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Mueller report finds no evidence that Trump campaign colluded with Russia - U.S. Justice Department


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3 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Spin it any way you want - Trump for 6 more years. Thanks.....wackie dems.

Perhaps... but one hopes theses years will be more honest and transparent.


An undeniable upside for dems (if spinning is required) is that Congress is now firmly in Democrat control, partially restoring the nessesary checks and balances to your flawed democracy, which will increase the legitimacy of your supposed bipartisan government.


all that is now needed is for the representatives of the people, to represent the people, vs represent the potus... although this might not be fully realized until 2021, when trump will no longer be a potential presidential (poor choice of words) candidate for the future.

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1 hour ago, JimmyJ said:

"It looks like an opinion piece to me."


Good that you don't read it then.


You ask for false stories, links are provided, you say that's not enough to just post links, need explanation. Then you refuse to read the explanation, giving several excuses.


90% of US media is owned by 6 companies - corporate media.

If you control these - you can virtually control "democracy".

And the opinions of people like yourself.




Do you understand how proof works? 


Here is an example of how it doesn't work:  I asked for specific examples of fake news, you provided links to some news stories and another link to an obscure website (which didn't work) that you claim disproved the story.  In attempting to find a workable link to the story I found a story of the same name by the same author that was clearly an opinion piece and did not have anything about the stories you claim were proven to be fake news.


In summary, you have proven nothing.


The fact that there is consolidation in the news industry in the US does not mean the news industry is putting out fake news.  There is much greater consolidation in the auto industry in the US, does that mean these automakers are producing fake cars?

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The US hasn't been accused of interfering in other countries elections since well before the end of the cold war. 

Seriously? Not accused because every country that can does it, so it's "normal".

Seriously?  Can you give an example of the US interfering in another country's election in the last 30 years? 


Are you one of those that think that since (you claim) it's normal to interfere in elections, we should just tolerate it when Russia does it to us and do nothing to prevent it?

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On 3/25/2019 at 9:11 AM, Ahab said:

The full report can never be released due to legal restrictions on grand jury testimony being publicly released. The Attorney General of the USA has pledged to release as much of the report as legally permissible. 


Probably get leaked at some point? That would create a mega shit-storm.

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2 hours ago, alex8912 said:

For sure not from TVF. I rarely if ever open up links here. I find them annoying and usually biased (and some posters especially one extremely habitual one thinks he is all knowing on EVERY topic lol) so if it’s a topic I’m interested in I will just research it myself. I’m not even that old but I decided to not  join Facebook, Twitter or Instagram which even though I have been tempted I am better off for. I can appreciate your samples above but John McCain was called an old geezer many moons ago and the Russians certainly didn’t influence that at all. Many local Americans think Trump May have deserved a  peace prize as did many non Americans but most did not. 

I do find it interesting that soo many posters make fun of “Trumps core” and say they are uneducated, dirt poor trailer trash etc. but then like yourself think these same people all have lap tops and I phones etc to access FB, Insta and Twitter!!! How do these poor people afford such luxuries?? How do they know what a Nobel Peace Prize is??

If about 33% of voters in Massachusetts and about 41% of voters in Connecticut, for example, voted for Trump the Dems and others should really look closer to who they put forward as a candidate for Pres. These are two extremely wealthy and educated states. Now they are trying to push Elizabeth Warren ( what a joke) and a few others that Donald will destroy on the first couple debates. The USA needs a great president and if these witch hunts continue to be so in depth ( like this past one) no one great will ever run! Who wants to be dragged into court over something that may or most likely may not have happened to them when they were in high school? However giants like MSN and CNN think it’s perfectly cool to do this. Geez, give me and the rest of the sane world a break!

I patiently waited 22 months for this last fiasco to play out. I NEVER ONCE posted about it on TVF. Yet these EXTREMELY loud and often obnoxious handful of very vocal posters who never shut up for a day have been very silent these days. Especially one of them. Some others can’t even piece together just one humble pie sentence about this last event either. That is a HUGE problem with this forum. There are arguments for both sides. Why do so many get silenced here?

Having ‘patiently waited 22 months’ don’t you want to see the report before you decide on the matter?

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24 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

well....Im now looking forward to Uncle Lindsey stepping up with a red hot poker and 

going up the sphincters of all those who initiated this corrupt investigation.


Step right up James Comey!

Corrupt investigation? Are  you alleging that Trump bought off Mueller? Well, Trump did repeatedly question Mueller's probity. So maybe you have a point.

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1 hour ago, usviphotography said:

Total Russian expenditures were something like $200,000. And 25% of those ads ran during the primaries while another 25% ran after election day. So we are talking about around $100,000 that was spent during the actual general election, and those were a mix of pro and anti Trump ads and none of them were very skillfully done. $2.4 billion was spent on the 2016 Presidential race. You really think these Russians were trying to influence the election? By tossing a grain of sand on to the beach? The more credible explanation for the expenditure is that it was some kind of A/B marketing testing either for a private company for economic reasons or on behalf of the Russian Foreign Office as a way of surveying public opinion.  

You really should provide a source for you numbers.   https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-troll-farm-spent-millions-on-election-interference-2018-2/


$1.25 million was the budget for one Russian troll farm, nobody knows how much Russia spent in total on the election.  Of course it doesn't take much to influence stupid people.  How much do you think was spent on the Twitter post telling people that Hillary Clinton was part of a child sex ring operating out of pizza parlor?  


"On Nov. 7, the hashtag #pizzagate first appeared on Twitter. Over the next several weeks, it would be tweeted and retweeted hundreds or thousands of times each day.

An oddly disproportionate share of the tweets about Pizzagate appear to have come from, of all places, the Czech Republic, Cyprus and Vietnam, said Jonathan Albright, an assistant professor of media analytics at Elon University in North Carolina. In some cases, the most avid retweeters appeared to be bots, programs designed to amplify certain news and information."    https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/pizzagate-from-rumor-to-hashtag-to-gunfire-in-dc/2016/12/06/4c7def50-bbd4-11e6-94ac-3d324840106c_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.cefa965982b8


When your target audience is stupid people willing to believe anything bad they read about any Clinton, it doesn't take a lot of money to spread a lot of fake news.

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8 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Its not illegal and theres nothing wrong with being friendly  with Russians and there is nothing wrong or bad or illegal about doing business with them .

   Its not the 1960's anymore and the cold war has finished and Russians are no longer the enemy , its OK to be friendly with Russians these days 

It's also not illegal to demand an investigation of suspicious activity when a crime that undermines democracy had taken place.  Lying about business negotiations with Russia during the campaign and taking Putin's word of the assessment of the US intelligence agencies about Russian interference is definitely suspicious, and wrong.  Along with this, Trump surrounded himself with people lying about their Russian connections, which is also suspicious.  It would have been irresponsible not to conduct an investigation.

Edited by heybruce
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3 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

There are no charges and there are no crimes, other than the attempted overthrow of a duly elected president. 


But keep up the resistance. 

No crimes?  I've lost count of the number of indictments, guilty pleas and convictions.

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