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Expats need to organize in face of Embassies discontinuance of income verification letters

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1 hour ago, Issanjohn said:

I fully agree with you but I’m not really worried about it anymore because I have a plan and I know when I get my next extension soon my income affidavit will still be accepted one more time.  Although next year I might have to open a Thai bank account and start transferring money into it from my bank in the United States every month that I get paid my pension payments.  In the end this might actually be a good thing in a way because it’ll save me a trip to Bangkok and actually using a Thai bank account might make it easier for me to pay bills instead of cash for all the bills every month.  


But I still really don’t like the changes it is really dumb because basically the United States Embassy and two other embassies are basically saying “well we’ve apparently been doing the income affidavits wrong for all these years because we were supposed to be actually verifying your income so instead of actually correcting our mistake and doing it right we’re just gonna stop providing the service all together good luck”. That’s basically what they’re saying without actually saying it and it makes me angry as well but I kind of know what I need to do in order to deal with it.  Honestly as long as you actually do receive at least minimum the required income every month you really shouldn’t have anything to worry about.  I was stressing out about it as well until after I got official guidance on the issue from both the United States Embassy and immigration.  


Really what’s going on here is that immigration is apparently just trying to enforce the current rules already in place and a few of our embassies just flat out refuse to comply with immigration’s rules which I fully agree is BS.  


I mean it’s really not that difficult for the embassy to verify our income it’s just a matter of bringing in a bank statement, pension letter, or whatever the case is.  I understand that the embassy is busy and everyone’s income situation is different but really how hard can it be for the embassy to just quickly review a bank statement or a pension letter?  I’m sure it would take more time and cause them a little bit more work but that’s what the citizen services section of the embassy is there to do.  If they don’t want to do their job or work harder then they should go home and let other people take their jobs because there are lots of people who are just dying to get an overseas assignment in a government job making that big money that they make.  I used to work for the government and I’ve dealt with our embassies all over the world and they are very well paid trust me.  They get paid a lot of money to do what they do.  I remember when I worked in Tokyo the United States Embassy was a lot better although they were never half as busy as our embassy is here.  I don’t know I really don’t want to be so quick to blame the embassy employees because it’s not their fault it’s someone’s fault in a high level leadership position.  And I was just at the embassy recently to renew my passport and you do have to admit that they are extremely busy already as it is but I still don’t see what’s so difficult about asking us to bring proof that you do receive the money every month in with you when you go in for your income affidavit, if they don’t do it immigration will have to do it.  It’ll actually make immigration’s job harder as well.  I always wondered what kept people from lying on the income affidavits but it actually is a sworn notarized United States government document so whether it’s actually enforced or not lying on the income affidavit is a federal offense, it’s actually a felony offense to lie on the income affidavit because you are swearing under penalty of perjury.  If I were in charge I would just keep doing exactly what they are doing and just tell immigration that if they catch someone who has lied on their income affidavit then just report them to us and then actually enforce US federal government law and charge that individual with perjury.  The penalty of perjury is supposed to be the guarantee but apparently that’s not good enough probably because people are abusing the system just punish the people who are caught abusing the system and leave the rest of us who are living here legally alone, but that’s just my opinion.  Although that’s a good opinion for a petition or something to the embassy, I’d probably sign it.  Apparently it’s the British, United States, and the Australian embassies who are the culprits.  

Short n sweet, what was that again?

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40 minutes ago, digger70 said:

I Agree .this letter bullshit has been stopped because To many Expats have been Lying about the Real income/pension .I one can't get the acquired funds together for their extension they shouldn't be here,and it will stop the rogue agents from doing their dodgy way of getting you an extension with  no THB in the bank.

You couldn’t be further from the reality! Agents tea money goes right to the top,do you think the big man can stop that happening,Dream on digger who says I who shouldn’t,t be here?

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Where should I start?

What I see here and from other threads regarding this topic is sad that we have to be cutting each other up when we are basically all in the same boat regardless of whether one has the means or not. We as people aren't much different I'm not going to try to say those who don't have any sympathy to start doing so for this topic. People make choices and living here is one of them and it doesn't mean those who can do so easily think that all those who scrape by are liars and cheaters when obtaining the affidivate. Everyone has their story and reason as to why they are here.

When it comes to blame not all but the Embassy representing citizens retired or visiting have a duty to their citizens that is exactly the reason for " Citizen services " it isn't just a counter to pay for services or a cash cow as someone noted. As for the American Embassy in Bangkok you take note of the number of appointments on their calendar something like 30 a day I would assume are for the affidivate current charge 1700 baht X 25 days that is 1,275,000 million baht a month X 12 months = 15,3000,000 a year. Now lets not forget all the outreach they do per year you guess the reason. When I use to get one in Pattaya looking at the sign up list I would easily say there are 200 Expats there just for the affidivate?  So should they do more damn right they should for me it isn't all about being polite and diplomated although they are on foreign soil it to me it is very simple ask a question after all the threads and posting " why after all these years of accepting the affidivate why now? " Why past practice all these year it is now no longer acceptible " It isn't like yesterday that they found out that Expats were being told to just lie or the numbers weren't being verified.

When you look at the staffing and the time a affidivate is issue there isn't one Embassy on this planet that could verify all the documents. You add the time zone difference etc it is impossible. The U.S. ask you to raise your hands, the UK seem to ask you to submit the documents those who do one would assume doing so shows one has nothing to hide it is basically the honor system. Even if one hires a outside agency to do the verification why would any Embassy give up part of a cash cow. The current system lie/cheat call it what you want to me it was derived from past practice from Thai Immigration to except them they themselves have played a part in the system. Thailand government should understand this concept they use it daily hoping with no enforcement their citizens will obey the driving law we all know that answer. As for lying their government even their people believe there is no real harm in a white lie.

So lets assume everyone or majority are leaving the Embassy lying. In all the Big Joke raids the so call 1 million overstay foreigners are any of these Expats? Are Expats being swept up daily found begging for money on the streets? Posters say they know Expats who seem barely making it here in Thailand are their jails full of Expats arrested for shop lifting?  are they so drunk adding to Thailand most dangerous country to drive numbers so high they are ranked #1. What a Expat does or how he looks is their business they still must come up with the 1700 baht for the affidivate pay the Thai Immigration 1900 baht and the re-entry of 1000-3800 baht. If there is a underground market for extension are they run by expats? 

I'm very lucky to have the funds to stay here but since arriving 13 years, even then I didn't know all the ropes I joined a number of expat clubs got tons of information most important I have met expats from all over the world maybe they are liars cheats for the affidivate short a bit to live here for whatever reason they are here they aren't doing it as criminals that warrants a sweep with a broad brush called out as liars and cheats is just unfair since not everyone is equal in life. Not everyone can be well off and rich nor everyone living here are liars/cheats and criminals we are all human we make mistake many are beaten and let down by their governement do we let to step on them too?

Every reports suggest that every Thai Immigration office seem to have a different interpretation regarding their own rules outline. When I got the U.S. Embassy notice I did go to the Thai immigration website under the retirement rules. My interpretation in the wording the 800,000 baht must be in a " Thai Bank" for first time application the funds must be seasoned for 3 months thereafter renewal only two months there is no mentioned it must be seasoned thereafter for a period.

The monthly income doesn't stipulate it must be in a " Thai Bank " it only states "Bank" but as many have read some immigration are saying it must be in a Thai bank.  If not, I can see if I want to test their system provide them with monthly bank statement from my two major banks at home deposits of my pension. I use the ATM method here each month can easily highlight the withdraws well over 100,000 baht each month the statement shows withdraws are all majority made out of Thai ATM in Pattaya. So based on the word " Bank " would work for Thai government?

Also one poster suggested the U.S. Embassy has been doing something, my reading I conclude much difference all it say is for whatever reason the affidivate was accepted in the past as of January 1st it no longer will. It doesn't state any discussion, reason as to why the Thai Govenment all of a sudden is question the affidivate nor has given any solution thus the reason they ask you to go to the Thai immigration website, classic government handoff two step!

This is Thailand their government I fully understand the rules which is to protect their country and keep it too themselves the major reason you can't own real property admit it or not it is discrimitory many countries even the U.S. should adopt some of these rules?  I knew the rules coming in and I've for 13 years gone along with them I am a American first and foremost believe I've given more to this country and than those who were born here. I wish I could give more I believe in my heart I have more love for Thai people than the government that represent them but that is for another topic. But living here doesn't mean I give up want has made me the person I'm today and to speak out for those who can't or won't that for those of us who disagree with the decision are liars and cheats. There is so much good and wrong with Thailand yet Thai immigration has painted us all with a broad brush with absolutely no evidence that Expats are a problem.

I worked in Human resouces for a period prior to retiring and never have I gotten request from any Embassy to verify income the method is what it is I ask again to the Embassy and Thai Immigration " what is the problem and the evidence "

If you can do better my suggestion is I will gladly when I apply for my extension and want to use the income method provide Immigration with all the documents and evidence and you can do it yourself. Reality 90% of the agents can't even speak nor could they comprehend the information or even find the time the lines will be out the door for days and weeks. In time, they themselves would just ask you to raise you hand take you 1700 baht translate to millions each year and it would be no different than any Embassy you couldn't find a shedder large enough.

Another suggestion Expats should find a good week like Christmas and New Years and just stay home in protest if they don't appreciate us?

Thanks for everyone times just my point of view! 


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1 hour ago, Pattaya46 said:

How many? 10? 100? Not that difficult to find a way to stay here.


Crisis of delirium? :tongue:.

Seriously, this has been discussed a lot already. Impact would be nearly nil ! Members here tend to overestimate a lot the number and the financial importance of farang retirees in Thailand.

Say 5000 UK citizens go home.where are they going to live?Seems to me a bigger problem for the UK instead of Thailand.

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4 hours ago, newatthis said:

OK, how could it have been handled better? It's not nice but they did give 2 months notice. Did you want 6 months notice? How about 12 months notice? What more could they do for you? Surely not a survey? Whatever they do, someone is going to be disappointed.

Two months notice isn't much good if Immigration requires the 800k to be seasoned for 3 months. If Immigration are reasonable enough to accept embassy letters for 6 months into 2019 then that gives everyone time to comply with the changed requirements. whatever they turn out to be.    

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12 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

A post with some inflammatory unneeded comments has been removed.


Edit: And now a reply to it and another post attempting to deflect the topic.

And what was wrong with my comment? I clearly elevated two big problems with the big gathering that actually is well known to all. I was relating to real life.

After that I sincerely wished every single nationality up for the elimination of the income letter great success. I also tried my best to do it in their own style of English.

Please tell me where I broke the rules?

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A government pension is paid until you die. Once the proof has been endorsed once there is no need to repeat the process. Like a fixed account, annual photocopies and bank letters are superfluous and that Immigration requires them is rather odd. It is as though they want us all to use ‘agents’.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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7 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

Your LAWS prevent them from accessing that information even if they were willing to try.

That is a ruse. How do the banks verify your incomes in the US and risk millions of dollars for home loans? If you give permission, they should be able to verify anything.

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11 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

All you have to organise is getting the correct amount of money in your bank account, or coming into it. The only people this change affects are the liars and fraudsters, as it was meant to

As far as Brit expats are concerned, this is the only group that won't be affected. It's the Honest Joes who send proof of income to the BE every year to verify their income. I send my P60 (similar to tax return) and pension payslip, both extremely difficult to forge and I send originals, I also send 3 months original copies of bank statements.


I know a good number of British expats and would say that around 50% of them use the income verification method to obtain their visa extensions, none of whom are liars or fraudsters.


The other 50% use the "money seeded into Thai bank account" method. Of these, I know of 2 who don't have the necessary funds to satisfy Thai Immigration and both use an agent to circumvent the system. It's they who are gaming the system, not those of us using the income letter route.


I concede that it's much easier for Aussies and Americans to use the embassy letter route to obtain an income letter, as they aren't required to provide any proof of income to their embassies. Admittedly, I don't know as many Aussie and American expats, although I do know quite a few Aussie and a couple of American expats, and those I do know aren't cheats or liars as they tend to use the "money in bank" method to save themselves the trip to Bangkok every year.


In conclusion, for Brits, it's the people who use agents to illegally seed notional bank accounts, and will continue to do so, who are the "liars and frauds", not those who use embassy letters to provide proof of income and, for no good reason, will no longer be able to do so as of next year.


I wonder how many of them will be forced into becoming "liars and frauds" by the British Embassy?



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13 hours ago, watgate said:

I sent a message to you and basically it said I am currently residing in Chiang Mai or else I would be onboard with you in Bangkok. I concur that what was done by the US Embassy and Consulate was despicable. They basically took the easy way out and left the US Expat community out to dry. There was no accountability of these firmly entrenched government bureaucrats and they took the easy way out. There are many serious issues and potentially devastating effects to many expats who are currently residing in Thailand. These issues must be addressed by the US Embassy and Consulate and not swept under the rug for folks who have to navigate these serious concerns  themselves with no clear guidance or input into this matter by the US Embassy and Consulate.

Your lucky the UK no longer has an embassy in CM.

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