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UK's new Brexit envoy optimistic, as EU warns of Brexit crash


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1 minute ago, vogie said:

"Chomper, I wouldn't take throw away remarks as gospel, it was only last week one of your remainer friends wanted to gaol all brexiteers"


This is my post to Chomper, if it is a problem to you report me to the mods, why do you have to make a big deal of everything.

Why would I report you to the mods? What did I say that even intimated that I would report you to the mods?

You made a comment that I thought was unfair, and I commented on it. If you want to keep things confidential, use the PM service. That's what it's there for.

And I asked for an example because I was puzzled when you wrote this:

"Why are you asking questions that originated from another member, that doesn't count I suppose."

I wasn't asking a question. I was making a comment.

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On 7/21/2018 at 8:51 AM, BritManToo said:

Don't understand why any deal is needed, anything the UK can't make or grow itself can be purchased cheaper from Asia or America.

And if it can't, then learn to live without it. It's time to take our independence back.

And for those that don't like it, move out or be hanged as traitors.

I have no need to read any foreign enemy propaganda.

"Don't understand why any deal is needed,"

About says it all. European aviation is tied up in a multitude of EU legislative arrangements, aviation components are dependent on safety certification from an EU entity, a large percentage of UK business is dependent on the CE mark which belongs to an EU entity.

You can send as much of the industrial sector to grow vegetables as you want but without a withdrawal agreement the "trade deal" will be the least of the problems. The UK will be on its hands and knees over deals on standards, regulation and security.

Without those 'deals' the UK 'Tempest' will be no more than a storm in a teacup.

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On 7/21/2018 at 2:14 PM, bristolboy said:

But Nigel Farage would have wanted another.e. And somehow I think he was a somewhat more significant figure in the Brexiteer camp than you.

Nigel Farage wants second referendum if Remain campaign scrapes narrow win


Nigel Farage warns today he would fight for a second referendum on Britain in Europe if the remain campaign won by a narrow margin next month.

The Ukip leader said a small defeat for his leave camp would be “unfinished business” and predicted pressure would grow for a re-run of the 23 June ballot.

Farage told the Mirror: “In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it.”



This Farage stuff is so old and irrelevant.  

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I just heard on the Radio that it is highly possible that if there is no Deal it will be illegal to pay pensions to UK expats.

I am not sure if it's just in the EU or worldwide but if it is I wonder how many of you old codgers who voted for it and wiped your A** with you grandchildren future will regret it then.

If it wasn't so scary it would be funny

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18 minutes ago, juice777 said:

If it was a fair vote why are the Vote leave campaigners facing criminal charges?

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You really are scraping the barrel now.....

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On 7/21/2018 at 3:06 PM, BritManToo said:


I also have a leaving plan, we stop paying the EU money, end of.

No need for any trade deal with the EU, plenty of other countries to trade with.

Next time you make a plan, try one that’s feasible. 



1 hour ago, nauseus said:

But it's the remainers and the EU who are trying to turn a fair vote over. 

Neither one have any decision making authority in the UK’s Brexit affairs, so they certainly cannot try “to turn a fair vote over”, whatever that means. 

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"I also have a leaving plan, we stop paying the EU money, end of.

No need for any trade deal with the EU, plenty of other countries to trade with"


Do you know how many countries in The World have no free trade agreements in the World?




Do you know how many there will be on the 1st of April


One Us


Now you explain to me how you fools can think that is a good thing.


The EU just signd one with Japan and the paperwork evolved took years and will fit in a Telphone box.


And we don't have much negotiation power only having a population of 60 million compared to The EU.


And we import a big % of our food thanks for that.


The future looks bleak but none of you lot will admit it because of the shame involved.





I'm not sure what blame I deserve, I didn't vote.

But I would vote in a second vote, and that vote would be to leave.


I also have a leaving plan, we stop paying the EU money, end of.

No need for any trade deal with the EU, plenty of other countries to trade with.


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I imagine because they believed it was in the people's interest which is coming more clear with every day. They should have spent more 9.3 million is peanuts compared to what they are going to lose next year.

And can you find a law they broke by doing this?

They aren't. 
If it was a fair vote how then is the government be allowed to promote the remain cause with 9.3 million pounds of taxpayers money?

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3 minutes ago, juice777 said:

I imagine because they believed it was in the people's interest which is coming more clear with every day. They should have spent more 9.3 million is peanuts compared to what they are going to lose next year.

And can you find a law they broke by doing this?


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Now you are twisting the word "fair" to "legal". Why am I not surprised? 

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25 minutes ago, nauseus said:

They aren't. 


If it was a fair vote how then is the government be allowed to promote the remain cause with 9.3 million pounds of taxpayers money?

Well at least it was the British Government.


The evidence of foreign money and foreign influence in the Leave I campaign is gathering.



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23 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Well at least it was the British Government.


The evidence of foreign money and foreign influence in the Leave I campaign is gathering.



British Gov, ah that's OK then. Any evidence of that evidence? ?

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