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"Mummy wouldn't buy me a motorcycle" - Thai man, 33, hangs himself in Sakon Nakhon


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"Mummy wouldn't buy me a motorcycle" - Thai man, 33, hangs himself



Picture:  Sanook


Sanook reported that a thirty three year old Thai man living off his mother's generosity hanged himself in a rented room after his mum refused to buy him a motorbike. 


Anucha Inhorm's mum paid his rent at the room he had rented for a month in Muang district of Sakon Nakhon in Thailand's north east. 


But when he begged for a motorbike she drew the line telling him if he wanted that he should get a job, reported Sanook. 


Instead he took his own life. 


Last week the landlord contacted his mother to say that Anucha had been in his room for days without emerging. She called him but there was no answer. 


After this neighbors complained to the landlord about a terrible smell and lots of flies. The landlord went round on Sunday and knocked and finding the door open went inside. 


The victim was dressed in a white sports top and black pants and was hanging from a vent in the bathroom by a grey bag strap. There was no sign of a struggle. 


He looked like he had died as a result of hanging though an autopsy is being done before the body is released to relatives.


Source: Sanook

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2019-01-15
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7 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Sad story, but what a pathetic individual.... Mummy buy me a motorbike, no son get up off your a++e go work to get 1.

I will show her, she wont buy me a mc, so i top myself, pathetic.



Maybe he needed transportation to get a decent job. Unlikely but...

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Yeah, this is sadly a logic I see in many Thais in the 30's! My former student was told that she should go to Pattaya and prostitute herself... by her parents!? This is because they need money as her mom don't want to work and her father is in prison. Luckily she just moved away, dropped contact with them and found a good job in Bangkok. So (sadly) instead, her parents took her 15 year old sister out of school and she is now working at the local Tesco Lotus instead... just to support a lazy mother (35) that don't want to work and a drug using and abusing father (38)!

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A lot of this is Thai culture idolizing and spoiling boys from a young age, little Emperor syndrome, they grow up with huge egos expecting their every wish to be forfilled for them by their families, and when it doesn't happen, they don't know how to deal with it. It's the same with their relationships, girlfriend falls out with them & they are completely unequipped to handle it, give them a gun & you all know what happens next. I deal with the beginnings of this in the junior school where I work with the rich kids in the English program, they just break into teenage hood & luckily for me leave for their next school just before they become completely unbearable.

 I don't know what the answer is to this, as Thais will not admit to having faults, especially anything to do with their "culture", so nothing changes & they keep killing each other & dieing for the most stupid in our eyes reasons...

                                   very sad indeed.....

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It was probably the best for everyone involved...


at 33, he had no evidence of moving forward in his life...


Sad but no lightbulb was about to go on... 


the umbilicord was never cut and that falls on the family...somewhere between 16 and 21, the foundation of being responsible, taking care of oneself, paying bills, becoming independent, setting goals, etc 



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20 hours ago, OldPedro said:

Maybe he expected his ghost to hang around and punish Mummy....

What an utter waste of life. With mother providing free food and lodging, he does not even have to go be a monk at all. Imagine all the time he has to cultivate and get enlightened. 

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