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VIDEO: British cave explorer Vern Unsworth considers legal action against Elon Musk


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3 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

But maybe not in California as the libel laws there might work against Mr. Unsworth.


Why would this litigation have to occur in CA, and what libel law in California allows you to call someone a pedophile in public?  Or are you saying that Mr. Unsworth libeled the billionaire?  I don't understand your point. 

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22 hours ago, Shroud said:

Musk could easily win this case since Vern started the rant. Everyone tried to offer help in this severe situation so to blame Elon for his mini-sub and call it a PR-stunt isn't something that has valid points. In the beginning, it was the thai authorities that pleaded for international help and they got it, including Vern Unsworth. 

I'm not siding with Elon, but Vern went too far with his remarks on CNN.

i agree ,Vern said first a bad thing ,why he had to say an obscenity , why dont stop at " i believe the submarine will not work in that cave " .

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18 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


If you ever want to buy a submarine designed specifically for a special underwater operation you got to rocket scientists! Right to.


Just off to the dentists to check my blood pressure and bronchitis.

Maybe an advert from years ago has got lodged in his head   " Its quicker by tube "

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Just now, Easy Come Easy Go said:

Care to elaborate? Thailand isn't just a seedy sexual attraction nation. Seeing Western families, and old Western couples here is normal. Thailand and SE Asia in general, has a lot to offer for older people. Thailand isn't Pattaya, there are many quiet and sleepy towns out there, where older people can live out their days cheaply. 


Ok sorry, if you're over 50 and living in pattaya it'll make you wonder

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3 minutes ago, wealthychef said:

<snip> I don't understand your point. 

Under California law Mr. Unsworth might have to show malice. And someone earlier said to sue him in California because that's where Mr. Musk lives. And if not California, where do you establish venue.

Edited by JLCrab
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6 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

Under California law Mr. Unsworth might have to show malice. And someone earlier said to sue him in California because that's where Mr. Musk lives. And if not California, where do you establish venue.

Ah, thanks.  Well, if I were Mr. U, I'd check with a few good lawyers anyhow and see if there is merit and whether someone will take the case.  I would think that it could be lucrative and maybe an arrogant billionaire might be put in his place for 5 seconds.    


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2 hours ago, harrry said:

And not in US courts.where the lawyers just pocket the money they settle for but in the Thai Courts where it is a Criminal lible where Musk would be liable for arrest  if he ever passed through Thailand again.  He is so sure of himself that he would ignore that and come here sure he was safe.   

I seriously doubt that Musk will be passing through Thailand again knowing he could end up in jail for criminal defamation.


Go after him where he lives, California.  The US is not going to recognize or enforce a Thai (or UK) judgement for defamation.  But Musk's statements are so outrageous that he also breached US defamation laws and his exposure in the US is massive.  If its contingency, there is limit on the lawyer's share, and I am sure there are plenty of good lawyers willing to do this on a contingency in California.  Go after Musk's assets, and his heart and mind will follow.

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I don't know why people continue to bring Trump into the discussion and I'm not a supporter of Trump.  Trump when it comes to the Cave matter said what all leader around the world would say!

Based, on everything I don't think anyone has a real idea all the good and bad things went on to get everyone out. Personally, the way somethings work around here I thought the outcome wasn't going to be good. I'm just glad the Thai officials step a bit back and allow outside help.

There was lots of foreign help but no one stepped forward and make a personal remark to cause him to release the Pedo remark. Remember it takes two to tangle?  Regardless of his motives, he put forth an effort it wasn't necessary for the Brit to have made the personal attack, which of course deserves a return attack as most people do.

Just because of Musk making and vehicles in the U.S. doesn't mean he is an American the guy is from South Africa? Tying his remarks as Racist and to Trump? 

There are times " silents is golden " on everyone's part!

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22 hours ago, pkspeaker said:

EM is hemorrhaging massive amounts of cash in that financial disaster callled Tesla + other losers like solar city and yet he has time and money to bring this stupid sub here, wasting everyone's time.  By the time he got here the kids were already being pulled out after extensive planning and rehearsals.  In the news they had repeatedly said that some of the passages were very narrow so <deleted> with this idiotic submarine.

A bit of correction, not supporting EM, his company has been losing money from day one but people continue to foot his idea. My cousin husband started as one of his main engineers today due to Tesla stocks he was given worth in access of 100 million. Tesla, continues to bleed loses but has his Space X contract with the U.S. government so resources are a black hole. Also, by the time Tesla decided to take a break from Space X, design the sub and place it on a flight, not one boy had been rescued!

Sure it seemed a PR stunt but was it necessary to say stick it up his ass, if it wasn't going to fit in the cave why say something stupid as it would fit in his ass?

Now since ass was brought up the legal defense for team Musk the topic and assumption were open by the Brit?

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22 hours ago, Brunolem said:

Yes, there was a series of tweets, but they have been deleted and are not accessible anymore...what is left are the tweets of those who replied...unfortunately...

No problem we will get the FBI on this right away! 

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5 minutes ago, robertthesculptor said:

Just no excuse for Musk to be so arrogant. He truly needs to publicly apologize. Pay the guy. Musk can afford it, and move on quickly. This could distroy him needlessly. 

Very stupid from a very smart guy

And Musk has soured , what should be a joyous occasion (barring the fatality)

Unpleasant to bring those kinds of accusations to this story

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22 hours ago, Horace said:

Even in the US, which has very strong free speech protections, calling someone a p*** creates tremendous exposure to liability to a defamation claim.  Not to be crass, but Musk is rich.  He's not judgment proof.  And Vern Unsworth has certainly suffered as a result of Musk's incredibly irresponsible tweet.  And there will be questions if Vern Unsworth doesn't respond.  I think Mr. Unsworth should sue.  No jury is going to be sympathetic to Musk after he makes that sort of claim.


Musk's lawyers will tell him to quickly and quietly settle the claim (unless Musk has proof to back his claim, which seems extremely unlikely), and quickly settle the claim.  A quick settlement won't be cheap. Indeed, I wonder if any lawyers in the US have already offered to handle Vern Unsworth's claim on a contingency fee basis. (I would not blame them for doing so given the huge amounts involved here).   Musk's reckless tweet may end up costing him tens of millions of dollars, and it would serve him right if it did.

Goes to show that Musk is not a man of the world, with his consideration of Thailand. As if America does not have pedo's. In fact, having read much about the elites over there, I might draw the conclusion that it is far more worth in America. How about that Musk?

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21 hours ago, Horace said:

Agree 1000%.  I suspect Musk already has lawyers trying to minimize the damage and I suspect a few US contingency lawyers will reach out to Mr. Unsworth.  I don't see this going away unless Musk pays big time and I think that is the right result.

What you consider big time?  a few million Tesla just write off with all those tax loopholes.

The lawyers for Tesla, as my inside source has it is the damage he did to the image of Tesla and stock whether it makes money or not!

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What may be a problem for Mr. Unsworth and his potential California contingency plaintiff lawyers is that, in California, there have been libel cases where the plaintiff has been considered to be a 'limited purpose public figure'  and have had far less public exposure than has had Mr. Unsworth and that brings in the condition of proving malice.

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


If you ever want to buy a submarine designed specifically for a special underwater operation you got to rocket scientists! Right to.


Just off to the dentists to check my blood pressure and bronchitis.

Rocket scientists work on capsules to support human life in conditions where there is no air to breathe. Rocket scientists are top level engineers. They test their designs underwater all the time.  There's a lot of similarities between a sub and a spaceship.


Your dentist will certainly be able to check your blood pressure considering he is a physician. He would also likely be able to give you an opinion on your bronchitis. The problem is that he would likely charge way too much or he would simply refuse to do it.

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12 minutes ago, Horace said:

"Malice" only needs to be shown if Mr. Unsworth is a public figure, such as a politician. <snip>

Absolutely wrong. Unsworth fits the definition under California libel law of "limited-purpose public figure" to a tee and under CA case law persons with far less public media exposure than Mr. Unsworth have been so deemed.



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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

A number of unsavoury, inflammatory, libelous and troll comments have been removed, along with some replies, a few of which were quite good, and I apologise for having to remove them too.

This thread is a discussion of Mr. Musks comments. A man who suggested that any white person in Thailand had to be there for underage sex, as he could think of no other reason to be there. So he defamed you all.

The next poster to make an unsubstantiated and defamatory statement against Mr. Unsworth will regret it.


Yes we all have a opinion 

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3 hours ago, possum1931 said:

A westerner has got little chance in any court case against a Thai. I know from experience.

I actually won a court case against a Thai not long after I came to Thailand to stay.

About three weeks after the case, I got an email from my lawyer say that the Judge had now changed her mind

and did not believe what I said.

Mad hatters in a country that is desperate for a honest law reform

Edited by Media1
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35 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

Absolutely wrong. Unsworth fits the definition under California libel law of "limited-purpose public figure" to a tee and under CA case law persons with far less public media exposure than Mr. Unsworth have been so deemed.



Can you give an example of such a case JLCrab?  Appreciated if you can.

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An individual who publicly claimed to be an expert in earthquake safety and a veteran in earthquake rescue operations

 Copp v. Paxton, 52 Cal.Rptr.2d 831 (Cal. Ct. App. 1996)


However the real underlying case law here is a US Supreme Court post-Sullivan ruling that established a "limited-purpose public figure" in libel cases as --


"... an individual voluntarily injects himself or is drawn into a particular public controversy, and thereby becomes a public figure for a limited range of issues. In either case, such persons assume special prominence in the resolution of public questions."





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38 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:
2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


If you ever want to buy a submarine designed specifically for a special underwater operation you got to rocket scientists! Right to.


Just off to the dentists to check my blood pressure and bronchitis.

Rocket scientists work on capsules to support human life in conditions where there is no air to breathe. Rocket scientists are top level engineers. They test their designs underwater all the time.  There's a lot of similarities between a sub and a spaceship.


Your dentist will certainly be able to check your blood pressure considering he is a physician. He would also likely be able to give you an opinion on your bronchitis. The problem is that he would likely charge way too much or he would simply refuse to do it.



there exists lots of interdisciplinary crossover amongst various branches of engineering and thinking outside the box means one specific branch is in no way limited in lateral thinking. maybe musks team did use/consult with marine engineers, scuba people?, it sure seems he would.


my vietnam dentist always checks my blood pressure.  though basic science is the same in dental and medical school the dentist training focuses on teeth, jaw mouth while physicians focus on everything else

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