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UK's new Brexit envoy optimistic, as EU warns of Brexit crash


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41 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

And block EU planes flying to the USA.

Enough with the Norway and Canada options, let's do the China option.

Sounds like you wish to go for the Russia option.

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13 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

More remainer madness, why do you keep proclaiming we have changed our minds?

I predict the EU will collapse in 5 years without the UK paying money in.

That's how much they need us.


Barnier has rejected the Chequers white paper and for obvious and good reasons:



That is how much the EU needs the UK.....

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14 hours ago, BritManToo said:

And block EU planes flying to the USA.

Enough with the Norway and Canada options, let's do the China option.

Yeah it's just totally political wish the Queen could take over ? .

USA can do what it wants then why can't the UK.

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

No this is not it, nothings agreed till everythings agreed, and Barnier wouldn't agree that Sunday followed Saturday.


Yes he wouldn't agree with President de Gaulle who has been proved right.

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

Don't understand why any deal is needed, anything the UK can't make or grow itself can be purchased cheaper from Asia or America.

And if it can't, then learn to live without it. It's time to take our independence back.

And for those that don't like it, move out or be hanged as traitors.

I have no need to read any foreign enemy propaganda.

The true colors of a Brexit Zealot.


Those who disagree with him should be exiled or hanged as traitors.


Exile - ended with Magna Carta.

Holding differing opininions on what is best for the nation is not treason, it’s a sign of the plurality necessary for a healthy democracy.


Know Brexit Zealots for what they are, enemies of democracy.

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7 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

And yet, if the remain vote had won, I wouldn't be asking for a new vote.


You’re tossing around accusations of treason and demands for exiling those who disagree with you.


I’m not sure I’ll believe your assertion you wouldn’t want another vote.

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If the UK is so divided and incapable of deciding parliamentarily what kind of Brexit they really want, they can not be so stupid as to reach a compromise here, that will extend the withdrawal date sufficiently, to clear first there own mess. 

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

And yet, if the remain vote had won, I wouldn't be asking for a new vote.


But Nigel Farage would have wanted another.e. And somehow I think he was a somewhat more significant figure in the Brexiteer camp than you.

Nigel Farage wants second referendum if Remain campaign scrapes narrow win


Nigel Farage warns today he would fight for a second referendum on Britain in Europe if the remain campaign won by a narrow margin next month.

The Ukip leader said a small defeat for his leave camp would be “unfinished business” and predicted pressure would grow for a re-run of the 23 June ballot.

Farage told the Mirror: “In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it.”



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23 hours ago, abrahamzvi said:

Utter nonsense. It's the UK Brexitirs who are changing their minds every second week. How can a dealbe reached when there is no certainty that it will be accepted by Westminster?

Well, a deal can be reached SUBJECT to its acceptance by Westminster. and SUBJECT  to its acceptance by the rest of the EU membership.


A compromise deal WILL be reached once the bluff and counter-bluff nonsense of "no deal" is over, simply because it is in the best interests of both parties to do so. but the EU always likes to come to an agreement on any major issue at the eleventh hour, as they think that gives them the strongest leverage.  If it is indeed true that the EU ridiculed the UK's Chequer's proposals, then you will watch them gradually changing their tune and eventually negotiate on that basis.  It is obvious that neither the ardent Brexiteers, not the ardent remainers will be completely happy with the eventual outcome, but that is always the case when two sides are fervently opposed to each other's points of view.


Despite many comments on here and the remainers' hopes to the contrary, the UK WILL be leaving the EU with a deal and I believe that, having endured many insults concerning her performance , May  will  still be PM and the Tories will win the next election. After a difficult couple of years following Brexit, the UK will prosper.

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4 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

It wasn’t “the remainers and the EU” who voted for Brexit. You voted for this; now don’t put the blame on people who warned you before what would happen. 

Oh absolute cobbers you pussy remainers just want to belong to a club that's ganna sink, you are a disgrace to the English people I grew up with that didn't want anything to do with cowardly europe countries with small e..

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11 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Of course but claims about sincerity or the lack thereof are necessarily suspect unless offered by the party in question.

Why are you asking questions that originated from another member, that doesn't count I suppose.

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