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Big Joke crackdown on corruption: Four transferred amid bribes at immigration scandal


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Thais love setting-up committees!  There's probably a "Gravy Train" committee.  After paying the membership fee, you'll get a current list of gravy trains and at which station they are at.


Getting caught is an automatic 1 month suspension, more commonly known as an "Inactive Post".

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9 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

Plus the two mentioned in an earlier report. That's six in a week. If this continues at the same pace (that's a big if, obviously) it could add up to hundreds within a year.

If he does a good enough job he could end up top cop too.  Successful but unpopular.  Lets see. Sack a third of the police to free up the time that a lot of them spend collecting illegal fees from businesses all over the country and pay the rest about 50% more.  Win Win.

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10 hours ago, lanista said:

Every change in government sees a new immigration crew at the airport and downtown.

Out with the old...in with the new.

All dirty. 

Nothing ever changes in Thailand.

The next elected gov will simply hail the arrival of a new breed of corrupt officials.

Doesnt matter what BJ does.

Four officials getting transferred is nothing.

The sooner this blokes gone the better. His not seaworthy

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10 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

He was quoted as saying that after he cleans out the mess with immigration, he is going after the bloke with the watches

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He is smiling , perhaps now BJ is working for him he has time on his hands . Watch it ferlung ! Now you see me , now you don't.

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It's all inconsequential, barely worth reading about. Just the same old merry-go-round that has gone on here since time immemorial, and which will continue long after this generation of farangs have departed this life or this country. You may try to fathom the machinations and you may think you understand the story, but chances are you don't and you never will. And Thais like it that way, they are past masters at the game.

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9 hours ago, ezzra said:

New broom sweeps well the folk's saying goes, and when the initial hooplah and the excitement dies down and everybody goes down to the brass knuckles, what's in it for me? hopefully this guy will be different to others, or will he?...

Since it's an open secret that police promotions are bought here, I doubt Big Joke's journey to the top is blemish free. ????

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