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Trump slams Mueller, mocks critics in fiery two-hour speech


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11 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

duhhh...no one is disputing the date on the cheque because that is what's printed on it.

clients give their lawyers cheques all the time. Since do you have to report giving a lawyer a cheque for services rendered? I can see shifty Schiff subpoena-ing all the cheques signed by trump now and making each one sound like a bribe. Dems are clueless and floundering, as usual.

Again, twisting facts to match your twisted narrative, using HALF truths. No one is disputing that this check was written and NOT reported to the finance committee because they wanted to hide this action, thereby affecting the outcome of the election. That is a federal crime. THAT is what EVERYONE is accepting. Southern District of New York is already making special handcuffs for those tiny hands.

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17 hours ago, stud858 said:

Nah. For me, it's more about respecting the result of a democratic election.

For those against Trump, show you can do better and win the next election. It sucks that there is a long waiting time between president changes, but having an election every year like Australia does is disrupting from getting things done.

Maybe there will be someone to win the vote away from Trump and actually do a better job for the majority of citizens. 

I'm thinking Trump will keep winning but only hope it stays peaceful.




Well said. Rather than find a better candidate and popular policies to win in 2 years time, the Dems are just Trump Trump Trump and far as I can see have nothing else. I don't even know what their policies are. Bernie has policies ( screw the rich ), but isn't he an independent, and he's way too old and bitter now.

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On 3/3/2019 at 9:38 AM, ThreeEyedRaven said:

And that is a damning indictment of the country's education system. Young people ought to have the intelligence to work out who you can trust and who you can't.

Really? Actually, it takes an exceptional young mind to see through any information given at face value, otherwise, religion would not exist.

It's why our politics often mirrors our parents -I was right wing well into my late twenties, before I saw through most of it, I certainly don't count myself as one of the exceptions, my aha! moment came at my first ever uni lecture, which was about 'How to think' -as opposed to being told 'what' to think (most religions, authoritarian regimes, etc) the professor simply said to the class 'Always challenge your assumptions' it was incendiary for me. I was on my way out from the dark side at last. 

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On ‎3‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 3:38 PM, ThreeEyedRaven said:

And that is a damning indictment of the country's education system. Young people ought to have the intelligence to work out who you can trust and who you can't.


I agree that the education system is rubbish, but that's as far as I agree with you.

I don't know of any "young people" ( and exactly who are they anyway- such a broad term could mean anything ) that are that clever, and IMO it takes many, many years to start thinking independently. It is true that some "young people" think they know it all, but they don't really know much- they just don't know that they don't know much.

Anyway, don't "young people" get all their information from the phones they have glued to their hands, and that's dodgy at best. "Social media" is not a good thing, IMO.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:


I agree that the education system is rubbish, but that's as far as I agree with you.

I don't know of any "young people" ( and exactly who are they anyway- such a broad term could mean anything ) that are that clever, and IMO it takes many, many years to start thinking independently. It is true that some "young people" think they know it all, but they don't really know much- they just don't know that they don't know much.

Anyway, don't "young people" get all their information from the phones they have glued to their hands, and that's dodgy at best. "Social media" is not a good thing, IMO.

Agree with your final sentence, it is becoming more and more a major issue for society.

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13 hours ago, quandow said:

No one is disputing that this check was written and NOT reported to the finance committee because they wanted to hide this action, thereby affecting the outcome of the election.


how do you know this bit in bold? How do you know why exactly the cheque was written and would you be prepared to share that evidence. we know you hate trump but where's ur proof? Surely not some crooked lawyer...lol

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9 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:

One would have to be an imbecile not to recognise President Trump is making America great again.  ????

Yes, thankfully, there is a huge gang of imbeciles, many if not most of the most pertinent of them trained in criminal law. From the halls of the FBI, to the corridors of the criminal prosecutors, to the esteemed chambers of the judges and Congressmen and women and Senators, from Sea to Shining Sea. ????

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The first (and hopefully last) American demagogue president on parade at CPAC. This article presents the demagogue president in historical context, from ancient Greece, to more modern demagogue leaders and dictators, including American demagogue politicians in American history that never rose to the presidency. 




Yes, Trump is undignified. Demagogues have to be.


He uses vulgarity to signal whose side he’s on. It worked for Hugo Chávez, and Cleon, too.





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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:


This is interesting: 



I never took Nancy Pelosi for someone who cared much about not being divisive, so I'm thinking maybe there's not that much in the Mueller investigation that implicates Trump specifically. She seldom says anything that doesn't have a political motivation.

Also, she may have been warned, by those that know about such things, that if they do impeach Trump for less than outright criminality, the reaction of Trump's base would be so extreme that it could cause massive unintended consequences that would damage the country for years if not decades.

I have been warning on TVF of such for a while now.

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10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Also, she may have been warned, by those that know about such things, that if they do impeach Trump for less than outright criminality, the reaction of Trump's base would be so extreme that it could cause massive unintended consequences that would damage the country for years if not decades.

I have been warning on TVF of such for a while now.

I do agree that is those two things. She has been made privy to the Mueller report and knows though there may be a lot in that report that is damning, would not rise to the level of successful impeachment in a GOP controlled Senate. Also, as you state, Trump's base, who are notoriously "not snowflakes" could tear up the joint, and probably would.


There are two other possibilities. 1. Pelosi is smart. She is setting herself up as the one who said let's not impeach in advance of a damning Mueller report, and she knows there will be an impeachment and if the impeachment goes wrong, she will not be the sacrificial lamb., or 2. She knows that there is more value to the Dems to merely drag Trump through the mud until his term ends, with constant leaks and disclosure of his nasty acts in an attempt to sour normal Republicans for the next election.


I do agree fully with Lanna above too, that Pelosi has no concern with being divisive. That is who she is as a career survivor in that game. I am also certain the Mueller report will disclose a lot of nasty stuff about Trump and his clan and gang.

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11 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


There are two other possibilities. 1. Pelosi is smart. She is setting herself up as the one who said let's not impeach in advance of a damning Mueller report, and she knows there will be an impeachment and if the impeachment goes wrong, she will not be the sacrificial lamb., or 2. She knows that there is more value to the Dems to merely drag Trump through the mud until his term ends, with constant leaks and disclosure of his nasty acts in an attempt to sour normal Republicans for the next election.




I think it's one of those.

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2 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


This is interesting: 



I never took Nancy Pelosi for someone who cared much about not being divisive, so I'm thinking maybe there's not that much in the Mueller investigation that implicates Trump specifically. She seldom says anything that doesn't have a political motivation.

Alternatively there is a great deal of damaging allegations against Trump and Pelosi would very much like to go into the 2020 election with Trump surrounded by indictments and criminality.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Also, she may have been warned, by those that know about such things, that if they do impeach Trump for less than outright criminality, the reaction of Trump's base would be so extreme that it could cause massive unintended consequences that would damage the country for years if not decades.

I have been warning on TVF of such for a while now.

...but you do realize that, if that’s the case, the country already is damaged if not completely broken? 

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Also, she may have been warned, by those that know about such things, that if they do impeach Trump for less than outright criminality, the reaction of Trump's base would be so extreme that it could cause massive unintended consequences that would damage the country for years if not decades.

I have been warning on TVF of such for a while now.

Don’t fret so much.


The rabid anger amongst Trump’s base stems from their own impotence.


All the chest beating, gun waving and ‘man acting’ its all a front to cover their impotence.


I urge Illiberals to give up all false hope that the cavalry is about to come over the hill.



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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Don’t fret so much.


The rabid anger amongst Trump’s base stems from their own impotence.


All the chest beating, gun waving and ‘man acting’ its all a front to cover their impotence.


I urge Illiberals to give up all false hope that the cavalry is about to come over the hill.



Don't need no cavalry.  The attack has been called off.

Screen Shot 2019-03-12 at 10.06.40.png

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1 hour ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

...but you do realize that, if that’s the case, the country already is damaged if not completely broken? 

The country's a little bit damaged but not anywhere near broken. After all it's just a set of ideals and some defined geography. It's the people that are broken, and that can change generationally.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Also, she may have been warned, by those that know about such things, that if they do impeach Trump for less than outright criminality, the reaction of Trump's base would be so extreme that it could cause massive unintended consequences that would damage the country for years if not decades.

I have been warning on TVF of such for a while now.

Pelosi isn't concerned about Trump's base.  She's more concerned about the independents and moderate Republicans.  She saw what happened to Bill Clinton.  Clinton's popularity actually went up after his impeachment fiasco as most of the public realized it was mostly political nonsense.  With Trump, impeachment can easily sail through the House, but the Senate Republicans will never impeach Trump.  Pelosi knows this.  All it would do is give Trump the ability to cast himself as a victim.  Better to wait for the Mueller report, as well as all the other investigations.  But knowing the spineless congressional Republicans, it would take much more than what got Clinton for them to vote to impeach.  Honestly, keeping Trump in the WH would give Democrats the best chance in 2020.  Nobody can be more detrimental to Trump than Trump himself.   

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3 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Pelosi isn't concerned about Trump's base.  She's more concerned about the independents and moderate Republicans.  She saw what happened to Bill Clinton.  Clinton's popularity actually went up after his impeachment fiasco as most of the public realized it was mostly political nonsense.  With Trump, impeachment can easily sail through the House, but the Senate Republicans will never impeach Trump.  Pelosi knows this.  All it would do is give Trump the ability to cast himself as a victim.  Better to wait for the Mueller report, as well as all the other investigations.  But knowing the spineless congressional Republicans, it would take much more than what got Clinton for them to vote to impeach.  Honestly, keeping Trump in the WH would give Democrats the best chance in 2020.  Nobody can be more detrimental to Trump than Trump himself.   

The reason she won't impeach Trump is because the Democrats have nothing on him.


Edited by Kelsall
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1 minute ago, xylophone said:

Will wait and see what the tax returns and other investigations turn up.............maybe not impeachment material but enough to show that he is the lying, cheating, dumb orange scumbag that many suspect!

Cohen laid it out and said "no russia collusion" so either Cohen lied about everything or lied about nothing... what is it? 

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