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Immigration Hua Hin BEWARE

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The OP had 800k seasoned in the bank...

The OP had a embassy letter confirming income...

But the OP (a 20 year veteran of Thai life & 2 posts on TV?) chose to put aside these tried and true methods to wade into the immigration bureaucracy with a uncharted method he hadn’t fully understood or prepared...


In hindsight he should ask why signed himself up for such grief?... :coffee1:

Edited by sfokevin
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32 minutes ago, TGIR said:

Please let us all know where you can earn upwards of 8%pa............I don't remember earning anything like that after about 1994......maybe you meant 3, not 8?

Forgive me for not wishing to share my financial situation or where I invest in this forum, but no I didn’t mean 3% I meant 8%

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12 hours ago, Fairynuff said:

Forgive me for not wishing to share my financial situation or where I invest in this forum, but no I didn’t mean 3% I meant 8%

Agreed... There are any number of diversified portfolios that can average ~8%... There is an opportunity cost to letting 800,000 baht sit in a bank account at 1.50%... 

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12 hours ago, sfokevin said:

The OP had 800k seasoned in the bank...

The OP had a embassy letter confirming income...

But the OP (a 20 year veteran of Thai life & 2 posts on TV?) chose to put aside these tried and true methods to wade into the immigration bureaucracy with a uncharted method he hadn’t fully understood or prepared...


In hindsight he should ask why signed himself up for such grief?... :coffee1:


On the plus side, at least he finally followed up on what was, at best, a wholly confusing original post, which included the statement...


"My retirement extension was refused."


Based on the scant detail I can see why he wouldn't qualify for the income method.


Chalk it up to a language thing, I guess?



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I just received an e-mail from the British Embassy listing charges for 2019  Amongst a list of things is this one :- 

2. Preparing any certificate, declaration or document not listed elsewhere in this table:-

(i) in English £50 2130 THB

(ii) in any other language £50 2130 THB

this covers proof of residency as required when renewing Thai driving licences viz

Affirmation of residencyThis service is provided for British nationals who are required to make an affirmation of residency in Thailand. The affirmation template will be available at your appointment for you to complete.What you will need to bring with you

  • proof of identity – British passport

  • proof of address - we accept a driver’s licence, utility bill, house registration book, rental contract showing your full name and address

  • the correct fee – see the list of fees. We prefer payment by card

Now bearing in mind the Embassy refuses to issue proof of income based on the evidence of a Gov't document P60 and a letter from Dep't of Work & Pensions stating State Pension how can it take these things above and declare an affirmation of residency?


I know the letters are now a thing of the past and other forms of evidence are required my Immigration it just astounds me - it shouldn't really!



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5 hours ago, clifric said:

Now bearing in mind the Embassy refuses to issue proof of income based on the evidence of a Gov't document P60 and a letter from Dep't of Work & Pensions stating State Pension how can it take these things above and declare an affirmation of residency?


I know the letters are now a thing of the past and other forms of evidence are required my Immigration it just astounds me - it shouldn't really!

Immigration are not forcing us to get residency-certs only from them (through agents) - yet.  When/if they decide to do so, perhaps our embassies will again oblige immigration, by discontinuing their own service which interferes with their agent-racket.

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12 hours ago, JackThompson said:

Immigration are not forcing us to get residency-certs only from them (through agents) - yet.  When/if they decide to do so, perhaps our embassies will again oblige immigration, by discontinuing their own service which interferes with their agent-racket.

Just get a Yellow Tabien Baan and Pink Foreigner ID card. You'll never need a residency certificate again.........and certainly won't get ripped off by agents.

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11 minutes ago, sumrit said:

Just get a Yellow Tabien Baan and Pink Foreigner ID card. You'll never need a residency certificate again.........and certainly won't get ripped off by agents.

Unless you want to extend your driving license in Pattaya, then you still need a certificate of residence

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1 minute ago, jackdd said:

Unless you want to extend your driving license in Pattaya, then you still need a certificate of residence

So don't go to the Pattaya office. I renewed mine in Chonburi using just my yellow book and ID card. No passport or residence certificate required.

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48 minutes ago, sumrit said:

Just get a Yellow Tabien Baan and Pink Foreigner ID card. You'll never need a residency certificate again.........and certainly won't get ripped off by agents.

Compared to Thai Immigration, the visa agents are our friends.  ????

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1 hour ago, CMNightRider said:

Compared to Thai Immigration, the visa agents are our friends.

Why's that? Because they're expensive and do things illegally?????????

Edited by sumrit
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3 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

Compared to Thai Immigration, the visa agents are our friends.  ????

For all intents and purposes, the agents are part of Thai Immigration.  I am guessing you have heard the phrase, "Good cop, Bad cop" aka the "Mutt and Jeff" treatment? 


Ala, "Awww, did Paulie give you a hard time?  Yeah, he can get rough.  I can help protect you from him, but you need to work with me, here ...."

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2 hours ago, sumrit said:

Why's that? Because they're expensive and do things illegally?????????

I have never used an illegal visa agency.  I use a regular visa agency that makes the one year appointment, does the 90 day reports, and files the TM forms.  


I got burned out on doing these visa extensions myself and interacting with immigration.  I see so many immature posts about illegal agencies.  How could an illegal visa agency stay in business with such competent and honest immigration officers?  

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On 4/11/2019 at 5:22 AM, Sydebolle said:

And then they wonder why the aliens are leaving in droves .............

Got any evidence for that?

I know that many Brits left after Sterling crashed after the Brexit referendum result, but, due to immigration rule changes? I don't think so...........too many other alternative methods to stay within the rules.

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Well, not all retirees are British. If you see the hick hack in bureaucracy I understand those who moved on to Cambodia; a one-year visa with multiple re-entry is a question of USD 350; Laos has something similar for USD 600 (incl. work permit). Albeit less night life and, for retirees, poorer health care facilities but you cannot have it all. 

Cost of living in Thailand went through the roof, bureaucracy went ballistic while the general impression people get here these days is, that they are less welcome. 

I’m curious as to how the cost of living in Thailand has skyrocketed, or gone through the roof as you said. It costs me a lot less than it did 10 years ago although I must admit that I don’t frequent bars as much as I did in the past.
As to bureaucracy, my recent renewal in CM was a lot smoother than previous renewals in Jomtien.

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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6 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

I got burned out on doing these visa extensions myself and interacting with immigration.

So the notice towards the bottom of the TM7 doesn't apply to you then?


๑. ผู้ขอจะต้องยื่นคำขออนุญาตด้วยตนเอง


If you're using an agent instead of making the application in person yourself it's an illegal application, regardless of whether the rest of your paperwork is 100% accurate or not.????


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59 minutes ago, sumrit said:

So the notice towards the bottom of the TM7 doesn't apply to you then?


๑. ผู้ขอจะต้องยื่นคำขออนุญาตด้วยตนเอง


If you're using an agent instead of making the application in person yourself it's an illegal application, regardless of whether the rest of your paperwork is 100% accurate or not.????

You are correct that, once a year, a correct extension ought to require your presence at immigration. However, a good agent can make this pretty painless. The agent will typically transport you to and from the immigration office, and arrange VIP queuing which means much less waiting around.

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5 hours ago, BritTim said:

You are correct that, once a year, a correct extension ought to require your presence at immigration. However, a good agent can make this pretty painless. The agent will typically transport you to and from the immigration office, and arrange VIP queuing which means much less waiting around.

Took me exactly 20 seconds last time ????

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9 hours ago, BritTim said:

You are correct that, once a year, a correct extension ought to require your presence at immigration.

My comment was primarily directed to CMNightRider who made it clear that he chooses not to attend and pays an AGENT to (illegally) do the work for him, although, judging by the many posts on this forum, there are many others who do the same. Some are legal apart from not attending in person but some are not legal anyway. All are illegal in not attending.


The extension process is easy and straight forward, even after the recent changes. I agree with you that our presence is only required once a year for the extension. We are guests in this country and I think common courtesy should mean we obey the law and make our application in person.  


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23 minutes ago, sumrit said:

My comment was primarily directed to CMNightRider who made it clear that he chooses not to attend and pays an AGENT to (illegally) do the work for him, although, judging by the many posts on this forum, there are many others who do the same. Some are legal apart from not attending in person but some are not legal anyway. All are illegal in not attending.


The extension process is easy and straight forward, even after the recent changes. I agree with you that our presence is only required once a year for the extension. We are guests in this country and I think common courtesy should mean we obey the law and make our application in person.  


The agent has showed your respect and courtesy! Interesting that a complete unknown, unsighted new applicant can obtain a visa from an Embassy either online or by post yet an in country renewal must be in person.

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1 hour ago, sumrit said:

My comment was primarily directed to CMNightRider who made it clear that he chooses not to attend and pays an AGENT to (illegally) do the work for him, although, judging by the many posts on this forum, there are many others who do the same. Some are legal apart from not attending in person but some are not legal anyway. All are illegal in not attending.


The extension process is easy and straight forward, even after the recent changes. I agree with you that our presence is only required once a year for the extension. We are guests in this country and I think common courtesy should mean we obey the law and make our application in person. 

For us to "obey the law," requires that law-enforcement at our local-office actually want us to obey it / do things the "honest way."  In many cases, they don't - and strongly object to this, in fact, by coming up with every possible made-up "extra requirement" to prevent it - not happy at all to see "honest, in-person applicants," for which only the sticker-price of 1900 Baht is being paid. 


Therefore, if immigration wants honest-applicants, they must start by ridding themselves of dishonest staff.  Until that is done, the entire process is nothing but a sick joke.  As to showing up for the picture, I think it would be foolish to get an extension from an agent w/o this step, as it helps ensure the process (legal or whatever) was agreed to / signed-off by an IO (honest or otherwise).

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13 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

I’m curious as to how the cost of living in Thailand has skyrocketed, or gone through the roof as you said. It costs me a lot less than it did 10 years ago although I must admit that I don’t frequent bars as much as I did in the past.
As to bureaucracy, my recent renewal in CM was a lot smoother than previous renewals in Jomtien.

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I live off a mixed basket as far as food and beverages is concerned. Fuel went up a lot (I do 80'000kms yearly). Bars are not my thing - there I believe though that these costs remained stable simply because of tremendous oversupply of "happy hours" and the likes! 

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1 hour ago, Olmate said:

Interesting that a complete unknown, unsighted new applicant can obtain a visa from an Embassy either online or by post yet an in country renewal must be in person.

A visa is NOT an extension, the information in the application has not been confirmed by Thai immigration and can be refused on entry to Thailand.


An extension is an application to stay in Thailand and is made directly to Immigration.

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3 minutes ago, sumrit said:


You should obey it because it's the law.

I hear where you are coming from, and I do.  I got went out for a Visa from a consulate to avoid playing the agent-game. 


But, I had no path for an extension that was legal, to spite meeting the qualifications (2 different offices - different methods of avoidance). 


If not for the Visa option, I would have had no choice but to get an extension via an agent, or leave my wife.  Not much of a choice, is it?

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