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Fox News: Democrats projected to win control of U.S. House


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2 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Latinos are very Catholic, Very. If it wasnt for the Latinos the US Catholic Church would be in trouble. It might be all Father O'malley in Boston and in the movies, but its Father Rodriquez in Houston, St. Louis, etc. That being said, you are correct, they are far more conservative. Thats why I was surprised that he didnt nominate the lady Catholic Judge for the Supreme Court (whose name I have forgot but she was from Notre Dame Law School), especially in light of the comments about Catholics made during her appeals Court confirmation hearing.


The other conservative community in my limited experience is Asian American (which is so diverse its hard to figure out). However, I can only go by the Hmong/Lao/Yao-Lu Mien community in Alaska, who are so personally right wing as to be scary. Ill never forget the old timer Lao-Hmong who still carries an old photo of himself holding up ears on a string to proudly show how many Viet Cong he killed. But they are a small community and probably vote for however their Clan Head tells them too. And Im sure that California has its own Asian political demographics.

Interesting if we can see it why cant they?

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4 minutes ago, attrayant said:


By such huge margins - again given the supposed great economy & low unemployment?



1. Higher (although improving) unemployment.  Voters either didn't understand or didn't care that employment was steadily declining from Bush's 10% high, they only cared that it was still 8% or 6% or whatever it was at the time of the election.  Also, politicians are good at flat-out lying about the economy to drive voters to (or away from) the polls.  Trump himself said the economy was a "disaster" during the 2016 primaries!  Some voters likely believed it and didn't bother to do one bit of fact checking to see that it was a lie.


2. Redistricting.


So basically: President Trump lost the House simply because he was Trump, forgetting about retirements, quitting Congress, big money, press partisanship and each and every other "excuse" one could make.  Obama lost because *insert reason other than him*, which is still and excuse.




Then there was Bill Clinton. That was the AWB. Thats his excuse.


My point is, anyone can spin it anyway they want in any election and throw any excuse or reason that they want, but the bottom line is that the Party that controls the Presidency in recent history, does not control Congress. Even Ike lost both the House and the Senate. And was reelected. So was Obama. And was re-elected. So the loss of the House, coupled with the gain in the Senate, surely does not indicate a unique revolutionary revulsion against Trumpism and a victory of the Resistance so as to give bright hope that he will lose in 2020. Im sure the Democratic Party is not going to sit on its laurels and say, ok dudes, its cool, we got this one in the bag.


BTW, what "huge margin" are you talking about. Number of seats? Less than the norm I thought. Number of votes? A nothing statistic.

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2 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

What don't you understand about the biggest gain for democrats in 44 years? ANd this in the face of widespread Republican gerrymandering.

It's just simple denial. At least he isn't as bad as the dear leader trying to sell the crock of brown that it was YUGE win for him. 

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What don't you understand about the biggest gain for democrats in 44 years? ANd this in the face of widespread Republican gerrymandering.


Update: Sinema [D] has overtaken McSally [R] in Arizona. Her lead is now insurmountable. See what happens when all the votes are counted?




I want to thank Donald Trump for costing McSally the election.




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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

It's just simple denial. At least he isn't as bad as the dear leader trying to sell the crock of brown that it was YUGE win for him. 

The Senate is where the action is so by holding the Senate, and indeed gaining, it is a huge victory, if you consider that the Democrats can only now harrass, not sucessfully legislate. They either have to compromise with the Republicans and offend that part of their party base that opposes the President in all respects or simply be obstructionistic. Newt Gingrich knows how that works, now the Democrats are the party of "NO".


Meanwhile over on the other side of the Capitol there are 135 Judicial vacancies, with 56 nominations pending and the backlog should be cleared by next year. And two very elderly Supreme Court Judges. Now obviously, any politician is going to spin a loss, thats what politicians do. So if President Trump is engaging in political hyperbole without the benefit of the silver tongue of his predecessor, that bothers me not, hes a the same as all of them, just more crass and boorish. But he knows how to press the buttons and folks who would never vote for him can yell and scream about his hyperbole, while the rest of the folks go about their business, tune it out until 2020,  and he keeps filling up the Courts with Judges who follow the constitution.

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14 minutes ago, attrayant said:


Update: Sinema [D] has overtaken McSally [R] in Arizona. Her lead is now insurmountable. See what happens when all the votes are counted?




I want to thank Donald Trump for costing McSally the election.




Having lived there, I know that Maricopa County (where Sinema has taken her lead) is a strange place for Cowboy Arizona. Its like LV, NYC, Chicago in thats its liberal population has an outsized effect on an otherwise conservative electorate. 


So thats fine, congratulations to her, but she presented herself as a moderate, is she going to be the next McCaskil? The Senate remains in Republican hands.


And I dont quite understand your comment about "counting votes" are you alleging that the Republicans are not counting votes?  

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5 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Having lived there, I know that Maricopa County (where Sinema has taken her lead) is a strange place for Cowboy Arizona. Its like LV, NYC, Chicago in thats its liberal population has an outsized effect on an otherwise conservative electorate. 


So thats fine, congratulations to her, but she presented herself as a moderate, is she going to be the next McCaskil? The Senate remains in Republican hands.


And I dont quite understand your comment about "counting votes" are you alleging that the Republicans are not counting votes?  

Three out of 4 House districts in Arizona have now elected Democrats.

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Looks like the House flip is going to be 37, maybe 38?


And the Senate +2 R, while the woman in Mississippi may be hanging herself out to dry?


Pretty amazing stuff certainly doesn't bode well for Republicans in 2020. As far as a referendum on the President, it's easy to see why he's so hysterical.

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17 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Looks like the House flip is going to be 37, maybe 38?


And the Senate +2 R, while the woman in Mississippi may be hanging herself out to dry?


Pretty amazing stuff certainly doesn't bode well for Republicans in 2020. As far as a referendum on the President, it's easy to see why he's so hysterical.

Actually, I suspect that her comment will get her more votes if anything. This is Mississippi, after all.

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2 hours ago, Scott said:

Krysten Sinema, the democratic candidate, has been declared the winner of the Senatorial race against Martha McSally.  


Congrats to her. She ran as a Moderate (what I call a Manchinite after Big Joe Manchin) despite her younger record so the question I have (I am technically an Arizonan since I have an AZ drivers license) is whether she will continue as one? 


Sooner or later she is going to have to figure out how to reconcile the competing interests of Maricopa with the rest of the State. It seems she did well in Navajo country (so did the Republican Governor) and they are very powerful and their mining, ranching and industrial interests frequently clash with the Maricopa big city environmentalists. She won by 40K? and I am trying to find out what her margin was in Tempe (Arizona State University).....

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One point I want to make is that this world is incredibly superficial - outside of US 90% of people believe whatever CNN tells them about Trump - in Asia in particular everything is about looks and perception. All this PR damage to America and the West in general was caused by the West's Left and the associated media - in US, Europe, Canada etc... I don't see the practical purpose of it. Because it's not going to get Trump unelected, in fact he will probably win the next election, but the PR damage to the West in general is immense at this point... and it affects people on the Right, Left, Center etc equally. The image of mean evil Trump they created is hugely exaggerated imo... and in a way they are turning him into a "monster" that he never signed up to be... and it's really this false image of Trump that's causing the rightwing stirrup and reaction all over the world at the moment.

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15 minutes ago, Morch said:


I doubt you've got much of a leg to stand on when it comes to comments on others being "superficial". That 90% bit was probably pulled out of thin air. Same for the generalized assertion.


But regardless, Trump supporters rarely accept that media coverage regarding Trump is often based on what the President does and says. Nevermind how he acts. Somehow that doesn't register.


And so, it's the nefarious "left" controlling the media which makes Trump look bad, nothing to do with the President himself, or his "policies" and agenda.


Seems that in your democratically-challenged mind, the role of the media and the opposition is to adulate the incumbent President, and to role over according to his whims. Otherwise, well...they are basically two steps away from being traitors, aren't they?

You are twisting my words and putting words in my mouth. You don't need to be a Trump supporter to understand that what the Leftist media is doing very much resembles a one party system government and it's hugely unethical - and like I said the fallout is immense... and strangely the Left doesn't even care when this fallout is hurting themselves and others.

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36 minutes ago, Nilats said:

One point I want to make is that this world is incredibly superficial - outside of US 90% of people believe whatever CNN tells them about Trump

How interesting... you believe 90% of the world gets their news from CNN and not their own local or national outlets. Strange and inaccurate suggestion.

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3 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Sorry to be the one to break it to you... I know it has been pounded into your consciousness, but the the US media is NOT leftist. They are firmly corporate-establishment-centerist.

What difference does it make what actual designation is used here... they are all known as "leftist" pro-"democrat" etc etc... and in the classical definition - since they are causing this PR fallout - they are working against the home front... that's as Leftist as it gets. I don't understand how something so simple takes such a long time to explain ???? They don't make only Trump look bad - they make all of the West look bad... this is the reality of things which I'm sure they are smart enough to understand. They wouldn't be acting this way if they weren't some kind of convinced anti-West or anti-America camp... if that was the case the coverage would be somewhat more objective because for the most part everything that Trump does is usual business for a president in any other country.

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51 minutes ago, Nilats said:

The image of mean evil Trump they created is hugely exaggerated imo... and in a way they are turning him into a "monster" that he never signed up to be... and it's really this false image of Trump that's causing the rightwing stirrup and reaction all over the world at the moment.

If you take some of the over the top invective in the early days, your proposition is spot on. Do I recall folks comparing him to Hitler? 

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27 minutes ago, Nilats said:

and strangely the Left doesn't even care when this fallout is hurting themselves and others.

Legitimate criticisms get lost in over the top hyperbole and invective. The Democrats and the Press are their own worst enemy. And its predicted Hillary is going to run again.

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1 hour ago, Nilats said:

One point I want to make is that this world is incredibly superficial - outside of US 90% of people believe whatever CNN tells them about Trump - in Asia in particular everything is about looks and perception. All this PR damage to America and the West in general was caused by the West's Left and the associated media - in US, Europe, Canada etc... I don't see the practical purpose of it. Because it's not going to get Trump unelected, in fact he will probably win the next election, but the PR damage to the West in general is immense at this point... and it affects people on the Right, Left, Center etc equally. The image of mean evil Trump they created is hugely exaggerated imo... and in a way they are turning him into a "monster" that he never signed up to be... and it's really this false image of Trump that's causing the rightwing stirrup and reaction all over the world at the moment.


Sorry, what does this have to do with the Congressional mid-terms? I mean other than a decided rebuke of the president?


For the most part, one merely needs to play videos of Trump speaking, wherein most with more than half a brain can see him for what he is.


You don't even need to "speed them up like they do for football". 


And God forbid you try to read a transcription of one of his speeches. Yikes. If he were my Dad he'd be in Shady Acres, grabbing the nurses by the p...y.







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32 minutes ago, Nilats said:

What difference does it make what actual designation is used here... they are all known as "leftist" pro-"democrat" etc etc... and in the classical definition - since they are causing this PR fallout - they are working against the home front... that's as Leftist as it gets. I don't understand how something so simple takes such a long time to explain ???? They don't make only Trump look bad - they make all of the West look bad... this is the reality of things which I'm sure they are smart enough to understand. They wouldn't be acting this way if they weren't some kind of convinced anti-West or anti-America camp... if that was the case the coverage would be somewhat more objective because for the most part everything that Trump does is usual business for a president in any other country.

Was that post meant to be coherent?

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3 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Was that post meant to be coherent?

Do you have something important to say or are you just a troll? ????


It's not Trump that's damaging US democracy... the Left and Leftist media is... this is a topic of great concern for those who care about liberty, democracy, freedom of speech etc... If you don't care about these things - then that's your problem.

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5 minutes ago, Nilats said:

Do you have something important to say or are you just a troll? ????


It's not Trump that's damaging US democracy... the Left and Leftist media is... this is a topic of great concern for those who care about liberty, democracy, freedom of speech etc... If you don't care about these things - then that's your problem.

Based on your totally delusional (and fact-free) posts, you are clearly beyond hope.  But for the record, there is no left or leftist media conspiracy or deep state, or whatever.  It is in fact Trump damaging US democracy and in the most perverse way.  But our American institutions will persevere!   

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13 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Based on your totally delusional (and fact-free) posts, you are clearly beyond hope.  But for the record, there is no left or leftist media conspiracy or deep state, or whatever.  It is in fact Trump damaging US democracy and in the most perverse way.  But our American institutions will persevere!   

You are entitled to your opinion - I don't care if your America becomes a one-party "Democracy" - knock yourselves out, have a go at it... I'm sure everybody can still be a friend like everybody is friends with China,  I'm concerned with the PR fallout against the West in general... and if your one party "democracy" actually spreads to other countries - this is what concerns me.

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3 minutes ago, Nilats said:

You are entitled to your opinion - I don't care if your America becomes a one-party "Democracy" - knock yourselves out, have a go at it... I'm everybody can still be a friend like everybody is friends with China,  I'm concerned with the PR fallout against the West in general... and if your one party "democracy" actually spreads to other countries - this is what concerns me.

You do realize most of the rest of the West have parliamentary democracies with plenty of parties, right?

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