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US English teacher faces rape charge, meets Big Joke who says he'll be prosecuted then thrown out of Thailand


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16 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

IF, and I repeat IF, this guy is guilty, then he deserves prison and whatever else follows... Though BJ appeared to go a bit too far in basically pronouncing the guy guilty before even court charges have been filed or a trial held. He obviously missed the police academy course on presumption of innocence.


However, can't help feeling like there's a HUGE double standard going on here in the way this American guy is being treated... considering how many Thai teacher student rape cases have been alleged and then quietly seem to disappear or get shuffled about with the teacher just transferred to some different school and/or the family paid off to make it go away...


If we're going to treat teacher student sexual assaults seriously, as society should, then it ought to be equal treatment for all accused, Thai or farang, and all should have their fair day in court...  And not just be disappeared to another school where the person, assuming they're guilty, can then proceed to prey on other students.




Yes, but - Farangs are different.

Edited by Artisi
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11 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Yes, but - Farangs are different.


Suffice to say, it's these kinds of outbursts that lend credence to the fear that the government's "Outlaw Xray Foreigner" campaign isn't only about enforcing the Immigration laws, but also has an element of xenophobia to it as well.....


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4 hours ago, JAG said:

Well no, he hasn't got a feathered headdress, doesn't live in a wigwam nor does he ride a mustang pony without a saddle...


Still, "authentic" or not, shouldn't he be entitled to a trial before being declared guilty by a head policeman on national media?


He should indeed be entitled to a trial, and a fair one. 


But if you read the article then Big Joke doesn't say he's guilty at all. 


As usual, the reporting leaves a lot to be desired.

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6 minutes ago, garet said:

Not "most", some... 

if someone whats to start a topic on Native American History I would love to participate and pummel those who speak in soundbites..... ????


Not referring to anybody in particular, yet....

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7 hours ago, colinneil said:

If and i say if the man is guilty he needs jailed for a long time.

Yet once again the Big joke is opening his mouth before any proper investigation, court case to prove his guilt.

Personally i find it difficult to believe a man who has lived here so long, has family here, would suddenly turn into a rapist.

He may have always been a rapist and finally got caught. But it would be nice if he could have a fair trial before being deported.

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TIT, everything is possible, including the bad things.

The man deserves a fair trial, but he is already accused in advance.

Nice country,....I have been also been here for many years, and realize that something like that could happen to me and all foreigners.

But I'm not a teacher....;-))

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2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

IF, and I repeat IF, this guy is guilty, then he deserves prison and whatever else follows... Though BJ appeared to go a bit too far in basically pronouncing the guy guilty before even court charges have been filed or a trial held. He obviously missed the police academy course on presumption of innocence. 


However, can't help feeling like there's a HUGE double standard going on here in the way this American guy is being treated... considering how many Thai teacher student rape cases have been alleged and then quietly seem to disappear or get shuffled about with the teacher just transferred to some different school and/or the family paid off to make it go away...


If we're going to treat teacher student sexual assaults seriously, as society should, then it ought to be equal treatment for all accused, Thai or farang, and all should have their fair day in court...  And not just be disappeared to another school where the person, assuming they're guilty, can then proceed to prey on other students.




"He obviously missed the police academy course on presumption of innocence."


The burden of proof is on the accused in Thai law....always has been. Unlike western laws where the burden of proof is on the accuser and in this case BJ would be "rushing to judgement" but perfectly normal under Thai laws.

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6 hours ago, Denim said:

I marvel at some aspects of the local culture but can't say I respect them.


Their driving habits for one.

And trash burning... I can think of better ways to get cancer like smoking a cigarette after getting laid. Why do we have no smoking zones in Thailand while entire towns are blanketed in carcinogenic foul-smelling trash smoke? Our lungs are the trash bin of plastics we use in unnecessary copious amounts every day.

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7 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Wow. If a cop did this in  a country subject to the rule of law, the charges would be vacated due to the perversion of justice. So much for the concept of a fair trial.

Wow if the rule of laws applied here Nana plaza would not exist and many of us would have never come here. Pattaya would be empty. Plenty of places with the rule of law you can live if you prefer another country. ???? or just stay here and bitch that you think this place should change to meet your ideas of the rule of law. 

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8 hours ago, HalfLight said:


What? BOTH of them?


Wow, this Big Joke feller means business.  He's just so..... impressive.


Nice haircut too...



He looks like his barbers razor slipped.



















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7 hours ago, Ramdas said:

It’s completely irrelevant whether he’s  a native American or not ????

The matter of the fact is that this nonsense high ego joke kind of cop has a big mouth indeed ( don’t they all do ?! ) He probably doesn’t listen to a word of what a westerner says, regardless whether he’s guilt or not. I very much dubt he understands or speak any  décent English..

I reckon, all he cares about is to look good in front of the Thai audience making the most of his actions. 

In my books, they should’ve solid proofs before incriminate someone who is not Thai let alone pressing charge before appearing in court. I hope the guy concerned has a good western solicitor if not two in order to defend himself from the entire court, police and the whole country for that matter.


"All he cares about is to look good in front of the Thai audience".

What???? With a haircut like that? :cheesy:

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9 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

He looks like his barbers razor slipped.



Well, it makes him feel good about himself so it's not a complete loss. I imagine he feels all loyal and stuff and is often seized by the urge to get down on his belly and crawl on the ground for a bit. If he can remember where the dog sat and bury his face in the carpet right there, then so much the better.


Thais just love to abase themselves. Personally I think it's a subconscious need to atone for being sad buggers for so long, but who really knows?




Edited by HalfLight
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8 hours ago, webfact said:


In a video posted to Facebook Lt Gen Surachate said that there are many good English teachers and religious teachers but that some bad ones slip through the net. 

Some! It's more like a plethora slip through and only a few are caught. Don't know if he is guilty or not but if he is he should go to prison. 

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