so I guess she is guilty of being



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6 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Teacher had no right to wreck the students shirt. Not all Thais are rich enough to be going

out and buying new shirts, like some commenters on this Forum.  Kiwi with Attitude.

  Mother may not have had the 700 baht or what ever, so I guess she is guilty of being



It doesn't say the mother doesn't have money. 

It says she won't pay because her ex husband should pay. And he doesn't want to pay. It was extra money for learning with a native speaker. Do you know how much it costs for a small school to hire a native speaker. 

This mother needs to take responsibility. She should have paid it and sorted it out with the father or taken the child out of the English class. I want a Mercedes benz but my husband won't pay either.

So I do extra work or I don't get one. This mother is clearly shirking her responsibility. 

There's nothing wrong with the shirt. The writing is on a piece of tape. Quite innotive of the teacher to come up with that, I thought. I'll remember that next time my students don't pay. 

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On 6/22/2018 at 11:38 AM, PatOngo said:

Blaming the child for the sins of the father?.....uncanny how they can always find SOMEONE to blame!


So you are truly suggestung that one parent using/blaming the other is unique to thailand.

It happens all over the world, every day . Look beyond your anti thai agenda and you too will see that.

Another grateful expat.

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Why is everyone so quick to blame the teacher.  I am willing to bet that most of you either do not have kids in schools or have never been a teacher in a Thai school.  


Teachers are not the ones that look after the money the Directors are.  They are the ones in charge.


Imagine if you went to work and your boss said to do this or you are fired and blackballed.  Imagine if they could actually do this what would you do?


If you are a young teacher starting out with huge debts or an older teacher looking just to get thru and collect your pension as meager as it is you have no choice but to do it.


Although none of us can be sure it is an even bet that the school had already tried other ways to resolve it before they told the teacher what to do.  Thais are masters at denying that they owe money and think that if they ignore letters they will go away.


The school pays the teacher the extra 3-400 baht an hour and this is their way of making money.


There are a lkot of people to blame but I definitely think the techer is not one of them.  Teachers are hired to teach not trained to be debt collectors.

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