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The death of Walking Street


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There are many reasons why walking street businesses have not been doing well in recent years. Tourist demographics have changed, but businesses have not reacted to the change. There are many more reasons why walking street is dying a slow death. It is definitely a lot less fun and exciting as it was 10~15 years ago. If walking street were to disappear, would that be such a bad thing? 

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5 hours ago, lapd said:

Pattaya has more tourists than it has ever had. Not sure where you are finding those numbers to fit your agenda.  Maybe different type of tourists but definitely more.

Yes it has, but the demographics have changed radically. It used to be a farang domain, and now it's mainly Chinese and Russians, who rarely frequent bars. 

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It all depends on ones perception and if you actually go into the main gogos to see how they are doing. The French ones are full of Koreans spending a fortune. The 2 main ones off WS on soi 15 are also very busy and yes with Farangs. Agreed some of the restaurants and rock style music bars are suffering but I wouldnt say its the "death of walking street". Its just your idea of how it was has changed. I miss it too but its not coming back. 

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6 hours ago, soistalker said:

There are many reasons why walking street businesses have not been doing well in recent years. Tourist demographics have changed, but businesses have not reacted to the change. There are many more reasons why walking street is dying a slow death. It is definitely a lot less fun and exciting as it was 10~15 years ago. If walking street were to disappear, would that be such a bad thing? 

Walking Street is targeted towards specific punters, IMO there is little they (business owners/managers) can do to change their business models to accommodate bovine groups of tourists who don't spend money. Best thing to do is to stop them (the herds) accessing the strip, but that would be caught between a rock and a hard place as it is public access.


Walking Street has been dying for the last 30 years that I have known it, yet it is still there. Even if it was to close, you could bet your bottom dollar that somewhere else would open up to take it's place as it is too much of a cash cow to just let go.


One sure way to close it is to let the police & army perform there mass invasions like they did last weekend, nobody wants to either see or be caught up in that. I felt sorry for the proper tourists who are looking for a good time having saved their money for their once a year holiday to be faced by these idiots being seen to do. This is something that I haven't seen before in such numbers.

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7 hours ago, lapd said:

Pattaya has more tourists than it has ever had. Not sure where you are finding those numbers to fit your agenda.  Maybe different type of tourists but definitely more.

Yes. Chinese tour groups who don't use the bars along Walking Street, but are herded to places designated by the tour organisers. 

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More expensive than Bangkok and less fun. Bar fines outrageous so why go there unless you want to see Chinese tour flags. You can price yourself out of business especially when other parts of Pattaya are much cheaper.  Value and price matter even in Thailand.  

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8 hours ago, lapd said:

Pattaya has more tourists than it has ever had. Not sure where you are finding those numbers to fit your agenda.  Maybe different type of tourists but definitely more.

The attraction of Pattaya its decadence. That's what tourists come to see

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1 hour ago, Kerryd said:

As has been discussed, many times already, yes the numbers of tourists have increased. In fact, the total numbers of arrivals is increasing every year despite the "doom and gloom" BS some people like to spout every time the bars are shut down for a day (or 2). It is estimated that Thailand will receive in excess of 39 million "arrivals" this year (a new record) and it is expected they will top 40 million next year.


However, some people, like me, have actually talked to business owners that have/had businesses on Walking Street (and other areas) and the story is the same. There are more people on the streets, but they aren't spending as much as the people that used to fill the streets 10, 15, 20 years ago.

One (Thai) guy owns a seafood restaurant. He used to have another restaurant/bar in North Pattaya but had to sell that. Had to sell his Harley as well. Still has the restaurant on Walking Street though.

Another (Thai) guy owns a "resort hotel". He says he gets lots of bookings, but the people staying there aren't spending any money in the restaurant/bar so he's basically just above breaking even. He sold his Harley and bought a cheaper one (not sure if he still has that one).

Another couple of (Thai) guys I know had a couple of beer bars and go-go bars on Walking Street (I think it was 7 businesses in total, 4 beer bars and 3 go-gos). One of the guys apparently was the original owner of the bar that is now the Tahitian Queen (he told me that was the first business he'd owned and he sold it to buy something else. The new owners named the bar the Tahitian Queen and it's been running ever since). He's been in business on Walking street for over 40 years now. 

They had to sell some of their businesses and let the leases go on the others as they weren't making enough money to cover the losses. At one time, all of them were making money. Now I think they have one beer bar and one go-go and one of them has also sold his Harley.


(The "luxury" items like Harleys are usually the first to go when times get hard.)

There are a number of other (Thai) guys who've also ended up closing down their businesses (one had a small gold shop and did custom jewellery, another had a bar and a motorcycle sales/service shop) and selling off their assets and it is the same story. The people that are here now are simply not spending as much as the people that used to make up the majority of the tourists.


So yes, there are more people but according to the actual business owners - they are not spending as much money.


(I have a (foreign) friend in Phuket that owns a small Hotel with a bar and used to have a dive business as well. They lost the dive business and now are looking at getting rid of the hotel as they are not making enough to pay the bills. They tell me that the story is the same in Phuket. Lots of people on the beaches and streets but not a lot of money being spent.)

All the great plans to "rejuvenate" Walking Street by turning it into basically one long shopping mall will go up in smoke if no one walking on that Street is spending any money ! Not to mention that, if I recall correctly, almost all of the property along Walking Street is (physically) owned by something like 7 families. They lease out the properties to people who try to make money by leasing them other to other people. (I asked my friend who's been there since the 70s why he didn't actually own some of the places he had been running for decades and he said that those 7 families keep a death grip on the properties and won't sell them. They are probably the only people that consistently make money from them !)

Besides, Walking Street may "die" eventually but all that means is you will have to go to a different area to have your fun. Like LK Metro, or Jomtien. Or Ban Chang.

(Especially if they upgrade the airport at U-Tapao and the highway, Ban Chang could become the new "Pattaya" - better go there now and start setting up some new bars in anticipation of the "big rush" !)
All those people with all those go-go bars are not likely to just say "Meh, it was fun while it lasted so let's just forget about it and do something else.". It is more likely that they will just relocated to a different area and keep on doing the same thing, perhaps where there is less "public scrutiny".



Bar fines are too high. Some go go bars are asking over 1500 baht, some even 5000! The ST and LT rates have gone up and the quality of the girls and their service has gone down. However, some bars and go go bars are getting it right and they are always busy. The modern music being played is dreadful and low intelligence.  "Put  your f***ing hands up" is the dreadful refrain heard throughout Pattaya. Bars that play decent music are always busy. Go Go bars that give good service are also busy. The bars and go go bars that have no customers are badly run and don't understand the financial demographics or their potential customer base.

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Uhhh their farangs to..... but I hear what you’re saying. Reminds me of a

co worker long ago on a sales trip asking did I see that colored guy? I said what color are you? .....he never made that incorrect statement again, call um like you see um

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