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Shock as Trump backs Putin on election meddling at summit


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1 minute ago, xylophone said:

Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia William J. Burns, but from the NZ Herald newspaper...……….sorry about that!


I'm pretty sure that's not correct in terms of the first and second pghs...




John O. BrennanVerified account @JohnBrennan


Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???



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38 minutes ago, BuaBS said:

Whoa , 11 pages of butt hurt anti-Trumpers spewing their veil comments and over the top reactions . A feed frenzy of sharks.


And 11 pages of you kissing Trump's butt as usual - but, each to their own. And it's vile note veil, that's something your glorious leader hides behind. If the forum allowed us the freedom to be vile the site would likely crash with the tsunami like vitriol that would spill forth.


As always, one man's meat......

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We’ve surely had all the evidence we need that some people will never accept that Trump is supporting Putin while attacking the US security and intelligence services, undermining the DoJ and attacking the press.


Trump’s support of Putin against the US is broadcast internationally, they watch and hear him supporting Putin, they hear his attacks on the US, they refuse to accept the reality in front of them.


Their behaviour is that of members of a cult.

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What country are you from?  And secondly, do you blindly follow your elected President?


People from the USA are "Americans," by the way.

To most of the world it is totally correct to call citizens of the USA as Americans.


Speaking only to Spanish speaking Latin Americans it is advisable and polite to say estadounidense.


Canadians can also sometimes be touchy about this. So you could say U.S. Americans though I don't think that is popular.


Mexicans are gonna call Americans gringos anyway. Often a slur. Similar to farang?


It's important also to know that North America includes Mexico and more obviously Canada.


Bottom line much ado about not much. Most people globally totally understand what people mean when you say Americans.


Don't say Yanks. To Americans it's not so much that it's seen as a slur but more like dated and goofy.


Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app




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4 hours ago, FitnessHealthTravel said:

Yeah!!! let's all have nuclear tension everywhere, North Korea, Russia...we are way better off stressing and sabre rattling with the possibility of being blown to pieces than having peace.  Who wants Peace, it's overrated right?...right?...who's with me?...right?

Did you watch the press conference with PT and VP?  Hey FitnessHealthTravel ,what was missing ? Think! Can You guess?

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9 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It's mainstream now.

"trump" is probably compromised by Putin.

Putin's poodle is a thing and it's going to STICK because it is true.

There there is the charge of treason.

Not from some street protester.

From the former CIA director and other very credible people --


John O. Brennan




Don't disagree about Trump - completely mad.


But come on the CIA "very credible people" - would that be when they're not bombing neutral countries like Laos, overthrowing democratically elected governments and replacing them with right wing dictators, undermining other countries elections (shock horror), or disappearing and torturing people?


Anyone who believes Russia bad US good as a mantra seriously does want their head examining. It ain't black and white. And those pulling the strings of the US "establishments" in the past are very very murky and care little about justice and democracy any more than the Russians or Chinese.

Edited by Baerboxer
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58 minutes ago, attrayant said:


People keep saying this and I just can't believe it.  A treasonous act is acceptable so long as everybody's doing it?  And criminal acts get a free pass if they don't actually succeed?  Is that what you're saying? Because it sure sounds like that's what you're saying.


Obama made blatant threats to the British people - vote remain or else. No interference there then? Why wasn't he prosecuted for interfering in another countries democratic voting?

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7 hours ago, dcutman said:

Oh how the ultra lefty Liberals forget.


Between 1947 and 1989, the United States tried to change other nations’ governments 72 times.

Since then the US has or has tried to installed puppet governments in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. As well as orchestrated Coup DE Tats  in Honduras, Haiti and the Ukraine.  Most of witch came under the Obama administration and his Secretary of State crooked Hillary.

Oh God forbid, a few Russians (allegedly)  hack into some stupid  liberals emails with no security and expose illegal activities  and iffy conduct. Spend a few thousand dollars on social media ads and the whole world is coming to an end.

Give me a break, its all about butt hurt lefty libs looking to place blame for loosing to Trump, anywhere but on themselves.

Yeah, both sides did bad things during the cold war.  Does this justify Trump betraying the US to score points with Putin?  Does this make it ok for Russia to undermine democracy in the US?

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5 hours ago, BobBKK said:


Did you read Rosenstein's statement?


"We follow the rule of law, which means that we follow procedures and reserve judgment. We complete our investigations and we evaluate all of the evidence before we reach any conclusion."


"There is no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime. There is no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result."


No allegation means that it can't be proven.  It does not mean that it didn't happen.

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2 hours ago, Johnniey said:

I'm not a Trump supporter, not even a Yank(sorry not sure if there is correct term for people from the USA).

American ,will suffice 

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4 hours ago, Johnniey said:

A friendly warning, with an unfriendly reply. 


Didn't trump just get rid of 60 Russian guys?


Hasn't he imposed trade sanctions on Russia?

No, the intelligence agencies that Trump is doing his best to undermine got rid of the Russian guys.

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4 hours ago, BobBKK said:

Without knowing the specifics of which elections the US attempted to influence, how and on who's behalf, it's impossible to draw comparisons.


I'm more concerned that Russia clearly attempted to use computer hacking and fake news on social media to influence the US election in 2016 and will continue to do so. 


I'm even more concerned that the US President and his treasonous supporters are attempting to shut down the investigation into this election interference and the President is taking the word of a Russian spymaster over that of his own intelligence agencies.

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2 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Yeah, both sides did bad things during the cold war.  Does this justify Trump betraying the US to score points with Putin?  Does this make it ok for Russia to undermine democracy in the US?

Only during cold war? Huh, where have you been the last 20 - 30 years,,,,,,,,, However I aggree with the rest ? 

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3 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

I find these inferences of submission perplexing.  Saying one thing in public, but knowing something else, and doing something different in the geopolitical arena is as old as politics itself. Read between the lines. Very little was accomplished when Obama and Putin had their stare down at the G-7. Neither one of these men is stupid, nor non-worldly. It's a political and diplomatic engagement yet to be played out. It's easier to best your diplomatic rivals up close. You may feel Putin has the upper hand, but I don't see him putting sanctions on any US corporations and individuals. Trump is an excellent negotiator and I like his odds. He knows how to play opossum when he has to, and losing isn't his style.

Seriously?  What kind of sanctions could Putin put on the US that wouldn't hurt Russia more than the US?  And what has Trump negotiated so far other than photo ops for himself?


Losing isn't his style?  Trump's style in business was to bankrupt them and abandon investors.  Now he's bankrupting the country and betraying allies.  But no doubt after this capitulation to Putin the Trump family business can continue to strike lucrative deals with Russian oligarchs.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Rod Rosenstein disagrees with you. He just went on record as saying the Russians had no effect on the outcome of the election. Rosenstein is no friend of Trump.

Provide that "on the record" BS.  I don't believe you.

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44 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

did they?  the fbi was not permitted to inspect the dnc server.  the fbi simply accepted the conclusions of a private firm hired by the dnc, run by (methinks) a ukranian.  no telling if the server had been wiped, like with a cloth.


the downloaded files leaked to wiki have been analyzed to show the download speed was too fast for a standard internet connection, definitely not possible for a connection from the evil empire.  the speed was consistent with downloading to a thumbdrive, and timecodes indicate us east coast.  assange seems to have hinted at seth rich.  i think it was former uk ambassador (craig murray?) that claims to have met with the not-a-russian who leaked the files.


in strok's interview with congress, it was learned that hillary's server had been sending all her emails to a foreign entity.  that entity was not named, however it was stated for the record it was not russia.


the mueller indictments were purely for show, intended to damage the summit.  just as his last indictments of russian firms.  he announced them as a pr stunt, assuming they would never show in court, letting the media echo chamber do his dirty work.  funny thing, they hired lawyers to defend themselves, and mueller is backtracking, forced to keep applying for extensions or exclusions so as not to have to prove his case.  wonder what would happen if the russians in the latest indictment were offered "safe passage" to attend court to defend themselves?


alleged meddling....facebook posts and ad buying...that are "linked" to russians ( is that like six degrees of kevin bacon?)  amounted to a couple million bucks as opposed to billions spent on the election in total, with a large percentage coming after the elections.  if putin can affect the outcome of a us national election with that effort, he deserves the presidency.


did russian goverment workers hack into us systems?  yes, indeed they did.  that is their job.  i can guarantee you that government hackers from around the world - from china and iran and germany and england and france and israel and just about every nation with an intel service - did also.  would assume there were also workers from us intel agencies have been inside as well.... in addition to 400-pound teenagers living in their mom's basements.

Did you get your information from Putin?  If not, where did it come from?







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Just now, Berkshire said:

There is at least one slimeball at Fox who will sink to the lowest depths of depravity to support Trump.....Sean Hannity.  This guy is the slimiest there is.




Yup, that was to be expected. No hope there.


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5 minutes ago, riclag said:

American ,will suffice 

Usa-ian,  is the U S A the only country that doesn't have a word for their people.  This was stated to me by a person from the USA. American is not technically correct. 

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