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Do you know this woman? The Thai tech police want to lock her up for five years!


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This is hilarious lock her up for 5 years for posing naked some say this is art 

But last week the police say there is no prostitution in walking street and no issues found  this place is just a laugh sometimes. They totally have there priorities back to front 

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6 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

Well, she's of a sturdy build, perhaps more comfort than speed, nice long hair and legs that could kick start a 747.

Somebody must have enjoyed that photo opportunity on a brand new road.


5 years lock up and 100,000 fine. Wow. And they let murderes off with a few years. Where is the logic in Thailand punishment.

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Asian cultures and nudity always confounds me. For example:

1) Japanese pixilation of the bottom half, yet there exists plenty of comics if people having sex with animals, aliens and other weird things

2) India: The birth of the Kama Sutra, yet so many cultures of India try so hard to cover so much of the body

3) So many places in the middle east: Women must cover up almost all their bodies, but men can have numerous wives

4) Thailand: Prostitution is near legal, but face 5 years in jail for a nude picture going viral

5) So many more examples: China, South Korea, Malaysia


My gf is amazed and confused how it is easy/normal for me to walk around nude or in boxers only in my apartment/condo/flat and she will never shower we me. I've found many Thai's refuse to share a shower, which I don't understand - it's like the cleanest place you'll have for your body.


.But such is life and it is what it is. I just really hope this girl doesn't face any prison time. If you must discipline her in anyway, a fine should be as far as it goes.

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Is this some kind of a joke?  You can't even see her face.  If I did know her, you'd better be sure as shit, I would not grass her up for something so ridiculous.  Maybe the RTP should try cracking down on the real problems of the city.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Do you know this woman? The Thai tech police want to lock her up for five years!

Of course they want to lock her up,,,, Don't tell them who she is , they only want have their Wicket way with her.  shame on you tech cops.  Leave it alone she didn't do any harm. She's only a Bitch ,,,,,,Beautiful Indevidual That Causes Hard ons,,,,,,

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9 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

I haven't been able to see the original yet, but could looking at the pixilated version still be a crime?! Or is it just copying and sharing that's the problem?

All but the naughty pixelated bits should be okay

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I remember, as a Teenager, Mary Whitehouse.  Spouting her disgust on tv at ANYTHING ....She was actually given a voice by the PRUDISH BBC....ANTI Sex, GBLT, Art, Music, Speech.. what a sad cow ... but that was pre Internet, pre Sex Pistols, 40+ years ago......

at least the UK has moved on ...the more distracted the public the more Peadophilia Parliament, their cronie mates can get away with....

Do THAIs not realise that by trying to “save face” they actually make themselves a laughing stock around the globe?... An innocent artistic photoshoot, ( or could it just be photo shopped) How can it be even mildly viewed as a “ Crime” No victims, no damage, no harm, no proof. In future Make sure you are wearing something !!!  If not, say a Recognisable Tattoo....To aid PRUDE POLICE detection!! .. .a fake one lasts long enough if they if their savvy!! 


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