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SURVEY: Trump -- Will his presidency end soon?


SURVEY: Trump presidency, will it survive?  

344 members have voted

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm assuming you meant IS and not IF.

Anyone that doesn't get why Trump's base loves him, either hasn't been paying attention, or probably never will.

BTW, it's not "right wingers" per se, but rather those completely had it with the Washington corruption. They wanted someone to fight those <deleted>, and not someone that WAS one of them.

"Anyone that doesn't get why Trump's base loves him, either hasn't been paying attention, or probably never will."

Oh, that's easy. It's MAWA, a pathetic pipe dream.


"BTW, it's not "right wingers" per se, but rather those completely had it with the Washington corruption. They wanted someone to fight those <deleted>, and not someone that WAS one of them."

Yes, because the man-child - the ultimate swamp dweller- is draining the swamp and fighting corruption!

The TDS is strong in this one and the reality disconnect is just sad to behold. 

Edited by Becker
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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Dream on.

Impeachment is irrelevant unless the senate votes to convict. What's the betting on that?

กรุณาอ่าน ข้อความที่ให้สัมภาษณ์ไว้ ด้านบนค่ะ


So what you are saying is it is kind of a waste of time and money like when the Republicans went after Clinton when he was president. 

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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Dream on.

Impeachment is irrelevant unless the senate votes to convict. What's the betting on that?

All it does is show the Dems for the losers they are and waste a lot of time that would be better spent doing something useful, like governing the country.


If that's the case then it shows what a loser Trump is for getting so upset about it.

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support for Trump has, in many ways, been a proxy for a range of beliefs and feelings about politics and society, including racist and misogynistic beliefs. This was reflected in the number of people who cited his opposition to “political correctness” as the basis for their supporting him. His support has also included a personal element of devotion to the individual, reflective of authoritarian politics, in a way that is not always present in political support."


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16 minutes ago, Opl said:

support for Trump has, in many ways, been a proxy for a range of beliefs and feelings about politics and society, including racist and misogynistic beliefs. This was reflected in the number of people who cited his opposition to “political correctness” as the basis for their supporting him. His support has also included a personal element of devotion to the individual, reflective of authoritarian politics, in a way that is not always present in political support."


It's all about "truthiness".

Truthiness is the belief or assertion that a particular statement is true based on the intuition or perceptions of some individual or individuals, without regard to evidence, logic, intellectualexamination, or facts.[1][2] Truthiness can range from ignorant assertions of falsehoods to deliberate duplicity or propaganda intended to sway opinions.[3][4]


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Trump's second tweet of the year...



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6 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

I'm only English, but I have to say that I like Trumps


You like madness?

You like to see the USA dragged down in the gutter by a bizarre criminally corrupt clown?




Trump turned the White House into a madhouse

I drove past the White House the other day. It had been a while, and the place seemed smaller, somewhat tawdry, almost haunted. I imagined bats winging in and out , spider webs in the corners, and the president upstairs in the family quarters, talking back to the TV, railing against Nancy Pelosi, the Federal Reserve, Robert S. Mueller III, Emmanuel Macron, Theresa May, Jim Mattis, Jeff Sessions, Stormy Daniels and . . . who am I forgetting?




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Donald Trump is one of three things(according to those who hate him and that list is long)

1.  He is an Idiot.  Just type in the world Idiot on Google and see what pops up.

2.  He is the modern version of the Manchurian Candidate and Putin controls him.

3.  He is a cunning and brilliant criminal who conspired with many to steal the the 2016 Election from it’s rightful winner Hilary Rodham Clinton.


If Robert Mueller has “smoking gun” evidence that Donald Trump is either 2 or 3 then he has to make the case now and not wait until the Democrats take over Congress.   If indeed Donald Trump is compromised or stole the election then does he not present a clear and present threat.  If this is the case should he not be removed immediately.  If the case against Donald Trump was a strong one then something would have leaked out by now.  Also, if it takes Robert Mueller more than five minutes to explain the alleged crrime(s) committed by Donald Trump whlle as President then he does not have a strong case.  Either way Impeachment of a sitting president is a very difficult and complicated process.  In the end would Trump haters want to see President Mike Pence for the remaining years of the Trump presidency.  The best way is to defeat Trump in 2020.  I would like to see a Michael Bloomberg versus Donald Trump race.  

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6 minutes ago, sqwakvfr said:

Donald Trump is one of three things(according to those who hate him and that list is long)

1.  He is an Idiot.  Just type in the world Idiot on Google and see what pops up.

2.  He is the modern version of the Manchurian Candidate and Putin controls him.

3.  He is a cunning and brilliant criminal who conspired with many to steal the the 2016 Election from it’s rightful winner Hilary Rodham Clinton.


If Robert Mueller has “smoking gun” evidence that Donald Trump is either 2 or 3 then he has to make the case now and not wait until the Democrats take over Congress.   If indeed Donald Trump is compromised or stole the election then does he not present a clear and present threat.  If this is the case should he not be removed immediately.  If the case against Donald Trump was a strong one then something would have leaked out by now.  Also, if it takes Robert Mueller more than five minutes to explain the alleged crrime(s) committed by Donald Trump whlle as President then he does not have a strong case.  Either way Impeachment of a sitting president is a very difficult and complicated process.  In the end would Trump haters want to see President Mike Pence for the remaining years of the Trump presidency.  The best way is to defeat Trump in 2020.  I would like to see a Michael Bloomberg versus Donald Trump race.  

Mueller is under no obligation to do anything until he concludes his investigation.   Even if Trump is some sort of serious threat, he is still accorded judicial review -- which can mean either in Court or by the Congress.   


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2 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

I would like to see a Michael Bloomberg versus Donald Trump race.  

Bloomberg would lose, he has the personality of a sidewalk. He is about as exciting as watching a Venus Fly Trap digest. Just what the Dems need to bring to politics, another boring, shapeshifting NY billionaire, who even has a record of failure as a Mayor. 


If the Dems want to win they need a non pandering, centrist candidate. 

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3 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

Donald Trump is one of three things(according to those who hate him and that list is long)

1.  He is an Idiot.  Just type in the world Idiot on Google and see what pops up.

2.  He is the modern version of the Manchurian Candidate and Putin controls him.

3.  He is a cunning and brilliant criminal who conspired with many to steal the the 2016 Election from it’s rightful winner Hilary Rodham Clinton.


If Robert Mueller has “smoking gun” evidence that Donald Trump is either 2 or 3 then he has to make the case now and not wait until the Democrats take over Congress.   If indeed Donald Trump is compromised or stole the election then does he not present a clear and present threat.  If this is the case should he not be removed immediately.  If the case against Donald Trump was a strong one then something would have leaked out by now.  Also, if it takes Robert Mueller more than five minutes to explain the alleged crrime(s) committed by Donald Trump whlle as President then he does not have a strong case.  Either way Impeachment of a sitting president is a very difficult and complicated process.  In the end would Trump haters want to see President Mike Pence for the remaining years of the Trump presidency.  The best way is to defeat Trump in 2020.  I would like to see a Michael Bloomberg versus Donald Trump race.  

Before the election Trump authorized payments to certain women to keep quiet about his liaisons with them. That was a violation of election law. He also authorized fraudulent bookkeeping to hide the actual nature of those payments. Another violation. He also conspired with others to have them pay. Another violation.


Unless someone has a really severe case of dyslexia, they should be able to negotiate the above paragraph in less than 5 minutes.


 "If the case against Donald Trump was a strong one then something would have leaked out by now." This is the faith-based mantra of die-hard Trump supporters. 


Michael Bloomberg? The defender of financial industry deregulation? The guy who wanted to slash federal spending in the wake of the Great Recession?






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Right wing paper publishes White House-produced ‘exclusive’ list of accomplishments — then Trump promotes it: reporter"

"The White House communications team came up with a strategy of handing over what they wanted the Washington Examiner to publish, just so the president could tweet it out and promote himself. At least, that’s one take from the Washington correspondent for the Toronto Star, who noticed the correlation."


Great moments in media: Trump's team gives the Washington Examiner an "exclusive" list of 205 supposed "historic" accomplishments he will campaign on; the Examiner just publishes it in full; Trump tweets about it as if it came from the Examiner.




Washington Examiner - “MAGA list: 205 ‘historic results’ help Trump make case for 2020 re-election.” True!

Edited by Opl
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“Before the election Trump authorized payments to certain women to keep quiet about his liaisons with them. That was a violation of election law. He also authorized fraudulent bookkeeping to hide the actual nature of those payments. Another violation. He also conspired with others to have them pay. Another violation.”


The applicable law:


It is a federal crime to knowingly create and submit false campaign finance reports to the Federal Election Commission.  Typically, the Government charges the filing of a false campaign disclosure form as being a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001, which is a general statute that prohibits filing materially false statements within the jurisdiction of any federal agency.  Although 18 U.S.C. § 1001 is a charge that can be filed in connection with knowingly filing false campaign disclosure forms with the Federal Election Commission, the typical charge that is brought in these cases is an alleged violation of 2 U.S.C. § 441(a), the Federal Election Statute.  This statute makes it a crime to knowingly and willfully accept and/or receive contributions in excess of the limits of the Election Act.  If two or more persons conspire to violate this law, another prosecutor’s preferred charge is to allege a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371, the general conspiracy statute.


So a violation of this statute will be the basis for the Impeachment of Donald Trump. Therefore, the conspiracy involved Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, Donald Trump Jr, Jared Kushner, George Papadopoulus(is that spelled), Campaign Managers Corey Lowendowlski and David Bossie.  Manafort is in jail, Cohen is waiting to go to jail(both have lied on the record and they will testify against Trump?).  18 Months, 30 Million Dollars and the “smoking gun” evidence against Donald Trump will be this.  


If Trump is impeached he has to be convicted by at least 60 votes in the US Senate.  Then if a criminal indictment is brought against former President Trump then due process allows him to mount a defense.  In the world of American Justice, “more money equals more justice”,  Trump still has a lot of money and will hire the best lawyers.  It is not that simple.  

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“Michael Bloomberg? The defender of financial industry deregulation? The guy who wanted to slash federal spending in the wake of the Great Recession?”


1.  At least Michael Bloomberg has enough money to self fund a presidential campaign.

2.  He has experience as the mayor of the largest city in the USA.  

3.  The current frontrunners on the Democratic side are not that impressive:


  Elizabeth (I am 1/1024 Naiver American) Warren

  Corey (I am Spartacus) Booker

  Robert (I am so cool that I go by a nickname) Beto O’Rourke

  Joe Biden(reminds me of a creepy uncle)

  HIlary Rodham Clinton(“just won’t go away)


did not vote for Trump and certainly not a supporter but the hatred for this man is just off the charts.  But the Democratic Party has acted like all the problems of America and the world will go away once Trump is gone.  Time for a New Democratic Stategy and time for a different kind of candidate.  No Bernie Sanders is not the  answer.  

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On 12/27/2018 at 4:47 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

Dream on.

Impeachment is irrelevant unless the senate votes to convict. What's the betting on that?

All it does is show the Dems for the losers they are and waste a lot of time that would be better spent doing something useful, like governing the country.


Yes, we know Republicans in the Senate have a severe shortage of backbone.  But there are scenarios in which the GOP Senate may actually rise up and do their job of oversight....


[Now that he has removed Secretary of Defense James Mattis, Trump can do what he tried in 2018: He will remove our troops from South Korea;

This is exactly what North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong Un, and China and Russia want us to do;

Trump tried this last spring but Mattis and former chief of staff John Kelly talked him out of it; now, neither man remains to stop him;

This will provoke a crisis the likes of which we have never seen;

The GOP Senate will go nuts when this happens, as will the Pentagon and Japan;

This action may begin the breaking away of the 20 GOP senators it will take to remove Trump if the House impeaches, dooming the Trump presidency;]




Of course, these are simply predictions.  But if you read that article, the author has some pretty reasonable predictions.

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6 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Before the election Trump authorized payments to certain women to keep quiet about his liaisons with them. That was a violation of election law. He also authorized fraudulent bookkeeping to hide the actual nature of those payments. Another violation. He also conspired with others to have them pay. Another violation.


Unless someone has a really severe case of dyslexia, they should be able to negotiate the above paragraph in less than 5 minutes.


 "If the case against Donald Trump was a strong one then something would have leaked out by now." This is the faith-based mantra of die-hard Trump supporters. 


Michael Bloomberg? The defender of financial industry deregulation? The guy who wanted to slash federal spending in the wake of the Great Recession?






Translation:  Trump paid some hookers.  No big deal.   2020 Reelection.

Edited by Kelsall
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3 hours ago, Kelsall said:

The survey results say it all.  Trump will be reelected in 2020.  Ho hum.

Now if the membership of thaivisa.com skewed older, male and white, that would invalidate the survey. But since it's been statistically selected to accurate reflect the composition of the American electorate...

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14 hours ago, Stocky said:

Maths not your strong point then.


43.87% Say he'll get reelected in 2020, 30.32% + 25.81% = 56.13% Say he'll survive one term and not get reelected or not even make it to the end of term one.

LOL.  This poll has 3 choices.  Reelected in 2020 has the largest number of votes.  Math's not your strong point.  (neither is spelling)

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19 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

“Michael Bloomberg? The defender of financial industry deregulation? The guy who wanted to slash federal spending in the wake of the Great Recession?”


1.  At least Michael Bloomberg has enough money to self fund a presidential campaign.

2.  He has experience as the mayor of the largest city in the USA.  

3.  The current frontrunners on the Democratic side are not that impressive:


  Elizabeth (I am 1/1024 Naiver American) Warren

  Corey (I am Spartacus) Booker

  Robert (I am so cool that I go by a nickname) Beto O’Rourke

  Joe Biden(reminds me of a creepy uncle)

  HIlary Rodham Clinton(“just won’t go away)


did not vote for Trump and certainly not a supporter but the hatred for this man is just off the charts.  But the Democratic Party has acted like all the problems of America and the world will go away once Trump is gone.  Time for a New Democratic Stategy and time for a different kind of candidate.  No Bernie Sanders is not the  answer.  

"I did not vote for Trump and certainly not a supporter..."

Another I-don't-support-Trump-but poster. Your previous posts on the subject belie your claim. It's clear you're a supporter of Trump.

As for your desire for a different kind of Democrat..well, if Bloomberg is your idea of that, then how about this one: Hillary Clinton. Like Bloomberg she was seen as being too close to Wall Street and she's a supporter of foreign military interventions. Or maybe we could have a Constitutional Amendment to allow 2 term presidents to have a 3rd term. Bill Clinton presided over a huge deregulation of Wall Street and had an agenda that looked more like that of an old-fashioned Republican.


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12 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

"I did not vote for Trump and certainly not a supporter..."

Another I-don't-support-Trump-but poster. Your previous posts on the subject belie your claim. It's clear you're a supporter of Trump.

As for your desire for a different kind of Democrat..well, if Bloomberg is your idea of that, then how about this one: Hillary Clinton. Like Bloomberg she was seen as being too close to Wall Street and she's a supporter of foreign military interventions. Or maybe we could have a Constitutional Amendment to allow 2 term presidents to have a 3rd term. Bill Clinton presided over a huge deregulation of Wall Street and had an agenda that looked more like that of an old-fashioned Republican.


Funny.  Some Trump supporters have come to realize that publicly supporting Trump means they have to bring themselves down to his level of dishonesty and stupidity.  And we're talking mind-boggling dishonesty and stupidity.  But there are hardcore Trump supporters who simply don't care. 

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