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The "beautiful Thai girl" myth?


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Just now, Fex Bluse said:

Maybe you're correct about many guys, but I tend to think that there is little wrong with a much older man being attracted to a much younger woman, even one in her late teens (legal age) 


It was only recently in human history that we farang have learned to take issue with it. Younger is better (up to a point of course) 

It is more of state of mind, so of course you like to train a new gf now and then when the old get to old, then, (faceplant) well up to you, and not litterly you, but them, or who ever. Could not care less, unless, if I had a daughter. 

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7 hours ago, catman20 said:

female beauty tends to peak between late teens and early 20s. By 30, most women are wholly unattractive 


i think your having a bit of a joke with that statement unless you truly believe that. lucky your in Asia and you can pay for a young girls.

 personally i wouldn't want a girl around me in her late teens or early 20s for more than an hour.

I'm not suggesting most guys would require more than an hour. What's with all the Victorians here? We're all in Thailand, a country about as hedonistic as exists on earth but almost nobody is willing to admit that girls in their 20s are attractive? 


Have you ever felt the bum on a 20 year old uni student??? 

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7 hours ago, Hummin said:

I tend to aggree with you, but Im always kind of surprised when I hear someone state girls is fat, and getting old, often come from old fat men as well. 


So??????? What the deleted is that all about, 

Well, what's it's all about is that men and women have different roles and different things that make them attractive to the opposite sex. 


In most societies, women are initially selected for their looks. Men, for their resources and power. Been this way for thousands of years. 


So, I could be fat. But, I may not be broke. 

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3 hours ago, neeray said:

Call it whatever you like. I whipped off that response to your filth in a rush. It was more in response to your post #876.

But here:

Besides pig talk, your comments are,








Immature locker room talk, as follows: "Also tried a Benin African woman once and almost lost my mind. The inside of her was much hotter temperature than average. She made quick work of my steamed sausage" is OTT and childish. No need to describe your sexual conquests in such graphic detail. It just comes across as braggadocio.


Thaivisa has quite a mix of people, mostly men, some women. Speaking only for the male side, my observation is that many members are gentlemen who would be disgusted by your filthy, degrading rating and description of women the world over. You bring shame to us who treat women with respect, not just as a fruck as they are to you.


You describe yourself as a "realist". I see you as a Don Juan wannabe, probably a major wonker and fantasizer.


Having stated your age earlier as 30, you bring disgrace to all millennials. And you bring disgrace to all foreigners when (and if) in Thailand (you).


Since you enjoy rating women so much, I think you aught to return to Benin, if you were ever really there, and soak your "sausage" with each and every whore that will allow you to try them out, then find a related porn site where filth talk like yours is acceptable and embraced. Brag and fantasize all you want.


Dream on !

Seems like you were really offended. I certainly didn't intend to offend anyone (man or woman). In fact, the majority of my female friends - Thai and non-Thai - would wonder why you're so uptight. 


Thailand is not the UK or US or OZ where we are constantly looking for reasons to be offended. The Thais, which I suspect you really admire, are FAR more direct and plain about the pursuit of pleasure. 


So, do you like that about Thais or not? 

Edited by Fex Bluse
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6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I was sitting by a swimming pool full of backpacker girls in tiny bikinis and backpacker guys last month (Siam Reap).

Out of the 20+ girls maybe 1 or 2 were attractive, most of the backpacker guys were ripped, an amazing contrast to see. 

The women generally displayed an amazing lack of respect for their boyfriends, and never smiled at them (one or two exceptions).

Do none of the young guys have any sense of self-worth?

Maybe the girls are bummed at having to hang out with a bunch of testosterone-fueled narcissists?

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On 1/10/2019 at 11:40 PM, BritManToo said:

I don't really care what happens around me, let's face it most of us are with the Thai ladies the Thai men didn't want.

(Whatever posters claim)

By your own definition aren’t our ladies with us because farang women didn’t want us ?


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Just now, HighPriority said:

By your own definition aren’t our ladies with us because farang women didn’t want us ?


No.  It is a cost issue.  Who can afford a beautiful women in the West 30 years younger than us besides Presidents or people who own big hotels?  Farang go go dancers/porn stars always wanted me but I couldn't afford them. 

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Just now, HighPriority said:

By your own definition aren’t our ladies with us because farang women didn’t want us ?


More like the opposite! 


I barely saw an attractive woman in a couple of week holidays in the uk recently


When i came back to Singapore Airport two weeks later my eyes were popping out with head turning beauties every 30 seconds... 





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7 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Yet you're here for the cheap pussy with the rest of us!

That is quite an assumption and an incorrect one. My interest in Thailand started as a retirement destination to get away from the deep freeze that my home country is in now, something I hated since my childhood.

The plethora of lovely Thai women with their willingness to look after us older farts (for whatever reason) was an unexpected and added bonus. Perhaps had I been a couple decades younger, I would have taken advantage of the abundance of "cheap pussy". On the contrary, I have been with two only, one of which turned out to be my long term.

But I will admit to a long standing attraction to Asian women. Thailand offered everything that I was looking for.

Neither one was "cheap", but nor were they expensive in comparison to any normal relationship.

I stand by my very early comment in this long thread. Thailand has the most beautiful women in the world (personal opinion). I enjoy being amongst them.

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11 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

I like black women and Columbia has the fourth largest Black African population in the Western Hemisphere.  Hot food and hot women what's not to like. 

Of course a lot closer to home, there's Buriram's dark and spicy.

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11 hours ago, Ks45672 said:

More like the opposite! 


I barely saw an attractive woman in a couple of week holidays in the uk recently


When i came back to Singapore Airport two weeks later my eyes were popping out with head turning beauties every 30 seconds... 


But while you were in the UK, you weren't looking to get laid were you? Over here, you can be a legendary Lothario all in your own lunchtime. I can almost see you now at Changi, head spinning like a top, smiling at any young thing in a skirt (must be a skirt!), patting down you comb-over while surreptitiously licking your eyebrows, tripping over baggage...


If not you, then just another shameless Changi airport promotion IMHO.

Edited by NanLaew
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10 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Beautiful and cheapest women in the world.

Unfortunately they've increased their prices over the last ten years.

So what? By the accounts of most contributors so far, the Thai demimondaine has packed on the kilo's as well. No bargains unless you're a bulk-buyer at Makro IMHO.


As Alistair Mutch, our young good-looking village butcher used to tell the excitable mums doing the daily shopping for hubbies dinner, "I know budgets are tight Mrs Munro, but if you want more of my sausage, you got to pay more for it."

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23 hours ago, neeray said:

Call it whatever you like. I whipped off that response to your filth in a rush. It was more in response to your post #876.

But here:

Besides pig talk, your comments are,








Immature locker room talk, as follows: "Also tried a Benin African woman once and almost lost my mind. The inside of her was much hotter temperature than average. She made quick work of my steamed sausage" is OTT and childish. No need to describe your sexual conquests in such graphic detail. It just comes across as braggadocio.


Thaivisa has quite a mix of people, mostly men, some women. Speaking only for the male side, my observation is that many members are gentlemen who would be disgusted by your filthy, degrading rating and description of women the world over. You bring shame to us who treat women with respect, not just as a fruck as they are to you.


You describe yourself as a "realist". I see you as a Don Juan wannabe, probably a major wonker and fantasizer.


Having stated your age earlier as 30, you bring disgrace to all millennials. And you bring disgrace to all foreigners when (and if) in Thailand (you).


Since you enjoy rating women so much, I think you aught to return to Benin, if you were ever really there, and soak your "sausage" with each and every whore that will allow you to try them out, then find a related porn site where filth talk like yours is acceptable and embraced. Brag and fantasize all you want.


Dream on !

Please be aware that your interpretations of another, are more a reflection of yourself and not them.  You're telling him what he was thinking.  Don't be surprised if you get some pushback.


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3 minutes ago, Shiver said:

Please be aware that your interpretations of another, are more a reflection of yourself and not them.  You're telling him what he was thinking.  Don't be surprised if you get some pushback.


Some people post like they haven't lost their virginity yet and have anger issues with those who have... ???? 

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12 minutes ago, Shiver said:

Please be aware that your interpretations of another, are more a reflection of yourself and not them.  You're telling him what he was thinking.  Don't be surprised if you get some pushback.


I find your comments to be nonsense.

I stand by mine.

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17 minutes ago, Ks45672 said:

Some people post like they haven't lost their virginity yet and have anger issues with those who have... ???? 

What the flipping flip?!?!  That was like a T-Boned interpretation of an inside out swimming experience in a pale shade of blue, but ... with more dimensions.

I'm saying this:

You observe something, you form an opinion, you project that back on them, people cheer lead your smarts, then you don't like someone making an observation so make vapour responses.

For what?

The guy has an opinion.  It's not going to ruin anyone's day.

(and Mr mirror man, let us know when you lose your virginity and are no longer angry).

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4 hours ago, Shiver said:

What the flipping flip?!?!  That was like a T-Boned interpretation of an inside out swimming experience in a pale shade of blue, but ... with more dimensions.

I'm saying this:

You observe something, you form an opinion, you project that back on them, people cheer lead your smarts, then you don't like someone making an observation so make vapour responses.

For what?

The guy has an opinion.  It's not going to ruin anyone's day.

(and Mr mirror man, let us know when you lose your virginity and are no longer angry).

You'll be some pup when your tail grows.... ???? 

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