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Loud, noise, noisy Thai standard


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3 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Yes, Thailand, with all of its blatant flaws, seems the best match for my personality which would be deemed in long ago times to be eccentric. Plus I dont need hearing aids.



Everyone who live in Thailand, is eccentric and have the uppertunity to play it all out! 

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Is it me, her or I just have to accept how it is ? How hard can it be


No she stupid and so are you sorry to say for putting up with it. Grow a pair and put your foot down. If she likes you she will respect you and be quite if she does not then she will continue as she is. Then it's time to show her the door.

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Thankfully, my wife knows how to modulate herself but a lot of the time, she's in the other extreme - I'm in my office with a big fan on behind me and she talks to me from the living room in a normal voice.  I can hear that she's talking but can't understand a word of it.   After a minute she'll raise her voice and ask, "Did you hear me?".  LOL.


Two Thai female neighbors - one to my left and the one across the street from her -  will carry on a 10-minute conversation with each other from their respective houses, yelling back and forth across the street.  The neighbor to my left has one of those highly annoying, shrill, nasal voices; it goes right through me like a hot knife on butter. ?

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I find that Thais speak very quietly with each other when in a small group or at

work.  Teens with motorcycles are a very different matter as are loudspeakers in a store advertising something - boy, oh boy !  

But noisy bikes are not fined and advertisers are not told to cool it. So ?  what do you expect ?   

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Not just the Thai's although I agree with the OP, my neighbour is a bloody Johnny foreigner from somewhere in the EU, I can here every word he and his Mrs say to each other, they don't talk they shout and that is a normal conversation, I have pulled him up about it but it made no difference, and as I type the 2 women across the street are talking, they are about 50 meters away and I have Radio 2 on and I can still here every word, ridiculous.

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On 8/18/2018 at 10:48 AM, Hummin said:

So I guess the deaf assosiation then recomend you to go to Thailand. As an good option for living? 


Same goes for being bipolar, its normal here, and then suddenly you are living in a society which is better formed for you, and do not feel unormal. 

Yes. In my family they also yell from house to house and sometimes cannot remember to adjust the volume when they are standing next to you... and yes, it seems to be normal or at least not unusual for country people.. you are not likely to be able to change it.


but, it sounds like that is not the only thing getting under your skin... if you are going to accuse the entire population of being bi-polar, I think you are off base and looking to hate on Thai people, which is not a good plan if you hope to enjoy your life here... 


Just remember, criticism kills love - - and if you keep picking at your wife, it will understandably get under her skin... maybe try and be a bit more patient, understanding and you will get along better... I would guess some of your habits might get on her nerves too... 

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On 8/17/2018 at 7:45 AM, Esso49 said:

I sympathise with you.   As I continue to tell my wife and family of many years "empty vessels make most noise".    And even after all these years they still believe I am joking !!! 


Actually I think it's " the empty can rattles the most" just saying. 

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I've nicknamed 2 of our neighbours BG1 & BG2.

BG2 holds conversations with a neighbour 50m away in a grating high pitched voice, moooost annoying. BG1 does not speak he shouts, I'm convinced he's deaf from his unsilenced fishing boat engine.

Another complained at my wife for putting food (fish) residue in the roadside bin as it smelt. These people have fishing boats and regularly dump tons of fish on their front porch for sorting and selling - the irony is lost on them though......

The most annoying aspect is that they all sit on the apartment steps below us smoking and shouting (talking) with no regard for anyone else.


Thankfully this is only a temporary accommodation we are at and will soon be moving to our own land, can't wait to see the back of them!

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