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"Thailand is safe" - police tell tourists after cop guns down Frenchman in cold blood


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7 hours ago, Psimbo said:

Nowhere in the world is 'safe'- look at the Thai tourist who was killed in Strasbourg having decided not to visit Paris due to the unrest. This was a random act which can happen anywhere. I do take umbrage at 'trusting the Thai police' though- but that is in general, not based on the actions of an off duty cop.


it doesn't stop the knee-jerk Thaigeezer reactions though.


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7 hours ago, KittenKong said:

Based on current topics in the news sections on here, I would say Thailand is safe as long as you avoid:

1. swimming pools

2. jet-skis

3. any interaction with Thais


So based on the above I expect to have no trouble at all.


You omitted high rise buildings...

Edited by Vermaric
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7 hours ago, akirasan said:

Here is the distribution of tourist fatalities by country of incidence for Asia 2013 - 2015

You can view the full report here: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1053&context=hmsls_mastersprojects


I was surprised that S Korea was #2, then I looked it up,  288 of the dead tourists were from the Ferry sinking in Pusan (almost all local high school kids)- so that makes  Thailand #3 in Asia.  Maybe the study should have differentiated between Foreign and Local tourists.   That would make a more accurate analysis.


I lived in South Korea over 4 years, there is not much in the whole country for "Tourists" to see, cold as a Mofo in winter, stinking rice paddies in summer, but rich in culture, if thats what you're looking for.   Oh, and the shopping in Seoul.

Edited by TunnelRat69
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Guess it depends what one's definition of "safe" is. Thailand is the most dangerous place in the world to drive; the cops are corrupt; the bar girls slip you mickey's; the businessmen rip you off and it's your fault if you get in an accident even if hit from behind by a drunk thai driver.


I had a friend who used to take a walk down a private street right next to his apt building for years then one day some homeowner came after him , after he left the complex with a long bamboo pole and hit him twice with it. He yelled for someone to call the cops and when the cop came he took him to the police dept. The desk cop there told him he could go home if he promised not to walk down the street anymore. He had a concussion and asked to go to the hospital and stated he wanted to make a complaint and had to wait one hour for the tourist police to come. They told him he could make a complaint against the guy who nearly killed him but he would go to jail for 5 years for trespassing.  Safe?  Not if you are a farong.  


Saying it doesn't make it so.

Edited by KevinboyCM
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Guess it depends what one's definition of "safe" is. Thailand is the most dangerous place in the world to drive; the cops are corrupt; the bar girls slip you mickey's; the businessmen rip you off and it's your fault if you get in an accident even if hit from behind by a drunk thai driver.
I had a friend who used to take a walk down a private street right next to his apt building for years then one day some homeowner came after him , after he left the complex with a long bamboo pole and hit him twice with it. He yelled for someone to call the cops and when the cop came he took him to the police dept. The desk cop there told him he could go home if he promised not to walk down the street anymore. He had a concussion and asked to go to the hospital and stated he wanted to make a complaint and had to wait one hour for the tourist police to come. They told him he could make a complaint against the guy who nearly killed him but he would go to jail for 5 years for trespassing.  Safe?  Not if you are a farong.  
Saying it doesn't make it so.
' 5 years for trespassing'

So he tresspased and got beat up. Am I missing something? Probably the rest of the story..

Don't break the law. End up wondering around on my private property and I will approach you with a big stick to.
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8 hours ago, SmartyMarty said:

"Thailand is safe".....NO IT ISN'T.

oh yes it is safe but ONLY if you DO NOT travel on roads... don't cross a road... don't use tourbuses or motorbikes...dont hire waterskiing....also be aware of any lady there .... if you stay far away of the general public you be safe sure...also run fast if you see a police approaching...under any circumstances do not talk to a police man or immigration officer.....it also can be very lethal to visit favourite tourist islands.. well keeping these tips in mind you are very saved in thailand .., violatibg one or two of these advises could get u easily killed ( in the blink of an eye but with a smile ) or at least heavy injured....be happy enjoy your holidays there...chok dee

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10 hours ago, KittenKong said:

Based on current topics in the news sections on here, I would say Thailand is safe as long as you avoid:

1. swimming pools

2. jet-skis

3. any interaction with Thais


So based on the above I expect to have no trouble at all.


Koh Tao (aka Death Island)

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3 hours ago, andyga said:

I really do wonder what most of you people are doing here in Thailand!

In Australia police regularly murder civilians and you really don’t have to watch much news to see American cops doing it. The difference here is the Thai cop is in Jail! The American and Australian cops concoct stories and generally go completely free.

How many of those posting above are Americans? Hell you have much more chance of being shot or murdered in America than here in Thailand! And yes your house is far more likely to be broken into too!

Yes, the cops are open to bribery etc here, but hell isn’t it nice when you are caught committing a traffic offence and I bet most of those that have posted negatives above have forked out the 400 Baht to drive on.

Please guys back to where you came if you think so badly of this country.

you talk like you know it all so cops in thailand dont murder people?   here is some articles/news about cop killings in thailand after a quick search, funny part is not everythin that happens in thailand gets published in english so there is way more cop killings and cops killing cops    http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/breakingnews/30358602      


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3 hours ago, thenoilif said:

If a person is trying to allude capture then the police have the right to stop you by whatever means they see fit within certain guidelines. In America, there are various methods used to stop suspects from escaping that can cause physical harm to the suspect including blowing out their tires or knocking them off their bicycle or motorcycle. 


I don't actually give a damn what they do in America, they'll find their own way to perdition and they're well down that road already. I live in Thailand and TV relates to Thailand. For good or ill.

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