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Yingluck appointed head of South China port


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30 minutes ago, scorecard said:

Agree, all involved; thaksin and yingluck, the red / udd folks who tried, even with serious faults in their strategy, to push it through while thailand was asleep, a stupid idea, driven by deceit, poor judgement, immoral, severely lacking of ethics and total lack of respect for the thai people / thai nation and ultimately massive greed.


'Silly to have trusted Thaksin where matters of his face were concerned (with all the benefit of hindsight).'


Seems to me hindsight is irrelevant, all of them should have known from the first moment, 'this is totally wrong' and moved quickly away from the idea.

Perhaps she should have simply declared an amnesty at the point of a gun !

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19 hours ago, bluesofa said:

South China Port. I'm more qualified for Taylor's Late Vintage Port - I've got through a whole bottle in an evening before.


This is clearly an indication of a shifting attitude in China toward Thailand. That is the main thing to be gleaned from this news. They are very (China) forward looking, and with the upcoming election, when ever it may be, they are positioning themselves for a different Thailand .

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1 hour ago, scorecard said:

 'she had solid management experience' how can that be when she avoided the majority of meetings?


So what did she manage very well or even manage a little when she was the clone PM?


She managed to not attend a single rice scam meeting, not easy when you're the chairperson.

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9 minutes ago, Thaifly88 said:

This is clearly an indication of a shifting attitude in China toward Thailand. That is the main thing to be gleaned from this news. They are very (China) forward looking, and with the upcoming election, when ever it may be, they are positioning themselves for a different Thailand .

I very much doubt that.


I do wonder how she was selected? There would be plenty of very capable and well experienced Chinese nationals well qualified for this job and who are fluent in the national language.


Would it not be true a person appointed to be leader of a large port complex should have some experience in the industry. I rather doubt that yingers ever even rowed a small boat on Lumpini lake.


Edited by scorecard
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20 hours ago, metisdead said:

A troll post containing a disallowed reference to the PM has been removed. 


Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.



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51 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Perhaps you views were being influenced by the entity that investigated her and brought charges in a rather short period and was needed to legitimize the coup. The fact that NACC is not really a independent agency and staffed by junta appointed members and a president that worked for Prawit may have clouded your judgement. The manner they ruled his innocence must be your last straw. 

Sentenced to 5 years in jail, seems to me there must have been some pretty solid evidence.


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20 hours ago, worgeordie said:

What qualifications does she have for that ?

regards worgeordie

Money? (And connections?)


Should be interesting as Thailand are trying all ways to attract the Chinese tourists back after their exodus in the "wake" (pun intended!) of the boating disaster!  

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19 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


:cheesy:   Ha!  Like the latter really would have happened anywhere in the world were it not for the fact it was then a family owned company.  Absent that, she'd still be growing mushrooms.

Certainly better educated than you and not on benefits either.


20 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


And named legal representative too.... which I'm sure makes her glad she got her law degree in the U.S..... (Oooppss... well, she did at least get SOME degree...)


But I'm sure she'll be good at Chinese law stuff, just like she was real good at English after studying in the U.S.!!!   :cheesy:

You are not fluent in Thai and you ridicule the lady.

The phrase "was real good" is not grammatically correct, yet you criticize her English language skills. Classy.

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1 hour ago, ramrod711 said:

She should be very, very careful, scam artists in China are not allowed to abscond, they are prosecuted, and sometimes executed.

Oh, you mean like the guys selling counterfeit iphones in Pudong airport? They operate with impunity.

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57 minutes ago, scorecard said:

Sentenced to 5 years in jail, seems to me there must have been some pretty solid evidence.


The fact both Thaksins haven't been shipped back to Thailand by now, suggests the rest of the world has a nuanced opinion about all this.

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2 hours ago, scorecard said:

So why do you ignore management of the rice scheme, which failed horribly and cannot ever be seen as an example of good management.

She did not come up with the rice pledging scheme. It was created by the bureaucrats who ran the implicated departments. Are you aware that the civil servants who created this, continued working for the government after the government changed? 


Anyway, China doesn't do moves like this without a long term strategy. The Chinese are smart, and may know something about the upcoming election.

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15 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


You have no idea what you're talking about, nor any basis for saying it. So best just keep it to yourself.


I do. Do you have a university education including graduate diplomas, and did you ever run a large multinational company?  You rip into the lady, but who are you? Seriously, where does someone of limited financial means, of low social status and of limited education get off taking  cheap shots at a respected Thai? You don't like her politics. We get it. However, you are not in a position to criticize her skillset, or her education or her capabilities. She loved her nation and tried to do right. 

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28 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

You are not fluent in Thai and you ridicule the lady.

The phrase "was real good" is not grammatically correct, yet you criticize her English language skills. Classy.



   But I'm sure she'll be good at Chinese law stuff, just like she was real good at English after studying in the U.S.!!!


First, you know nothing about me, my background, my education or career history or financial means. But yes, it's true, I've never used my family connections to advance myself, never stolen from my public employers, never engaged in corruption, and never been a fugitive from justice. So yes, YL and I have little in common.


Second, obviously it's escaped you (not keen on subtlety obviously), but my phrasing above was intentional and an grammatical allusion to her obvious LACK of skills at both law and English...


I didn't feel the need to be so obvious about the style of my comment re YL, but since you want to try to play grammar police here, I've spelled it out for you..  Better luck next time...



Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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Taking cheap shots at those who occupy a higher social position than you achieves nothing. No matter the pain and "penalties" imposed by the military administration on her, the lady will always be held in higher regard than most farangs. Even the generals who condemn her will extend to her the respect and courtesy befitting of someone  who was bestowed Royal Decorations. Again, you are neither educated, nor possessing of the social status to criticize her position or education. You are an illustration of why so many foreigners are held in contempt by those who shoulder the burdens and responsibilities of running the nation. 

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1 minute ago, geriatrickid said:

Taking cheap shots at those who occupy a higher social position than you achieves nothing. No matter the pain and "penalties" imposed by the military administration on her, the lady will always be held in higher regard than most farangs. Even the generals who condemn her will extend to her the respect and courtesy befitting of someone  who was bestowed Royal Decorations. Again, you are neither educated, nor possessing of the social status to criticize her position or education. You are an illustration of why so many foreigners are held in contempt by those who shoulder the burdens and responsibilities of running the nation. 


I honor intelligent people who have honesty, integrity and commitment to legitimate public service -- not crooks or unwitting dupes who put personal and/or family financial interests over those of the public they're supposed to be serving.


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2 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

She managed to not attend a single rice scam meeting, not easy when you're the chairperson.

Two words: "Plausible Deniability"


1 hour ago, 55Jay said:

The fact both Thaksins haven't been shipped back to Thailand by now, suggests the rest of the world has a nuanced opinion about all this.

Or they have connected legal representation and friends in high-places.  That's usually the deciding factor, regardless of the validity of the levied-charges (of which, I don't pretend to have any idea).

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20 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Ooh, I can sense a little bit of pissed-off anger about to come from Prayut and Prawit very soon.

Nice reward from China, after pushing out Westerners and welcoming "tour-package" hordes who spend little.  Ask a waiter or moto/taxi driver how they like the "swap." 


This slap in the face will hopefully wake them up to who their real friends are.  If China had their way, the Thai flag would have had a hammer and sickle on it long before now, and Thai-wages averaging about the same as found in Laos and Myanmar.


3 hours ago, bannork said:

It was Thaksin who increased the minimum required in banks for retirees from 200,000 baht to 800,000 baht 

... and during his time, also began random rejection-of-entry, which drove away tens of thousands.  I heard stories about how bad Thailand's immigration was long before I set foot in Asia. 

That move under Thaksin was done to appease the anti-farang faction, no doubt.  400K would have been plenty to prevent retirees w/o enough money to support themselves.  And didn't the "elite" visa also come in under Thaksin, in its first incarnation - then brought back under the current govt?

It is not a question of "the govt in power" - but rather, a clique which has infected multiple Thai institutions - from immigration to amphoes.  This is why policy towards visitors can vary wildly from one amphoe (marriage, yellow-book, pink-id), office (extensions requirements) or entry-point (follow the law or made-up rules) to the next.

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