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SMASHED! Pattaya Expats drink everyone else under the table, new survey reveals


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2 hours ago, Lemonltr said:

Here 10+ years and posted 18.442 times! That's 5 posts every single day of the year for 10 years! . Take time off and have a beer. 

this is probably why there are soo many negative posts on on thai visa, from miserable, 'anti thailand' expats.

im not a  daily drinker, but i do like a good night out-every 6 0r 7 nights.. 8 or more beers per night...

 a few beers doesnt do any harm--lighten up...

i doubt if the 'survey' is much use though ????  probably taken by mostly holiday makers--of course they are mostly going to be daily drinkers.....

i also agree that pattaya is not a good place to live-for anybody who has a drinking 'problem'....

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

Let them drink themselves to death, their life their choice. I don't see the point on holding it against people that they neglect to take care of their bodies. That is a personal choice everyone should make for themselves. You can't force someone to live healthy, i can understand that people get forced to live healthy if there is some kind of health care program everyone pays into but the people drinking make more use of. But that is not the case for the expats in Thailand / Pattaya. 

I agree entirely. As a younger man and in the royal Navy, I used to drink a fair bit. After I left, I enjoyed a wine cellar and red wine - maybe a bottle a night, for a numbervof years.


Now, here in Thailand, I drink maybe 3 bottles over a week. Occasionally,a whiskey soda and the Sangserm lasts maybe 2 months or so.


I made a choice. Heavy drinkers make theirs. It's our choice about the way we decide to live. Me? I sleep better, I'm healthy and I exercise and rarely engage in an argument with people. my choice and my choice only.


Live and let live - as long as others don't bother people araound them.


Incidentally, I would imagine that 50 bottles a week in a bar might cost as much as 5,00 Baht pw. - 20.000 per month? I doubt it.


Alternatively, 60 baht in the shops - 3,000 baht pw = 12,000 baht a month? Hard to believe.....

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2 hours ago, Lupatria said:

The reason lies in the genes: Many Asians from this region lack or are short of a certain enzyme in their adrenal gland, which participates in the degradation of the alcohol. It carries the unspeakable name "acetaldehyde dehydrogenase", in short: ALDH.

Jeesh! 'Through the avenue of the medium of' stuff, that!

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3 hours ago, Patriot said:

A survey has also revealed that many if not most surveys done here are an utter waste of time, state the bl**d**g obvious and serve no purpose whatsoever!!!!!!!

The chart shows that "statistics are up". ???? 

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It's probably true.  You have to be half crocked to fill out a survey and reveal your drinking habits in the first place. 

# 13.  Are you a lush?
a.  Yes

b.  No

c.  Sometimes

d.  I only drink until I'm drunk enough to fill out surveys about drinking

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39 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

I agree entirely. As a younger man and in the royal Navy, I used to drink a fair bit. After I left, I enjoyed a wine cellar and red wine - maybe a bottle a night, for a numbervof years.


Now, here in Thailand, I drink maybe 3 bottles over a week. Occasionally,a whiskey soda and the Sangserm lasts maybe 2 months or so.


I made a choice. Heavy drinkers make theirs. It's our choice about the way we decide to live. Me? I sleep better, I'm healthy and I exercise and rarely engage in an argument with people. my choice and my choice only.


Live and let live - as long as others don't bother people araound them.


Incidentally, I would imagine that 50 bottles a week in a bar might cost as much as 5,00 Baht pw. - 20.000 per month? I doubt it.


Alternatively, 60 baht in the shops - 3,000 baht pw = 12,000 baht a month? Hard to believe.....

I never looked at it like that from a money point of view. I live healthy (within reason) but if i count the foods i buy for health and some supplements it adds on too. 


Anyway its a personal choice that I am not going to meddle in. For me its just that I don't like the taste of alchohol. So if i drink its purely to get drunk no other reason. Taste wise i find orange juice / mango juice far nicer. 

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3 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Been here 10+ years.  I've had maybe 3 large Chang and 5 Spy in all that time. lol

My wife didn't seem this crazy when I married her, so I guess it must be me.


No, I think it must be her. Because when you met her at the bar 10 years ago I guess you had your 3 large Chang and 5 Spy. Then no drinking any more. So your poor wife had to stay 10 years with a very boring husband who will sit at the computer all day long with a cup of coffee. So actually it seems to be to another around: Your wife is probably thinking I must have been crazy marrying this man. It's about time you have your Chang No. 4 and No. 6 Spy. And please don't wait another 10 years for No. 5 resp. No. 7. Your wife will be most happy. LOL

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10 minutes ago, Swedenlars said:

My wife didn't seem this crazy when I married her, so I guess it must be me.


No, I think it must be her. Because when you met her at the bar 10 years ago I guess you had your 3 large Chang and 5 Spy. Then no drinking any more. So your poor wife had to stay 10 years with a very boring husband who will sit at the computer all day long with a cup of coffee. So actually it seems to be to another around: Your wife is probably thinking I must have been crazy marrying this man. It's about time you have your Chang No. 4 and No. 6 Spy. And please don't wait another 10 years for No. 5 resp. No. 7. Your wife will be most happy. LOL

Really hate to disillusion you, but I met my wife when she was the front desk manager of the Lotus Hotel (one of the more expensive ones) in Chiang Mai.  She has a Master's Degree in Accounting, was divorced with one 24 year old son.


And, again, I hate to disillusion you, but until I had a stroke about a year ago, she and I would take monthly trips all over the north and north east of Thailand for a week at a time.  I haven't fully recovered yet, but we are already planning our next trip for February.  


You really need to get off that bar stool and meet a better class of people.  By the way, it was my decision way back when to stop drinking.  It was getting me into too much trouble.  


Now, if you have anything INTELLIGENT to say, I'd  be happy to hear it.  If not, shut the hell up cause your ignorance is blatantly obvious. 


Edited by Just1Voice
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@ JUST1VOICE: Sorry I hurt your feelings. How could I know that you belong to the upper class expats in Thailand. I mean you have a old wife with a Master Degree and she was a front desk manager. So that makes you of course different from us low class guys getting completely drunk every single day. But never mind, I wish you a good recovery and I will shut the hell up for now. Cheers.

Edited by Swedenlars
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5 minutes ago, Benmart said:

No mention of those that don't drink and don't care who does. 

Here's an honorable mention trophy for them so they don't feel excluded. 




Now even the millenials should be happy. Group hug!

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4 hours ago, DrTuner said:

I'm proud of you, my fellow Pattayans, let's work to keep that #1 spot! I'm in!

TAT are also working on it, looking for the right jingle to go with their new advertising promo' "Pissed as a parrot in Pattaya" 

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5 hours ago, robblok said:

Let them drink themselves to death, their life their choice. I don't see the point on holding it against people that they neglect to take care of their bodies. That is a personal choice everyone should make for themselves. You can't force someone to live healthy, i can understand that people get forced to live healthy if there is some kind of health care program everyone pays into but the people drinking make more use of. But that is not the case for the expats in Thailand / Pattaya. 

What a load  of dribble 

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4 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

One beer a day?  Things must be changing.  When I lived there I didn't know anyone who had less than 10 beers a day.  1 with breakfast.  A couple with lunch.  3 before dinner with snacks.  2 with dinner unless Italian then wine.  Brandy/cognac after dinner.  Bucket of beer 6 when dancing and a shot before bed.  So how many is that?  I'm a moderate to temperate drinker compared to my Irish friends.  

You must have been to my house. ....

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22 minutes ago, Artisi said:

TAT are also working on it, looking for the right jingle to go with their new advertising promo' "Pissed as a parrot in Pattaya" 

Ah, but there can be only one:



Oh the good old days. I think I'll loop this and Hotel California for a few hours.

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3 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Not mix together KKr.


I use Reishi. Very bitter at first (very acquired taste). Mine is around 20/25% alcohol content. So half litre a day is just enough.

Half a litre of 25% = 2.5 litres of beer @ 5% or half bottle of spirit A DAY. Too much wise Mr Owl. You will not be seeing anything soon.

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2 hours ago, DrTuner said:

It's debatable if Budweiser qualifies as beer.

Had to be a US brand for the intent of the occasion. Anything else would have missed the mark.


I have no frame of reference, but I'll agree on the basis that I have no idea how people can drink such piss regularly... Took me about an hour to choke it down. ...that's what she said.


I drink nothing but water otherwise...


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3 hours ago, robblok said:

Problem is mostly that a lifestyle that includes enough physical activity not works well with drinking beer. Though for sure a few pull it off doing a lot of sports and drinking. Most choose one of the two. Either being physical active or drinking. 


I understand how people feel, trying to not drink any bad stuff myself (think sugary drinks) but its hard. I limit myself to one glas a day. Maybe my liking of a sugary drink is the same as the desire others have to drink beer. Sometimes you just feel like it.

Are you  for real? 

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13 minutes ago, kelboy said:

Are you  for real? 

Yes I am for real there are people who dislike the taste of beer. Plus its a known fact that those who really care for their sports don't drink too much alcohol. 


Did it hit a nerve or something ? I said more then a few times I could not care less what others did they can drink themselves to death or not for all i care. Its a personal choice. 


I don't like the taste of beer but i like mango juice and the likes but I limit it as I don't want to become a fat slob (personal choice again). 


You drink what you want i dont care but you seem to have a problem with people who don't drink ?

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