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BREAKING: Rumors abound! Has Big Joke been transferred to RTP headquarters?


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2 minutes ago, sambum said:

I (being a Westerner!) would have thought that it would have been in the country's best interests as a whole, for Immigration to have a set list of rules for all their Officers to work to. Sorry - I've just realised that they do have such a set list of rules, but how about they stick to them instead of making all kinds of "adjustments" as they go along - usually to make it more awkward for farangs to get extensions to their visas? (Nonsensical Google maps of where you live AND a hand drawn map of the same being just one example!)



I say again, they don't care that much, if at all. Yes, its all very irritating, and it winds me up as well, but it is what is is. Jai Yen Yen as Mrs P keeps saying to me when I get enraged at one more idiocy.  

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16 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Did you read and comprehend what my comment was directed at ? no you didn't - absolutely nothing to do with Thais relying on foreign money. 

Suggest reading comprehension lessons might just help you. 

i am not here to argue, we should respect everyone and their visas, but saying expats is misleading, foreigners being every one here without a thai passport, so many have been impacted by these nationslists, whether directly or through stress of seeing so many restrictive policies, and making us look worse the plague, billions of investment funds have left, i bet boi investments has tanked, the small guy, short term long term are tanking , all while the economy is tanking, not a good recipe. we are part of the economy, whether a few % or many %. you cant just change an economy with decades of impacts by foreigners to be restrictive and nationalist without impacting the whole economy. 

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44 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

It depends at what level you are looking at the figures and classifying it as 'a considerable sum'.

Over the year an ex pat spending 50,000 baht a month = 600,000 baht a year.


How many Thais spend that a year, or indeed how any tourists  (no matter how well heeled they are) spend that on  a holiday?


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1 hour ago, sfokevin said:

So my 90 day report is due next week (which coincides with my birthday)...


I assume I should not expect cake when I arrive...




I believe they're all wishing the recipient a safe and happy journey on his way to the Immigration Detention Center prior to being booted out of Thailand.... :cheesy:

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4 minutes ago, sambum said:

Over the year an ex pat spending 50,000 baht a month = 600,000 baht a year.


How many Thais spend that a year, or indeed how any tourists  (no matter how well heeled they are) spend that on  a holiday?


most Thai's just have their teeth pulled

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2 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Ok so will the next immigration chief be even more draconian? Given the trend .. keep a close eye and plan B's ready to roll.


or will it be election won, back to business..

time will tell


plan'b's at the ready :thumbsup:



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1 minute ago, Woolsgibb60 said:

He made people think there was no more corruption in immigration but he was the main scammer he didnt them in immigration dishing the money out so he take control of the money him and is mates in the banks

Sources ?


You posted exactly the same message in post #140

but didn't reply to any comment about it... :sad:

So why posting again ? :mellow:

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55 minutes ago, Just1Voice said:

Ok, right now all we have is one Thai article saying he "abused Royal privilege" with no explanation of the "abuse" so, at this point we really don't know anything concrete.  But rest assured, the full story WILL come out, as he is way too high profile to just sweep it under the rug. I'll wait for that before I seriously comment.


When it does, I wonder if there will be a huge vinyl display banner with a big life-size photo in full uniform, lots of mug shots with eyes blacked out, some nifty graphics, and lots of government agency logos being proudly displayed???


Hmm..... look like.... NOT!



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2 hours ago, inThailand said:



Due to the turmoil created by the new visa money rules? 

Hopefully, his replacement will have a bit more consideration for the LEGAL retirees here that have abided by the rules for years only to have themselves tarred with the same brush as the illegals that caused "Big Joke" to come up with his new rules designed to make things "easier and more watertight" for retirees to live here!

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2 hours ago, david555 said:

O.K. can we have now  a review of his list of measures …. specially the 3 month' full seasoning AFTER stamp+ the 50% seasoning  until new ret.ext application by the new boss...:thumbsup:

      Stand easy in the ranks .  It was  just a  big joke , gone wrong .

       Long live the dodgy V,  too much money at stake . 555




Edited by elliss
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Ok, right now all we have is one Thai article saying he "abused Royal privilege" with no explanation of the "abuse" so, at this point we really don't know anything concrete.  But rest assured, the full story WILL come out, as he is way too high profile to just sweep it under the rug. I'll wait for that before I seriously comment.
Too high profile to be swept under the rug??

There could be a dose of reality heading out your way 55555

Have you not been reading any of the news here in the last few years? Do you really believe this will be any different to any other

The story will be forgotten within 6 weeks or less.......

Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

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18 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Think you're wrong about that. For lots of average Thai people, it remains one of the shining examples of how power and money and influence can buy you out of justice in Thailand, whereas ordinary and poor people are just shuffled off to jail/prison.  That's a dichotomy that even the densest person can understand.

I have to disagree, I just asked my wife - believe me she knows everything there is too know plus a bit - she had no idea who, or what I was talking about, think she has gone out to buy M-150 now :shock1:

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13 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:
16 minutes ago, Woolsgibb60 said:

He made people think there was no more corruption in immigration but he was the main scammer he didnt them in immigration dishing the money out so he take control of the money him and is mates in the banks

Sources ?


You posted exactly the same message in post #140

but didn't reply to any comment about it... :sad:

So why posting again ? :mellow:




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2 hours ago, Hayduke said:


The big BJ has just been too relaxed, good-natured and easy going. The Junta wants someone who will whip the Immigration Gestapo into a lean, mean repression machine. The security of the nation is at stake...and there needs to be a ruthless crack down on the subversive and dangerous foreigners.




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1 minute ago, shadowofacloud said:

OK, official now:




So the previous news may have been fake news. ????

Well that link to the Bangkok Post won't be up for long. But thanks anyway.

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Khaosod English also have an article on this, no reasons given for the transfer.


He has been causing problems for immigration offices all over the country and the shit is only just starting to hit the fan.

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30 minutes ago, trd said:

I have a suggestion for whoever takes over as the new guy. Visa renewal and 90 day reporting at any 7-Eleven.

Taking into account the cadre of individuals who really pull the strings here, that is perhaps not such a far fetched idea...

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