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Dutch tourist claims he was abused and had drugs planted on him by Pattaya police

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Spread this far and wide. The Thais will only learn their lesson when even the trickle of tourists stop coming to LoS - Land of Scams. This is assuming Pieter Van Weele is telling the truth, of course.

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4 minutes ago, Arjen said:

The Netherlands is the first country who "allowed" the use of soft drugs. And they have the lowest usage in the world, the highest age for first time users, compared to countries who do not allow this.... And it is not "Allowed"in the way everyone can buy unlimited amounts. In fact it is very strict regulated. While other drugs, like alcohol, causes much more problems (Even in Dutch society) but are hardly restricted (as in most other countries).



I am Dutch, i was teasing the guy. I know the system.

Crazy Dutch system of allowing sales but not allowing to grow (to supply the sales)

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I would be interested to know how long he has been with his "girlfriend" she could have easily placed the drugs in his mobile, setting him up for the cops, easy money and a way to pay off her debt to the cops if she had been a naughty girl previously, just food for thought.


I believe the Dutchman, and good one him for going to the media, as guilty people don't do that, suffice to say if he was a user he would have paid up and shut up, the dumb cops underestimated his bravery, whether anything will transpire of this remains to be seen, but as most have indicated, social media will deliver a backlash one hopes and the top brass will need to investigate this as the hotel would have CCTV and going back with the Frenchman would not contradict what he is saying, as would CCTV at the police station showing him returning to the police station after being released, ah...please explain Mr two plain clothes cops why you let this guy go and come back, was it to go and get some McDonalds because he was hungry ?


Hope they do fleece them out so the public can see how corrupt these clowns are, using police brutality to extract $'s from farang's, even having there French guy to do the translating for them, despicable low life's, I would have done the same at whatever cost to flush them out, although would have waited till I got out of the country, even if that meant relocating my family, to be safer than sorry.

21 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

although he is likely to shave off a big chunk of the profits, since the plods will probably not know how much he squeezed out of the mark.

They will now, and if they didn't get their fare share, he will probably end up in the gutter somewhere soon.

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dont go on facebook or youll be done for defemation. The only way to deal with these scumnl is tailem and put a bullet in em because no one else will give a hoot. Sad but true. Best make a complaint, let it go and if you dont wana come back then go on fb when your outa here...

Its a stupid corrupt country.

I have had run ins and knew the farang cop now in jail and probably still there from chalong. Thai police are all dirty. They aint police they are like a mafia. Stay away from them..

  • Haha 1

Nothing is beyond possibility here. How else can one buy expensive cars, homes and toys on their official earnings? The place is corrupt and dysfunctional on many fronts.

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6 minutes ago, unamazedloso said:

dont go on facebook or youll be done for defemation. The only way to deal with these scumnl is tailem and put a bullet in em because no one else will give a hoot. Sad but true. Best make a complaint, let it go and if you dont wana come back then go on fb when your outa here...

Its a stupid corrupt country.

I have had run ins and knew the farang cop now in jail and probably still there from chalong. Thai police are all dirty. They aint police they are like a mafia. Stay away from them..

Be careful what you post on FB and be careful what you like and share, get for that also if you do make sure you are not in Thailand

  • Like 1
21 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Despite government promises over the last four-plus years, corruption remains endemic among the forces of law and order.


One of my friends found this out the hard way recently when he went to extend his retirement visa a few days early so he could fly to see his dying father in the UK.


Initially, the was turned him down on the grounds that the money in his bank account had been there slightly less than the required three months. Eventually, the interviewing officer offered to fix the problem for 6,000 baht.


The same kind of "help", I gather, is being offered by immigration officials here and elsewhere in LOS to increasing numbers of retirees whose income has been pushed below the official limit by the soaraway baht.


Like my friend says: "It's all very well having principles, but in some situations there is no alternative but to put your hand in your pocket."


He was fleeced, Chinese around the corner from us did not have enough money in her account, 1k baht put in her passport-no problem! maybe a different scale for whitey.


Same French guy who claimed to be an agent of CSD last year or so resurfaced and is resurrected again  to rip-off tourists .. sure this event will increase Pattaya tourism once European newspapers get a hold of it 

  • Like 1

its an old story but Hans, the german tp had a habit for extorting tourists. to their credit the tp fired him when I presented evidence. however he got fake police id and continued the habit


I do all i can to avoid the police everywhere in the world. They will stich you up in england to get what they want, may be not for money. Some are ok, most are not ok in pattaya. Afterall they run the place.

2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Unless the Dutchman happens to be an avid ThaiVisa reader, it seems more than just coincidental that he happened to claim a "French guy" working for Pattaya police was trying to extort him on behalf of the local plod... 


Where have we heard that same exact account before and how many times tied to one particular French guy who liked to claim his DSI and Thai police affiliations, but who who supposedly later was disowned by the local police there... But then again, maybe that was just temporary until the past heat died down.


He was sent to an inactive post until the heat died down. 

3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Unless the Dutchman happens to be an avid ThaiVisa reader, it seems more than just coincidental that he happened to claim a "French guy" working for Pattaya police was trying to extort him on behalf of the local plod... 


Where have we heard that same exact account before and how many times tied to one particular French guy who liked to claim his DSI and Thai police affiliations, but who who supposedly later was disowned by the local police there... But then again, maybe that was just temporary until the past heat died down.


Could it be the idiot who I saved from getting punched out by some lads from the UK?

They were standing in the road near Walking Street having a chat and he went past on his motorbike. He decided to pull out his fake ID telling them he was "Police". They were discussing amongst themselves as to whether he was police and whether they should deck him.


I decided that the lads would be better off enjoying their trip to Pattaya , rather than getting into trouble for assaulting the imbecile, so moved them along. 

They moved along without objection, though one of them asked me if he was really a policeman. I told them that he was not.

  • Thanks 1
4 hours ago, dutchbull said:

I believe the Dutchman too

I am going to say something here that is going to be unpopular, but it will be known here on Thaivisa that I always say what I think, so here goes.

Anyone found drunk and incapable in public, should be fined and locked up for the night, I emphasis. drunk

and "incapable".

  • Confused 1
  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, Puccini said:

What or who is TP?

Its a Tourist Police Volunteer Assistant but they prefer the term Tourist police- the mincing plastic cop Walts. That's the farang civies, there is also a Dept of the Thai police whis IS Tourist Police.


As an aside to the main story a number of years ago I was coming down a side soi off Walking Street. Dodgy thai geezer sidles up ' you want to buy some drugs'. Clearly stank of a setup so I refused (which I would have done anyway). Surely enough there was a cop hanging around just around the corner. Being a good citizen my 'hey there's a guy around the corner trying to sell drugs' comment didn't go down well as his easy mark walked away grinning. 

2 hours ago, Benmart said:

Nothing is beyond possibility here. How else can one buy expensive cars, homes and toys on their official earnings? The place is corrupt and dysfunctional on many fronts.

The corruption does not bother me, use it to your own advantage. There are plenty of ways.

  • Sad 1

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