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Video: Foreign tourists face jail for racing and doing wheelies in Pattaya


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I saw a couple of Thai guys on a samlor doing a "wheelie" (i.e. lifting the sidecar wheel up into the air) on Thappraya Road near the beach the other day, about 200 yards from the Dongtan police box. Most onlookers seemed to find it amusing, part of the local colour maybe, there were certainly no cops giving chase afterwards.

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again Thai people show how dubble moral the are 

Thai people do this every day and night and on the same street I see it everyday from my balcony and yes some foreigners do it too mostly Russians drive badly as Thai and if I remember correctly this is the Russian there live nearby and they behave as morons and work too but that is another story 

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Pattaya is a holiday town so tourists maybe should be cut some slack but rules like no speedos / no shirt more than a block from the beach should be enforced. Not wearing shirts is a health risk.

Their crime? thinking the whole of Pattaya is beachfront.

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5 hours ago, jacko45k said:

So they weren't jailed!

Neither was the Win taxi rider who was videoed standing on his motorcycle going down the road

just a fine !!

Not condoning what they did was right but lets keep a level playing field !

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arrest the foreigner that can do better! I have this problem with my neighbours. my big bikes are too noisey, too fast, overtake over doublelines, wheelie up the stone roads on my mxr, in public land, sideways everywhere.. Police usually give me a thumbs up and know my neighbours are just jealous that I DO STUFF. I have my own personal mx track, none of my road bikes are street legal. Try taking a million baht bike. just try it....! My local police couldnt careless thankfully.

I didnt bother watching the vid. I nolonger use fb. Perhaps the guys could actually ride and were unaware of thais weirdness with regards to fun. Cant have fun on holidays!

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Absolute idiots! Hope they catch them soon along with all the THAIS that scream along the main road close to my house in the early hours every morning. But in the case of the latter I don't hold out much hope for suitable punishment:-


"Precedents exist; earlier this week it was announced that three Thai "big bikers" had been jailed for doing wheelies on the highway. The jail terms were suspended by the court." (P.S. No mention of any "fine" - probably already paid prior to court appearance. If they can afford a big bike - they can afford a big "fine"?)

Edited by sambum
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