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EXCLUSIVE: Dump the habit of plastics


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The government needs to ban single-use plastic and Bob's your uncle.  However, the Oil Industry/Petro-Chemical Industry who make the plastics, the retailers who use it due to low cost, and consumers who have been habituated to using plastic - they'll all scream and cry - just a a opioid addict in withdrawal. 
Large environmental problems require drastic governmental actions.  The problem will never go away by itself. 

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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

EXCLUSIVE: Dump the habit of plastics

cannot figure it out,  strange call for change, or is this part of an English test for Thai students ?

everybody is dumping the plastic as a habit already,
so what is so spectacular and exclusive about this. 


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1 hour ago, wayned said:

I'm surprised that they didn't "double bag" it and throw in a plastic spoon!

You know the effect when you point a camera connected to a tv at the tv itself, it seems to go on into infinity? I'm betting some day a 7-11 clerk will get stuck in that loop and start putting plastic bags in plastic bags. It will be the end of the world as the braindead will create a plastic ball larger than Earth.

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Education ,no one give a Fritz . If they want to make an impact on the people Give them Rubbish bins for a start Fine the Lazy sods if they trow /drop their plastic. as a Final get the government of their lazy Butts to use Taxpayers money to make machines that can clean the Canals/ rivers/ Beach,ocean waters .Than collect the plastic and Nuke it to Kingdom come.

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Most of the world economy is tied to plastic for volume, ease, speed of use. How many people worrying about plastic bags are going to buy laundry soap, cleansers, soft drinks, milk, and virtually every other packaged commodity in glass bottles? How many are going to be willing to sit at a drive-thru fast food window and get their orders with ceramic dishware and real silverware, which the owners will need to repurchase and then hire extra cleaners to wash? Go to the produce aisle in grocery stores and what do you bag your produce to be weighed in? Thinner plastic bags.  Buy nuts, fish, meat, or poultry? Comes in styrofoam and plastic. Garden centers even package their dirt in plastic bags. Go back to bottles, crates, and boxes like the 1940s??? Ain't gonna happen.

Edited by zydeco
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It's not the plastics that are the big problem but the littering and disposal. Charge the real cost of collection and disposal at manufacturing, so plastic garbage is valuable and it all gets recycled. Personally, I am in favor of banning single-use plastic bags and bottles but if those same bags and bottles were made more valuable to collect and recycle and collection depots that would keep them out of our oceans and that may be another way of dealing with the problem.

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2 hours ago, connda said:

The government needs to ban single-use plastic and Bob's your uncle.  However, the Oil Industry/Petro-Chemical Industry who make the plastics, the retailers who use it due to low cost, and consumers who have been habituated to using plastic - they'll all scream and cry - just a a opioid addict in withdrawal. 
Large environmental problems require drastic governmental actions.  The problem will never go away by itself. 

You have touched on the real issue in your post.

Plastics have been dumped on the world by the petro-chemical industry. For those who are unaware, plastic is a byproduct of the production of petrol.

Plastic bags were non existent until 30 to 40 years ago. Asia was very clean insofar as plastic pollution was concerned. The norm was banana leaves, lotus leaves, etc. for wrappers and containers. All biodegradable.

Some of the respondents are blaming the Thais.

Take a step back and re-evaluate your stance and opinions. The suppliers of these plastic pollutants have NEVER EDUCATED THE MARKETPLACE OR CONSUMER. All they have done is encourage the use of plastics as a desirable form of packaging.

Australian supermatkets are a good example. Woolworths have discontinued single use bags but continue,  more than ever, to pre package fruit and vegetables in clear plastic containers....and by doing so they charge a premium.

Not so long ago there was an Australia-wide campaign - "Do the right thing "- to try and stop the nationwide habit of throwing rubbish out of car windows with a $300 fine for littering. 

I don't think that it's done much good. Outside of the cities the roadsides are still littered.

If I may, I would be so bold as to say that the solution starts with us as individuals. Just say NO when you are offered plastic crap with your purchases. You could try carrying your own compact cotton carry bag.


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4 hours ago, mok199 said:

Come down to ground zero ,and see the real plasitcs mentality.Goodluck with your wishfull thinking,plans to educate and your one day blitzes ....The truth is Thais are to lazy to care ,until someone spoonfeeds them from the metal pot to their open mouths ,everything in between is plastic and foam....period

Actually that should be fed from the "Styrofoam containers using a plastic spoon"

Street food containers and over-wrapped food in supermarkets are just the tip of a very large waste dump !

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Tax single use plastics heavily so manufacturers/retailers etc have to find an alternative or go out of business.  Thailand should use this tax to provide rubbish bins and bin collections in the streets.  Seems impossible to find a litter bin except outside 7/11's.  Behead anybody caught littering.

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8 hours ago, connda said:

The government needs to ban single-use plastic and Bob's your uncle.  However, the Oil Industry/Petro-Chemical Industry who make the plastics, the retailers who use it due to low cost, and consumers who have been habituated to using plastic - they'll all scream and cry - just a a opioid addict in withdrawal. 
Large environmental problems require drastic governmental actions.  The problem will never go away by itself. 


8 hours ago, action said:

Having a huge jelly fish in the photo as an example actually gave me the opposite reaction intended in the article. 

It gaves me a 'opposite' thought and found a suspect...


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