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G20: Trump leaves Argentine leader in the lurch - BBC News


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2 hours ago, mikebike said:

Funny how no other busy world leader "forgot" in 20 cycles... 45 just can't get a break... lol.

What was humorous about my post. If you don't see a clear bias in the media, then you are just as partisan as the so-called "Trumptards", etc. As I said, if any other president had done this, it wouldn't have been worth mentioning.


I saw no other leaders up there waiting for the photo shoot. So any of the others didn't need to remember. All they had to do was follow what everyone else was doing. But because Trump was first, there was no one else to follow.


Remember, this was a group photo, not a one-by-one, so you comment about the 20 other world leaders not forgetting is moot. All they had to do as they proceeded was to follow precedent, which was to stay on stage and wait for the remaining G20 leaders to arrive, shake hands, and then join the group. But to repeat my original point, because there was no "group" to join on stage when Trump got there, he just proceeded off stage.

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What was humorous about my post. If you don't see a clear bias in the media, then you are just as partisan as the so-called "Trumptards", etc. As I said, if any other president had done this, it wouldn't have been worth mentioning.


I saw no other leaders up there waiting for the photo shoot. So any of the others didn't need to remember. All they had to do was follow what everyone else was doing. But because Trump was first, there was no one else to follow.


Remember, this was a group photo, not a one-by-one, so you comment about the 20 other world leaders not forgetting is moot. All they had to do as they proceeded was to follow precedent, which was to stay on stage and wait for the remaining G20 leaders to arrive, shake hands, and then join the group. But to repeat my original point, because there was no "group" to join on stage when Trump got there, he just proceeded off stage.

How many times in the last 2 years has he been on a photo shoot? 


All Trump had to do was to wait on the stage for the others to join him. If he hasn't got the brains to understand that then I pity the people of the USA who voted such an idiot into the position of POTUS.


It isn't even rocket science.

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How many times in the last 2 years has he been on a photo shoot? 


All Trump had to do was to wait on the stage for the others to join him. If he hasn't got the brains to understand that then I pity the people of the USA who voted such an idiot into the position of POTUS.


It isn't even rocket science.

But you miss my point. Maybe he didn't receive specific instructions to remain on stage and was only told that there would be a group photo shoot after everyone was received by the pres. of Argentina. So in that case, he figured he'd wait off stage and then everyone would be brought back out for the shoot. Certainly a plausible scenario.


Again, I'm not defending the man, I just think that with all that was shown in the OP it seems like an over reaction and I highly doubt if it were someone else that it would have even been mentioned.

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Besides, who's to know what instructions he was given beforehand.

Oh for cripes sakes. Even my company had protocol officers to brief staff travelling abroad. The White House is full of them. A more likely scenario is that 45 believes these briefings to be unintelligible gobbledygook sans pictures to entertain and just ignores them.

Edited by mikebike
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Um no, but your comment only underscores one of the points I was trying to make. Besides, who's to know what instructions he was given beforehand. 

Again, I think there's a real double-standard here making a big deal out of such an inane incident. There are so many other things to be concerned about.

It continually confounds me as how stupid and non-newsworthy the "news" is these days especially when covering POTUS....Trump is not a politician - he will not follow orders - he shows disdain for people - yet he hasnt changed one iota since he began running for president in 2016 - YET - after almost 2 years in office - reporters keep thinking he has done something profound or nonpresidential, like it is news.  Again he isnt a politician and likely cares less how people want him to act.  He is a businessman who became POTUS of the USA, the most arrogant country in the world -  think he fits right in, but people wont admit it.  

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But you miss my point. Maybe he didn't receive specific instructions to remain on stage and was only told that there would be a group photo shoot after everyone was received by the pres. of Argentina. So in that case, he figured he'd wait off stage and then everyone would be brought back out for the shoot. Certainly a plausible scenario.


Again, I'm not defending the man, I just think that with all that was shown in the OP it seems like an over reaction and I highly doubt if it were someone else that it would have even been mentioned.

Yes you are defending the man.


After 2 years of photo shoots I am sure that even the village idiot would know what to do without being prompted.


Assume he has done 2 photo shoots a week. That would mean he has done it at least 100 times before, and yet he STILL has to be told what to do and where to go?

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It continually confounds me as how stupid and non-newsworthy the "news" is these days especially when covering POTUS....Trump is not a politician - he will not follow orders - he shows disdain for people - yet he hasnt changed one iota since he began running for president in 2016 - YET - after almost 2 years in office - reporters keep thinking he has done something profound or nonpresidential, like it is news.  Again he isnt a politician and likely cares less how people want him to act.  He is a businessman who became POTUS of the USA, the most arrogant country in the world -  think he fits right in, but people wont admit it.  

Being politically anti-establishment, if that is what you believe 45 to be, isnt an excuse to ignore diplimatic courtesy and decorum. (... courtesy and decorum...something 45 apparently feels very strongly about when it is the press tranagressing rather than him).

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Think its time for the USA to realize the executive branch of government has way too much power and the 2 party system does not protect democracy. 3 branches of government but POTUS running all 3 - no more checks and balances.  

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Yikes, TV Trump haters by default. Meanwhile having a mouthful about hate speech. Get a life.

You're confused. Anti trump speech may or may not be prompted by hatred. But it's the content of the speech that qualifies it as hate speech, not the alleged motivation behind it. Get a grip.

Edited by bristolboy
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Yes you are defending the man.


After 2 years of photo shoots I am sure that even the village idiot would know what to do without being prompted.


Assume he has done 2 photo shoots a week. That would mean he has done it at least 100 times before, and yet he STILL has to be told what to do and where to go?

Okay, yes I am defending the man, but only in this stupid situation. What I meant is I don't defend his whole presidency.


But you're coming up with a stupid argument. Your'e saying he's had 2 photo shoots a week where he's gone on stage to meet and greet a guest leader, then stay on stage while 19 other leaders waltz in and do the same, then get together for a group photo. Yeah, I don't think so, unless you can point that out. (Yes he's been photographed a couple of times a week while in office, speaking to the press or meeting other dignitaries one on one in the Oval Office or in another where he or both are seated.)


Look, I'm just saying it's just a stupid thing to criticize him for. As I said in a previous post, he may have thought he was supposed to wait off stage and then after everyone else had met with the Argentinian pres. they would all go out for the group photo. Him walking off stage was no major diplomatic breach (unlike his name-calling of other world leaders) and was not him "leaving anyone in the lurch". Just ridiculous hyperbole. Again, my point is the hypocrisy in making a big deal out a minor social gaffe, where if the same had occurred with any other president, the press would have been mum. 

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Being politically anti-establishment, if that is what you believe 45 to be, isnt an excuse to ignore diplimatic courtesy and decorum. (... courtesy and decorum...something 45 apparently feels very strongly about when it is the press tranagressing rather than him).

So in this case, where exactly were his transgressions in regards to "diplomatic courtesy and decorum"? He made the mistake of continuing off stage rather than wait and stand there.


And it's silly for the BBC to say he left the pres. of Argentina "in the lurch" as if he was the one organizing everyone on stage and taking the picture like he was there to take the class photo. All he had to do was stand there with a stupid grin and greet the rest of the G20 leaders. It was the event organizers who had to deal with him walking off the stage.

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Think its time for the USA to realize the executive branch of government has way too much power and the 2 party system does not protect democracy. 3 branches of government but POTUS running all 3 - no more checks and balances.  

Unfortunately that trend has been occurring (the executive branch trying to gain more power) for the last few decades.


Ever since Ross Perot's relatively successful campaign and his performance in the presidential debates, the two main parties (Repubs and Dems) have now essentially locked out third party candidates from the debates. A lawyer for the Libertarian party and Gary Johnson (the Libertarian candidate) tried, unsuccessfully, to sue to allow other parties into the televised presidential debates. (In a way, you could say that the US is a lot like Thailand in that the two major political parties are like the Thai oligarchs, trying to protect their seats at the proverbial trough. They don't want any other parties budding in. Remember that there are no limits on "soft donations" [those made to a party and not a specific candidate] so those two parties have a strong motive to keep others away.)


Sadly, most Americans are deluded that there is a true democracy. You have only to look at the Saudi donations to the Clinton foundation, the big bank donations to the Clinton campaign and to both the Dem and Republican parties (as well as other large corp. donations to both Dems and Repubs) to realize that America is and has been run by a corporate oligarchy. You get enough frustration from all of this, and the result is a Trump as president. And then you get the stupid simps who worry about where on a stage Trump has walked to rather than things like, why was the Patriot Act (which allows the US govt to spy on its citizens) broadened rather than curtailed or even canceled under Obama, who touted himself as someone for civil rights, or why is Trump fighting the right battle with China (protection of IP rights and more access to markets) but using the wrong tool in tariffs (as just a couple examples).

Edited by Hank Gunn
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Exhausted from all that winning, obviously.


His talent is riling up the poorly educated (a term for his devoted followers he used during his campaign) and keeping the press' attention with twitter rants.  Having to meet with world leaders and entering discussions that last for more than 90 seconds, well, he knows that's beyond him and it's not what he signed up for.

He knows he really stepped in it when he addressed the UN and went into his usual Love Me Rally routine and they laughed at him.



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Unfortunately that trend has been occurring (the executive branch trying to gain more power) for the last few decades.


Ever since Ross Perot's relatively successful campaign and his performance in the presidential debates, the two main parties (Repubs and Dems) have now essentially locked out third party candidates from the debates. A lawyer for the Libertarian party and Gary Johnson (the Libertarian candidate) tried, unsuccessfully, to sue to allow other parties into the televised presidential debates. (In a way, you could say that the US is a lot like Thailand in that the two major political parties are like the Thai oligarchs, trying to protect their seats at the proverbial trough. They don't want any other parties budding in. Remember that there are no limits on "soft donations" [those made to a party and not a specific candidate] so those two parties have a strong motive to keep others away.)


Sadly, most Americans are deluded that there is a true democracy. You have only to look at the Saudi donations to the Clinton foundation, the big bank donations to the Clinton campaign and to both the Dem and Republican parties (as well as other large corp. donations to both Dems and Repubs) to realize that America is and has been run by a corporate oligarchy. You get enough frustration from all of this, and the result is a Trump as president. And then you get the stupid simps who worry about where on a stage Trump has walked to rather than things like, why was the Patriot Act (which allows the US govt to spy on its citizens) broadened rather than curtailed or even canceled under Obama, who touted himself as someone for civil rights, or why is Trump fighting the right battle with China (protection of IP rights and more access to markets) but using the wrong tool in tariffs (as just a couple examples).

Hmm.  The silence is a little deafening,  so your common sense is actually being heard.  What’s really sad is what IS news these days.  What’s even sadder is the USA is probably never going to have a great president again and as you and pure facts have mentioned we have not had one for a long time. I’m neither a Republican or Democrat. 

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