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In Supreme Court pick, Trump can push conservative social agenda


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In Supreme Court pick, Trump can push conservative social agenda

By Steve Holland and Lawrence Hurley



U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to reporters as he meets with Portugal’s President Rebelo de Sousa in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, U.S. June 27, 2018. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With a second Supreme Court pick less than 18 months into his presidency, Donald Trump is poised to cement conservative control of the court and fire up supporters eager for a rightward shift on divisive social issues.


Shortly after Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement on Wednesday, White House officials said Trump had an opportunity to shape U.S. justice for decades to come.


"It will further his agenda of remaking the courts," said one senior White House official. “This is a legacy.”


Speaking of the selection at a rally in North Dakota on Wednesday night, Trump said: "We have to pick a great one. We have to pick one that's going to be there for 40 years, 45 years."


Kennedy’s replacement could be pivotal in paring back abortion rights, potentially even challenging the Supreme Court's landmark Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973 that gave women a constitutional right to obtain the procedure.


Undoing or at least putting more limits on that ruling has been a dream of conservative activists and contributed to conservative Christian support for Trump that helped him win the presidency in 2016.


Although Kennedy was a conservative nominated by Republican President Ronald Reagan, he was seen as the "swing vote" on the court because he joined with liberal justices on some major issues, including expanding gay rights and upholding abortion rights.


By picking a social conservative to replace Kennedy, Trump would have a reliable 5-4 majority on the Supreme Court, even on some of those hot-button social issues.


While Trump did not make rolling back abortion rights a central plank of his campaign, many of the conservative rank and file want Roe v. Wade overturned and Trump promised to put anti-abortion justices on the Supreme Court.


But picking an ultra-conservative as his nominee would carry risk because Trump would have to rely on some moderate Republicans to win approval in the U.S. Senate, where his fellow Republicans have a narrow majority.


White House officials said Trump was likely to quickly begin interviewing candidates from a list of 25 people that the conservative Federalist Society helped draw up, with an eye to getting the new justice confirmed by the Senate in the autumn.


They believe the timing could help Trump boost conservative voters' enthusiasm and turnout at congressional elections in November. Republicans are fighting to maintain control of both houses of Congress, with opinion polls showing Democrats have a strong chance of winning back the House of Representatives.


"Any time you're in a midterm election year, you're going to have a concern about whether your base will turn out," said one official. "A high-profile Supreme Court battle will certainly remind all your voters what is at stake."



The sharply divided high court has already handed Trump a series of other wins in politically charged cases in recent weeks.

On Tuesday, it upheld Trump's travel ban on people entering the United States from several majority-Muslim countries.


Led by Chief Justice John Roberts, the court during its term that started in October and ended on Wednesday repeatedly ruled for Trump on 5-4 votes with its four liberals dissenting.


Despite previously siding with liberal justices in some key cases, Kennedy was a reliable conservative vote during the latest term.


Those victories, coupled with Kennedy's retirement, could embolden the administration's lawyers, who are facing legal challenges on multiple fronts, including over Trump's move to separate families who enter the United States illegally and his plan to rescind protections for "Dreamers," young adults brought to he country illegally as children.


An open seat on the Supreme Court was an important factor in rallying conservatives behind Trump's presidential election campaign in 2016. He used every opportunity to tell voters only he stood in the way of the court taking a turn to the left should Democrat Hillary Clinton win.


Trump quickly delivered on that promise by selecting Neil Gorsuch, who has become one of the most conservative justices.


Trump has also filled a record-breaking number of seats on the influential federal appeals courts - appointing 21 judges in total – with the enthusiastic backing of the Senate, which votes to confirm them. Trump has also appointed 20 District Court judges.


Trump appeared to be excited on Wednesday about the new opportunity to reshape the federal judiciary in a conservative direction.


"We will begin our search for a new justice of the United States Supreme Court. That will begin immediately," Trump said at the White House. "And hopefully we're going to pick somebody who will be as outstanding."


(Reporting by Steve Holland and Lawrence Hurley; Editing by Kieran Murray and Peter Cooney)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-06-28
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This was the only reason the nevertrump republicans voted  for  PT. His  SCOTUS pick,now two.I hope the WH vetts this one, like their life counted on it. The dems and the left will be digging extra deep.

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5 minutes ago, DoctorG said:

To me this is a real failing in the US Supreme Court system. The Constitution and other laws should be interpreted on legal principles, not along party lines, as is mostly the case, regardless of which party is in power.

 It's been holding on for over 200 years! legality starts in the lower courts and  if necessary, determined by the ultimate court of 9 

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I almost want Trump to pick an extreme right wing judge....just so the country can see the damage that he's doing.  A heavily conservative Supreme Court could undo a great number of rights, including abortion/women rights, gay rights, workers' rights, voting/gerrymandering, gun control, marijuana, etc.  Of course, the extreme right wing would cream their pants over the prospect.  The problem is, most Americans are not extreme right. 

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4 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


That's not how it works. The "election" that matters is 2 1/2 years away and even if it wasn't  Congress would still  confirm a learned candidate in pretty short order.. That said, no one should ever apply the "McConnell Rule" again. Obama had a legitimate case IMO to choose a justice of the Supreme Court near the end of his term .


I think it would have also been legitimate to impeach those Congress persons that chose to delay for a year or more the appointment of the next SC judge.

I agree with much of what you have written, but I think you have missed an important point.  In fact, I find that you write sensible posts.  So, thanks for that!


First of all, for those not as familiar with how the US govt. works, the president nominates Supreme Court justices and the Senate can then approve or reject the nominee.


Anyway, I wouldn't downplay too much the consequences of a Senate controlled by the Democrats, although that may be a tough one for them to pull off on the 2018 election.  Especially in today's different political climate, a Democratic Senate would have a more moderating affect on the president's choice of a nominee.  Dems would more likely than before reject a more extreme nominee, and then compromise on a nominee closer to a Justice Kennedy than, say, another Scalia.  A Republican Senate would be more amenable to the current president's wishes.


Thus, I do agree that 2020 is more important regarding this issue.  However, the 2018 midterm elections could result in a Senate voting in an important swing vote on the Court.  Thus, those elections should not be so quickly dismissed as inconsequential.   

Edited by helpisgood
grammar and clarify
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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

I almost want Trump to pick an extreme right wing judge....just so the country can see the damage that he's doing.  A heavily conservative Supreme Court could undo a great number of rights, including abortion/women rights, gay rights, workers' rights, voting/gerrymandering, gun control, marijuana, etc.


While I would never wish for this, it is the direction I see things going.  


We currently have states where republicans won 48% of the vote and yet managed to get a whopping 61% of the legislative seats.  Democrats won a 51% majority vote, yet somehow ended up with a measly 39% of the seats. 


That means the people are not being governed by the party they're voting for.  If this continues, and the legislators act against the interests of their constituents, it's only a matter of time before there's a revolt that happens on a day other than an election day.

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29 minutes ago, Jonnapat said:

Must be living on the moon or is this comment just meant as a joke?

Trump supporters live in an alternate universe.  In said universe, previous Presidents include Peter Pan, Agent Smith from the Matrix, the Duck Dynasty dude, and Mr. Ed the talking horse.  So yes, in such a universe, Trump could be the best President ever. 

Edited by Berkshire
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2 hours ago, mikeymike100 said:

He does draw fire from speaking what he thinks

Oh come on...……….."thinks". 


He couldn't spell it let alone do it!


His illiterate utterings, lies and belief that he is the greatest, show signs of a mental disability.

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9 hours ago, attrayant said:

They should apply the Mitch McConnell rule: If an election is a year away or less, wait on new supreme court picks and let the people decide.


Mitch could always recess the Senate and then the reality TV con artist can just make a Supreme Court recess appointment. This way Mitch can state that he tried to abide by the rules he set but a recess appointment was made beyond his authority. 


Face it. The GOP won this battle hands down when they refused to even hold vote on Garland and held the seat open until they got a GOP president. It seems that if Hillary would have won, Mitch would still find some excuse not to vote on a new supreme court judge.


Right now, the GOP holds all the cards and they are refusing to let the Democrats play. We are now in dark times for the liberals and minority rights (including women's rights). This is the white man's last attempt to hold onto power by any means necessary even if they need to rewrite moral norms to do so. Get used to this for the next few years until the younger generation decides they need a revolution.

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2 hours ago, xylophone said:
4 hours ago, mikeymike100 said:

He does draw fire from speaking what he thinks

Oh come on...……….."thinks". 


He couldn't spell it let alone do it!


His illiterate utterings, lies and belief that he is the greatest, show signs of a mental disability.


ideal tv forum membership criteria

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13 hours ago, jackh said:

How great it is! Trump going for a grand slam as soon as the old lady drops next. The face of govt will be changed for a loooong time to come. Oh Happy Days are here again!  MAGA



Finally a chance to all them faggots and negros and them women- folk back in their places!

Full speed ahead, back to the 50's, when a man was still a man and decent white people could own someone!

>sarcasm off<


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